Chapter 20 - Hidden Truth

Under the Cherry Blossoms


                As soon as we landed at Incheon airport, I quickly took a cab going straight at Choi’s residence. The flight was a bit tiring but at the same time, it was a relief because I really missed Seoul even though it’s not my home country. It kinda felt like home to me now.

When I arrived at the door, there was an eerie silence that’s creeping up my spine. I pushed the door slowly and quietly making sure not to wake up anyone. I lifted my feet still trying not to make any noise. But, as I reached the stairs, the lights suddenly opened. I was surprised to see Andrew standing near me. I almost screamed at the sight of him. “Andrew-ssi, y…you’re still awake?” I asked him.

He laughed a little. “Mian. Did I scare you?”

“Uh…just a little,” I mumbled.

“I didn’t know you’re back. I could’ve just fetched you,” he said, taking a few steps down the stairs to reach me.

“I…I didn’t want to bother you,” I said.

He smiled. “I’m glad you’re back. I’ve missed you.”

I was taken aback. He missed me? Was I dreaming? I shook my head. He laughed again. “Waeyo? Is something wrong?” he asked.

“Uh… anieyo,” I answered. Then, I suddenly noticed that he was neatly dressed. “W…where are you going?”

“Oh… uhm I’m gonna meet someone,” he answered.

I nodded.

Then, he patted my shoulders. “Go to sleep. I know you’re tired. Hmm?” he said, smiling at me.

“Ne,” I said, as I watched him walk out of the house. I wondered who he would be meeting at this time of the night.



                I was so excited to meet Stephanie after not being able to see her for three years now.  I was glad she’s back and my dad agreed to me this time after playing nice to Kate and all. Actually, I realized that Kate wasn’t really that bad after all. During the span of time that I didn’t get to see her, I missed hanging around with her. I really meant what I said to her earlier. But the way she acted when I said that was kind of strange. Maybe she thought I was lying.

                I reached our meeting place after driving for how many minutes. When I stepped out of the car, I quickly saw her standing and waving at me. I fixed my top and started to walk closer to her. The view of the bay port was the same as always. I glanced at Steph who was eagerly smiling at me. When I finally reached her, she threw her arms around me. “Andrew-ssi, I missed you,” she said.

                “I missed you too Steph,” I answered back.

                “How are you?” she asked.

                “I’m… doing good. You?”

                “It was hard living away. Especially not being able to see you,” she said, smiling.

                I smiled back. “It was hard for me too.”

                “So… how’s your mom and dad? They’re still against us right?”

                I nodded. “And so are your parents.”

                She placed her hands on my face. “Andrew-ssi, don’t worry. They’ll eventually accept our relationship.”

                “How can you even say that?” I said, shaking my head.

                “Because I believe in us. So I hope you do the same,” she said.

                I held her hand and planted a kiss on her cheek.



                The meeting has been dismissed hours ago but my mind was still suffering from severe headache. Secretary Ho even offered me to go to the hospital but I declined. I grabbed my camera and decided to look at the photos I’ve taken. I tried to review everything and making sure that I have enough to place on the art exhibit. But, as I clicked on the images, there was always the picture of Kate smiling, laughing and just having fun. I hadn’t even realized that I had these so many pictures of her until now.

                I rested my head on the chair. As soon as I closed my eyes, an image of Kate appeared again. Jincha! What was happening to me? I shook my head. “This is nothing Marcus,” I convinced myself. I would be arriving in Korea after a few minutes. I still needed to set the schedule for the exhibit. Fortunately, the other organizers agreed to postpone the event. They decided to hold it after the break is over so I have more time to prepare.

                Suddenly, I heard Sec. Ho speaking, “Prince Marcus, your friends have been trying to call you. Aren’t you going to answer them?”

                I turned to face him. “Ne. I’ll call them.”

                He handed me my phone so I started to dial Aiden’s number. “Marcus-ssi?” he answered.

                “Ne. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to answer your calls,” I answered back.

                “Why didn’t you tell us that you’re in China?” he asked.

                “Uh. Mianhe. I thought you knew my schedule more than I do,” I teased.

                “That was before I met Kate,” he said.

                “Oh, so now you’re on her side?” I asked. “How… did your date go last time?” I was even hesitant to ask but I still wanted to know.

