Chapter 11 - The Prince's Associates

Under the Cherry Blossoms



                Tomorrow will be the day of the excursion. Everyone seemed to be very excited. The commotion inside our room right now is really driving me nuts. I just wanted to get out and breathe some fresh air. Our next class will be at 10 am (which is unfortunately the class with ‘the Prince’) so I still have an hour to find some peace.

                 I stepped out of the room and marched my way to the Green Park which is just a few walks away from our room (‘cause we were assigned to a building which is nearer the park for this day only). When I reached the park, I noticed someone sitting under one of the trees, which is near to my favorite tree. At first, I thought it was the Prince. But as I got near him, I realized that he wasn’t the Prince but he’s one of HIS friends – the rocker look dude. His eyes were closed as he listened to the music in his ears.

                I sat under my tree slowly trying not to make him notice. Luckily, I’ve got my pen and pad with me so I decided to sketch his angelic face like what I did to the Prince. Honestly, I didn’t want to draw him. I just wanted to thank him so I did that. Nothing more.

              As I was drawing, I was startled when I heard him sing (well it was actually so soft that I could barely hear it) but I must say that his voice was really something. Suddenly, he opened his eyes. He caught me looking at him. “Who are you?” he asked in Korean.

             “I… uh…” I couldn’t find a word to say.

             He stared at me waiting for an answer.

             “Mianheyo,” I just said, bowing my head and preparing to leave.

             “Chagamman (Hold on). Have I seen you before?” he asked, frowning as if trying to remember something.

              He wouldn’t remember me even if I tell him. He didn’t even know me. We haven’t even talked before not until now. And of course, I couldn’t tell him that I always see him in the hallways ‘cause even if I did tell him, he still wouldn’t know me.

              “Ah! I remember you now. You’re Kate right? You’re chingus (friends) with Aiden and Marcus,” he said.

               What?? I almost wanted to blurt out. Maybe I’m friends with Aiden, but definitely not with that Prince. And how did he even know my name? Were they talking about me? “A… anieyo (No). I’m not really close to them,” I just said.

               “But you were talking to Aiden last time right?” he asked again.

               “Ne (Yeah).”

                He nodded. Then, he noticed the pad I was holding. “Were you trying to draw me earlier?”

                My eyes grew wide. How did he know? Was he pretending to be asleep just now? Crap! This is too embarrassing. What should I tell him?

                “Were you?” he asked again.

                 I nodded sheepishly.

                He smiled. “Is it done yet? Can I keep it?”

                “Uh…” I paused, trying to hide the pad.

                “Come on! I’ve never had my face drawn before. I wanted to hang that in my room,” he said.

                Was he serious? Why would he even do that? Aaaaahhhhh! I was freaking out here. He stood up and tried to reach out for my hand where I was holding the pad. I took a step backward. “It’s… not done yet,” I said.

                “Jincha (Really)?”

                “I’ll… give it when it’s done.”

                He nodded. “Arasso (Alright). I’ll be waiting for that.” He marched forward leaving me behind. Then, he turned to look at me. “Mannaseo bangawoyo (Please to meet you).”

            I understood what he said from my little Korean vocabulary in my head. I smiled after hearing him say that. Then, I realized I haven’t asked for his name. I sighed.




                Our next class will be starting soon. I glanced at Aiden, who was trying to impress Tiffany again like what he always does. I sighed. Suddenly, I looked at the vacant seat in front. It was Kate’s seat. I wondered what’s taking her so long this time. She was always coming to class on time (not that I was always watching her).

                Minutes later, our Professor, Mr. Song showed up. “Okay, we’ll have a pop quiz today. I hope you’re all in.”

                Where is that girl? I shook my head. Why was I even thinking about her? I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder. “Ya! Marcus, kwenchana?” Aiden asked me.

                “N…ne,” I said.

                “I only want to see your pens on top of your desks. Nothing more,” Mr. Song said.

