B.A.P Bride

Sooyun sat on the couch in B.A.P’s practice room and watched the six men practice their dance routines.  She loved watching them; it was like her own private concert.  Their dances were always so powerful and very moving.  It was almost like she was in a trance as her eyes followed their movements.

“Noona?”  Zelos’s voice broke her out of her thoughts.

“What?”  She said blinking a couple times.  She blushed though when she saw all six of them were staring at her with the same sinful grin.  They had taken note of her eyeballing them.

“What’s your favorite dance move of ours?”  Zelo asked.

Sooyun blushed even further.  “Do I really have to answer that?”

“Oh, so by her reaction it has to be something y.”  Youngjae said with a smirk.

Himchan stepped forward so that he was standing right in front of her.  “I know exactly what move it is.”  He said giving her bedroom eyes and a killer smile as he then proceeded to do the hip s and crotch grab moves from the chorus routine of ‘No Mercy’.

Sooyun couldn’t help it when her jaw dropped, nor could she look away; she tried to, but her eyes refused to obey her and instead followed his movements.  She knew that any BABY would kill to be in her place at that moment.  Sooyun blinked herself back to reality when Himchan hooked a finger under her chin, closing and grinning at her.

“I take that as a compliment.”  He said giving her a kiss before backing away with a very satisfied smile plastered across his handsome face while the other men laughed hysterically. 

“Noona, I have to know what is running through your mind right now.”  Jongup said still chuckling.

“With a display like that what do you think is running through her mind?”  Youngjae asked.

They all looked at her, waiting for her answer.  Sooyun’s eyes, however, still hadn’t left Himchan and he was enjoying the attention.  He knew very well that his display had affected her and she planned on messing with him right back.

“Any chance you can do that for me ?”  Sooyun asked with a raised brow.

All of them exploded into laughter at that. 

“If you want we could all do so for you.”  Daehyun said with a grin.

Sooyun’s eyes widened in shock at his words; she hadn’t meant for them to take her seriously. 

“I would say we give you a full concert of all our songs in the , but a few of them might be a little dangerous on our part for that.”  Youngjae said thinking better of his suggestion.

“No offense, hyung, but I don’t want to be doing any sort of dances in the if I’m going to have to be staring at you from behind.”  Zelo said with a grin.

Youngjae’s eyes widened.  “Yah!”  He shouted at the maknae making a fist.

Zelo wisely crawled up on the couch and hid behind Sooyun, making all of them laugh.  But in her laughter Sooyun suddenly felt a small jolt in her belly and she gasped, eyes wide.

“Noona, are you okay?”  Zelo asked.

They all stared at her waiting for her reply.  She stared up at them and smiled.  “I think I just felt the baby kick.”  At that she felt it again.  “I did, the baby is kicking!”  She exclaimed happily.  She pulled her shirt up to reveal her little swollen belly and the men all gathered around each trying to feel the baby kick for themselves.  But while five of the men did so, Yongguk remained standing and he and Sooyun wordlessly exchanged their emotions with each other.  Their baby was kicking.  Yongguk finally knelt down and snuck his hand in with the others.  She watched contentedly as all six men cheerfully tried to feel the baby kick.  She was very happy in that moment and wished that it would never end.

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asianmee101 #1
Chapter 20: Omo~! Hehe! Such a good story! I wish it ended a bit better cause it seemed a but abrupt but it was still good nonetheless! ^_^ hehehehe
This is great!
Chapter 20: I really do like the way you write your stories, cause it's so real and awesome and etc. at the same time i really like it!!! :)
Chapter 20: This was such a great story!
Sorry it took so long to read..
But I don't like waiting for updates, so I try to read them once they're complete^^
Did I say this was an amazing story?
Because it's an AMAZING story <3
Chapter 2: OTL, I would dieeeeeeee <3
Though, I'd prefer if it were Daehyunnie <3^^
But OTL, if that would actually happen.... /flails/
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaaaa~ that was so amazing! Never expected that Sooyun has that kind of past. Love how you wrote the whole thing. And I was actually looking for something like this cos I prefer supernatural fics with them as characters. Thank you for writing the story author-nim! ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: You're writing style is just . . . I LOVE it so much <3
I can't wait to read more fanfics from you!!!!!! ^_^
bananadubumilk #8
Chapter 20: yeah..super love this fic..honestly i am not a fan of supernatural fics, but this fic is really just amazing ! the last time i saw this fic, there's no comment or some good feed backs and i was hesitant to read it, but when i started reading this, i can't believe that no one's giving you compliments(that you deserve)..love ur writing skills btw :D and i'm glad you didn't put some ...keke, those things are scary,lol xD totally lurv this story !
babyzgirl246 #9
Chapter 1: Yay they're vampires I love it!
Channinuna #10
Chapter 20: I love the story... Youre awesome!!