Chapter 16 - The Move

Under the Cherry Blossoms


*Now Playing: A Day by Super Junior (click the media)




When I woke up, my head was throbbing in pain. I looked around me. We were still at the hut. I guess Aiden failed to call for help. There was already a light coming from the outside suggesting that it was already morning. Then, I realized, there was something heavy on my left shoulder. I looked to my left and saw Kate’s head resting on it. I wanted to move but I couldn’t. I was wrapped in sweaters and scarf. She must’ve taken off hers to make me feel warm. I let out a cough involuntarily, waking her up.

She moaned and groaned. Then, she realized she was on my shoulder so she leaped away. “Mianhe,” she mumbled.

I stood up. “Kaja! It’s already morning.”

“We’re still here?” she asked.

“As you can see, we still are,” I stated.

She shook her head. Then, she placed her hand on my forehead. “Kwenchana?” she asked.

I stood there feet frozen for a millisecond. “Ah ne. You didn’t have to wrap me up with your sweaters.”

“But if I didn’t, you could’ve died of frostbite,” she said.

“Arasso. Komawo,” I mumbled.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Aish! Don’t pretend that you didn’t hear it,” I said.

She laughed as she stepped out of the hut. “Marcus-ssi, come out. You have to see this,” she called.

What is it now? I dragged my feet out of the hut and saw an amazing sunrise before me. It was so wonderful. But I pretended not to be too astonished.

“It’s really pretty,” she said, as she brought out her pad and started to sketch.

“You really like to draw everything that you see, huh?” I asked.

She nodded.

It’s unfortunate that I hadn’t brought my camera. I could’ve captured every moment here. Suddenly, I remembered my phone. I brought it out and started to take photos of the sunrise. My eyes landed Kate who was still busy sketching. I focused my camera to her and snapped a shot.

“And you really like taking photos of beautiful things, huh?” she suddenly asked, still focused on her drawing.

“A-ani…” I started to tremble which was very unlike me. “I mean, yeah of course I was taking photos of the beautiful sunrise.”

She looked up and glanced at me. “Arasso,” she said, nodding.

I started to worry that the Palace would find out what happened last night. They wouldn’t let me go to another excursion again that’s for sure. I let out a deep breath.

“What are you thinking?” she suddenly asked.


“I don’t think they’ll still come. Why don’t we just hike back to the 5th station?” she suggested.

I thought that was a better idea than just wait here until they come. “Ne. Kaja (Let’s go!)” I said to her.

“Wait, just a few more ,” she said, trying to finish her sketch. She stood there facing the sunrise for the last time. She spread her arms wide enough for her to hug the whole hut. “This is so amazing!” she shouted.

I shot her a look. “Y-ya! Stop that. You’re embarrassing,” I told her.

“Tsk. You really can’t appreciate simple things like this ‘cause you’re used to luxury,” she said.

Her words struck me ‘cause they were true. If only I could live a life like her, I would’ve been more free and careless and appreciative of everything.

She must’ve noticed that I grew silent. “Mianhe,” she said.

I looked at her. She was the same girl that used to irritate me but now, I was looking at her in a different kind of way. I felt like something changed. I tried to brush that thought away. “Aish! Let’s just go back down now,” I told her.



                We reached the 8th station after walking for almost an hour. There were still no other hikers in sight. I guess the Gotemba trail is not really a safe trail to take. I was so fortunate that Marcus found me up here or else I could’ve died.

                As we’re walking, he suddenly attempted to start a conversation. “So… why is it that you like hanging out at the park?”

                “Huh?” I asked in confusion.

                “The park inside our university… what’s so special about that place?” he asked again.

                Ah! So he was talking about the Green Park. “I just like to think and be alone most of the time. And besides, it’s good to sketch when my mind is empty.”

                He nodded.

                I was feeling a little bit awkward and creepy at the same time. I wasn’t used to him talking to me this way. He was always mean and rude and disrespectful. But now, I was seeing a different side of the Prince. I guess he’s not really that bad after all.

                “How long have you been friends with Aiden?” I asked out of curiosity.

                “Since pre-school. Wae?” he asked, turning to me.

                I shook my head. “You seem pretty close really.”

                He nodded again. “We treat each other as brothers.”

                “How about Max and Vince?”

                “We became friends in high school,” he answered. “So, where are you staying in Korea?”

