Chapter 13 - The Obvious Truth

Under the Cherry Blossoms



                “Oppa, can we go out now?” Jessica whined beside me. She has been requesting to go out the past half hour. I was still enjoying the pieces of art here in the gallery.

                “Sica, we just got in,” I explained. “Don’t you enjoy the paintings?”

                “Uhm… ne. Of course oppa,” she said, grinning. “I’ll… just hang out with my friends for a while then.”

                I nodded as she let go of my hand. I wondered why she wasn’t interested in any of these pieces. She was supposed to if she really wanted to improve her skill. But anyway, maybe she was just tired from the trip. I brought out my camera and took pictures inside the gallery. I knew that it was not allowed but Ms. Gil let me took photos for our art exhibit in school. She knew how much I wanted to make the exhibit a success.

                I entered a narrow path leading to a room filled with paintings of nature. Someone caught my attention as I approached a painting of a snowy mountain which is fixed at the center of the room. I guess it’s the main attraction in that area. As I walked nearer, I suddenly realized who the person was. It was Kate!

                I stared at her and she seemed to be so pleased at the painting. Her eyes seemed to be fixed on the wall. I laughed quietly. She’s really so innocent… no, not innocent… ignorant. I lifted up my camera and captured her. When the camera flashed, she turned and looked at me. “Yah! What are you doing here Prince?” she asked with a frown.

                “Wae? Am I not allowed to go here? Did you pay the whole room for it to be yours?” I answered.

                She didn’t respond. Instead, she just looked away and continued to scan the room. I followed her as she roamed around. She’s really fun to tease most of the time. When she noticed me following, she asked, “Are you following me?”

                I shrugged. “Why would I follow you?”

                “I don’t know. Why don’t you just go back to where Jess is?” she said.

                “She’s not interested,” I said.

                “Really?” she answered, looking at me with a confused look.

                Yeah, I just thought the same thing. Suddenly, she spoke again, “Do you know where this is?”

                She pointed at the drawing of the mountain covered with snow. Why was she interested in this? It didn’t amaze me one bit. “Wae?” I asked.

                “A…ani. I shouldn’t have asked you. I knew you wouldn’t do me any help,” she said, leaving me.

                I ran after her. “Yah! Are you telling me I’m useless?”

                “Well, at least you know,” she said, almost whispering. But I heard it all clearly. I guess she really said that out loud on purpose.

                Suddenly, our professor showed up. He saw us walking in the hall. “Prince Marcus, we have to go to our next destination,” he said. Then, he turned to Kate. “Kate-ssi, how are you finding the gallery so far?”

                Wow, I didn’t know he knew this girl. As far as I knew, Mr. Jung only speaks to people whom he really admires. Does this mean he likes Kate?

                “Uh… ne Mr. Jung. Thank you for including the gallery for our itinerary,” she said.

                What? So she requested that we go here? Ah, now it all made sense. She’s really into these kinds of things. I should say it’s lame, but I needed this exposure as well so… I’d say it was helpful to me in a way.

                “How about you Prince Marcus? Did you enjoy here?”

                I paused looking at him, then to Kate. She frowned. “I guess,” I answered.

                “Kaja (Let’s go). We’re going to the province now so we better hurry,” Mr. Jung said, as we followed him out.



                I took a seat next to Aiden which he offered. He has always been very nice to me since we got here. I almost felt bad that I hadn’t done anything nice to him yet. I was startled when he suddenly spoke. “You enjoyed the gallery?” he asked.

                I nodded.

                “Which was your favorite?”

                “Uh…” I paused. “It’s hard to pick one. They’re all really amazing.”

                He smiled. “Ne. But I really liked the mountains in Tokyo. They said it’s magical.”

                I laughed a little. “You really believed it’s true?”

                “What’s true?” he asked, frowning.

                It seemed like he didn’t know the spell lurking in that place. “Someone told me that if you go there with someone, you’ll fall in love with each other.”

                He smirked. “Jincha (Really)? Then, can we go there together?”

                I was astounded after hearing him say that. Was he seriously asking me to go there with him? I was speechless.

                “Aish! I was kidding. Don’t worry,” he suddenly said. “But… if you insist, then I might give it a chance.” He flashed me a smile.

                I slapped his arm lightly. “Aiden, don’t kid around like that.”

                He raised both his hands up. “Arasso.”

                “Where are we going?” I asked him.

                “In the province. I guess we’ll be camping out in the cottages,” he answered.


                He nodded. “You don’t like it?”

                “No. I love it. But… I’m just worried that some of you might not take it.”

                “I can definitely take it. I just don’t know about the others especially the group of Jessica,” he said. “Excluding you, of course.”

                “I hope they will,” I just said. “And I’m sure the Prince won’t take it either.”

                “Who? Marcus? Aish! That guy can take anything. He’s always up for adventure,” he said. “I’m sure he’ll love it there.”



                After how many hours of traveling by land and sea, we finally reached the cottages where we will be staying. It was already dark when we arrived. The temperature was really really low that I couldn’t even think straight. All I knew was that I wanted to lie down and sleep. Sitting in the bus for hours was really exhausting.

