Chapter 28 :: the new girl (again)

P R O J E C T: Touch The Sky



 “One more B and Kyung.” Zico called out through the microphone with Jay maneuvering through the mxing equipment while Shinae and Kyung stood inside the recording booth. Shinae gave them a thumbs up with a small smile.


Kyung turned to Shinae, adjusting his headset. “So… you and Jay?” he asked. The two of them glanced outside, Zico and Jay were talking to each other. “I don’t think they have the mic on.” Kyung said.


Shinae sighed with a smile. “He’s great. He makes me feel like I don’t have to be anyone else. Like I don’t have to hide, we don’t need to hide. And we're not exactly together yet. He hasn't really asked me.” She said in reply.


Kyung smiled at his best friend’s reaction. “And JunHyung?” he asked further.


“Kyungie.” Shinae whined. “I don’t know. I’ve fallen out of it with JunHyung. It’s never going to be the same anymore. And besides we can’t really be together, you know that. Now that the public knows that he and Hara are dating, obviously a cover up for their mishaps.”


“I hope he takes good care of you, Jay.” Kyung said, waving his head towards the huge glass.


“I will.” Jay’s voice suddenly responded on their headsets. The two turned towards the glass and saw Zico and Jay looking at them. “I’ll take good care of her.” He said in reply with a grin.


“Let’s resume recording.” Shinae quickly interjected and the music cue went through.


Our couple pictured over my bed

Our memories and your phone number

I’m still living and breathing with you

Seeing our pictures in your mini-homepage

I miss you, I miss you so much

Could you come back?

In our future together 
(I can’t live without you, I think about you)

I always thought about you mechanically

You’re the only one for me

You’re the only one I know so my heart is broken

Come back, you know I don’t want an apology

You know you want me so why are you pushing me away

Don’t try to ignore me, it only hurts me

If you hear this song, give me a call

I’m waiting for you, I’m waiting for your promise to come back

You’re just lost on your way to me

It’s too dark for you to see me

If I wait just a bit, you’ll come to me and I’ll see you again


Then it was Kyung’s turn.


Are you living well after leaving me?

Are you eating all of your meals?

I keep hearing your voice somewhere

I can’t fall asleep again

I realized the importance of your existence after we broke up

You’re the one that directed my life

But it’s only after it’s too late that I realize all of this

Day by day, I get so tired

At the thought of you, I live on even if it’s hard

I even bought the teddy bear that you wanted

But why aren’t you coming back?

I’ll put my life on the line and hold you back just once

Please just forgive me 
I can’t forget the memories of us happily walking the streets together

A world without you might as well not exist


Shinae laughed as they finished the track. “Who wrote these cheesy beats?” she asked. And Kyung sheepishly raised his hand which made everyone else laugh.


MinRin found herself trudging behind CAP and L.Joe, she couldn’t help but hear WooHyun’s voice over and over again inside her head, their conversation that night. Did she do the right thing when she rejected him again? She was just defending herself, she was just being sure of her feelings.


“Hey who’s hungry? Let’s go eat!” CAP suggested. L.Joe and MinRin just nodded in reply. “Alright how about getting pizza?” he asked. MinRin suddenly lightened up, a small smile playing on her lips. “Ah, now I know MinRin’s weakness.” He said jokingly.


The three of them walked to HongDae that was just around the corner from where the girls’ house was. They chose a pizza house with not much people in it and ordered their food, choosing a booth at the farthest corner.


L.Joe studied MinRin’s expression and sighed. “So, you’re not really gonna tell us what’s bothering you?” he asked.


MinRin waved her head in reply. “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just can’t. It’s too complicated.” She replied.


“Ah! Matters of the heart.” CAP concluded which surprised MinRin. “I was right, wasn’t I?” he asked.


MinRin just froze on the spot and looked at L.Joe. “Fine, yes it is.” She replied.


“It’s WooHyun isn’t it?” L.Joe suddenly asked. MinRin’s eyes widened, staring at the boy. “Remember the pictures a few months earlier? Besides, WooHyun’s a flirt but I know when he’s in love.”


MinRin sighed again, staring at her plate. “Do you love him?” L.Joe asked again. She looked at the guy and nodded. “What if I told you I can treat you much better than he does?”


“L.Joe oppa…” MinRin started as she found her voice back.


L.Joe sighed. “I like you MinRin. I really do. And I swear I’m gonna treat you so much better than WooHyun. I won’t let you get hurt like that. I promise you that.”


Minah was picked up by TOP for their rap training and she was brought to the YG Entertainment office. She didn’t expect it, but there she was.


“Hi noona!” SeungRi called out excitedly as she came inside one of the recording booths where all the Big Bang members were, except for DaeSung since he was on official break.


