Chapter 2 :: done deal

P R O J E C T: Touch The Sky


Hello my lovelies~ here's the awaited second chapter. This is kinda long because I wanted everyone to be here. :D

next chapter is moving in to the apartment and the start of the real training. hohohoho~




“Ae…” a male voice called out. “Shinae…”


She replied with a low moan, turning from her position.


“Ae, GET UP!” another male voice called out. A sigh came out of his lips, turning to his friend then back to Shinae’s sleeping figure. “Don’t force me to do this Ae.” He said.


“Why is she sleeping on the couch?” the other male asked, looking around the apartment. “Where do you think EunJae is?” he asked then walked off to a room.


“Get lost, Z.” Shinae voice replied, muffled by the pillow she was snuggling.


One of the males suddenly smirked. “Ah you’re awake after all. Now this won’t make me feel so guilty.” He said then all of a sudden, he pulled the blanket she was using making her fall to the floor. “GET UP B! IT’S SATURDAY!” he called out.


She sat up glaring at her friend. “IT’S MY ING SLEEP-IN DAY SO GET LOST!” She shouted at her intruders, giving them glares. “Come on, I’ve been training so hard the whole week. Let me sleep in please?” she said, grabbing her pillow and slumping to the floor.


“Sorry B, your bro sent us.” The male voice replied.


EunJae suddenly came to view, rubbing her eyes and still clutching her pillow. “What’s going on?” she asked. “Is this some kind of joke?”


Shinae suddenly sat up. “Wait, Minho oppa sent you guys?” she asked as she gathered her hair in a bun, tying it up. “Why?” she asked.


“He said something about recording?” he replied.


Shinae sneered. “Oh, come on Zico. What recording?” she asked, looking for her phone on the couch she was just sleeping on.


Zico looked to his friend, Kyung. Who just waved his head and walked towards the kitchen.  “I’m going to make breakfast. Come on EunJae.” He said and the younger girl went trudging down behind him.


“It’s supposed to be a secret. E-Sens hyung just asked me to get you to the Ill.” He replied. “So, take a bath and let’s go! We’re going to be late!” he called out to her, following Kyung.


The four of them were walking, Shinae yawned widely falling in step beside Zico and Kyung was walking with EunJae. “Aren’t you guys debuting in a few weeks?” she asked and the two nodded. “Well, why the eff are y’all here dragging our asses to ill?” She asked.


Zico smirked. “No one’s cut out for the job.” He replied with a small snicker to which Shinae slapped his arm. “Ow! That hurts!” he shouted, rubbing the spot. “E-sens hyung said your best friend is busy so he sent the next best thing!” he said, holding out his arms proudly.


Shinae replied with a sneer and continued walking. “If he needed me, why can’t he get his own to my apartment?” she muttered under her breath.


“Maybe Minho oppa is busy?” EunJae suggested as she yawned. “Gosh my body is just aching from that work out we did yesterday unni.” She complained stretching her arms.


“So…” Kyung started. “You two are training again?” he asked with a smile. “Under what company?” he asked, interestingly.


“Under my own company.” She told him in reply with a playful smile. “Nah, I just didn’t want to fall into such a slump. I left Cube on my own after all. And EunJae said she wanted to loose some weight.” She told them with a shrug.


“Yeah, because you were so bitter they chose JiYoon over you.” Zico said teasingly. Shinae made a face and shoved him into the street.


“.” She muttered under her breath.


Zico approached her and placed an arm around her. “I’m just kidding B. I prefer you over JiYoon any time.” he told her as they reached the Illionaire records office. “Well, we better go. It’s supposed to be a private meeting. Call me B. Let’s battle one last time at the Cave.” He told her, giving her a light hug. So did Kyung.


They waved goodbye to the two of them and entered the office. The two of them were immediately greeted by her brother and Simon D. “What’s up with all this secrecy?” EunJae asked as the two pushed them in the main office.


E-Sens took a good look at the two girls. “Listen to them and consider.” He said. He knew after Shinae left Cube that she swore that she would never try to go into the entertainment business again.


Shinae and EunJae was pushed in a room, puzzled. As the two of them turned around, They realized it was a conference room. There were two men in formal attires and there was Dok2, TheQuiett, Haw from Prepix and two more guys that she didn’t know and also three girls.


Dok2 suddenly stood up and smiled. “Thanks for coming. Please, have a seat.” He said, gesturing to the chairs with the girls.


