Chapter 30 - Surprise Visit

Under the Cherry Blossoms


                “Ouch that hurts,” I muttered, as Andrew helped me up the stairs. The impact from my fall at the park earlier was really painful.

                “I’m sorry Kate,” Andrew said beside me.

                I stopped walking and turned to him. “Drew, it was my fault not yours, okay?”

                He sighed. “No it was mine. I shouldn’t have let go of you,” he said in a serious tone.

                “Hey, don’t think about it too much. I’m fine alright? This is nothing,” I said, poking his cheek. “Now turn that frown upside down, will you?”

                He smiled. Then, he suddenly slipped his hand behind my back and carried me with both his hands. “I promise not to let go of you ever again,” he said, as he carried me up the stairs.

                “Drew, let me down. Mom and dad might see us,” I said.

                “But there’s nothing wrong to see,” he said.

                “There is… to them, so just put me down now,” I ordered him.

                He shook his head. “I told you I won’t let go,” he said, as we arrived at the front of my room. Suddenly, mom appeared before us. “Oh hi Mrs. Summers,” Andrew greeted her smiling. How could he still act so casual around her when he’s carrying me?

                “Oh my goodness! Where did you get those wounds, honey?” mom asked, inspecting my knee.

                “This… it’s nothing serious mom,” I said.

                She sighed. “I’ll go get the first-aid kit,” she said, as she descended the stairs.

                Andrew brought me down when we reached inside my room. “Thanks,” I mumbled.

                “Anything for you,” he said with a hand gesture which made me laugh.

                Minutes later, mom came in with the kit in her hands. “I’ll do it ma’am,” Andrew volunteered.

                “Are you sure son?” mom asked him.

                He nodded.

                “Alright then. Dinner is served. Just come down after this Andrew. And I’ll give your plate here honey. You don’t have to go down anymore,” she said to me.

                “Thanks mom,” I said to her.

                When she left, Andrew quickly attended to my wounds on my knee. He bent down to check them fully. Then, he grabbed my right foot and rested it on his thigh. He started to pour antiseptic on it which made me whine. “It hurts,” I whispered to myself.

                Andrew looked up to me. “Endure it for a while Kate,” he said.

                I nodded.

                “I’m really sorry Kate,” he mumbled again.

                “Drew, if you say sorry one more time, I’d really hit you,” I said.

                “Sorry,” he said again.

                I sighed. I couldn’t possibly hit him. He looked at me. “What?” I asked.

                “I was waiting for you to hit me,” he answered.

                “You seriously think I can do that to you?” I asked him.

                He nodded.

                “Can you sing to me again?” I requested.

                “Now?” he asked.

                I nodded and pointed at the guitar on the corner of my room. He stood up and picked it up. He sat on the bed next to me again. “If it’s not you, I won’t really do it Kate,” he said.

                “Is that supposed to make me feel guilty?” I asked, teasing him.

                He just laughed. Then, he started to strum a few chords. I recognized the song to be from Lifehouse called “Breathing”.

I'm finding my way back to sanity again
Though I don't really know what I'm going to do when I get there
Take a breath and hold on tight, spin around one more time
And gracefully fall back to the arms of Grace

'Cause I am hanging on every word you say and
Even if you don't want to speak tonight that's alright, alright with me
'Cause I want nothing more than to sit outside Heaven's door
And listen to you breathing, is where I want to be, yeah
Where I want to be

                His eyes were fixed on mine until the song has ended. I felt my stomach cringed even after he stopped singing. Suddenly, I saw him leaning closer towards me. I gulped, not knowing what to do. When he’s only a few inches away from my face, I closed my eyes, partly because I felt scared thinking that he’s just confused right now and partly because maybe I also wanted him to.

                But then, I heard him say, “I’m sorry Kate.” At that moment, I slowly opened my eyes. He was now looking down the floor. “I… wasn’t supposed to do that,” he added.

                I sighed. “I know Andrew.”


                I walked along the neighborhood after mom instructed me to buy something from the nearby convenience store. I was still feeling awkward towards Andrew after what happened last night. I knew he felt the same way but I was trying to shrug it off. I didn’t want to avoid him. I knew that he still loves Steph no matter how hard he tries to deny it.

 As I was walking back to our house, I suddenly heard a ring from my phone. “Hello?” I answered.

                “What are you doing right now?” Marcus asked me.

                “What?” I asked in an irritated tone.

                “I said, what are you doing right now?” he repeated in a louder voice.

                “What’s in it for you?” I asked. “And why are you even calling me again?”

                “Oh it’s nothing. I just wanna remind you about the exhibit again,” he said.

                “Until when are you gonna stop reminding me?” I said, as I continued to walk.