JiYong grinned as he watched Minah talked excitedly to SeungRi and TaeYang. “Excuse me.” TOP suddenly blurted out. “I took her here so we can start recording.” He said, holding out a hand to Minah who gladly took it. “We’ll be in the other recording studio.” He said and took her outside and to another room.


JiYong couldn’t help but feel jealous. Did TOP want Minah all to himself? He was never the one to be like that.


“Thanks.” Minah said as she sat down on the couch, watching TOP mess with the controls.


“For what?” he asked back without looking at her.


“Pulling me out of that craziness.” She said with a small giggle.


TOP just watched the girl as she smiled towards him. He sighed out of possible frustration, if only she wasn’t with JiYong right now… He thought and sighed. “Come on, let’s get to recording.” He said.


Minah nodded with a smile and entered the recording booth. “We’ll record all the Minji parts first ok?” TOP’s raspy voice came through her headset and she nodded in reply.


When I met you

My heart is like a rollercoster ride

It shakes like crazy

And finally it comes to it's proper place

Up and down

Yes, I'm going down down

Our relationship spins and spins

Spins and spins everyday without rest

It's confusing and crazy

Let's get down


TOP watched as she nodded with a smile, letting CL’s part pass and resuming to rap Minji’s part again. Then it hit him, maybe it’s gonna be okay. Watching her like this. He was pretty contented watching her from afar, wasn’t he?


HyeSu glanced at her watched then to JunHyung as the two of them stood side by side in front of a mic, recording their own version of We Belong Together. JunHyung nodded to the beat as he listened to HyeSu’s rapping with S.Tiger was behind the booth, mixing and helping them record their song.


After HyeSu was done with one part, the two of them were reviewing the parts they had to mix in together. JunHyung turned to HyeSu, “Hey HyeSu…” he called out hesitantly. “Is… Um, is Shinae going out with anyone right now?” he asked her.


“Oh, oppa.” HyeSu replied. She somehow expected his question but didn’t really know what to tell the other guy. “I really don’t know. I think you should ask her that yourself.” She told him. JunHyung nodded at her words, understanding her position.


After an hour more, they were finally done with their recording. JunHyung took HyeSu back to the house, leaving abruptly and not even bothering to get out of the car. HyeSu skipped up to her room upon realizing that the house was empty. She went directly to the closet and rummaged through all the clothing to look for something good to wear. She then realized she didn’t know where she was going with SungYeol.


To: Choding Yeollie


Hey~ Where are we going? I’m getting ready.


She sent the message while looking through the clothes. In less than a minute, a reply came.


From: Choding Yeollie


Anything’s fine. ^^; nothing too fancy.


Came his reply.


HyeSu sighed and picked out dark jeans, a striped red and white spaghetti strap topped off with a black leather jacket. She then grabbed her grey ankle boots then went towards her room to get dressed and got ready for her date.


Jay, Shinae, Kyung and Zico just got out of the recording booth when Minah came back in the house with JiYong behind her. They all walked towards the second floor and found MinRin sitting there quietly all to herself.


“Hey, you okay?” Shinae asked, placing a hand on the youngest’s shoulder. MinRin looked up at her and nodded with a small weak smile. “No you’re not.” Shinae replied sternly. “I really should beat up WooHyun.” She concluded.


“Unni, it’s not WooHyun.” MinRin replied, grabbing on to Shinae’s arm, to which she frowned in reply. HyeSu just headed down to the second floor and found everyone there. Shinae was about to say something when the doorbell rang. MinRin stood up with a smile, “I’ll go get it.” She said, standing up and heading downstairs.


MinRin was surprised when Beenzino , the recent addition to the Illionaire family, was at the door with a girl next to him. “SungBin oppa.” MinRin said, laying her eyes on the guy.


Beenzino laughed. “I told you to call me Beenzino oppa. I don’t like that name.” he said as he entered with the girl. “Everyone else upstairs?” he asked and MinRin nodded. “Excellent.” He said then the three of them made their way upstairs.


Everyone got up and bowed to Beenzino upon seeing him. “Hello girls… and boys.” He said hesitantly while MinRin joined them with the other girl trailing behind her.


“JIHYUN!” Zico called out all of a sudden, laying eyes on the girl.


Shinae’s eyes widened when she saw the girl. “JiHyun! You !” Shinae called out and threw herself at the girl with a hug, chuckling slightly.


Beenzino watched the two girls with a laugh then turned to the others. “This is Woo JiHyun. Zico’s younger sister. She’s gonna be taking part to be on your team as well. Help her get moved in the spare room.” He said. Shinae pulled herself away from JiHyun, the rest of the girls waved at the new girl and she waved back. “JiHyun, training starts tomorrow for you. Your rap mentors are gonna be Kyung and Hoya. Schedule’s posted by the fridge.”