                I brought out my pen. Mr. Song would be distributing the papers any minute now. Suddenly, I thought of something. I brought out my phone from my pocket and held it in my ear. “Seon saengnim (Teacher), someone is calling me from the Palace. Can I answer it for five minutes?” I said, standing up and taking the whole class’s attention.

                Mr. Song lifted his chin up which signaled me to go out.

                “Kamsahamnida (Thank you),” I said, bowing my head and heading towards the door at the back.

                Why did I even do that? Aish! I paced back and forth at the hallway next to our room. I only have five minutes as an alibi to cover her up. Where is she?

                Suddenly, I heard someone running towards the room. I looked behind me and saw Kate panting as he walked past me. “Ya! Why are you late?” I asked her.

                “Why do you care?” she answered back, as she entered the room.

                I followed her inside and took my seat. She’s really ungrateful. She even had the guts to answer me back when in fact, I helped her. Aish!

                “Why are you late, Ms. Summers?” Mr. Song asked her.

                “Uh… i… mianheyo (sorry),” she mumbled.

                “The next time you’re late I won’t let you take the exam anymore. Arasso?” he told her.

                “Ne,” she said.

                “And that goes the same for all of you,” he said to the whole class. “Is Prince Marcus in?”

                “Ne seon saengnim (Yes teacher),” I said, raising my hand up.

                “Alright, let’s start the exam,” he said, distributing us the papers.


                After finishing the exam, I passed my paper to Mr. Song. I was the first to finish it which is always the case. Math just comes out so easily to me. I stepped out of the room and waited for Aiden in the hallway. Suddenly, Vincent came running towards me. “Marcus-ssi,” he said, as he approached me.


                “Have you seen Max?” he asked, pertaining to my other friend.

                “Anie (No). Wae (Why)?” I asked.

                “I just wanted to ask him if we’re seatmates in the airplane.”

                “There’s a seat number?” I asked shocked.

                He nodded. “Ne. They always assigned us. Of course you wouldn’t know that because you always ride on your private plane.”

                I sighed. He’s right. I wouldn’t really know that. Those simple things that normal students experience all seem peculiar to me. But yet again, they would feel the same if they were in my situation as well.

                Suddenly, a voice came popping behind me and Vince. “Ya! You’re both here,” Max said extending his arms on our shoulders. “Where are we gonna eat?”

                “The usual,” Vince said.

                “Where’s Aiden?” he asked, looking around.

                “He’s still taking the exam,” I answered.

                “Ah!” he said, nodding. Then, I was stunned when he suddenly blurted out. “Look! It’s Kate and Aiden.”

                Vincent and I looked towards the direction he’s pointing. Aiden was cheerfully chatting as he walked with Kate. When he saw us, he waved his arms. I noticed Kate looking at another direction. She was about to leave Aiden but he stopped her with his hand. I guess he wanted to introduce Kate to Vince and Max.

                When they finally reached us, Max spoke. “Kate-ssi, have you gotten to your class on time?”

                She looked at him with a reluctant look on her face. “Uh…”

                “Wait…” Aiden interrupted. “So you were together during that time? That’s why you were late?” he turned to Kate.

                “Ne. We just ran into each other in the park,” Max explained.

                Park? Could he possibly be talking about Green Park? Aish! I shouldn’t have covered her up then. She was busy doing other things being unmindful of the more important things. I shut my locker loud enough for them to stop talking. “I’m hungry. I’ll go ahead,” I said.



                “Jincha! This guy!” Aiden mumbled. “I’m sorry about that.”

                “It’s alright,” I said.

                “By the way, you and Max already met, right?” he asked.

                Max! So that’s his name. I turned to him and he smiled. The other guy who was clinging onto Max flashed me a cute smile. It was as if we’ve met before though I’ve never actually seen him. “Annyeong (Hello),” he greeted me.

                I bowed my head. “Nice to meet you sunbae.”

                “Aish! Just call me Vince,” he said. “We’re the same age right?”

                “Anieyo (No). We’re a year older than her,” Aiden corrected him.

                “Ah! So you should call me oppa (older brother) then?” he suggested. “Hmmm?”