                I helped Jessica in putting her luggages to their respective cabin. As we entered the room, I saw Aiden helping Kate in her luggage as well. “Oh Marcus-ssi, you’re here,” he said.

                I lifted my chin up.

                “I guess that is all. Kamsahamnida oppa,” Jessica hugged me.

                My eyes were surprisingly looking at Kate. She was wearing a thick sweater which I remembered was my gift to Aiden. Why was she wearing it? My question was answered when she took it off and gave it back to Aiden.

                “Aiden-ssi, thanks for helping me,” she said.

                Aiden smiled at her. I hadn’t seen him smile like this before. Not even to Tiffany. Was he really into her? No way! I wouldn’t let Aiden fall for that girl. They’re a horrible pair.

                “I better go now,” I said to Sica.

She nodded. “Ne oppa. Rest well.”

I walked towards Aiden and grabbed him. “Aiden-ah, kaja!”

“B…but…” he stuttered. It was obvious he wanted to stay with Kate. I had to force him to go out. “Have a good sleep, Kate-ssi,” he managed to say as I dragged him out the door.

When we reached outside, Aiden frowned at me. “Ya! Marcus-ah, why did you have to drag me out?”

“You were obviously caught up with Kate there. Do you really like her?” I asked.

“So what if I do?” he threw me back a question, as he marched forward.

I stood there speechless. Was he seriously throwing tantrums at my face because of that girl? Aish! Eottoke (What to do)? I walked my way back to our cottage still filled with thoughts in my mind.

                As I was walking, someone startled me from behind. “Marcus-ssi!”

                I turned around and saw Max grinning. “Aish! What’s up with you Max? You scared me.”

                “Mianhe (Sorry). I just saw you standing there earlier. You looked like a fool,” he smirked.

                “Can I ask you something?”

                “Chagamman (Hold on)… is that a serious matter?” he asked, as if I was kidding.

                “Ne (Yes),” I said firmly.

                “Arasso (Got it). What’s that?”

                “Is Aiden really serious about Kate?”

                He stared at me for a moment. “Why are you asking me this?”

                “A… ani (Nothing). It’s just that I’m getting irritated everytime Aiden comes close to Kate. You know I can’t stand seeing her, right?”

                “I don’t understand why you don’t like her. She’s really nice,” he said, defending her.

                “You’ve only known her for days and you’re saying nice things about her already. Aish! What do you see in her?” I said annoyingly.

                He shook his head in disbelief. “Maybe you’re just being threatened that someone can actually match up with you.”

                “Aish! Jincha (Really)!” I almost yelled, as we reached the front of our room.



                I was up early so I decided to go out and breathe some fresh air. I saw Mr. Jung jogging as he passed by our cottage. “Good morning Kate!” he greeted me.

                “Good morning seonsaeng-nim (teacher),” I greeted back.

                “Breakfast is already served at the dining hall,” he shouted, still jogging away.

                I descended the small flight of stairs and marched my way to the hall. As I was walking, I heard someone calling me. “Kate-ssi!”

                I looked back and saw Max waving at me from a distance. I stopped walking and waited for him to reach me. “Annyeong!” I said.

                He smiled. “You’re going to the dining hall?”

                I nodded.

                “Can I come with you?”

                “Ne,” I said, smiling.

                We started walking again. I was feeling a little awkward with the silence between us. I glanced at him. I remembered the first time I saw him at Green Park. His face was so serious especially with his eyes closed. But once he flashes his smile, everything that is unpleasant just fades away.

“So, how’s your sleep?” he suddenly asked.

“Uh… it was fine.”

He nodded. “I must say… you look good with your jammies by the way.” He started smirking.

I looked at my clothes realizing the horrible truth that I was really wearing my PJs. “Ahh this is so embarrassing,” I said, hiding my face with my hands.

I heard him laugh. I felt his hands reaching mine. He removed my hands that are covering my face. “Kwaenchana (It’s alright). You don’t look like a pabo anyway.”

“Pabo?” I asked. “What’s a pabo?”

He laughed. “Do you really wanna know?”

I nodded.

“Pabo’s a fool,” he answered.

I pouted. He continued laughing until we finally reached the dining hall. There were only a few people eating. Max suddenly blurted out, “Oh! There’s Marcus. Let’s sit with him.”

I sighed. Of course, I didn’t want to argue with Max so I just followed him until we reached the Prince. “Max!” he said. Then, his face turned into an evil one when he saw me. “You, why are you with him?”

“Marcus-ah, we went here together so she’s with me,” Max explained. “Just get along will you?” Then, he turned to me, “I’ll just go get our breakfast Kate.”

“Komawo (Thanks),” I said to him.

And just like that, I was left with the evil guy who has been ruining my life since I’ve met him. I tapped my fingers on the table as I waited for Max. I hope he gets the food faster. I couldn’t stand a single minute being alone with this guy.