                “Omo! It was the best day of my life. Thank you so much Marcus!” he exclaimed.

                I guess it really went quiet well judging by his words. I didn’t know what else to say.

                “Marcus, are you still there?” he asked.

                “N…ne,” I said.

                “She was really amazing Marcus. I got to skate and bowl with her. Even if she didn’t know, she still tried. And she even hugged me,” he said.

                “Aish! Are you really gonna talk about her for hours?” I said, trying to stop him.

                “Ah…” he said, laughing. “I was just really overwhelmed about the whole thing.”

                It was the first time that I saw him acting this way. I guess he really liked Kate that much. “Now you really owe me big time,” I told him.

                “Ye. I’ll do everything that you tell me.”               

                I laughed. “Okay. I’ll hang up now. See you tomorrow.”



                Today was our last day in school. Winter break was finally coming our way. I was a bit excited at the same lonely because I wouldn’t get the chance to see mom and dad since they’re so far away and of course, I didn’t have that much money to afford a plane ticket to visit there. I let out a sigh.

As soon as I’ve finished preparing, I stepped out of my room and passed by Andrew’s room. I suddenly remembered about the thing that I was supposed to give him. I went back to my room and grabbed the Snoopy. I noticed his door was unlocked so I decided to peek in. “Andrew?” I called out. There was no answer. Maybe he didn’t go home last night. I placed the Snoopy on his bed. I scribbled a note and stick it on Snoopy’s hand.

Mrs. Choi saw me in the kitchen and offered me to eat breakfast. I didn’t want to refuse so I just took small bites since I was already late for our first class. Even though it’s our last day, I still didn’t want to have a bad record. She then asked their driver to drive me to school which I thanked her for. I still wasn’t used to having a driver and all. Everything still felt like a dream but I was living in it.

As I reached the gate, I thanked Mr. Yoo and proceeded to our room which was how many meters away from the entrance. I passed by the art room and saw a few people working. I was a bit clueless. I didn’t know any event coming up. Then, I continued walking.

Suddenly, I heard a loud beeping from a car. I turned around and saw a big shiny white car beeping behind me. I moved to the side to make way for the car but it didn’t move. It just continued to beep at me. I frowned. “What’s up with people nowadays?” I thought to myself. I started to walk on the sidewalk. I noticed the car following me. I started to run and ignored the beeping of the car.

After how many minutes, I finally reached our building. I gasped for air before proceeding to the second floor where my class was. As I walked, I heard footsteps behind me. What now? I turned around and saw an exhausted Marcus running towards me. “Neo! How come you run so fast?” he said to me, taking a few deep breaths.

“You were the one in the car?” I asked.

“What do you think? You’re really clueless.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “What on earth were you trying to do?”

“What did I do?” he asked with his whole i-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-about look.

“You were beeping at me,” I said furiously.

“Beeping?” he asked still pretending not to know. Then, he laughed. “Oh, that! Actually, that wasn’t me. That was my driver.”

“Are you kidding me?”

He shrugged.

I turned around and started to run to our room. “Ya! Wait for me,” I heard him say.

I ignored him until I reached the room. Mr. Song was already starting to write on the board. I slowly walked in. When I was about to reach my seat, he suddenly said, “Ms. Summers, why are you late this time? I told you before and I’ll tell you again now that I do not tolerate tardiness in my class. Do you get that?”

I just stood there feet frozen on the floor as he continued to tell me off in front of the senior class. Well, most are seniors so it was really embarrassing. What did I do to deserve this? Could someone just slap me now and tell me that I was just dreaming?

I was going in a state of total embarrassment when suddenly, the door opened. Marcus came in looking like a Prince which he really was. Mr. Song turned to face him. “Oh Prince Marcus, why are you late?” he asked in a nice manner. Far from the way he asked me a few minutes ago.

Marcus noticed me standing. Then, he turned to our professor. “Mr. Song, I just came back from China and I quickly went here just to attend your class,” he said.

“Oh jincha? You can take your seat then. As for you Ms. Summers, you’re not allowed to attend my last class for this semester so you can leave now,” he said, eyes pierced on me.

