Woo JiHyun 우지현 :: Lead Rapper/Sub Dancer :: Profile

P R O J E C T: Touch The Sky


우 지 현 :: W O O  J I H Y U N :: D O P E   L Y R I C I S T




Name: Woo JiHyun

Stage Name:  J-Hyun

Position: Lead Rapper/Sub Dancer

Age: 18

Birthday: 09/22/1993

Height: 5’6

Blood Type: O


  • Likes anything with wasabi.
  • Has a soft spot for cats.
  • Plays the violin ever since she was 5.



Woo JiHyun was raised to be a musician. She started learning how to play the violin since she was 5 years old. She was a good girl, who followed all her parents’ wishes. She loves music and would always be seen with earphones on, nodding her head to beats. Though gradually, she became tired of all the preparations for her to be a professional musician, she decided to follow the footsteps of her brothers, Woo TaeWoon and Woo JiHo.


At first look, you can tell that she’s the feisty type. One who never backs down, who always fights for what she believes in. Like Zico, she’s the moody type of person, she gets easily irritated with just about anything. She’s also very bossy and wants everything to go her way, the way she wants it to. She also eats a lot. If she’s not doing anything, you can see her munching down anything edible within an arm’s reach.

Even though she’s moody, when she’s in a good mood, she’s really in a good mood. She will brighten up the room with her laughs and stories. She loves to talk and would just chat about anything under the sun. Though there are times that she gets a little sarcastic with her side comments, she normally doesn’t mean it.


It’s been a hobby of hers to write music since she was young. From musical chords to lyrics, she can write about just anything as long as you leave her with a pen, paper and snacks. She trained under Brand New Stardom with her brother for a year until she dropped out on her own. With the help of her brothers, she was able to transfer to Illionaire Records and Sidus HQ, running after her dreams once more.



hello guys~ welcome our new girl isshomanstorm

she will be appearing in the next chapter.

still working on it though lol.

lots of love <3

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Chapter 7: Hello,

While looking for information regarding RoleplayRepublic I stumbled upon this page. I'm not sure to what extend you yourself know these artists, but do you know what band MinRin belongs to?
Chapter 42: wow...i think its been a long time since the fic was updated n all..i wonder how r all of u gals..miss ya lots..hehehe..wonder if the story will b continued or not..anyway hope to see this fic b updated soon..
ontaetae #3
love the update!!
Huwaaaa...i miss dis fic a lot..hahahaha...i wonder how is everyone...hehehehe...
tiffism #5
LOL I can hold quite the grudge neh? <br />
And cheesy Jiyong! <3 keke so I find it quite y when the guy gets jealous... <br />
I wonder what will be in store!<br />
@___@ Jay and appa how cute~<br />
yea!!an update...hehehehehe...so umma is still annoyed with jihyun??lol..jiji appa is jealous...XDD...hehehehe...hyunnie oppa..u r so bad 4 making jiji appa jealous...hahahaha...XDD...does minyuk hv a crush on our new girl??hmmm...*smirks* hahaha...woflie txted me coz he's bored...n i'm going 2 c s.tiger oppa again...hehehe...huge stuffed tiger...kidnap...hehehehe...n yea..curious on what would b da reaction if da boys hear us kids call shinae appa??hahahaha
Wow! Umma still upset about JiHyun?? o.0<br />
Jiji is jealous!!XD<br />
L.Joe L.Joe L.Joe~ *shakes head* Pick up lines?XD<br />
Wow! Junhyung ahjusshi seems to be okay about Appa and Jay Umma.. o.o<br />
Ouch! Hyesu unnie and Dongwoo???<br />
Wonder how will Jay look like if we call him Umma and Shinae unnie appa?? XD
yaaa..baby tin..we r all stuck in a love triangle..n soon it will b jihyun's turn...hehehe..wonder what will happen once zico finds out she is crushing on someone...lol..i can imagine zico n taewoo being quite da scary pair..hehehehe..can't wait for da next update ad since baby tin crashed my date with wolfie, hoya n her brother..hahaha
Uh-oh... Not good!!>< <br />
Well~ It's easy to get along with us with Zico's help! :D<br />
Ah~ First, me. Second, MiEun and now, appa. -0-<br />
I wonder how umma and Jiji appa never get caught! :\<br />
I bet next is going to be Hyesu unnie!!XDD<br />
Choding is in love!!!
tiffism #10
Omo~ The new girl and Minah is not getting along! xD<br />
I can actually see her really being annoyed at the girl's spoiled attitude.<br />
Althought *cough* he is not my type whatsoever *cough*<br />