The Future

Beautiful Lie.


MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I woke up this morning, alone of course. Jongdae was more busy these days with many variety shows. Jongdae. That was his name, and that was what I had been calling him by since we were married. He loved it, I loved it. It was a win-win scenario. Today was just another normal day, or so I thought. *OH! It's our first year wedding anniversary!!* Today was a special day. After 1 whole year of being married to Jongdae, I still couldn't believe it was real. I always thought that it was a beautiful lie, that it was just in my imagination that he had proposed to me. That we've been married for a year. That we now have a 2 month old daughter. But it was completely real.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up, but ended up making a bigger mess, vomiting in the sink. *What..? Did I eat something weird?* I tried to recall my meals yesterday. *Nope, nothing unusual.* I just ignored it. I went to check on little Minyoung, our daughter. She was smiling and yawning as I picked her up from her crib and took her outside to her cot.

I was still on maternity leave, but that meant I had plenty of time to prepare my present to Jongdae. I had already bought a card and things for the cake that I was going to make for him, his favourite. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing. But I decided to do the card first. I looked at the blank card in front of me as I sat beside Minyoung's cot as she started playing. *What should I write?*

"Minyoung-ah, what should I write for daddy?" I asked her, and got a squeal as a reply. I sighed. *I'll come up with something...* But my stomach suddenly felt funny. I ran to the bathroom and once again, threw up in the sink. *What is happening?? The only other time this had happened was when- Oh no.*

I picked up my phone and called one of my friends.

"Hello? Minji? What's up?"

"Hello? Su Hwa? My gosh, can you do me a big favour?"

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Umm, could you get me a pregnancy test..?"

"Oh? But I thought you just had a child."

"I know, but I just had morning sickness... I don't know. Me and Jongdae do fool around sometimes..."

"Oh dear... Okay, I'll go get one for you. Sit tight, okay?"

"Of course, where else am I going to go? Thank you Su Hwa."

"It's alright, I mean, what are friends for, right? I'll see you soon. Bye."


Su Hwa was a girl that I had met when I was in a pregnancy yoga class. We were both pregnant at the time, but she had her daughter before I had Minyoung. But since that day we first talked, we've become very close friends. I'm glad I met her. I played with Minyoung until she got tired, then I fed her some milk and she fell asleep. I put her back in the cot for her afternoon nap. Eventually, Su Hwa came with her daughter, Su Hyun, and the pregnancy test. 2 of them.

"Su Hwa, why did you bring two?" I asked her. She smiled.

"It's just in case the first one is wrong. You can try one now, and then try one tonight, when Jongdae comes home." she tells me. I nodded at her. *Good point.*

I told her to watch Minyoung while I went to the bathroom to take the test. When I had finished, I looked at the stick in shock as one word popped out at me: PREGNANT. *Oh my god.* I walked back outside to see Su Hwa playing happily with Su Hyun. I smiled. *Maybe having another child might not be too bad.*

"So... I'm pregnant again." I say, making Su Hwa turn her head to me. She smiled widely.

"That's great! I've always wanted more than one child, but I'll take my time." she says to me. I laughed. We talked for a while before she had to leave. I walked her to the door and bid her farewell before making my way back into the kitchen to start the cake. *Wow. Another child...* I looked at the clock. *3:56 pm already!? Better get on with the cake.*

I got the ingredients and started sifting, mixing, testing and baking. The cake finally went into the oven and I waited for it as I made dinner. I was making bibimbap for dinner and it was almost done, but the cake finished first. I took it out of the oven and carefully placed it in the fridge for it to cool down. It would only need 5 minutes. I started making icing for the cake, and once I was done with that, it was the perfect time to take the cake out of the fridge. I heard a shriek as I placed the cake down on the counter. I smiled, because it was Minyoung playing in the cot not far away. She was having fun. I started putting the icing on the cake. It was almost done, but I needed to write something on top. I grabbed some white icing and put it in a piping bag. I used it to write a message on the cake:

"Happy Anniversary my precious baby Jongdae."