I was speechless. How could life be so unfair? Marcus could just enter without even having to be scolded while I was being sent out just like that. I let out a deep sigh and started to pick up my bag. Just then, I heard Marcus say, “Mr. Song, it was my fault why Kate was late.”

Everyone on the class started to make a fuss. I looked at Marcus who was now standing up and debating with our professor. “What?” he asked Marcus.

“I… asked her to pick up some stuffs from the art room since I was running late for your class. I didn’t want to miss anything from your lessons sir. You know that,” he said.

“Oh, is that so?” Mr. Song said, now looking at me. “Take your seat now Ms. Summers.”

I slowly took my seat while still looking at Marcus. He was focused on the board now. Why did he suddenly try to help me out? What’s wrong with this guy? Earlier he was just like a maniac trying to beep at me and now he was helping me? Really weird person!


                The class ended with an awkward silence. Everyone went out quietly. Then, I noticed Aiden approaching. “Kate, kwaenchana?” he asked.

                I nodded.

                “Why were you really late?” he asked.

                Wow! So he didn’t believe Marcus’s alibi. What should I tell him? “Uhm… I guess I just overslept last night.”

                “Ah!” he said, smiling. “Mr. Song really buys everything that Marcus says. Remember the last time you were late?”

                I stopped. Last time? Maybe he meant the first time I was late because I went at Green Park and that’s when I met Max. Wait! What? What did Marcus do? All I could remember was he was standing outside the corridor and was pacing back and forth. I even told him to get in the way because I was already late but then, Mr. Song just let me off easily and even let me took the exam.

                “Kate, do you remember?” Aiden asked again.

                “Uh…” I paused. “I don’t think so.”

                He smiled. “He said to Mr. Song that he was receiving an important phone call from the palace so he went out and the exam was delayed for a few minutes until you finally came in.”

                “So… you mean… he did that so that I could catch up and take the exam?” I asked, now finally solving the mystery.


                Suddenly, a voice interrupted our conversation. “Aiden-ah, are you still not done talking?”

                We both looked over and saw Marcus standing near the front door. Aiden turned to me again. “Uh, I’ll go ahead Kate. See you later.”

                I nodded, as I took a quick glance at Marcus. I had no idea that he actually saved me that day… and today. This was really a peculiar day. It’s driving me nuts. I proceeded to my locker and saw Jessica and her friends walking in the hallway. They glanced at me and looked away. The other students murmured like they knew what was going on among us. I sighed.

                I decided to go to the library for now since it’s still early for my next class and it’s nearest to our room. As I was walking, I heard someone behind me. “Where are you going?” When I turned around, I saw Max grinning at me.

                “Oh Max, annyeong!” I greeted him.

                He smiled and moved next to me. “You haven’t answered my question Kate-ssi.”

                “Ah… I’m going to the library,” I answered. “You?”

                “To the cafeteria,” he said.

                “You don’t have a class?”

                “I do. But, it’s not fascinating enough and besides, it’s our last day,” he said, smirking.

                I shook my head in disbelief. “Are you always like this?”

                “A…andwae. Don’t get me wrong. I do love school. I just hate our professor. He always fails me even if I ace our exams.”

                “Really? Why would he do that?”

                “Well, from what I know, he and my dad had an argument in the past and now he’s putting all his grudges on me.”

                “That’s too bad,” I muttered.

                “I know. But I just tried to ignore it.”

                I nodded.

                As soon as we reached the library, he asked me again, “You don’t wanna eat first?”

                “I’ll just eat later. Thanks Max,” I said.

                He smiled and proceeded to the cafeteria while I entered the library which was quiet as usual. I could’ve just gone to the park. But it would be too tiring for me to reach my next class. I headed to the aisles and searched for some art books. It was kinda confusing because there were a lot of aisles and I was too afraid to ask the librarian on the desk. She was the typical image of an old librarian that I see in televisions.

                It took me how many minutes before finding the art books. Once I’ve found one, I grabbed it and took a seat on one of the vacant chairs. There were beautiful sketches and paintings of famous painters like Da Vinci. I wished I could visit the Louvre Museum and see his actual works. But that would be next to impossible.

                I was still drooling over the images on the book when suddenly, someone sat beside me. I didn’t mind looking at the person because I was trying so hard not to get noticed after all that happened in the excursion. I was paranoid thinking that the news spread into a wildfire here in the university. I stood up and walked into the aisle to put back the book.

