Chapter 15 - Love Spell

Under the Cherry Blossoms


*Before you read, I advise you to play the media that I placed on this page. It’s a song called Love is Sweet by Super Junior-M. This is the song I kept on playing while I was writing this chap :D hope you like it.




                I reached the 9th station together with some foreign people I met who were also hikers. They invited me to stay at the large mountain huts located at the station to sleep for the night. But I didn’t have enough money to rent one so I just declined. The sky was already dark. I was already really exhausted. I was still waiting for the three to show up. I hadn’t seen them at the 8th station so I just proceeded here. Maybe they decided not to continue anymore. What was I gonna do now?

                I was partly nervous of climbing alone but I was already so close so I decided to just endure a little longer. I was freezing in the cold but I was trying so hard to ignore it. I opened my flashlight to see the path ahead. I looked at the time. It was already six in the evening. Just a little more patience before I see the cherry blossoms.

I endured walking for fifteen minutes. There were already no other people hiking. I was really getting anxious. Just then, when I stepped forward, my knee started to get weak. I couldn’t feel a thing. It felt numb. I felt my body fall down. I stopped my eyes from closing. I couldn’t make it. I crawled on the ground until I reached a small hut somewhere at 9th station. I decided to stay there to keep myself warm for a while.



                I’ve reached the 5th station after paying triple fare to one of the drivers to drive the shuttle bus. When I stepped out, I noticed different trails going up. Now which one of these did they take? Aish! I didn’t have much time to think. The weather was getting colder. I saw a man at the first-aid kit station and decided to ask him. “Uhm… excuse me. Have you seen girls here?” I asked in English hoping he understood.

                He didn’t respond.

                “Girls. My age,” I repeated.

                He turned to a woman beside him and whispered something. Then, the woman said, “3 girls? I think they took that way. She pointed at the trail on the left. I read the big signage, “Yoshida?”

                “Two girls went that way,” she added pointing to the right which read, ‘Gotemba’.

                Ah, so that’s their plan. They split themselves into two. If i was getting this right, the 3 girls were probably Tiffany, Krystal and Veronica and the other 2 would be Jessica and Kate. I was so sure that they took the Gotemba trail.

                I bowed my head to the woman. “Arigato godaimassu (Thank you),” I said.

                My feet and my whole body seemed to be numb right now. But I was trying so hard to endure the cold breeze. I still couldn’t believe that it was Kate all along. That girl! We’ve always been meeting at the wrong time and place. She has been keeping me mad for how many times. And yet, her sketches would always light up my mood.

                After finally reaching the 6th station, I stopped at a resting hut. I breathe in a few times. I convinced myself that I could do this. I wanted to save her. I didn’t know why I was doing it. I just felt the need to save her right now and then I’d deal with Jessica and her friends later.

                I was about to continue climbing again until I heard someone shouting.

“Who is there?” I shouted back.

                “Kate-ssi!” the words became clearer. “Kate-ssi!”  Someone else was looking for Kate and I think I knew who he was.

                “Aiden-ah!” I shouted again. I took a few more steps following the voice. Suddenly, there was a flash of light shining at my face.

                “Marcus-ssi?” I heard him say with a hint of confusion on his voice.

                We stared at each other for a while until we realized each other’s presence. I walked towards him. So did he. “Aiden-ah, why didn’t you tell me?” I asked him.             

                “I… I didn’t know you cared enough to know,” he said.

                “Ani… that’s not it. Did you know that Kate was the one who drew the sketches in the park?” I asked.

                His eyes got widened. “JINCHA??”

                “You didn’t know either?” I asked.

                “Ani. I mean, I knew she was drawing Max’s face but I didn’t realize it was her in the park,” he answered.

                “Ahh!” I scratched my head. “If only I knew it was her, I could’ve treated her better.”

                “So… you mean, after this, you’ll be nicer to her?” he asked, which has taken me aback.

                “Molla (I don’t know). Aish! Let’s just find her first.”

                We both set foot to reach the next station. We walked and managed to stay quiet for the past thirty minutes. I wondered what’s going on inside his head. Maybe he was thinking that I already like Kate because of what I found out. I could never like someone like her. I just really adore her sketches and besides that, there was something about her sketch of the cherry blossoms that kind of reminded me of something that has been lurking in the Palace for how many years now.

                I glanced at him. He was too focused in the path we’re walking in. I faked a cough. When he looked at me, I started to speak. “Aiden-ah, about the thing I said to you earlier…” he stopped me.

                “Anieyo (It’s fine). Don’t even bother apologizing if that’s what you’re trying to do,” he said.

                “And… I’m not planning on asking Kate to go on a date with me just so you know,” I said.