I smiled at what I wrote. *Perfect.* I took the cake and carefully placed it back in the fridge. Then I realised that I hadn't finished writing my card for Jongdae. *Darn it!* I ran off to grab a pen and the card and wrote a message inside:

"Jongdae, happy anniversary. Can you believe that it's been a year already? And that we have a daughter? Time goes so fast when we're together, but I'm happy that I get to spend the rest of my life, with you... Through the good times, and the bad times, we'll get through it, together, yes? I love you with all my heart, forever. <3

Your love, Minji"

"Whew, done." I mumbled to myself as I put it aside, but then a thought came to me. *I can play a trick on him.* I grabbed a fancy gift bag and placed the card inside, then placed it beside the table as I continued making dinner, just as I heard a door open very quietly. *Must be Jongdae. Perfect timing I must say...* I pretended not to hear it and continued with the food.

"Happy Anniversary." somebody whispered in my ear, startling me. I turned around, a surprised expression on my face, but it softened as soon as I saw Jongdae holding a balloon and flowers. I smiled.

"Awww baby, thank you! Happy Anniversary." I say, hugging him tightly before planting a kiss on his lips quickly before returning to the food. I could just see him pout out of the corner of my eye.

"Where's my present?" he asked me, trying to make himself sound cute. *You're already cute enough.*

"I'm making it. It's a work in progress. You'll have to be patient." I tell him. "Why don't you go play with Minyoung?" I asked him, pointing at the cot, trying to distract him. I heard him sigh, and it made me feel a bit guilty for not giving him his present now. I didn't physically react though, and he finally went to go and play with Minyoung. I watched as Jongdae approached the cot, and I could hear Minyoung mumbling playfully, but she was sounding a bit tired. I watched Jongdae as he played with Minyoung. He smiled and picked her up gently.

"Hello there Minyoung~ are you tired? Look what daddy got for you~" I could hear him say as he presented a little Blue Bear plushie to her, which made her squeal in joy as she grabbed it and proceeded to shake it around. *Aw, Blue Bear...* He chuckled. I smiled. *Such a good father.*

"Dinner is ready!" I called to Jongdae.

"Minyoung-ah, let's go say hello to mummy, okay?" I heard him saying to Minyoung, carrying her over to me. Minyoung shrieked in joy as I greeted her with a kiss. Jongdae smiled as he placed Minyoung into the high chair that was placed between me and Jongdae. We sat down and started eating.

"Wow! Minyoung, look what mummy made for daddy! It's yummy bibimbap! Oh, and look what you have to eat! Yummy porridge~" he says to Minyoung, which made me giggle.

"Happy Anniversary, Jongdae." I tell him, pulling out the bag from under the table. He looked at it, surprised. *What? You thought I didn't get you something?*

"Wow! What is it?" he asked me, taking the present carefully.

"You'll have to open it to find out." I tell him, trying not to laugh so I wouldn't ruin the trick. He was so excited, he opened it straightaway. He found the card and started reading it silently. He smiled, then looked like he wanted to cry. I looked down at my hands in embarrassment. *Was it too cheesy?* I could feel him walking over to me, then as his arms wrapped around me, he kissed me gently on the lips. The embarrassment that I felt soon faded as the kiss deepened. After moments of kissing each other, he broke the kiss, staring into my eyes.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Minji." he tells me, as he went back to his seat. I smiled as he passed me a card of his own. I read it in silence:

"Minji, happy anniversary. It's been one amazing year beside you, and there are many to come as well. Isn't it amazing that we already have a family. Minyoung is so beautiful, just like you. I'm glad that you're the one I'll be spending the rest of my life with. I love you forever, and don't you ever forget it, okay? <3

Forever yours, Jongdae"

I smiled as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I looked at him and walked over to hug him, sitting on his lap. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Jongdae." I tell him, and he smiled. Those three words we all that I could say to describe how I feel about him. We kissed once again, and then decided that we should have our dinner before it gets cold.

"Sooooo, where is my present?" he asked me as he started feeding Minyoung her porridge. I looked at him.

"I thought you already opened it." I told him. He was confused. He picked up the bag that he had gotten the card from and realised that it was empty. *I totally got him!!*

"You'll have to wait for dinner to end to get your present." I tell him, seeing his disappointment. He started to eat, then realised that he couldn't eat with me on his lap. He was definitely hungry.

"Are you planning on going back to your seat any time soon?" he asked me. I giggled at him.

