B.A.P Bride

He was following her again, she knew he was; she couldn’t see him but she knew he was there, always one step behind, hidden in the shadows.  Her heart raced and she breathed a sigh of relief when she reached her doorstep…


Daehyun woke as he felt Sooyun tense in his arms.  She was having a bad dream, and it seemed to really be distressing her.  Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to take a peek.


…She quickly unlocked the door and pushed her way in.  When she tried to close the door he was suddenly there, forcing his way in.  She screamed and ran to the nearest room, locking herself in.  He pounded on the door as her shaky fingers fumbled with the buttons to call for help. 

She’d just finished her call when he broke through the door and she screamed.  She was terrified of what he might do.  Was he going to hurt her or kill her?  She didn’t know, and she didn’t want to find out.  She tried to run from him kicking out at him as he grabbed her.  He pinned her down and she whimpered in fear.  Why was he doing this?

He pressed the flat of a blade against her cheek and her breath caught.  He sliced open her shirt and she started to cry.  He placed the tip of the knife over her left .  “This heart belongs to me, no one else can have it.”  He said in a raspy, crazed voice.  He pressed against the blade, piercing her flesh.  She let out a cry and he placed a finger against her lips.  “Just tell me you will be mine always and we can start over.”  He breathed against her ear.  She let out a sob and he shook his head.  “It didn’t have to be like this, my love.  All I wanted was to love you.  And all I asked in return was for you to love me.  But now you’ve ruined everything, you’ve broken my heart and now I will break yours.”  He said pressing against the blade even more.

The police finally arrived and they tackled the man to the ground and pulled her to safety.  She sobbed as an officer held her in his arms and carried her out to the waiting paramedics.  She watched with eyes full of fear as her worst nightmare was escorted away in handcuffs.  He kept his eyes on her and gave her a sadistic smile, his lips.  She trembled, knowing that she would never truly be free of him until he was dead. 

“Don’t worry, dear, he’ll be behind bars for a long time.”  An officer told her.

“A long time isn’t long enough.”  She whispered.


Sooyun jerked awake with a gasp and instantly winced in pain.  Her sudden movements made her leg feel like it was on fire.

“It’s all right, just relax and try not to move too much.”  Yongguk said as he tried to calm Sooyun down.

Daehyun gently made her lay back down.  He noted the small scar over the top of her left peeking out of the top of her blouse, he’d seen it previously but it hadn’t had any meaning to him before her nightmare, now was a different story.  He flicked his eyes to Yongguk, catching the older man’s attention before moving his gaze back to Sooyun’s chest.  Yongguk followed his line of vision and raised an eyebrow.  “Did you have a bad dream?”  Daehyun asked nonchalantly and Yongguk looked up at him as understanding crept into his eyes.

“I’m fine.  Just some silly dream that’s all.”  She said trying to brush things off and desperately wanting to change the topic.  There was a part of her past she wanted to forget and talking about it only reopened the wound. 

“Well, that was a nice nap.”  Daehyun stretched his arms. “Since I’m up I guess I’ll go shower.”  Daehyun said getting up since Sooyun had finally released him from her grasp.  He looked pointedly at Youngguk before leaving. 

Yongguk smiled at Sooyun and kissed her forehead.  “Are you feeling better?”

Sooyun smiled up at him.  “Yes, Oppa.  Thank you.”

“Let me go get Himchan so he can check on you, beautiful.”  He said kissing her forehead again and crawling off the bed.  “I’ll be right back.”  He slipped through the door and found Daehyun waiting for him.  Daehyun told him about her nightmare and Yongguk’s world stopped for a moment.  Someone had hurt his Bang Sooyun!  He would find this man and he would make sure he suffered. 

He let Daehyun go shower.  He knew Daehyun wouldn’t say anything to the others unless he told him to, but he didn’t want to let the others know just yet.  They weren’t very good at hiding the fact that they knew something they weren’t supposed to.  And he didn’t want to confront Sooyun about it since Daehyun had found out by dream snooping.  He would ask her about it if ever the need arose.

When he found Himchan they returned to the room only to find Sooyun asleep again.  They carefully went about checking on her injury, not wanting to wake her.