                As I was about to pull another book form the shelf, I saw a pair of eyes looking at me from the other side of the aisle. Was he trying to scare me or something? I walked to my left and he followed. I decided to go to the other aisle to see who he was. But, when I went there, there was no other person. Suddenly, I heard a laugh coming from behind me. I turned around and I swore I could’ve yelled at him if I hadn’t forgotten that we were inside the library.



                “You’re too easy Kate,” I said, still holding in my laughter.

                “And you’re crazy, you must know that,” she said, pulling another book. Then, she walked away from me.

                I followed her until she reached her seat. I sat across her seat. She lifted up the book to avoid my gaze. I decided to send her a text message saying: “The preparation for the art exhibit starts today. If you want to participate, go to the art room after your class. Arasso?”

                She looked at me. “I won’t go,” she said in a low voice.

                I frowned. “But you agreed to Aiden,” I said.

                There was a sudden bell. “Quiet!” the librarian shouted.

                She bowed her head.

                “Come on Kate. Have you forgotten what I did earlier?” I said, trying to frame her.

                “That is out of the context,” she said.

                The bell rang again.

                “Mianhe seonsaeng-nim,” I said, bowing my head. I was hoping this would silence her.

                “Oh kwaenchana,” the librarian answered back, the moment she realized it was me.

                I turned to Kate again. “I’ll never do anything unpleasant to you,” I said, raising my right hand up.

                “Is that supposed to convince me?” she asked.

                “Mmm-hmm.” I nodded.

                “Then I don’t think I can say yes,” she said.

                Aish! Why did she have to make it so hard for me to convince her? I even did her a favor during our first class and this was her way of thanking me? I scratched my head in disappointment and started to get up from my seat.

                “But, I’ll think about it,” she suddenly said.

                I turned to her. “Jeongmallo (Really)?”

                “I said I’ll think about it,” she repeated.

                “Aish! You don’t have to think about it anymore. Just say yes.”

                “Do you want me to take my words back?” she challenged me.

                “A…ani. Arasso.”

                I walked out of the library feeling a little less disappointed. I just hoped she’d make up her mind and join the exhibit. As I was walking, I saw Aiden running towards my direction. “Where are you going?” I asked him when he reached me.

                “You were with Kate?” he asked eagerly.

                “Aish! Not this again,” I said, pushing him aside.

                “So you were with her? She’s still in the library?” he asked again.

                “Ya! Hajima! You’re not going anywhere,” I said, pulling his arms. “We still have our next class.”

                “Andwae!!!” he yelled in the corridor.

                Fortunately, there were no other students right now so no one heard him but me. He’s really childish and obsessed. He always falls for a girl so fast that I didn’t know if it was real or not. I shook my head and continued to pull him.



                The class went by slowly as the clock finally reached three o’ clock pm.  It was officially winter break. Everyone in the class shouted like crazy animals who just escaped from the zoo or something. I was starting to fix my bag when suddenly, I received a call from Andrew. “Yoboseyo? Kate-ssi?” he said.

                “Ne. Andrew-ssi, waeyo?” I answered.

                “Is your class done?”

                “Uh… ne.”

                “Then, are you busy doing anything right now?”

                “No, not really.”

                “Great! Can you come with me somewhere?”

                “Oh… uhm yeah I guess.”

                “Come out now I’m already heading to your school,” he said, which startled me. “Just see me in front.”

                “You’re really on your way here?”

                He laughed. “Ne. I’ll hang up now. See you at the gate.”

                “B…but,” I protested but I was too late.

                I quickly went out of our room and started to walk fast in the hallway. Suddenly, I heard someone calling me, “Kate-ssi! Kate-ssi! Chagamman!”

I stopped and turned around. I saw Aiden panting and running towards me. When he reached me, I asked, “Aiden, why were you calling for me?”

“Marcus told me to remind you about the art exhibit preparation today,” he said, gasping for air.

Oh! So that must be why I felt like I was supposed to do something. “Uh… just tell him I can’t go right now. But I’ll make it up on the next days I promise. I just have to go somewhere,” I explained.


“I… don’t know yet.”

He frowned. “Then, can I just walk you to the gate?” he offered.

“Uh… okay,” I said just to finally end this conversation.