"Nope. I'll feed you, and you can feed me." I tell him, clapping my hands together before grabbing his chopsticks. He smiled and grabbed mine. I picked up a huge amount of vegetables and stuffed it in his mouth. He tried chewing it and almost choked. I tried so hard not to laugh. Eventually he had swallowed it and started to feed me. He gave me a bit of egg, vegetables and rice, feeding it to me nicely, unlike what I did to him. He pouted at me to show his dislike to how I fed him compared to how he fed me. I laughed at him as he went back to feeding Minyoung some more food.

"Yah! What do you keep laughing at?" he asked me, frustrated. I started calming down, suddenly feeling very tired, and patted his shoulder before resting my head on it. I sighed.

"I just love being around you. You mean everything to me." I tell him, smiling at him. He smiled back at me before picking up more food to feed me. I was absolutely exhausted.

Soon, I had eaten my whole bowl, and Jongdae had eaten none. Even Minyoung had finished her food. But I was too tired to care or do anything. I was actually falling asleep on him. Minyoung was sitting in her high chair, clapping her hands together in excitement. I could hear Jongdae sigh. I felt an arm on my back and one arm under my legs before someone picked me up.

"Minyoung-ah, you sit there like a good girl, okay? Daddy will be right back." I could hear him say. I heard her giggle and clap her hands together as she shrieked. I suddenly felt like we were moving, and then I was placed on the bed. My stomach hurt again and I lay there, waiting for the pain to pass. I couldn't move, and I felt so sick. Next thing I know, I felt arms wrap around me as my clothes were taken off and replaced with new ones. Then the room felt empty once again. I heard the TV turn on and plates being moved. *Sorry Jongdae, I'm in so much pain.*

I then heard the shower turn on and his beautiful voice coming from the room. Then it turned off soon later. I was in huge pain now. I tried to move to a different position to see if it was more comfortable while also clutching onto my stomach. I felt a pair of hands shake me.

"Minji-ah, get up. Are you okay?" I heard his voice. I didn't respond, I couldn't respond. So he shook me harder until I forced my eyes open. I was still in tremendous pain.

"Ah, huh, wha..?" I mumbled and blabbed as I started getting used to the light in the room.

"Are you okay Minji? Is your stomach okay?" he asked me, lifting up my t-shirt to check my stomach. I bit my lip as I contemplated discussing this pregnancy with him.

"I-I never told you, did I?" I told him slowly. He looked at me.

"Told me what? Did someone hurt you?" he asked me. Fear was stuck on his face. *This is it.*

"I'm pregnant again." I say out of the blue. *Please don't kill me.*

"Is it my child?" he asked me. I looked at him, shocked that he would suggest that I might be sleeping with another man.

"Of course it is! But I was thinking about an abortion, because I didn't know if you could deal with it. I mean, your career is still going well and we already have one beautiful daughter, and-" I started, but he stopped me with a kiss. I relaxed.

"Life shouldn't be thrown away. We are going to have this child, okay? It'll work. And I'll be there with you the whole time. We'll get through this together." he says to me, smiling. He walked over to the crib where Minyoung was.

"Minyoung-ah, did you hear? You're going to have a sibling! You won't be lonely. But remember, you're going to be the oldest, so you have to be responsible okay?" he whispered to her as he shook his finger at her before he chuckled lightly. I smiled as he turned around and walked over to me, sitting behind me as he hugged my waist, rubbing my belly in the progress.

"Baby, grow quickly okay? Daddy can't wait to see you!" he says to my belly. I giggled before I walked off to the bathroom. *Have to check again.* I still had that other pregnancy test to make sure the first one was correct. I did the test and once again, that word popped out at me again: PREGNANT. I smiled as I walked out of the bathroom.

"It's official. We're having our second baby. I just checked again, in case." I told Jongdae. He laughed.

"Wow. Well, you're an amazing mummy, and this child is going to love you, just like me and Minyoung love you." he says, hugging me as we lay down on the bed. I was definitely exhausted.

"You're an amazing daddy. You looked after me and Minyoung well today. She's sleeping well because of you. This child will love you as well, just like me and Minyoung love you." I say, snuggling up to him. He smiled.

"I'm sure they will. Goodnight Minji. I love you." he says as he kissed my forehead and turned off the lamp beside him.

"Goodnight Jongdae. I love you too." I tell him as I grabbed a hold of his t-shirt and fell asleep.


