B.A.P Bride

Yongguk’s eyes widened and his head shot up when he caught the scent, completely cutting off mid-sentence in his discussion with the members about the fan meeting they would be holding in mere minutes.  He sniffed the air closing his eyes as he savored the smell of her.  He knew the girl must be a fan since he smelled her at every live performance they gave, but he’d never seen her.  That was about to change.

“She’s here.”  His deep voice boomed even though he spoke in a whisper. 

“I smelled her too.”  Himchan said nodding.

“Hyung, that means she is definitely a BABY.”  Zelo said with a smile. 

They all nodded.  Yes, the girl whose blood called to all of them was a fan of theirs.  Soon, they would meet her; they would finally have a face to go along with the intoxicating scent that had been driving them all crazy over the past several months. 

“You must control yourselves when we meet her.”  Yongguk reminded them.  “It will be hard, maybe unbearable, but we can’t have any slipups.  We can’t expose ourselves.”

Again they all nodded, taking their leader’s words in and using them to help prepare themselves.  When a vampire met the human whose blood sang only for them, it was almost impossible to resist.  The situation the six men were in was beyond unique.  One human’s blood had never before called to six vampires; it was unheard of.  The destined matches were only supposed to happen between one vampire and one human.  The fact that all six of them felt the bond with the girl had at first caused uproar.  After much discussion the six had come to an understanding.  They would all put aside any jealousies and let the girl decide which of them she wanted to be with, once she became blood bonded with one of them then the pull that the others felt would subside.

“Guys, they’re ready for you.”  Their manager called, motioning for them to head out for their fan-signing meet and greet event. 

The men all smiled, more than a little excited about meeting the woman they had waited centuries to find.

Kpop fan-meet events were perfect for all the vampires to hopefully find the human whose blood sang to them.  All Kpop groups were vampires, hence their almost unnatural beauty.  Yongguk and the others eagerly searched the crowd of smiling, cheering girls but didn’t see the one they were looking for. 

Yongguk had told his manager the news and his manager told him to let him know which girl it was and he would make sure that she was the lucky girl who would win the drawing for a date with B.A.P.  The plan was perfect and the six were on the edge of their seats as they awaited the arrival of their potential mate.

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asianmee101 #1
Chapter 20: Omo~! Hehe! Such a good story! I wish it ended a bit better cause it seemed a but abrupt but it was still good nonetheless! ^_^ hehehehe
This is great!
Chapter 20: I really do like the way you write your stories, cause it's so real and awesome and etc. at the same time i really like it!!! :)
Chapter 20: This was such a great story!
Sorry it took so long to read..
But I don't like waiting for updates, so I try to read them once they're complete^^
Did I say this was an amazing story?
Because it's an AMAZING story <3
Chapter 2: OTL, I would dieeeeeeee <3
Though, I'd prefer if it were Daehyunnie <3^^
But OTL, if that would actually happen.... /flails/
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaaaa~ that was so amazing! Never expected that Sooyun has that kind of past. Love how you wrote the whole thing. And I was actually looking for something like this cos I prefer supernatural fics with them as characters. Thank you for writing the story author-nim! ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: You're writing style is just . . . I LOVE it so much <3
I can't wait to read more fanfics from you!!!!!! ^_^
bananadubumilk #8
Chapter 20: yeah..super love this fic..honestly i am not a fan of supernatural fics, but this fic is really just amazing ! the last time i saw this fic, there's no comment or some good feed backs and i was hesitant to read it, but when i started reading this, i can't believe that no one's giving you compliments(that you deserve)..love ur writing skills btw :D and i'm glad you didn't put some ...keke, those things are scary,lol xD totally lurv this story !
babyzgirl246 #9
Chapter 1: Yay they're vampires I love it!
Channinuna #10
Chapter 20: I love the story... Youre awesome!!