B.A.P Bride

The fans took the news surprisingly well.  She was treated with polite smiles and waves whenever she went out, either by herself or with B.A.P.  People wanted to take pictures with her and she was given gifts and offers to help take care of the baby after it was born.  She had become an instant celebrity.  She didn’t really like it, but it was better than being hated by jealous fans.  There still were some of those, but very few, and the loyal fans protected her from them. 

It had been a few weeks since the interview and life was starting to settle back to normal, or as normal as it could be in her situation.  One evening Youngjae and Daehyun were watching the news while Jongup and Zelo played a game on the floor and Yongguk and Himchan sat at the counter going over plans for upcoming performances.  Sooyun was putting away the dishes when she overheard the earth-shattering news coming from the television.  Sooyun froze, dropping the plate in her hand.  The sound of the plate shattering caught the attention of all six men.  They took in her expression and immediately started to worry over her.

“Honey, are you okay?”  Himchan asked.

“It isn’t the baby is it?’  Yongguk asked, fear creeping into his voice as he went to her side.

“Noona, what’s wrong?”  Zelo asked.  Youngjae and Jongup asking the same.  Only Daehyun didn’t question her actions.  He simply stared at her, his eyes full of an understanding knowledge and she wondered if he knew.  But how could he…?  She remembered the gift he possessed.  Her eyes widened as he continued to stare at her.

“I’m fine, I just need to go rest for a bit.”  Sooyun said quickly as she avoided everyone and escaped to the room she now shared with Yongguk.  Panic filled her body as she slumped onto her bed and stared at the floor.  How could this be happening?  Then she realized what must have triggered it, the interview.


“What just happened?”  Himchan asked.

Yongguk shook his head and caught sight of Daehyun staring at him.  “What were you watching?”

“The news.”  Daehyun said flatly.

Yongguk went very still.  “What was on the news?”

“A deranged stalker escaped from prison a few days ago and the police have yet to find him.”  Daehyun answered.

“Why would that upset Noona?”  Zelo said with a frown.

Himchan had been watching the interaction between Yongguk and Daehyun.  “It upset her because it has something to do with her, doesn’t it?”  Yongguk and Daehyun both looked at the other man.  “You mind filling the rest of us in on what the two of you obviously already know?”

Yongguk looked back to Daehyun and nodded.  Daehyun told them about Sooyun’s dream and confirmed that the man in her dream was the same man from the newscast.  Yongguk also confirmed it was the same man; he’d had a private investigator look into the case. 

“Why wouldn’t Noona tell us?”  Zelo said.

“Because it is too hurtful.”  Daehyun said quietly.  “I experienced the fear this man caused her.  He’d been a coworker who’d become obsessed with her.  He stalked her and tormented her before finally attacking her.  She was lucky the police got to her in time or else she wouldn’t be here, or worse she’d be his prisoner at his complete mercy.”  Daehyun’s voice had deepened.  “The man defines the word monster.”

“What do we do?”  Jongup spoke up.

“We definitely cannot leave her alone or let her out of our sight.”  Yongguk said.  “I hate to take away her freedom and privacy, but I will not allow her to be at the hands of that psychotic ert again.”  They all nodded in agreement.  Yongguk sighed.  “And you all know I would never ask this of you unless the situation were dire but…”

“I’ll take Jongup and Daehyun out with me.”  Himchan said, knowing what his leader was suggesting.  “Daehyun’s the fastest and he and I are the best at tracking and Jongup can take down an elephant.”  Himchan clasped a hand on Yongguk’s shoulder.  He pulled Yongguk in and hugged him.  “We won’t let him get her.  We will find him.” 

Yongguk was grateful to have the man as his friend.  He patted Himchan’s back and nodded.  “Thank you.” 

Himchan pulled away and smiled.  “We all care about her too, and she is carrying my best friend’s baby.”  His eyes narrowed and his voice turned dangerous.  “I will bleed him dry myself before I let him touch her.”

After the three men left, Yongguk headed to his and Sooyun’s room.  He knocked on the door.  “It’s just me.”  He said before entering.  He found her sitting on their bed.  She looked tiny and helpless, like a wounded animal. 

“He knew didn’t he?”  She said quietly.  “I suppose he told all of you.”