                He smirked. “I knew she’s not your ideal girl. So did i. But, you know, there’s something about her that makes me want to know her more. Just like those times when you’re looking at her sketches, I knew that you wanted to know her. Am I right?”

                “Ye. Maybe,” I just said.

                Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming our way. Aiden and I looked at each other with anxious faces. “Who is there?” Aiden shouted.

                There was no answer.

                “Who is there?” I repeated.

                “Help! Help me!” someone shouted.

                We both ran forward and searched the owner of the voice. We were astonished when we saw Jessica sitting on the ground. “Oppa!” she mumbled.

                Aiden rushed towards her. As much as I wanted to punish Jessica at this time, I couldn’t do it. She seemed cold and weak so I’d let her pass this time. “Where is Kate?” Aiden questioned her with an angry tone.

                “Uh… she’s… up there. I left her and told her to go up without me,” she answered.

                “What???” Aiden shouted.

                “Aiden-ah, why don’t you take them down and I’ll just find Kate up there,” I suggested.

                “Ani (No). I want to find her myself,” he insisted.

                “Ya! Aiden-ah, we don’t have time to argue at this rate,” I said, looking at him straight in the eye. “I’ll find her Aiden.”

                He stopped for a minute. “Arasso. Promise me you’ll find her. I’ll go ask for help. We’ll come back for you.”

                I nodded.



                I didn’t how many hours had passed. I hadn’t realized I dozed off at the 9th station’s hut. I looked at my watch and it was already 8 pm. Where were they? I didn’t think they’d still come up here now. The teachers were probably finding me. I needed to go back down. I looked out and saw nothing but darkness. The only light that was guiding me was the light from a lamp post near the hut. There was even no moon tonight.

                I trembled through my sweat. I sat down again and hid in the hut. Suddenly, a voice startled me. “Kate-ssi! Are you here?” the voice called out. Could it be Jessica and Tiffany? “Kate-ssi, where are you?” the voice grew closer. I shook my head. It was not a girl’s voice. It’s probably someone whom the teachers sent out to find me.

                I struggled to move. “I’m here,” I said which came out softly. Even my throat became dry after climbing for hours.

                “Kate!” the voice seemed to be just outside the hut now.

                I forced myself to stand. “I’m here,” I said.

                “Kate-ssi!” he blurted out.

                I was stunned when I saw the Prince looking at me. “Marcus?” I mumbled.

                He ran towards me. “Ya! Kwenchana?” he said, holding my shoulders.

                “Why… what are you doing here?” I asked him.

                “You’re such a pabo! How can you be deceived by Jessica and her friends?” he lectured me. He continued this but I was too overwhelmed at the sight of someone rescuing me so I stepped closer to him and leaned at his shoulder.


                “Kate-ssi!” I blurted out when I saw her standing in the hut. I was so relieved to see her.

                “Marcus?” she was shocked at my presence.

                I ran towards her. “Ya! Kwenchana?” I hold her shoulders to straighten her up from standing. She seemed weak and her face was really pale.

                “Why… what are you doing here?” she still had time to ask me that question.

                “You’re such a pabo! How can you be deceived by Jessica and her friends? You didn’t even think about your safety and health. Look at you! What if I didn’t come?” I was stopped when she suddenly rested her head on my shoulder.

                “Marcus, thank you…,” she mumbled.

                At that moment, I felt like my whole world stopped spinning. I’ve never felt so anxious in my entire life. This feeling was so strange to me. Why was I feeling this way? I shrugged her off from my shoulders. “Kaja! We need to go back now,” I said.

                I was stopped when she held my hand. “Marcus-ssi, I wanted to see the cherry blossoms,” she said.

                “Kate-ssi, how can you even think about that thing at this time?” I told her. “And besides, cherry blossoms don’t bloom at this time. Don’t you still get it? This was all Jessica’s plan.”

                She looked defeated at what I just said.

                “M… mianhe (sorry). I didn’t mean to…” I tried to take back my words.

                “Anieyo. I get it now,” she said, nodding. “I should’ve known. There was no way she could’ve been friends with me.”

                “She just befriended you to get me,” I explained.

                She let out a sigh. Then, she smiled. “Let’s go back down now.”

                We both marched our way back down. As we walked, I started to feel really cold. I couldn’t tolerate it any longer. I didn’t even have the chance to get a coat going up here. I rubbed both my hands to warm myself even just a bit.

                Suddenly, I felt Kate’s eyes looking at me. When I looked her way, she looked in front. “Wae?” I asked her.

                “Ah… I just…” she paused, taking off her sweater. “Here. I’m sorry if you had to endure all this. I know you’re probably not used to doing any of these.”

                I stopped walking. Her words started to linger in my mind. She walked near me and handed me her sweater. “Ah… anieyo (it’s nothing). Thanks for this,” I said, wearing the sweater.