Shinae smiled and bowed then took the last seat. EunJae sat beside her. “Now, since everyone is here we can start.” One of the men wearing a suit said. He stood up and smiled. “First of all, I’m sorry to be calling you all on a Saturday but this is yet a secret to be kept.” He said. “My name is Mr. Yu, I am a representative from Sidus HQ, as some of you know.” He said nodding to the three girls beside Shinae and EunJae. “This is Dok2 and TheQuiett, representative of Illionaire Records. This is Bboy Jotee and Bboy Rookie and everybody knows Haw from Prepix.” He said, introducing the important people one by one.


“There is a good reason for you all being here.” He said, gesturing to the girls. “We, meaning Sidus HQ and Illionaire Records are forming a girl group.” He told them. “ideally, it will consist of 5-7 girls with 3 rappers, and 2-4 singers. But the main point of the group is, most of you would be able to rap.”


Shinae nodded. It was a new concept for a girl group and it was interesting. “But before we get into detail, let me introduce our girls first.” Mr. Yu said then looked at the first girl who stood up. “This is Ms. Kim MinRin. She’s the younger sister of Kim MyungSoo or L in Infinite.” He said. MinRin bowed to everyone and sat back down. The second girl stood up and bowed before everyone, “This is Choi HyeSu, Choi SeungHyun or TOP’s cousin.” The third girl stood up and bowed, “Han Minah, a former JYP trainee.” The girl sat back down. EunJae stood up shakily, “Jung EunJae. A new discovery.” Shinae stood up awkwardly and bowed, “This is Kang Shinae, E-Sens’ younger sister.” He said then looked towards Dok2 who stood up.


“So, we actually handpicked you guys for this new girl group. We wanted to create something intense, something… really ill.” He said and smirked. “Of course the training will all be coming from Sidus HQ and Illionaire, we will be taking good care of you guys.”


Shinae, not knowing what to do, raised her hand up. It’s been almost a year since she disappeared from being a trainee. Dok2 looked at her, surprised. “Um, just wondering.” She started. “How did you guys find us?” she asked no one in particular. “I mean, they’ve been training with Sidus right?” she asked, gesturing to the three girls, “How did y’all find me and EunJae?”


Jotee suddenly stood up, “Let me answer that for you.” He said, turning on the huge television at the end of the table. It suddenly showed a video of their latest dance battle. “We actually saw you two a few weeks ago. Summer and Sugar J, right?” he asked and both Shinae and EunJae nodded. “You two were really good at dancing and at rapping. Dok2 recognized you.” He said. The video continued playing until their rap battle. “We thought you two were perfect for the team.”


After the video, the rest of them were briefed on what type of training they would have to go through. The change in schedules and focus of the current trainees and a possible change in contract as well. Shinae and Eunjae were given contracts to sign. “So, what do you girls say?” Mr.Yu asked, smiling at them.


“I can’t believe you’re in Illionaire!” DongWoo called out, sitting on the floor of the studio. “I bet MyungSoo’s real proud of you right now.” He said with a huge smile on his face.


MinRin smiled and looked down on the floor. “I haven’t actually told him yet.” She said honestly. “I’ve been really busy with training. It’s tough, I kind of have to learn how to rap.” She said, lifting her hand up to her lips, biting her nails lightly. “And my other mates are really good and, I mean really really good.” She told DongWoo who was nodding like an idiot.


She then felt a hand rubbing the top of her head. “Are your group mates better than me?” Hoya asked, coming in the studio followed by the other members of Infinite.


MinRin giggled, “Our leader is going to kick your oppa.” She told him to which Hoya pouted in return. “She was specially scouted by our trainers and she enjoys training too. I’m suffering.” She said, putting her head down.


“Well then, Sunggyu hyung will kick her too.” Hoya told the girl, then pointed to Sunggyu who was clueless. “If she’s a good rapper, our leader has very good vocals.” MinRin couldn’t help but giggle again.


A familiar hand held her shoulder. She looked up and smiled at the figure who just sat beside her. “Congratulations Minnie~” MyungSoo said, giving his sister a hug. “I’m really really proud of you.” He said with a smile.


She smiled sweetly at her brother. “Thanks oppa.” She said in reply. “I’ll make you proud of me.” She told him.


“And! As a celebration for Minnie, we’ll have pizza later!” SungYeol called out and everyone cheered, agreeing at the idea. “Sunggyu hyung pays!” he said then started running around the studio with Sunggyu running after him.


HyeSu was surprised when someone knocked on her apartment door. She wasn’t expecting for anyone to come today. She stood up and walked towards the intercom and took a peek on who was at the door but instead, she saw a piece of paper with the words, “Congratulations!” in a lazy scrawl. She made a face and opened the door.


She jumped in surprise as she heard party poppers going off. “CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS!” The members of Big Bang started singing as they barged in her apartment. “We’re you surprised? Didn’t think we’d find out huh?” Seungri asked, wearing a red glittery party hat.