Yongguk sighed.  “Yes, he did.  But I’ve known about it as long as Daehyun has.”

Sooyun looked up with wide eyes.  “You knew?”

He nodded.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”  She said shaking her head, hanging it once more.  “I just wanted to forget; pretend it never happened.”

He sat down beside her and rubbed her back.  “You know we won’t let him get anywhere near you, right?”  He said reassuringly.  “Himchan, Daehyun and Jongup are out right now hunting him.”

Sooyun looked at him again.  “What?  No they can’t…” She breathed.

Yongguk pressed a finger against her lips and smiled.  “Don’t worry they know how to handle themselves, they are very good at what they do.  He may not seem it, but Himchan is the most ruthless out of all of us; if he was hunting me I would be very nervous indeed.”

Sooyun stared at Yongguk with wide eyes.  Himchan was a ruthless hunter?  She couldn’t imagine the gentle tease as such a predator.  Though she knew all of them were predators by nature, she simply had a hard time picturing Himchan as the wildest of the bunch. 

“You know he’ll be hurt if you view him differently after this.”  Yongguk said softly.

Sooyun shook her head.  “I’m not judging him, it’s just…unexpected.  If I had to guess who was the most ruthless among you I would have picked you and Daehyun above Himchan Oppa.” 

Yongguk smiled.  “Well, Daehyun and I are second in line if you want an ordered list.”  She raised an eyebrow at him and he continued.  “Zelo and Jongup are third and Youngjae is the pacifist amongst us.”

Sooyun nodded.  “Yeah, I pictured him as being such.”

Yongguk laughed.  “Well, I’m glad you are not disturbed by this new knowledge.”

Sooyun smiled.  “Oppa, I love you no matter what you are or what you do.”  She then sighed.  “I suppose, I’m going to be under twenty-four hour surveillance now until he’s captured.”

Yongguk nodded.  “I’m sorry, but I will not allow him to harm you.”  He placed his hand on her belly.  “I will not let him harm our baby either.”

“What if the public finds out about this?”  Sooyun said shakily.

“Then you will have that many more people concerned about your safety and willing to protect you.”  He said with a smile, kissing her forehead.

There was a knock on the door and Yongguk called out for the person to enter.

Zelo poked his head through the door and smiled at Sooyun.  “Are you okay, Noona?”  He asked.

Sooyun could see the worry in the maknae’s eyes.  She opened her arms to him.  “Come here.”  She said smiling at him.

Zelo ran to her embrace and nuzzled against her.  “I was worried about you.”  He mumbled against her belly as he knelt before her wrapping his arms around her as well.

“I promise I’m okay now.  I was just very shaken by the news.  I know that I’ll be safe with all of you protecting me.”  Sooyun said running her fingers through his hair.  The way she felt about Zelo confused her greatly.  Her feelings for him cycled through different stages; one minute he could be like a child, then a younger brother, then a good friend and finally a man.  It made her head hurt. 

One of his hands swept across the skin of her lower back and little electrical tingles sparked across her flesh.  Her body tensed in his arms and he sensed it.  He rolled his eyes up to look at her and grinned.  He’d done this before, he liked to toy with her, and right now, he was teasing her on purpose.  Whether it was to lighten the mood and make her feel better or to simply be naughty, she didn’t know. 

“Do you feel better now, Noona?”  He asked as he nuzzled his head against her tummy again, teasingly kissing her belly.  Before she could get annoyed and shove him away he put on his cute act.  “I can’t wait to play with you baby.”  He said, talking to her stomach.  “Uncle Zelo will spoil you rotten.  I love you!”

Sooyun rolled her eyes.  This kid killed her sometimes.  She heard Yongguk chuckle and watched him ruffle his maknae’s hair. 

“Yah, get out of here you silly kid.”  He grumbled playfully.  “Your leader needs some alone time with his wife.”

Zelo gave the cutest pout ever.  “Ah, hyung, you always hog Noona.  It’s no fair.”  He said crossing his arms.  “Besides, don’t you think you’ve scarred me enough with how noisy you are?”

“Yah!”  Yongguk shouted, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at the maknae. 

Zelo quickly dodged it and stuck his tongue out at his leader before ducking out of the room, laughing as he went.