Himchan undid the bandages.  “Ah, it looks good.”  He said with a satisfied smile.  The wound was considerably smaller.  Zelo had really done a number on her leg; he had torn into it and worried away at it like a dog would a bone.  But thanks to Himchan, it looked a million times better.  Himchan nipped his finger and gently smeared his blood on the bite mark.  He used a warm wet towel he’d carried in with him to clean her leg.  After he wiped it clean the wound was closed up and merely appeared as angry red marks on her thigh.

Daehyun walked in and smiled.  “Good, she’s still asleep.”

Yongguk chuckled.  “I should have known you were behind this when she didn’t even stir while Himchan tended to her.”

Daehyun shrugged.  “I figured she could use some more sleep.”  He looked at the red marks on her leg and sighed.  “Are they permanent?  Zelo will hate himself if they are.”

Himchan shook his head.  “One more blood rub later today and she’ll be good as new.”  He said with a sly smile.

“Yah, how can you be such a ert given the situation?”  Yongguk growled.

Himchan merely shrugged.  “It’s not necessarily ersion, more like self-satisfaction knowing I am the only one who can assist her in such a way.”

“I think your gift of healing blood would have been better suited for Youngjae or Jongup.”  Yongguk grumbled.  “They wouldn’t abuse it.”

“Yah, I don’t abuse my gift.  I have only taken care of her, nothing more.”  Himchan cried in defense. 

Yongguk flicked his eyes to Daehyun and grinned, nodding.  “So, you care about her?”  Yongguk poked at Himchan, grinning at his friend’s frustration.

“Of course I care about her.  I care about her with every fiber of my being, how dare you even question that.”  Himchan snarled angrily while Yongguk continued to smile.

“Took you long enough to tell her that.”   Yongguk said nodding his head toward the bed.

Himchan’s eyes widened and he turned around to find Sooyun sitting up, smiling at him.

“I care about you too, Oppa.”  She said taking his hand, pulling him toward her so she could kiss him on the cheek.  “Thank you for taking care of me.  You helped save me.”  She looked at the other two men.  “I owe my life to the three of you.”  They all just smiled at her.

“We would do anything for you, beautiful.”  Yongguk said sitting on the bed next to Himchan, running his hand over her hair and down her back.

Daehyun came and stood next to Yongguk and rested his arm on the older man’s shoulder.  Sooyun could see a devious glint in his eyes and knew he was going to say something that would cause a stir.  “Besides, there was a bright side to this morning’s unfortunate events.”  The two older men frowned and looked at the younger man.  “My ultimate dream was fulfilled.”

“Sleeping with Sooyun?”  Himchan questioned.

Daehyun shook his head and seated himself on Yongguk’s lap, wrapping his arms around the older man’s neck, causing Yongguk to blink in surprise.  “I got to cuddle with Yongguk hyung.”  Daehyun said with a big, mischievous grin, resting his head on Yongguk’s shoulder, squeezing him tightly.

Himchan let out a boom of laughter and Yongguk shoved Daehyun onto the floor.  “Yah!  You wanna die you little punk?”

“Ah, hyung, you can’t take a joke?”  Daehyun said as he laughed on the floor. 

Himchan was holding his stomach, laughing.  He straightened up and gave Yongguk a pout.  “We share a room, why don’t I ever get to cuddle with you?”

Yongguk gave Himchan a death stare and it only made Himchan laugh harder.  “Yah!”  Yongguk growled.

Himchan put his hand on Yongguk’s shoulder.  “Calm down, we’re just joking.”

Sooyun decided to chime in and save Yongguk with something she knew would pull his mind away from the teasing of the other two.  “You know, if I was your wife, I could cuddle with you every night.”  She said staring at him tracing a finger down his arm.

All laughter ceased and Yongguk’s eyes settled on her and he simply stared at her for a moment before his lips curled into a smile.  “Are you saying you choose me?”  He asked leaning into her.  She nodded and he let out a groan as he pressed his lips to hers.  He tried to deepen the kiss into something more but she gently pushed him away.