HyeSu sneered at him. “Definitely surprised.” She said in a bored tone, kicking off DaeSung from the couch. “Don’t you guys have schedules or something?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.


“Oh come on, aren’t you at least bit excited to see us?” Seungri asked, taking the spot beside her and grabbing her arm. He rested his chin on her arm and pouted. “Huh? HyeSu? Don’t you miss your RiRi oppa?”


She rolled her eyes. “No, because RiRi oppa gets really annoying and is pissing me off.” She said, brushing him off her arm. “Can anyone get him off me please?” she asked.


JiYong laughed and pulled SeungRi away. “You’re still not used to SeungRi being a pest. We’ve grown to ignore him now.” He said with Seungri complaining on the side with a ‘hyung~’ JiYong sat down next to HyeSu on the couch. “So, when are you moving in to your dorm with your team?” he asked.


“Actually, they’re giving us a house near Illionaire records.” HyeSu explained. “But we’re all moving in next week.” She said.


TaeYang smiled. “We better make sure we can help you move then.”


Minah was in the usual coffee shop near JYP, waiting for Nickhun to come out. She’s been there for quite a while now. She checked her watch, it was about 3 in the afternoon now. She took out her phone and decided to send Nickhun a message. Yah. My hurts from all this waiting. If you’re not here in 10 minutes, I’m leaving. – Minah.


She heaved a sigh and kept her phone, looking outside. “Yah.” A mild voice called out. Minah looked up and smiled. “I was walking here when I got your message.” He said laughing. “What’s the good news you wanted to tell me?” he asked.


“You’ll never guess.” She said, sitting up excitedly. “I’ve been selected to be part of a special new team. We’re going to be training for a year or less depending on the group and we’re going to debut!” she said. “Isn’t that great?”


Nickhun nodded with a smile. “That’s great to hear!” he said. “Hmm… then one of these days you have to take me out to dinner. Like I did when I got into 2PM.” He said with a laugh.


“Yeah when I start earning money.” Minah replied. “So, would you help me move in next week? We’re gonna be having a house.” She told him.


“That’s great. Then I can visit you when I’m free or something.” He said as they walked out the coffee shop.

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Chapter 7: Hello,

While looking for information regarding RoleplayRepublic I stumbled upon this page. I'm not sure to what extend you yourself know these artists, but do you know what band MinRin belongs to?
Chapter 42: wow...i think its been a long time since the fic was updated n all..i wonder how r all of u gals..miss ya lots..hehehe..wonder if the story will b continued or not..anyway hope to see this fic b updated soon..
ontaetae #3
love the update!!
Huwaaaa...i miss dis fic a lot..hahahaha...i wonder how is everyone...hehehehe...
tiffism #5
LOL I can hold quite the grudge neh? <br />
And cheesy Jiyong! <3 keke so I find it quite y when the guy gets jealous... <br />
I wonder what will be in store!<br />
@___@ Jay and appa how cute~<br />
yea!!an umma is still annoyed with jihyun??lol..jiji appa is jealous...XDD...hehehehe...hyunnie oppa..u r so bad 4 making jiji appa jealous...hahahaha...XDD...does minyuk hv a crush on our new girl??hmmm...*smirks* hahaha...woflie txted me coz he's bored...n i'm going 2 c s.tiger oppa again...hehehe...huge stuffed tiger...kidnap...hehehehe...n yea..curious on what would b da reaction if da boys hear us kids call shinae appa??hahahaha
Wow! Umma still upset about JiHyun?? o.0<br />
Jiji is jealous!!XD<br />
L.Joe L.Joe L.Joe~ *shakes head* Pick up lines?XD<br />
Wow! Junhyung ahjusshi seems to be okay about Appa and Jay Umma.. o.o<br />
Ouch! Hyesu unnie and Dongwoo???<br />
Wonder how will Jay look like if we call him Umma and Shinae unnie appa?? XD
#8 tin..we r all stuck in a love triangle..n soon it will b jihyun's turn...hehehe..wonder what will happen once zico finds out she is crushing on can imagine zico n taewoo being quite da scary pair..hehehehe..can't wait for da next update ad since baby tin crashed my date with wolfie, hoya n her brother..hahaha
Uh-oh... Not good!!>< <br />
Well~ It's easy to get along with us with Zico's help! :D<br />
Ah~ First, me. Second, MiEun and now, appa. -0-<br />
I wonder how umma and Jiji appa never get caught! :\<br />
I bet next is going to be Hyesu unnie!!XDD<br />
Choding is in love!!!
tiffism #10
Omo~ The new girl and Minah is not getting along! xD<br />
I can actually see her really being annoyed at the girl's spoiled attitude.<br />
Althought *cough* he is not my type whatsoever *cough*<br />