                His eyes were focused on me. How could I call him oppa? The girls here already hate me to death. How much more if they learned that I was calling him ‘that’? I wished I could just disappear right now. It’s Aiden’s fault.

                “Y…ya! If Kate doesn’t want to, you can’t force her,” Aiden said.

                “Why? Have you tried asking her?” Max asked him. Then, he turned to me. “Did he?”

                “Uh…” I shook my head.

                Aiden shot me a look. “Arasso. Arasso. Whatever you say.”

                “N…ne,” I said awkwardly.

                “Max, what’s your seat in the plane?” Vince asked him.

                “7,” Max answered.

                “Aish! I’m 10.”

                “We better go ahead now. His Highness awaits,” Max said.

                I nodded as they walked towards the opposite side of the hallway. I proceeded to my locker. Suddenly, my phone rang. “Yoboseyo?”

                “Kate-ssi, where are you?” Andrew asked on the other line.

                “Andrew? Waeyo?”

                “I have something to tell you.”

                “What’s that?”

                “I’ll just tell you when you get home then.”

                “But… Andrew-ssi…” I was too late. He already hanged up.


                By the time I reached home, Andrew’s mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Her face lit up as I approached her. “Kate-ssi, how’s your day in school?” she asked.

                “It’s fine ahjumma (aunt),” I answered. “I… didn’t know you’re already back.”

                She smiled. “Ne. I was supposed to surprise you and Andrew.”

                I nodded. “I haven’t seen him yet ahjumma. Do you know where he is?”

                “Ah ne. He’s upstairs. He just came back from work,” she answered.

                I was about to walk out when suddenly, she spoke again. “Kate-ssi, I heard you and Andrew are getting along now. I hope you stay friends.”

                I forced a smile. I hoped so too.

                I dragged my feet up the stairs and walked past Andrew’s door. I got startled when someone grabbed me in the arm. I turned around and saw Andrew. “Andrew-ssi, you scared me,” I said.

                He laughed. “Mianhe (Sorry). By the way, do you want to hear my good news?”

                “What is it really?” I asked anxiously.

                “You’re going to Japan,” he said in a monotonous way.

                I almost didn’t catch it. Not until he repeated it. “You’re going to Japan, Kate-ssi!”

                “Is… this for real?” I asked, wide-eyed.

                He nodded. “Eomma (Mom) took care of it all.”

                “I…uh…” I was speechless.

                He flashed me a bright smile showing his adorable dimple. “Remember to take me home a Japanese cuisine when you get back here. Arasso?” He patted my shoulder and descended the stairs.



A/N: Hey chingus (friends)! How are you all doing? Hope you still keep on reading my story.

Read, Comment, Vote, Fan! :)

Next chap: The Excursion in Japan 



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andhee407 #1
Chapter 31: after looonggg time u didnt update, now u decide to update everyday???
.I love it....
andhee407 #2
Chapter 30: aahhhh....i want her with wonnie please....
#pleading with kicked puppy eyes....
Chapter 29: I thought you forgot us >.<.. it's been so long
Chapter 29: Thaaaankkk u authornim :3 idk why people dont get to read this ff when this is srsly amazing - the plot and how u write

Great job thereee :))
Chapter 28: Finally an update. I've been waiting for this. Thank you *.*
Chapter 27: Haha I like eunhae as a hm.. as a bromance? Idk if that's the right word to say. >_<

Well it if you're in the middle of a break-up and siwon acting like that won't help at all.
Chapter 27: mimoky what can I say I'm an EunHae shiper :3 ..... author-nim great job. daebak ^\\\\\\^ fighting with the newspaper
Chapter 26: lol at sakura's comment. I will miss you aiden. come back soon. :))
Chapter 26: hahaha he went to meet his HyukJae :3. thank you so much for updating, you did a great job, keep going like that. Fighting ^.^
Chapter 26: Marcus-Kate ship is sailing

and oh Andrew-Kate ...

IM SO CONFUSED WITH THE PAIRING HERE BCOZ I WANT Kate to be with Marcus, but a part of me also wants Kate to be with Andrew ;;

Update soon :))