“If you want more, Oppa, you’ll have to make me your wife first.”  Sooyun teasingly whispered against his lips.

Yongguk groaned in frustration but pulled back.  “Daehyun, call Manager Kang and tell him to bring the company’s minister over here right now.  And have the stylists find a dress.”  Yongguk commanded. 

Daehyun nodded and left to carry out his order.

Sooyun was a little shocked by how quickly things were suddenly going.  “Tonight?  We are going to be married tonight?” 

Yongguk grinned.  “The company has a certified minister on staff for such occasions.”  He leaned in closer.  “I’m not spending another night without you by my side.  I told you I was going to make you mine, Bang Sooyun, I’m making good on my promise.”

Sooyun thought she was going to faint from lack of air, but a knock on the door broke the tension in the room.

“Who is it?”  Yongguk called out.

“Zelo.”  A small voice sounded.

Yongguk sighed.  “Come in.”

Zelo entered the room cautiously.  When he spotted Sooyun he rushed toward her, kneeling in front of her and wrapping his arms around her waist, burying his face in her stomach.  “Noona!”  He cried.  “Oh, Noona, I’m so sorry.  I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to hurt you.  Are you okay?  They say you are, but I won’t believe them until you tell me yourself.  Do you hate me, Noona?  I won’t blame you if you do.”

“Zelo.”  She said in a commanding tone, grabbing his head and making him look up at her.  “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.  Yes, I’m okay and, no, I don’t hate you.”  She smiled at him and ruffled his hair.  “We all make mistakes, Zelo.”

“Thank you, Noona.”  He said squeezing her in his arms.  “I promise I have learned my lesson.”  He purred as he snuck his fingers under the waistband of her shorts and brushed them over her hipbone.  She felt little electrical pulses run through her body like she had earlier when they’d been playing Twister after he brushed his hand against her leg.  She made sure not to panic, figuring it might trigger a reaction from him.  His hand retreated and he rolled his eyes up to look at her, grinning, and there was nothing innocent about it.  He loosened his arms from around her and trailed his hands down her arms, leaving goose bumps in their wake; it was like he was electrically charged.  “I think I can’t play Twister with you anymore until I learn to control myself better.” 

Sooyun laughed.  “No offense, Zelo, but I don’t think I’m ever going to be playing that game again.”

“What about if it’s with your husband.”  Yongguk said with a grin.  “We could play strip Twister.”

Sooyun rolled her eyes and shook her head.  She was surrounded by a bunch of hormonal males.  Hopefully, life would be a little easier once she was married.

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asianmee101 #1
Chapter 20: Omo~! Hehe! Such a good story! I wish it ended a bit better cause it seemed a but abrupt but it was still good nonetheless! ^_^ hehehehe
This is great!
Chapter 20: I really do like the way you write your stories, cause it's so real and awesome and etc. at the same time i really like it!!! :)
Chapter 20: This was such a great story!
Sorry it took so long to read..
But I don't like waiting for updates, so I try to read them once they're complete^^
Did I say this was an amazing story?
Because it's an AMAZING story <3
Chapter 2: OTL, I would dieeeeeeee <3
Though, I'd prefer if it were Daehyunnie <3^^
But OTL, if that would actually happen.... /flails/
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaaaa~ that was so amazing! Never expected that Sooyun has that kind of past. Love how you wrote the whole thing. And I was actually looking for something like this cos I prefer supernatural fics with them as characters. Thank you for writing the story author-nim! ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: You're writing style is just . . . I LOVE it so much <3
I can't wait to read more fanfics from you!!!!!! ^_^
bananadubumilk #8
Chapter 20: yeah..super love this fic..honestly i am not a fan of supernatural fics, but this fic is really just amazing ! the last time i saw this fic, there's no comment or some good feed backs and i was hesitant to read it, but when i started reading this, i can't believe that no one's giving you compliments(that you deserve)..love ur writing skills btw :D and i'm glad you didn't put some ...keke, those things are scary,lol xD totally lurv this story !
babyzgirl246 #9
Chapter 1: Yay they're vampires I love it!
Channinuna #10
Chapter 20: I love the story... Youre awesome!!