We both walk past the buildings and the parks. Aiden must have noticed that I was in a hurry. “Why are you walking this fast?” he asked.

“Oh mianheyo. It’s just that someone is going to pick me up and I didn’t want to make him wait.”


Uh-oh! Wrong statement! I didn’t want him to think that I was seeing someone. “It’s not what you think Aiden. It’s just Dr. Choi’s son. Remember I’m living with them?” I clarified.

He nodded.

As soon as we reached the gate, a shiny black car appeared. Aiden still insisted on walking me towards the car. Suddenly, the window opened. “Kate-ssi, you may get in now,” Andrew peeped from the inside.

Then, Aiden blurted out, “Oh, Andrew hyung!”

“Aiden-ah?” Andrew asked, still trying to figure out everything.

                I looked at them. “You know each other?”

                Aiden let out a small laugh. “Ne. I told you before that Dr. Choi is my mom’s specialist right?”

Andrew nodded and spoke. “I used to play with him together with his older brother.”

                “Really?” I asked again, still bewildered.

                “We should get together sometime Aiden,” Andrew said.

                “Ne hyung,” Aiden answered. Then, he opened the door for me. “Take care Kate. Bye hyung! Drive safely.”


`               As soon as Andrew started the engine, I still couldn’t believe how small our world was with Aiden. I glanced at him and his eyes were fixed on the road. Suddenly, I heard him say, “What’s the matter?”

                “Uh… anieyo (Nothing). It’s just that I couldn’t believe you and Aiden knew each other,” I said.

                He laughed. “Small world isn’t it? Remember Alex? The one whom I introduced you to when you visited the studio?”

                I tried to remember that night. Of course, how could I forget Alex oppa? His face was so distinct. “Ne. I remember him.”

                “He is Aiden’s older brother.”

                Wait, what?? I almost fell from seat. “Jincha?”

                He smiled. “We’ve known each other since we’re kids. Alex hyung is like the brother that I never had.”

                I nodded. Now it’s all starting to make sense.


                After a few minutes, we finally reached an expensive-looking restaurant. I stepped out of the car and suddenly felt weird inside me. Why was Andrew taking me here? I just stood there without taking another step not until Andrew tapped my shoulder. “Let’s go in,” he said.

                I nodded and followed him inside. There were only a few people sitting on the tables. I guess this was really a fancy diner judging by its interior design and all. I was busy scrutinizing the area when suddenly, Andrew said, “There she is.”

                I looked to my side and there I saw a beautiful, perfectly-lined jaw woman standing and waving in our direction. When Andrew waved back, that’s when it hit me that she was probably Andrew’s girlfriend.


A/N: Ouch! Now that’s a big slap on Kate… Well anyways, hope you like this chap again. And thanKYU all so much for supporting this. Couldn’t live without all of KYU (I mean, YOU) guys so yeah, just keep on reading!


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andhee407 #1
Chapter 31: after looonggg time u didnt update, now u decide to update everyday???
.I love it....
andhee407 #2
Chapter 30: aahhhh....i want her with wonnie please....
#pleading with kicked puppy eyes....
Chapter 29: I thought you forgot us >.<.. it's been so long
Chapter 29: Thaaaankkk u authornim :3 idk why people dont get to read this ff when this is srsly amazing - the plot and how u write

Great job thereee :))
Chapter 28: Finally an update. I've been waiting for this. Thank you *.*
Chapter 27: Haha I like eunhae as a hm.. as a bromance? Idk if that's the right word to say. >_<

Well it if you're in the middle of a break-up and siwon acting like that won't help at all.
Chapter 27: mimoky what can I say I'm an EunHae shiper :3 ..... author-nim great job. daebak ^\\\\\\^ fighting with the newspaper
Chapter 26: lol at sakura's comment. I will miss you aiden. come back soon. :))
Chapter 26: hahaha he went to meet his HyukJae :3. thank you so much for updating, you did a great job, keep going like that. Fighting ^.^
Chapter 26: Marcus-Kate ship is sailing

and oh Andrew-Kate ...

IM SO CONFUSED WITH THE PAIRING HERE BCOZ I WANT Kate to be with Marcus, but a part of me also wants Kate to be with Andrew ;;

Update soon :))