B.A.P Bride

The day of the interview came and Sooyun waited nervously offstage with Manager Kang.  The company had accepted the news of her pregnancy with smiles and congratulations.  There had been some worry as to how the fans would react, but they ultimately felt that a true BABY would be happy for the members and respect their personal decisions. 

“We would like to Welcome B.A.P here today.”  The emcee said with a big television smile.  B.A.P did their signature introduction and the interview got underway.  “So we hear that you have some big news to share.”  The man said.  “I’m sure your fans are dying to hear what you have to say.”  As the emcee said this the fans standing outside the glass wall separating the studio from the outside world started shouting and cheering excitedly. 

Yongguk held up his microphone and gave a cute gummy grin.  “Well, we hope our fans will be happy with our news.  It has certainly made us happy.”

“Oh, so I’m guessing the news might be a little shocking then.” The emcee said with an enthusiastic grin.

Yongguk nodded.  “Well, as you all know a few months ago a fan actually won a spot within our company.”

“Yes, yes.”  The emcee’s eyes widened.  “Oh,” He said having thought of something.  “Are one of you dating her?”

Yongguk chuckled.  “Well, you could say that I guess?”  He said giving another gummy smile, which drove the fans wild. 

“What do you mean?”  The emcee said with a curious smile.  “Please, tell us straight, we are dying from the suspense.”

“Well, this fan and I,” Yongguk began, pausing briefly, everyone’s attention focused solely on him as they waited with bated breath, “We secretly married a little while back.” 

There was silence until Himchan said with a grin.  “Should we completely embarrass our leader and tell everyone how quickly they tied the knot?”

The rest of the group nodded enthusiastically.

“Please, do.”  The emcee said excitedly after recovering from his initial shock. 

“Well,” Himchan began. “It’s the first case of love at first sight I’ve ever seen.”

“So, it was a brief engagement.”  The emcee smiled.

“Try a day.”  Youngjae said with a grin.

“A day.”  The emcee’s jaw dropped.

The members all nodded. 

“They were married the next day after meeting.”  Himchan said with a smile, patting Yongguk on the back.  “Our leader is a true romantic underneath his gruff exterior.” 

“Well, this certainly is big and shocking.”  The emcee said.  “How do the other members feel about this?”

“Noona is the best!”  Zelo said with glee.  “She is so kind to all of us and treats us like family.” 

The members all nodded.

“She is our sister now.”  Youngjae stated.

“Well, does this young lady have a name and is there any way we could meet her?”  The emcee asked.  

“Noona is here with our manager.”  Zelo said excitedly.  “Come out, Noona!”

Sooyun took a deep breath and walked on stage.  Yongguk stood up and smiled at her, his eyes full of love.  She went to him and he put his arm around her waist. 

“This is my wife,” Yongguk said introducing her to everyone, “Bang Sooyun.”

The emcee smiled at the couple.  “She is so pretty.  You chose a very fine bride.”  The emcee looked at Sooyun.  “Does he treat you well?”  He asked with a grin.

Sooyun blushed and nodded.  “He is a wonderful husband.”  She said shyly.

“There is something else we’d like to share with everyone.”  Yongguk said.

“There is more?”  The emcee said happily.  He was getting the best interview ever.

Yongguk smiled down at Sooyun and placed his hand on her belly.  “I’m going to be a father.” 

There was silence again.

“I see now why you had to make your marriage public.  I wish you both the best of luck.  How do the other members feel about this?”  He asked.

“I can’t wait to play with the baby.”  Zelo said with a grin.

“I think we all are excited to be uncles.”  Himchan said.

“Well, I’m sure your fans will be excited for you too.  I know B.A.P has some very loyal and accepting fans.”  The emcee said with a smile. 

“Yes, we do.  That is why we are confident our fans will accept our sister as a part of our lives and respect our leader’s decision to marry and become a father.  He is certainly very happy.  I have never seen someone make him this happy.”  Himchan said smiling taking Sooyun’s hand.  “She really is part of our family.  And we are very glad to have her in our lives as well.”

The other members nodded. 

“Noona, Naekkeoya!”  Zelo shouted teasingly.

Everyone laughed.

“I beg to differ, maknae.”  Yongguk said grinning.  “Bang Sooyun is mine.”  He said kissing her boldly on the lips.

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asianmee101 #1
Chapter 20: Omo~! Hehe! Such a good story! I wish it ended a bit better cause it seemed a but abrupt but it was still good nonetheless! ^_^ hehehehe
This is great!
Chapter 20: I really do like the way you write your stories, cause it's so real and awesome and etc. at the same time i really like it!!! :)
Chapter 20: This was such a great story!
Sorry it took so long to read..
But I don't like waiting for updates, so I try to read them once they're complete^^
Did I say this was an amazing story?
Because it's an AMAZING story <3
Chapter 2: OTL, I would dieeeeeeee <3
Though, I'd prefer if it were Daehyunnie <3^^
But OTL, if that would actually happen.... /flails/
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaaaa~ that was so amazing! Never expected that Sooyun has that kind of past. Love how you wrote the whole thing. And I was actually looking for something like this cos I prefer supernatural fics with them as characters. Thank you for writing the story author-nim! ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: You're writing style is just . . . I LOVE it so much <3
I can't wait to read more fanfics from you!!!!!! ^_^
bananadubumilk #8
Chapter 20: yeah..super love this fic..honestly i am not a fan of supernatural fics, but this fic is really just amazing ! the last time i saw this fic, there's no comment or some good feed backs and i was hesitant to read it, but when i started reading this, i can't believe that no one's giving you compliments(that you deserve)..love ur writing skills btw :D and i'm glad you didn't put some ...keke, those things are scary,lol xD totally lurv this story !
babyzgirl246 #9
Chapter 1: Yay they're vampires I love it!
Channinuna #10
Chapter 20: I love the story... Youre awesome!!