“Sheesh that kid.”  Yongguk mumbled.  “He’s the noisy one.” 

Sooyun couldn’t help but giggle.  “Oppa, you are rather…vocal when we…”

Yongguk turned his gaze on her and the look in his eyes stopped her.  He stared at her with intense longing, which he did all the time and she never understood why because it wasn’t like she was withholding anything from him.  “I love you.”  He said softly as he studied her face, something else he did all the time.

Sooyun smiled.  “I love you too…Bang Yongguk.”

The sound of his full name rolling off her tongue thrilled him and he claimed her lips greedily in a heated kiss.  When he pulled away, Sooyun was left breathless.  He watched as her breathing returned to normal.  He would never tire of looking at her.  His eyes shifted to her neck and the pulsing vein.  It was always so tempting, but he would never do that to her, it would be too easy to lose control.  He returned his gaze to her eyes and was surprised to see her smirking at him; she must have noticed him eyeing her neck.

“Why don’t you?”  She asked.

He leaned in and kissed her again.  “Because your blood calls to me so strongly, that I don’t trust myself.  I don’t think I would be able to stop.”  He kissed her neck and Sooyun’s eyes fluttered shut.

She sighed as Yongguk planted kisses all over her neck.  “I trust you.”  She breathed.

Yongguk pulled away and searched her eyes.  “Are you sure?”

Sooyun nodded and watched as his eyes turned red and his fangs extended; the sight excited her.

Yongguk chuckled, noticing her arousal.  “If you keep that up you might get more than you bargained for.”  He leaned in and continued kissing her neck, tracing his tongue over her skin.  She shuddered in his arms and let out a soft sigh, which was when he bit her, latching his mouth onto her neck.  She let out a low moan and it excited him.  Her blood flowed sweet like honey over his tongue and he groaned in pleasure; she tasted even sweeter than she smelled.  He knew he had to be brief or he wouldn’t want to stop.  He abruptly pulled away, the wound.  He placed his hand against her neck to keep pressure on it and gazed into her eyes, watching her come down from the rush of his feeding.  He could see the sight of her blood on his lips stimulated her and he smirked.  He loved how y she made him feel.  He checked the bite mark and winced slightly.  Himchan was not going to be thrilled.

“That was amazing.”  Sooyun breathed.  “Is it always like that?”

Yongguk chuckled.  “It’s only like that if we bite without the intention to kill.  If we bite someone out of hunger…well, you experienced that first hand with our maknae.”

Sooyun nodded.  She gave him a sheepish grin.  “Himchan Oppa’s not going to be very happy is he?”

Yongguk laughed.  “No, but I don’t care.  He’s never happy with anything I do so I’m used to it.”

There was a knock on the door.  “It’s Youngjae.”

“Come in.”  Yongguk replied.

Youngjae took in the scene and shook his head.  “Ah, jinja?”  He ruffled his hair.  “Do you know how pissed Himchan hyung is going to be?”

Yongguk shrugged.  “When isn’t Himchan pissed about something?”

Youngjae tilted his head.  “Good point.  Well, Daehyun called, they’re on their way back.  He said they couldn’t find the man anywhere.  So, wherever he is it isn’t in Seoul.” 

Yongguk nodded.  “Thank you for telling me.”

Youngjae smiled.  “No problem, hyung.”  He said leaving the two alone again.

Yongguk turned his attention to his wife.  “Will you be able to sleep better tonight now, knowing he’s no where near here?”  He asked wrapping his arms around her.

Sooyun smiled and nodded.  “But not as well as I will when I know he is no longer a threat to me.”

“We will find him, beautiful, and we will make sure he will never hurt you or anyone else ever again.”  He said kissing her forehead.  The door suddenly burst open and Himchan glared at Yongguk.

“You’re lucky I like you, Yongguk, very lucky.”  Himchan said in the deadliest of tones Sooyun had ever heard.  The look in his eyes was downright murderous.  “Honestly, what would you do if you didn’t have me to always clean up your messes?”

Yongguk just smiled as he got up and kissed Himchan on the cheek and then slapped his backside.  “The fans are right, you are the wife of this group.  So, unless you want me to treat you like my wife, stop nagging so much.”  He then pinched Himchan’s cheek.  “Aigoo, but you are so cute when you are mad.” 