                “Uh… at Dr. Choi’s house,” I said.

                “Oh right! Aiden told me before, when he drove you home.”

                Suddenly, I heard something growl. I turned to him. “Did you hear that?” I asked, pretending not to panic.

He didn’t answer. Then, the sound came in again. I was starting to get nervous when suddenly, he said, “I’m hungry.”

I realized that it was his stomach after all. I started to laugh so hard.

“I’m really hungry now. Let’s walk faster,” he demanded.

“Arasso,” I said, still trying not to laugh. I walk past him and signaled him to walk faster. “Your Higness, hurry up!” I said, walking backwards.

“Ya! Kate-ssi, wait up,” he said.

I was enjoying teasing him. He looked pale and weak now. I remembered that he even got chills last night. This was all my fault. Just as I was about to turn my back, my foot got slipped so I started to roll down the slope.



                I was really hungry now. My stomach seemed to be twisting and turning. I wanted something to eat. I walked faster to catch up with Kate. She was still walking backwards and making faces to annoy me.  Just as she was about to turn to face the path, she suddenly slipped and lost balance. My eyes grew wide as she rolled down the slope. “Omo Kate-ssi!” I shouted as I ran towards her.

                When I reached her, her head was facing down the ground. She was grimacing in pain. “Kwaenchana (Are you alright)?” I asked her, though the answer was obvious.

                She nodded, struggling to stand up. I placed my hand around her and pulled her up. “Can you walk?” I asked again.

                “N….ne,” she said trembling.

I helped her to balance but then, she fell. “Aish! Jincha! You can’t even stand. How can you walk with that?” I started to get my temper again. I tried to cool down a bit.

I noticed the blood that’s coming out from her open wounds. I brought out my handkerchief and knelt down. I wrapped it around her leg. “What were you thinking of walking backwards? Aish!” I said to her.

“Komawayo (Thanks) Marcus-ssi,” she said, looking at me.

My eyes met hers. I froze again for a split second. “A…arasso (Okay). Now ride on my back,” I said, positioning myself to carry her.

She didn’t move. “You don’t have to. I can walk.”

“Ya! Kate-ssi, you don’t have to be stubborn right now,” I said grabbing her lightly in the arm.

She moved slowly and positioned herself on my back. “I’m sorry. I know you’re even weak right now,” she said.

“Anieyo,” I said, as I started to walk carrying her.

“Now I feel really bad knowing how much you’ve done for me right now,” she mumbled.

“You should be,” I said in an instant.

She fell silent after that.


After minutes of walking, we finally reached a first-aid station. We entered inside and a woman wearing a white uniform attended to us. I brought Kate down as she examined the wounds she got. Then, she asked, “Did you go up the 10th station?”

Kate nodded.

“I thought they closed that yesterday since it’s the last day of autumn and winter is starting again. It would’ve been dangerous to go up there,” she said.

“Really?” Kate asked.

The woman nodded. “You haven’t seen any bears?”

Kate shook her head. “There are bears here?”

“Yes,” she answered. “But if there are, you’ve got your boyfriend to save you so you didn’t have to worry, right?”

“A…a…” I placed my hands on stopping her. She shot me a death glare so I gave up. “We’re not a couple,” she said.

The woman started to laugh. “Omo! Really? I thought you two look good together though.”

Kate shook her head. I did the same. “It’s not what you think miss,” I said.

“Ah but you went up right? Then, I guess you just have to wait if the spell works on you or not,” she suddenly said.

Spell? What spell was she talking about? “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said.

“M…me either,” Kate said. “I… guess we better go back down now. Thank you miss.”

We both bowed to give respect and thanks then we stepped out of the cabin feeling uneasy with each other. But I still insisted on carrying her on my back since she might not be able to walk comfortably with her condition right now.

We were silent for the last thirty minutes. I guess she might have already fallen asleep on my back. I tried to check if she was still awake. “Kate-ssi! Ya! Are you still awake?” I asked.

There was no answer.

“Are you asleep?” I asked again.

“Anieyo (No),” she said softly.

“I thought you were asleep. You really owe me now. I’m so hungry,” I complained. We’ve been walking for hours and we’re still here. My stomach has been empty since last night. I didn’t have time to eat dinner and we didn’t even have breakfast. Ah! I was really starving.

“I already told you, you didn’t have to carry me Prince,” she said.