                “Until it’s over, so don’t make me stop reminding you,” he answered. “And what are doing walking alone with a bandage on your foot anyway?”

                I stopped walking. “H-how did you know I have a bandage?” I asked, looking around the streets to find him.

                I heard him laugh. “I’ve got spy cameras everywhere so don’t get surprised if I know every move you make,” he said.

                “You sound like a hideous killer right now. Please stop it. You’re creeping me out,” I said.

                “Creeping you out huh? Then how about this…” he paused, as I saw a guy wearing a black coat and shades, not too far away from where I was standing.

                “M-marcus?” I stutteringly said.

                “That would be me,” he answered, as I saw him walking towards my direction.

                I wanted to run away but my feet were stuck on the ground. When he finally reached me, I was still in awe seeing him standing infront of me. “Pretty dazed on my charming looks again?” he said, smirking.

                “Get a life,” I said, as I started to march my way away from him.

                “Yah! Is that how you greet foreign guests around here?” he asked, following me from behind.

                “Guest? Did I invite you to come here? What are you doing here anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be in Thailand or something?” I asked him, still walking.

                “I was there. And then, Vince and Max decided to go on a vacation and since Vince’s family has a house in Toronto, we decided to come here,” he explained.

                “We? Then, where are they?” I asked him.

                “They’re still there. I just came here ahead to tell you about the exhibit,” he said.

                I stopped walking again and turned to face him. “So you came all the way here in Vancouver just to tell me that?” I asked raising a brow.

                He nodded.

                I shook my head. “You’re insane,” I mumbled and continued to walk again.

                “Hey! Why can’t you just invite me over at your house?” he demanded.

                “What? And why would I even do that?” I asked, turning to him again.

                “Because… that’s what friends do,” he said.

                “Friends, huh? Since when did you consider me as your friend? Last time I checked, I’m not on that list of yours,” I told him.

                “W-well, I’m promoting you as my friend now,” he said.

                I laughed. “Wow that’s nice. I’m being promoted now. Then, what was I to you before? A slave?” I asked sarcastically.

                “Well… kinda,” he answered.

                I shook my head in disbelief. Then, I felt his hand stopping me from behind. “What?” I asked irritably.

                “I was kidding, alright?” he said. “I’ve always considered you as a friend Kate.”

                I sighed. “You’re saying that now because you need a place to stay, huh?”

                “No. I’m saying it because it’s the truth,” he said with a serious face.

                “Fine. You can come over, but don’t expect my parents to let you stay there. Just rent a hotel room or something,” I suggested.

                He nodded. Then, we both walked again without talking with each other. He offered to carry the grocery bag that I was holding which kinda felt weird knowing that he’s not usually really nice especially around me. But then again, maybe he’s just trying to play nice just so I’d let him sleep at our house.

                When we finally reached our house, I saw mom on the front porch. She was busy fixing our indoor plants so she didn’t notice us at first. I slowly walked in with Marcus following me from behind. Then, mom turned around and finally saw us. “Oh Kate honey, you’re back,” she said to me. Then, she stopped when she saw Marcus. “And… may I ask who this young lad is?”

                I was about to respond but then, Marcus extended his hands to her. “Nice meeting you Mrs. Summers. I’m Marcus Cho, a friend of your daughter,” he said, emphasizing the ‘friend’ part.

                Mom took his hand and shook it merrily. “Oh, I’ve never seen you before. Are you from Korea?” mom asked him.

                “Yes ma’am,” he answered with a bright smile.

                Mom nodded. “I didn’t know Kate has other friends there apart from Andrew,” she commented.

                Marcus suddenly fell silent. I faked a cough making them both turned to me. “Uh… mom, don’t you think we should continue this talk inside?”

                “Oh yeah, come on in,” she said to Marcus.

                We all entered inside the house. Suddenly, Andrew appeared from the stairs. “Kate, why didn’t you tell me you went out? I could’ve accompa~” he stopped talking when he saw Marcus standing beside me.

                “You?” Marcus mumbled.

                “Marcus…” Andrew muttered.

                They both stared at each other for a minute before I decided to speak. “Uh Marcus just came here for a vacation. He’s with Vince and Max, right?” I elbowed Marcus motioning him to agree.

                “Y-yeah,” he said.

                “So I guess you all know each other?” mom asked us.

                I nodded.

                “That’s great then. Marcus son, where are you staying then?” mom asked him.

                “Oh that’s still an unresolved problem Mrs. Summers. I was actually kinda hoping that you could let me stay here for a while,” Marcus said without even thinking.

                Mom paused. Then, she answered, “Oh of course dear. Our house is always open for Kate’s friends. She rarely brings home one.”