Himchan slapped Yongguk’s hand away and snarled at him.  “Like I said, Yongguk, lucky.”  He turned his attention to Sooyun as Yongguk chuckled while he prepared himself for bed, pulling off his shirt and sweatpants, leaving himself in only his boxer-briefs. 

“Let me see, honey.”  Himchan said turning her head to the side.  “I’ll give you this, Yongguk, it’s a clean bite and not too deep.  But if you do it again, I’ll hurt you.”  He growled.

“I might not be able to help myself.” Yongguk said grinning at Himchan.  “She tastes even sweeter than she smells.”

Himchan glared at him.  “All the more reason not to.”  He snarled.

“What if I want him to?”  Sooyun said, startling Himchan.

“Why would you?”  Himchan asked in confusion.

“I see the way you all stare at my neck, Oppa, I’m surprised all of you have resisted the urge to do the same thing for this long.”  She said shaking her head.  “If you want to, I’ll let you.”

Himchan’s expression became very neutral.  “I’m a different story though, honey.  When I taste fresh blood, I cannot, and I mean cannot, control myself.  I would kill you if I gave in to that temptation.  Ask him if you don’t believe me.”  He said pointing a thumb toward Yongguk.

“It’s different for each of us.  Some of us can control ourselves while feeding and some of us can’t.”  Yongguk stated simply.

“Besides you, who else can?”  Sooyun asked.

Himchan sighed heavily.  “Please don’t tell her that.”

Sooyun grinned.  “Oppa, you just did it for him.” 

Himchan knew who her three favorite biases were in their group, Yongguk was first, then himself and finally…  He shook his head as he nicked his finger and started smearing his blood on the bite mark.  “Daehyun probably wouldn’t do it even if you begged him.”

“Probably wouldn’t do what?”  Daehyun’s voice called from the door.  When he noticed what was going on he grinned devilishly and she knew he was about to toy with Himchan.  “I don’t know, hyung.  I kind of like it when a woman begs for me to do something.”

Himchan grabbed a pillow, twisted his body, and chucked it at the younger man.  “Yah, get out you little punk.”  He growled.

Daehyun merely laughed, catching the pillow and gently tossing it back onto the bed.  He blew Sooyun a kiss and headed back toward the living room.

Sooyun tried not to laugh.  She watched Himchan as he returned to tending her and she simply studied his face while he did so.  How could such a handsome man be such an easily angered nag?  She ran her eyes up and down him enjoying his beauty.  When Himchan noticed her ogling him he frowned at first and then gave her one of his super greasy grins. 

“Like what you see?”  He purred.

Sooyun grinned as well.  “Always, but you totally need to take a chill pill, Oppa before you make yourself go gray.”  She then widened her eyes and gasped, pretending to be shocked by something.  She reached for his head.  “Omo is this one?”

Himchan’s eyes widened and he pulled away from her, but when he noticed her smile he knew she’d been teasing him.  His eyes narrowed playfully and stuck his tongue out at her.  “You’re lucky too.”  He then smiled.  “Lucky to have such an amazing Oppa like me in your life.”

Yongguk slapped the back of Himchan’s head.  “Sheesh, always so greasy.”

Himchan just smirked.  “You’re just jealous you don’t look this good.”

Yongguk aimed for a different plan of attack on his vain friend.  He lowered his eyelids and cupped the side of Himchan’s face.  “You know, now that I think about it.”  He said stepping closer to his friend, making Himchan squirm slightly.  “I don’t know how I’ve resisted you for this long.”  Yongguk went in for the kill, leaning in so his face was mere inches from Himchan’s.  “Want to cuddle tonight?”

Himchan snarled and shoved Yongguk away, who only laughed.  “Lucky, Yongguk, really lucky.”  He stated before heading toward the door.

“Yah, tell Daehyun I need him.”  Yongguk said as his friend exited the room.

Sooyun shook her head.  “You really enjoy messing with him, don’t you?”

Yongguk grinned.  “We all do.  It’s such an easy thing to do.  And he may not act like it, but he really doesn’t mind.  It’s sort of our way of letting him know we care about him.  If he truly hated it he wouldn’t put up with it.”

Sooyun chuckled.  She loved the dynamic of the groups’ friendships.  They really were like true brothers. 