She called me Prince again. Aish! Jincha! It’s irritating. I focused my eyes on the trail again. Suddenly, I stepped on something. When I lifted up my feet, I saw a huge frog blocking my way. “AAAAHHHHHHHH! FROG!!!” I heard Kate shriek almost deafening me. She was moving crazily behind me like she was about to be eaten alive.

“AISH! Kate-ah, stop it. You’re damaging my eardrums,” I shouted.

“Just hurry up, will you?” she demanded.

“Maybe you’ve forgotten that I was carrying you and that you’re too heavy for me?” I stated. Then, I realized, she was afraid of frogs. I smirked. “You’re afraid of frogs right?”

“Yes so can we just go now?”

I bent down so her legs could reach the ground. She started to shriek again. She held onto me tightly grabbing my neck and she was trying so hard not to fall on the ground. “Marcus-ah, stop that. Don’t try to play with me. I’m telling you,” she warned me.

I laughed at her. “Arasso. Arasso,” I said, standing up.

She was already tearing up. “Why did you have to do that?”

“B… but it was your fault anyway. You were too loud and noisy. It’s annoying,” I said feeling a little bit guilty.

She fell silent again.

Suddenly, I heard voices coming. I guess they were finally coming to save us. “They’re here,” I mumbled.

She didn’t respond.

“Aiden-ah! We’re here,” I shouted on top of my lungs. “Aiden-ah!” I tried to walk faster still carrying Kate on my back.

Minutes later, I saw Aiden, Max, Vince and a rescue team in black gears coming. They all ran towards us. “Kwaenchana?” Aiden asked, when they reached us.

“Ne,” I said.

“Omo! What happened Kate?” Max said, noticing the bandages and bruises on her legs.

“I… I just fell on the ground,” she said.

“Jincha?” Vince said. “You must have been hurt badly. Let’s go back down now.”

One of the rescue team volunteered to carry Kate but Max insisted that he carry her back down. Aiden placed his hand on my shoulders. “Mianhe we came here just now. I really wanted to go here last night but they all stopped me. They said it was dangerous for me to go up here,” he explained.

“It’s fine,” I told him.

“I’m glad you two are alright,” he said. “Thank you for saving Kate.”

“A… aniyo (it’s nothing). I did it because I also wanted to save her,” I said.

Aiden paused. “Jincha? So… you’re not mad at her anymore?”

“Molla (I don’t know). But I’m getting to know her better,” I said.

“You mean, the good side of her?” he asked, smiling.

“I guess.”

He placed his hand on my shoulders. “Oh that’s good then. Because I will be needing your help to get her attention.”

I turned to him and shot him a look. “Are you serious?”

He nodded flashing me his smile.


A/N: Omo! Aiden’s gonna seek help from Marcus to get Kate? What will happen now? :D Even I don’t know what will happen next. Hahaha I still don’t have a clear view of how things will go among the lead characters :D So please help me by commenting.

Thank you so much! :)


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andhee407 #1
Chapter 31: after looonggg time u didnt update, now u decide to update everyday???
.I love it....
andhee407 #2
Chapter 30: aahhhh....i want her with wonnie please....
#pleading with kicked puppy eyes....
Chapter 29: I thought you forgot us >.<.. it's been so long
Chapter 29: Thaaaankkk u authornim :3 idk why people dont get to read this ff when this is srsly amazing - the plot and how u write

Great job thereee :))
Chapter 28: Finally an update. I've been waiting for this. Thank you *.*
Chapter 27: Haha I like eunhae as a hm.. as a bromance? Idk if that's the right word to say. >_<

Well it if you're in the middle of a break-up and siwon acting like that won't help at all.
Chapter 27: mimoky what can I say I'm an EunHae shiper :3 ..... author-nim great job. daebak ^\\\\\\^ fighting with the newspaper
Chapter 26: lol at sakura's comment. I will miss you aiden. come back soon. :))
Chapter 26: hahaha he went to meet his HyukJae :3. thank you so much for updating, you did a great job, keep going like that. Fighting ^.^
Chapter 26: Marcus-Kate ship is sailing

and oh Andrew-Kate ...

IM SO CONFUSED WITH THE PAIRING HERE BCOZ I WANT Kate to be with Marcus, but a part of me also wants Kate to be with Andrew ;;

Update soon :))