                Marcus let out a small laugh while glancing at me. I shot him a look. “Thank you ma’am. I really appreciate it,” he said to mom.

                “No problem. I better go prepare our lunch now then,” mom said, as she left us three in the living room.



                When Mrs. Summers left, we all stood there staring at each other. Kate turned to Marcus who was now sitting comfortably in the sofa. “I can’t believe you asked mom to let you stay here,” she said.

                Marcus smirked. “I knew she’d agree. No one can say no to me,” he said.

                “You’re such a jerk,” Kate said.

                “Ya! Watch what you’re saying. I’m a prince remember?” he said to her.

                “Oh I’m sorry your Highness. I forgot that you are one,” Kate said in a dramatic voice.

                Marcus glared at her. At that instant, I walked over them and grabbed Kate’s arm. She turned to me with a confused look. “Can I just talk to her for a bit?” I asked Marcus who is now frowning. He didn’t respond but I pulled Kate away from him anyway.

                “Drew, what’s your problem?” Kate asked me, when we reached outside.

                “Why is he here Kate?” I asked her.

                “I don’t know. I was even shocked myself when I saw him earlier,” she answered. “Why are you suddenly being like this?”

                “He’s not supposed to be here Kate,” I said, not knowing exactly what to say.

                “I know that Andrew. But he’s already here. It’s not like I can just throw him out of the house,” she said.

                I sighed. “But how can you help me move on if he’s here?”

                “We’ll just have to work things out Andrew,” she said. “I’ll still help you okay?”

                “Alright then,” I said.

                Suddenly, a voice chimed in from behind us. “I’m sorry if I had to break your moment but, your mom is calling you Kate,” Marcus said bluntly while looking at her.

                Kate sighed. She looked at me before deciding to head towards the kitchen. I was about to leave as well but then, Marcus spoke again. “Andrew.”

                I stopped and stared at him. “What?”

                “Why are you here?” he asked me.

                “Why are YOU here?” I asked back.

                “I asked you first. Now don’t play dumb with me,” he said with a fierce look.

                “Is that how a prince should act? I thought you already changed,” I said.

                “I guess I didn’t,” he mumbled. “Now answer my question.”

                I sighed. Even though I didn’t want to answer him, I felt like I should so I spoke again. “I’m here for a vacation.”

                “I don’t believe you,” he said. “We all know what happened between you and Steph unnie.”

                I fell silent for a while after hearing him say her name. “I wanted to take my mind off of things,” I said to him.

                He stared at me blankly. “And of all places you decided to come here? At Kate’s home?”                             

                “Why? Do you have a problem with that?” I asked, almost challenging him.

                He clenched his teeth. “Yes I do. She’s supposed to be helping me in the exhibit. But since you dragged her here, she couldn’t help me.”

                “She wanted to come here. She missed seeing her family. But you wouldn’t know that anyway,” I said. “And you wouldn’t even care.”

                He didn’t respond.

                “Now tell me why you’re here,” I demanded.

                “I…came here to remind her of the exhibit,” he stutteringly said.

                “If it’s really about the exhibit, then you could’ve just called her. But you went here to that extent,” I paused. “Do you like Kate?” I asked him without any second thoughts leaving him with an astounded look on his face.


A/N: Ooh! There’s a tension between those two. Obviously. Hahaha :D hope you like this chappie! tell me whatchu think keke~ Bye~



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andhee407 #1
Chapter 31: after looonggg time u didnt update, now u decide to update everyday???
.I love it....
andhee407 #2
Chapter 30: aahhhh....i want her with wonnie please....
#pleading with kicked puppy eyes....
Chapter 29: I thought you forgot us >.<.. it's been so long
Chapter 29: Thaaaankkk u authornim :3 idk why people dont get to read this ff when this is srsly amazing - the plot and how u write

Great job thereee :))
Chapter 28: Finally an update. I've been waiting for this. Thank you *.*
Chapter 27: Haha I like eunhae as a hm.. as a bromance? Idk if that's the right word to say. >_<

Well it if you're in the middle of a break-up and siwon acting like that won't help at all.
Chapter 27: mimoky what can I say I'm an EunHae shiper :3 ..... author-nim great job. daebak ^\\\\\\^ fighting with the newspaper
Chapter 26: lol at sakura's comment. I will miss you aiden. come back soon. :))
Chapter 26: hahaha he went to meet his HyukJae :3. thank you so much for updating, you did a great job, keep going like that. Fighting ^.^
Chapter 26: Marcus-Kate ship is sailing

and oh Andrew-Kate ...

IM SO CONFUSED WITH THE PAIRING HERE BCOZ I WANT Kate to be with Marcus, but a part of me also wants Kate to be with Andrew ;;

Update soon :))