Chapter 22 - Hint of Jealousy

Under the Cherry Blossoms


                I woke up by the ringing of my phone. I ignored it for the past ten minutes but it just kept on ringing. Suddenly, I felt a pillow thrown in my head. “Ya! Stop it,” I yelled out and found Alex hyung laughing at me.

                He was drying his hair with a towel. I’m guessing he has another busy day today so he’s up early. “Ya! Aiden-ah, are you still not gonna answer your phone? It’s bothersome,” he said.

                “Why don’t you just leave?” I suggested.

                “And I would,” he said. “After I change my clothes.”

                Then, the ringing started again.

                “Aiden-ah, if you won’t answer that, I’d really throw that in the toilet bowl,” Alex said.

                “Arasso,” I said irritatingly. I picked up my phone only to find out that it was Marcus. “Yoboseyo?” I answered.

                “I’ve been calling you for how many times and you only picked it up now?” he started to nag again.

                “Are you just gonna yell at me? Because if yes, I’d hang up now,” I said.

                “A…anie. I just want to ask if you could pick up Kate at their house today. I just wanna make sure that she’s coming,” he said.

                At that instant, I stood up from my bed. I noticed Alex looking at me strangely. “Of course. Why didn’t you say it earlier.”

                “Aish! Jincha! If it’s about her, you quickly comply. That’s settled then,” he said. “Pick her up. Arasso?”

                “Ne. Bye,” I said, hanging up.

                Alex threw another pillow at my face. “Neo! What’s gotten into you all of a sudden? What did Marcus tell you?”

                “Hyung, can I borrow the car for a while?” I asked him.

                “Wae? Where are you gonna use it for?”

                “Come on hyung. I just need to pick someone up,” I pleaded.

                “Aish! Anie. I need to use that. I have to commute going to the set,” he said.

                “Then… can I just come with you so we can pick her up?”

                “Her?” he asked. Then, he nodded. “I get it now. You like this girl, don’t you?”

                “Aye. Hyung, don’t tell me you’ve never experienced this before?”

                “I know you Aiden. You always fall for girls too fast.”

                “Believe me hyung. This time it’s real,” I said.

                He shook his head. “I’ve heard that line before.”

                I grabbed his arms and started to plead before him again. “Hyung, come on. Just this time.”

                He stopped flexing his arms. “Aish. Arasso.”



                I hurriedly fix myself as soon as I received the call from Aiden. Marcus was really serious when he said that he’d do anything just to make sure I was going to participate in the exhibit. I realized I hadn’t actually thank him yet after saving me again from the anchovies incident. It’s strange that everytime I was in a difficult situation he always shows up. It’s like he knows when and where to show up. It’s really weird.

                When I reached outside, I saw Aiden waving at me. I walked near him. “Good morning Kate!” he greeted me, as he opened the door at the back.

                “Good morning Aiden!” I said forcing a smile.

                I stepped in and noticed that someone was in the driver’s seat. Aiden came in next taking the seat beside the unfamiliar person. Then, Aiden turned to face me. “Kate, this is my older brother Alex. Hyung, this is Kate,” he introduced.

                Though I already knew that Alex oppa was his brother, I was still stunned when he turned to face me. “Kate-ssi?” he mumbled.

                “Annyeonghaseyo oppa!” I greeted him.

                “Oppa?” Aiden said with a confused look. “You know each other?”

                “And you know each other?” Alex oppa asked.

                “We’re friends,” Aiden told him. “How about you? Where did you meet?”

                “Andrew introduced me to her,” he explained.

                “Ah!” Aiden said nodding.

                Suddenly, after hearing Andrew’s name, I started to feel bad again. I remembered what happened last night. It was still so fresh in my mind. I was feeling really guilty about all that. Andrew’s mad at me and I don’t know if he’ll even forgive me. We were just starting to be close friends and now it was all ruined.

                “Kate-ssi? Kwaenchana?” Aiden interrupted my thoughts.

                “Ah… ne.”

                “Kate, why don’t you come in our house some time?” Alex oppa offered.

                I noticed Aiden hitting his brother’s arm. “Uh… ne oppa,” I answered trying to be polite.

                “Okay then. My party’s going to be on Saturday,” he said.

                “Party?” I asked.

                “It’s his 28th birthday party. He’s really getting old now,” Aiden said teasing his brother.

                “Ya! I’m not that old,” Alex oppa retorted.

                I smiled seeing how cute their teasing was. After few minutes, we finally reached the school. Aiden opened the door for me. Before I stepped out, I turned to Alex oppa. “Kamsahamnida oppa,” I said, bowing my head.

                He flashed a smile showing his dimple yet again. “No problem. Don’t forget to come to my party, okay?”

                I nodded then stepped out of the car.

                “Hyung, drive safely,” Aiden yelled, as the car started to move.

                As we were walking towards the art room, Aiden suddenly asked, “Kate, you think Andrew hyung can come to the party? I hope he’s not busy or anything.”

                I didn’t respond. Just hearing his name made me feel upset. I still couldn’t recover from the incident yesterday. I don’t know if I could ever show my face to him again. I sighed.