Suddenly, I heard a phone ringing. It was his. He picked it up and answered. “Ne. Everything’s fine here, Secretary Ho. Please tell mom and dad…” he lowered his voice after seeing me looking at him.

I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I could clearly hear him here from my seat so technically, it’s not my fault. I looked away and glanced at Max who was at the counter getting our breakfast.

“Arasso. Just let me stay here for a few days,” I heard him say. “I’ll follow their orders. I promise that.”

I guess it’s hard being a Prince. I thought it would be fun having a royal blood. But after hearing him say that, I felt that he was not happy – that is life was being controlled by them. I hadn’t realize that I was staring at him not until he spoke.

“Wae (Why)? Am I that gorgeous for you to be staring at me for so long?” he asked.

“Excuse me?” I almost yelled. “Who said I was staring at you?”

“What are you doing then? Hmm?” he asked.

“I was… thinking of something,” I answered.

“Thinking of what? Of me?”

Wow! This guy is really something. I can’t tolerate him any longer. If not for Max, I wouldn’t really sit here with him. Aaahhhh! What should I do?

“What are you guys doing?” Max suddenly appeared.

“A…ani (Nothing),” I said. “Let’s eat.” So that I could leave now and never see this guy’s face.



                I woke up and saw Vince still curled up like a ball in his bed. I glanced at Marcus’s and Max’s beds. They were empty. I guess they were up early. Or… I was just really late waking up. I looked at the time and it was already 10:30 am. I stood up and washed my face. I heard Vince’s moan. “Get up now Vince-ssi. It’s already noon,” I joked.

                He moaned again. “Dolla (I don’t care).”

                I walked near him and pulled his feet. “Come on. Wake up sleepyhead.”

                “You go first. I’ll follow,” he said.

                I shook my head. I didn’t believe him. I finally gave up and just stepped out of the room. As I was walking, I heard people talking from behind a tree. They were girls’ voices. I wasn’t planning on hearing any of it not until I heard Kate’s name.

                “Let’s just leave Kate there,” one said which sounded really familiar.

                “But wouldn’t that be too harsh?” the other one said.

                What were they talking about? Were they trying to fool Kate? I stepped closer and saw the faces clearer. It was Tiffany and Jessica.

                “I’m sure she’ll go there. She liked cherry blossoms right?” Tiffany asked.

                Jessica nodded. “But… Mr. Jung said that it’s dangerous there. What if something happens?”

                “Sica, I thought you wanted to punish her?”

                “But I already got Marcus,” Jessica answered.

                I wanted to yell at them at this point. But I also wanted to protect Kate so I decided to hide until the two walked out. I needed to find Kate right now and warn her. If anything happens to her, I’ll definitely blame the two.

                When I reached the dining hall, I quickly saw Marcus sitting on one table. I walked over to him. “Have you seen Kate?” I asked.

                “Jincha! You just went here to find her?” Marcus said annoyingly.

                “Ya! Marcus-ah, I’m asking you nicely,” I pleaded. He’s just so impatient and annoying at times.

                “She was here but she went out with Max first,” he finally answered. “Wae?”

                I didn’t know whether I should tell him or not. Marcus wouldn’t care anyway so might as well keep it to myself. I’ll find her and keep her from harm.


A/N: Ayo chingus! Another cliff-hanger there! Thank you for all those who are constantly waiting for my updates. I really (raised to the infinite power) appreciate each and every one of you. All the reads and comments really inspire me so I hope you keep them coming. Let me know your thoughts about my story so I can improve the plot and all.

Thank YOU again!

Next chap: “The Plan”

*I think I’m starting to like Aiden for Kate now. Wahahaha XD Aiden’s such a charming person.



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andhee407 #1
Chapter 31: after looonggg time u didnt update, now u decide to update everyday???
.I love it....
andhee407 #2
Chapter 30: aahhhh....i want her with wonnie please....
#pleading with kicked puppy eyes....
Chapter 29: I thought you forgot us >.<.. it's been so long
Chapter 29: Thaaaankkk u authornim :3 idk why people dont get to read this ff when this is srsly amazing - the plot and how u write

Great job thereee :))
Chapter 28: Finally an update. I've been waiting for this. Thank you *.*
Chapter 27: Haha I like eunhae as a hm.. as a bromance? Idk if that's the right word to say. >_<

Well it if you're in the middle of a break-up and siwon acting like that won't help at all.
Chapter 27: mimoky what can I say I'm an EunHae shiper :3 ..... author-nim great job. daebak ^\\\\\\^ fighting with the newspaper
Chapter 26: lol at sakura's comment. I will miss you aiden. come back soon. :))
Chapter 26: hahaha he went to meet his HyukJae :3. thank you so much for updating, you did a great job, keep going like that. Fighting ^.^
Chapter 26: Marcus-Kate ship is sailing

and oh Andrew-Kate ...

IM SO CONFUSED WITH THE PAIRING HERE BCOZ I WANT Kate to be with Marcus, but a part of me also wants Kate to be with Andrew ;;

Update soon :))