                Suddenly, my phone started to ring. “Aiden-ah?”

                “Where are you now Marcus-ssi? Have you found her?” he asked.

                “Ye. She’s here with me now,” I said.

                “Ah! Thank God,” he said. “I’ve already called for help. We’re still here at the first station. Where are you?”

                “We’re here at the 9th station but we’re coming down now.”

                “Arasso. Try to reach the 8th station. We’ll see you there,” he said, hanging up.



                After how many minutes, we finally reached the 8th station. We both entered inside a hut again and waited for help. I glanced at him. This time he was shaking. I guess the sweater I gave him was no use. I started to get worry. He was the Prince. His parents don’t probably even let him get cold or else. “Marcus-ssi, mianhe,” I said.

                He looked at me. “Jincha! How many times do you plan on saying sorry?” he asked trembling.

                “It’s just that you wouldn’t have to experience this if not for me,” I said. And now that I think about it, why did really go here? “Can I ask you a question?”

                “What?” he asked.

                “Why did you try to find me up here? And how did you know I was here?” I asked.

                He paused looking at me. “Aiden was the one who told me to save you so I came here.”

                “Really? Then, where is he?” I asked again.

                “He’s… coming now. He just went to get some help.”

                Oh so that’s the reason why he’s here! I knew he wasn’t really planning on saving me. I mean, why would he? I should thank Aiden then. He deserved all my gratitude.

                Then, I heard him cough a few times. He must be really cold. “Kwenchana?” I asked him.

                He didn’t answer.

                I moved towards him and saw that his eyes were closed. He coughed again. “Marcus-ssi, are you cold?”

                “What do you think?” he said sarcastically. He still has a time to annoy me at this point. I sighed. I took off my scarf and wrapped it around him. “What is this?” he asked.

                “Just trying to make you warm, your Highness,” I told him.

                “Ya! Don’t call me that.”


                “I don’t like people calling me that. It irritates me.”

                “Really, your Highness?” I .

                “Ya!” he shouted again. I couldn’t believe he still has strength to fight back. Suddenly, he asked in a serious tone, “Why do you want to see the cherry blossoms so badly?”

                I paused after hearing him ask. “It’s nothing.”

                “I want to hear it. I know there is a great reason for you to risk your life here just to see them,” he said.

                “It’s… because of my mom. I promised her that I’d paint the cherry blossoms once I see them bloom with my very own eyes.”

                He didn’t speak for a while. “You must love her very much?”

                I nodded. “Ne.”

                “Must be hard for you not to see them since you’re in Korea?”

                I nodded again.

                “You’re lucky to have them.”

                I suddenly felt sadness on his face. Why was he telling me that I’m lucky when in fact, he has parents who are always beside him. “I don’t get it. I know you’re luckier than me.”

                He let out a small laugh. “That’s what everyone thinks. It’s hard not being able to call your own parents mom and dad. I always have to address them as King and Queen.” His eyes started to swell. But he shook it off.

                I moved closer to him. “I… didn’t know it was that hard for you.”

                Suddenly, there was silence.


A/N: Hello dear readers and followers of this story! I hoped you like this chapter ‘cause I really put my heart into it (as always). I wanted to make this scene really meaningful so I hoped you all felt it. I’m so excited for the next parts. Let’s see how Marcus was affected by the things that he learned about Kate. Who else is excited??

Keep the reads and comments coming! :) thanks as always for my readers and commenters :D


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andhee407 #1
Chapter 31: after looonggg time u didnt update, now u decide to update everyday???
.I love it....
andhee407 #2
Chapter 30: aahhhh....i want her with wonnie please....
#pleading with kicked puppy eyes....
Chapter 29: I thought you forgot us >.<.. it's been so long
Chapter 29: Thaaaankkk u authornim :3 idk why people dont get to read this ff when this is srsly amazing - the plot and how u write

Great job thereee :))
Chapter 28: Finally an update. I've been waiting for this. Thank you *.*
Chapter 27: Haha I like eunhae as a hm.. as a bromance? Idk if that's the right word to say. >_<

Well it if you're in the middle of a break-up and siwon acting like that won't help at all.
Chapter 27: mimoky what can I say I'm an EunHae shiper :3 ..... author-nim great job. daebak ^\\\\\\^ fighting with the newspaper
Chapter 26: lol at sakura's comment. I will miss you aiden. come back soon. :))
Chapter 26: hahaha he went to meet his HyukJae :3. thank you so much for updating, you did a great job, keep going like that. Fighting ^.^
Chapter 26: Marcus-Kate ship is sailing

and oh Andrew-Kate ...

IM SO CONFUSED WITH THE PAIRING HERE BCOZ I WANT Kate to be with Marcus, but a part of me also wants Kate to be with Andrew ;;

Update soon :))