                “Kate, kwaenchana?” Aiden asked.

                I looked at him and forced a smile.

                He stepped in front of me making me stop from walking. Then, he placed his hands on my shoulders. “Kate-ssi, you can always tell me anything if something’s bothering you,” he said.

                “Aiden, it’s really nothing. I promise,” I said, raising my right hand up.

                “Jincha! Then why aren’t you smiling?” he asked.

                “I AM smiling,” I said, forcing another smile which turned out to be a grin.

                “You should smile more often, arachi?” he said, putting his index fingers on my cheeks to form a smile.

                I nodded.



                As soon as I opened the door of the art room, I saw Aiden touching Kate’s cheeks. I paused for a few seconds after seeing that. I didn’t know why I suddenly felt flustered. I took a few deep breaths. Suddenly, I heard Aiden calling me, “Marcus-ah!” I looked up and saw him waving at me. Kate on the other hand was just staring down the ground.

                “Neo! I thought you wouldn’t come,” I said, as they approached me.

                “Aye! Prince, what’s with the frown? I brought Kate now okay?” Aiden told me. Then, he placed a hand on Kate’s shoulder. “Kaja, Kate-ssi!”

                I trailed behind them as they entered the room. I turned to Kate. “Kate-ssi, you can work with the canvass over there,” I said, pointing to a corner.

                She looked towards the direction and I was pointing then she proceeded to that corner without saying anything. I started to feel strange. Maybe she wasn’t still feeling better after what happened yesterday.

                Suddenly, I felt Aiden’s arm on my shoulder. “So, what have you done so far?” he asked.

                I sighed. “Molla. It’s not even close to 1% progress if you ask me.”

                “Ya! Why are you saying that? How can you lead the people in the future if you’re being pessimistic?” Aiden said, punching me.

                I shot him a look.

                Then, he smiled. “You want me to call Max and Vince over? I’m sure they’ll have lots of creative inputs.”

                “Aish! I don’t think I can work with all of you disturbing here.”

                “It’s called helping, not disturbing. Arasso?” he said, dialing their numbers.

                I turned my back and glanced at Kate who was now starting to paint something on the paper. I left Aiden who was still on the phone. I went back on my work and patiently answered the questions of my co-members. Suddenly, Aiden yelled, “Marcus, I’ll just meet Vince and Max outside.” I nodded. I noticed him going up to Kate before leaving.

                I was too busy working that I hadn’t noticed the time passing. I wondered what’s taking Aiden, Max and Vince so long. Maybe they decided to go somewhere else instead. Suddenly, I heard someone said, “Anyone saw the girl painting on the corner earlier?”

                That’s when I remembered Kate. I looked at the corner and no one was there. Even the canvass was missing. “Where is she?” I exclaimed.

                A girl with thick glasses raised her hand. “I think I saw her leaving few minutes ago,” she said in a soft voice.

                I quickly went out of the room and went to the only place where I know she’d go to – Green Park. Sure enough, I saw her resting her head on the tree as always. As I approached her, I could see that she was looking up the sky. I slowly sat next to her. She didn’t open her eyes. “Neo! If you’re still not feeling better, you could’ve just told me so that I didn’t ask Aiden to pick you up,” I said.

                She didn’t answer. She just continued looking up the sky. I could feel that something was wrong just seeing her right now. But still I didn’t want to ask her. And I didn’t want her to think that I cared or anything.

                “Can I ask you something?” she suddenly asked, looking at me intently.

                I was stunned for a few seconds. Her eyes were still fixed on me. “What?” I replied.

                “If you’ve done something wrong to someone and you already apologized, what do you think is the best way to do to make up?”

                “W…why are you suddenly asking me this? Did you do something wrong?” I asked.

                She nodded.

                I sighed. I wasn’t good in giving advices. I wasn’t even used to giving one so I honestly didn’t know how to respond. But, I didn’t want to disappoint her either by not saying anything so I just tried to answer it. “I think… it depends on the situation. And… just give space for the meantime. I mean, cool down for a while. It’s not always good to rush things.”

                “Then, should I avoid that person for this time?” she asked.

                I nodded. “I guess I better go back now. If you still want to stay for a while, it’s okay. I’ll go ahead,” I said, standing up.

                But then, I suddenly froze when she held my hand. She stood up and faced me. “Marcus-ssi, mianheyo,” she mumbled.

                “W… waeyo?” I asked stuttering.

                She smiled looking at me. “I forgot to thank you for saving me yesterday. I don’t know what could have happened to me. Kamsa!”

                The next thing I knew, she was hugging me. Her face rested on my chest. I suddenly felt strange. It was like everything became blurry and all I could hear was my heartbeat running a thousand miles per minute. I wanted to release myself from her but my body was too frozen that it was impossible for me to move even a single bit. What was happening to me?



                As soon as we reached the Green Park, I saw Kate hugging Marcus. At first, I thought I was just seeing things but then, Vince called out, “Omo! Is that Kate and Marcus?”

                “Yeah. That’s them,” Max said affirming.

                “Why are they hugging each other?” Vince asked.