“Why do I get Holke oppa?” JiHyun perked up, laying her eyes at Kyung. “I’m pretty sure I’m a much better rapper than him.” She said that made the others laugh. “Can I get JiHo oppa instead? I refuse to have Holke oppa as my mentor.”


“QUIT CALLING ME HOLKE!” Kyung called out at the girl. The two never really got along well.


“Fine! Fine!” Zico called out, holding up a hand both to JiHyun and Kyung. “How about this, Kyung and I are gonna switch. Kyung can mentor Shinae from Thursday to Sunday. Then I’ll mentor JiHyun Tuesday to Thursday. All better?” he asked.


Shinae nodded. “I’m okay with it. I’m doing the tracks with Kyung anyway.” She said and Kyung nodded in agreement.


“Alright then.” Beenzino said. “Oh and while you all are on rap training, tomorrow you all have a camera testing over at Sidus HQ. Then we’re going to start your dance training as well next month.” He announced. “I know that Shinae has the most experience when it comes to dancing, we got Prepix and Art of Movement to help you out with dope moves and stuff. We’re also encouraging you guys to go underground again, the Cave’s been feeling empty lately show them how to strut your stuff.”


The girls laughed and responded to Beenzino with a yes. “Alright well, I gotta go. Busy preparing for a record. See you babies.” He said with a wave then left the house. Just then the doorbell rang once again.


“I’ll get that!” HyeSu called out and ran towards the stairs.


“Is there a reason why she’s all dolled up?” Shinae asked the youngest who just waved her head in reply.


HyeSu smiled as she opened the door to reveal SungYeol. He was wearing a simple dress shirt and dark jeans and chucks and smiled upon seeing Hyesu. “You look beautiful.” He greeted then held out his hand. “Let’s go.” He said and led her to the car that was waiting up front.


note: Holke is Kyung's underground hiphop name :)))

yes I am updating coz I'm on a long weekend <3

and because I need to relax. :)))


<3 yous

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Chapter 7: Hello,

While looking for information regarding RoleplayRepublic I stumbled upon this page. I'm not sure to what extend you yourself know these artists, but do you know what band MinRin belongs to?
Chapter 42: wow...i think its been a long time since the fic was updated n all..i wonder how r all of u gals..miss ya lots..hehehe..wonder if the story will b continued or not..anyway hope to see this fic b updated soon..
ontaetae #3
love the update!!
Huwaaaa...i miss dis fic a lot..hahahaha...i wonder how is everyone...hehehehe...
tiffism #5
LOL I can hold quite the grudge neh? <br />
And cheesy Jiyong! <3 keke so I find it quite y when the guy gets jealous... <br />
I wonder what will be in store!<br />
@___@ Jay and appa how cute~<br />
yea!!an umma is still annoyed with jihyun??lol..jiji appa is jealous...XDD...hehehehe...hyunnie oppa..u r so bad 4 making jiji appa jealous...hahahaha...XDD...does minyuk hv a crush on our new girl??hmmm...*smirks* hahaha...woflie txted me coz he's bored...n i'm going 2 c s.tiger oppa again...hehehe...huge stuffed tiger...kidnap...hehehehe...n yea..curious on what would b da reaction if da boys hear us kids call shinae appa??hahahaha
Wow! Umma still upset about JiHyun?? o.0<br />
Jiji is jealous!!XD<br />
L.Joe L.Joe L.Joe~ *shakes head* Pick up lines?XD<br />
Wow! Junhyung ahjusshi seems to be okay about Appa and Jay Umma.. o.o<br />
Ouch! Hyesu unnie and Dongwoo???<br />
Wonder how will Jay look like if we call him Umma and Shinae unnie appa?? XD
#8 tin..we r all stuck in a love triangle..n soon it will b jihyun's turn...hehehe..wonder what will happen once zico finds out she is crushing on can imagine zico n taewoo being quite da scary pair..hehehehe..can't wait for da next update ad since baby tin crashed my date with wolfie, hoya n her brother..hahaha
Uh-oh... Not good!!>< <br />
Well~ It's easy to get along with us with Zico's help! :D<br />
Ah~ First, me. Second, MiEun and now, appa. -0-<br />
I wonder how umma and Jiji appa never get caught! :\<br />
I bet next is going to be Hyesu unnie!!XDD<br />
Choding is in love!!!
tiffism #10
Omo~ The new girl and Minah is not getting along! xD<br />
I can actually see her really being annoyed at the girl's spoiled attitude.<br />
Althought *cough* he is not my type whatsoever *cough*<br />