“You wanted me?”  Daehyun asked, popping his head through the door.

Yongguk nodded.  “You’re sleeping in here with us tonight.”

Daehyun raised an eyebrow but didn’t question.  “Okay.”  He said, coming in and closing the door behind him.

Sooyun tilted her head and looked at Yongguk.  What was he up to?  Not that she minded, she loved being with Daehyun, they’d become very close with one another; he was like a best friend and big brother all rolled into one.

Daehyun pulled his shirt off as he walked to the bed.

“Yah!”  Yongguk exclaimed.  “What the hell, Daehyun?”

Daehyun shrugged.  “I felt overdressed.”  He stated referring to Yongguk’s state of undress. 

Sooyun bit back a laugh.

Yongguk glared at Daehyun and pulled his sweatpants back on.

Daehyun shrugged.  “I’m still keeping the shirt off.”  He said flopping on the bed and grinning at his hyung. 

Yongguk shook his head and sighed.  “It’s a good thing I need you tonight.”  He reached over and ruffled Daehyun’s hair.

Daehyun looked at Sooyun and then back to Yongguk.  “Dream duty?”

Yongguk nodded.

Sooyun frowned.  “Dream duty?”

“I want him here in case you have any nightmares.  He can either wake you or change them into pleasant dreams for you.”  Yongguk explained.

Sooyun grinned at Daehyun.  “Well, I should have you sleep in here more often.  I am prone to having nightmares.”

“Yah!”  Yongguk growled.  “I don’t want him in here all the time.  How can I put the moves on my wife when I’ve got an audience?”

“You put the moves on her in front of us all the time, hyung.”  Daehyun said rolling his eyes.

Yongguk grinned wickedly.  “Are you saying you like to watch?’

Daehyun chuckled.  “No, I’m just saying you can’t keep your hands to yourself regardless of your surroundings.”

Sooyun again suppressed a laugh.  She yawned and stretched before lying down between the two men.  “Well, I don’t know about you two, but I’m tired.”  She said as she pulled Yongguk against her back, wrapping his arm around her waist and then pulled Daehyun toward her as well so she could snuggle against his chest.  “Night, I love you both.”

Daehyun looked at Yongguk and raised an eyebrow.  Yongguk simply chuckled and snuggled against his wife resting his chin in the crook of her neck.  Daehyun shook his head and snuggled against the other two.  He threw his arm across them so that his hand rested against Yongguk’s back.  He grinned at his hyung, who looked at him questioningly. 

“Deal with it.”  Daehyun stated tangling his legs with Yongguk’s as well.

Yongguk shook his head and chuckled.  “Tease.”

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asianmee101 #1
Chapter 20: Omo~! Hehe! Such a good story! I wish it ended a bit better cause it seemed a but abrupt but it was still good nonetheless! ^_^ hehehehe
This is great!
Chapter 20: I really do like the way you write your stories, cause it's so real and awesome and etc. at the same time i really like it!!! :)
Chapter 20: This was such a great story!
Sorry it took so long to read..
But I don't like waiting for updates, so I try to read them once they're complete^^
Did I say this was an amazing story?
Because it's an AMAZING story <3
Chapter 2: OTL, I would dieeeeeeee <3
Though, I'd prefer if it were Daehyunnie <3^^
But OTL, if that would actually happen.... /flails/
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaaaa~ that was so amazing! Never expected that Sooyun has that kind of past. Love how you wrote the whole thing. And I was actually looking for something like this cos I prefer supernatural fics with them as characters. Thank you for writing the story author-nim! ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: You're writing style is just . . . I LOVE it so much <3
I can't wait to read more fanfics from you!!!!!! ^_^
bananadubumilk #8
Chapter 20: yeah..super love this fic..honestly i am not a fan of supernatural fics, but this fic is really just amazing ! the last time i saw this fic, there's no comment or some good feed backs and i was hesitant to read it, but when i started reading this, i can't believe that no one's giving you compliments(that you deserve)..love ur writing skills btw :D and i'm glad you didn't put some ...keke, those things are scary,lol xD totally lurv this story !
babyzgirl246 #9
Chapter 1: Yay they're vampires I love it!
Channinuna #10
Chapter 20: I love the story... Youre awesome!!