                I couldn’t even respond. I felt like my heart was about to explode any minute now. Max tapped my back. “Ya! Aiden-ah, kwaenchana?” he asked.

                “Maybe they’re just… hugging?” Vince mumbled.

                Then, we saw the two releasing from each other’s arms. What did actually happen? Marcus never lets someone, more so, a woman hug him just like that. I knew that for sure. He hates skinship. So why on earth would he let Kate hug him? I was starting to get furious but then, we saw them coming towards our direction.

                “Oh, they’re coming here,” Vince said.

                “Should we just turn our backs or meet them?” Max asked.

                “Aish! It would be weird if we turn our backs. Let’s just go meet them,” Vince answered.

                I tried to lift my feet and followed the two. Marcus noticed us first then Kate waved at us. I still couldn’t think straight at this point. When we reached them, Vince interrogated Marcus while Max walked next to Kate. “Marcus-ssi, what were you two doing back there?” Vince asked.

                Marcus looked at us wide-eyed. “Y-you… saw us?” he asked back.

                Max laughed. “Why? Are we not supposed to see that?”

                “W…well,” Marcus and Kate chorused. When they noticed this, they both looked at each other then they awkwardly looked down.

                Max placed an arm on Kate’s shoulder. “Kate-ssi, what did you sketch this time?”

                “Oh,” she said, as she hid the sketch behind her.

                Luckily I was behind her so I got a glimpse of what she drew. It was all painted in black and it was some kind of an abstract. “Kate, what does your sketch mean?” I asked which made the others stopped walking.

                They all looked at Kate who was now hiding her face from us. “Uh… it’s nothing. I just… I just tried to do an abstract painting but I guess it’s not really my field,” she said.

                “Anie. I think it’s a great representation of whatever you’re feeling right now,” I commented.

                “Jincha?” Max and Vince echoed, as they tried to peek at Kate’s sketch.

                Then, I decided to interrupt again. “Oh! By the way, I just wanna remind you of my brother’s party on Saturday. You’d all come right?”

                “It’s Alex hyung’s birthday?” Vince asked.

                I nodded.

                “Then, Andrew will also be there?” Max asked.

                “Andrew?” Marcus repeated.

                “Ne. I’m sure hyung invited him,” I said.

                “Ya! Marcus, do you still hate him?” Vince asked.

                I noticed Marcus glanced at Kate. “Anie. It’s not that. I just don’t think I can go with my busy schedule.”

                “Aish! Marcus, are you sure you’re not just making an alibi?” Max asked.

                Then, I looked at Kate who has become gloomy once again. “Kate, kwaenchana?” I asked her.

                She didn’t respond.

                “Kate’s not feeling good right now. I think you better drive her home,” Marcus suddenly said.

                “Jincha?” I asked.

                “A…anie. I’m fine,” Kate said.

                But, Marcus shot her a look. “Kate-ssi, just continue your sketch at your house then you can just give your works when they’re done. Arasso?”

                She nodded.

Then, Max turned to Kate. “I’ll drive her home.”

“I’ll go with you,” I said.

I knew that Marcus knew why Kate was being like this at the moment. I just wished Kate would tell me her problem as well. I really hate seeing her upset. I just wanted to be the person who would make her smile at a time like this.



*sigh* I just hoped this chap turned out well. I am currently in a state of anxiety right now. Tomorrow will be another difficult day for me so I hope I can update soon again. Writing this fic is one of the things that is making my burden lessen at some point. 

Anyhow, there are still lots of conflicts that are needed to be resolved in this story so I hope I still have the strength to do it. (Well, for Kyu I’ll do it) :D

That’s all for now. Sorry for this note. THANK YOU! KAMSA!

P.S. If you still haven't checked out my story Define Me and You, please please do see it and support it as well... thanks soo much and love you all! :)



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andhee407 #1
Chapter 31: after looonggg time u didnt update, now u decide to update everyday???
.I love it....
andhee407 #2
Chapter 30: aahhhh....i want her with wonnie please....
#pleading with kicked puppy eyes....
Chapter 29: I thought you forgot us >.<.. it's been so long
Chapter 29: Thaaaankkk u authornim :3 idk why people dont get to read this ff when this is srsly amazing - the plot and how u write

Great job thereee :))
Chapter 28: Finally an update. I've been waiting for this. Thank you *.*
Chapter 27: Haha I like eunhae as a hm.. as a bromance? Idk if that's the right word to say. >_<

Well it if you're in the middle of a break-up and siwon acting like that won't help at all.
Chapter 27: mimoky what can I say I'm an EunHae shiper :3 ..... author-nim great job. daebak ^\\\\\\^ fighting with the newspaper
Chapter 26: lol at sakura's comment. I will miss you aiden. come back soon. :))
Chapter 26: hahaha he went to meet his HyukJae :3. thank you so much for updating, you did a great job, keep going like that. Fighting ^.^
Chapter 26: Marcus-Kate ship is sailing

and oh Andrew-Kate ...

IM SO CONFUSED WITH THE PAIRING HERE BCOZ I WANT Kate to be with Marcus, but a part of me also wants Kate to be with Andrew ;;

Update soon :))