CHEN's POV (Point of View)

I woke up this morning beside Minji. I smiled as I looked at her sleeping peacefully. I got up quietly and crept over to check on Minyoung, our daughter. I tehn proceeded to get ready for the busy schedule that I had for the day. Today was just another normal day, or so I thought. **OH! It's our first year wedding anniversary!!** Today was a special day, but I'd have to do something after the busy day with EXO. There were many different things we had to do today, and we did everything as the schedule said. Eventually, we were almost done.

I was going to a variety show with EXO before returning home. Home where my family was. MY family. But even after a whole year being married to Minji, I couldn't believe it was real. I always thought that it was a beautiful lie, that it was just in my imagination that she had said yes to me. That we've been married for a year. That we now have a 2 month old daughter. But it was completely real.

"So? What do you have planned for the big 1 year anniversary?" the EXO boys asked me after we had finished at the variety show. I sighed.

"Just a simple dinner at home since we still have to watch little Minyoung. I'll get her something of course." I tell them. They nod. As we make it to the SM building and I hop off the van to get my car, the others waved at me.

"Have fun tonight!" they shouted. I smiled and waved back at them. **Time to go gift shopping.** I drove to that cute little shop in the mall that me and Minji always go. It's a really special place to us both. I met that lady at the counter again.

"Hello there. Welcome back." she says. I nodded and smiled before I focused on the jewellery in front of me. There were many rings, bracelets, charms, necklaces, all the jewellery you could think of. I think I've seen many of them over and over, but still no one has bought them. **This shop is so underrated!** I looked around for anything new. There were some new plushies on the shelves nearby, but no new jewellery that I could see. "Maybe I should buy her something other than jewellery..." I mumbled to myself.

"Would you like to look at some special plushies for special occasions?" the lady at the counter asked me as she stepped out to help me. **Maybe I should.**

"Yes, maybe I should take a break from buying jewellery all the time." I told her, chuckling. She smiled and led me to the corner of the shop that I had never noticed before. There were many plushies, and they were sorted by occasions. Some were made for weddings, some for birthdays. I looked at the anniversary section and there were many different plushies that all had "Happy Anniversary!" on them, but I thought about it, and shook my head. **Maybe a plushie isn't a good idea.** I looked at the lady apologetically.

"I don't think there is anything in this store that I could buy." I told her. She nodded her head, an understanding look on her face.

"Well, you could always buy some flowers and a balloon." she tells me. **Hmm, simple and beautiful.** I nodded to the lady and she led me to another section of the shop where there were bouquets of various flowers and many different styled balloons on sale. I looked at the flowers and saw a bouquet of red roses. I immediately picked them up, then went ahead and looked at the balloons. There were many different designs on the balloons. But I saw one that I knew Minji would love. It was in the shape of a love heart, and it said "I love you yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever more..." **So cheesy. But Minji loves cheesy stuff. I smiled as I grabbed that balloon. I also saw a few cards on the side. There was one that said "Happy Anniversary" on the front, and it looked beautiful. I picked it up as well. The lady smiled and went to the cash register, adding up the price. I walked to the counter as well, and on the way, I saw a little plushie. It was a Blue Bear plushie. I knew that Minji loved Blue Bear, but this plushie was really small. Not so small that someone could choke on it, but small enough for an infant to play with it. **I'll buy this for Minyoung! Perfect.** I reminded the lady to add the plushie to the price as well, and she nodded.

"That will be $10." she tells me. I looked at her, surprised. **That's a bit cheap.**

"Did you give me another discount again?" I asked her. She looked at the ground and nodded. **She's too kind.** I smiled at her and pulled out my wallet. I grabbed $100 and gave it to her.

"Keep the change. Please. You've done so much for me these few years, giving me discounts and even helping me with my proposal. The least you can do is accept this, even if it isn't much." I tell her. She looks at me, and almost immediately, a smile spreads across her face.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" she says, bowing continuously. I bowed to her and started walking to my car. I climbed in, placing the flowers, the card and the plushie in the passenger seat beside me and the balloon floating at the back. But before I made my way home, I had to write in the card. **What should I write?** I picked up the card and a pen that I kept in the car.

"Minji, happy anniversary. It's been one amazing year beside you, and there are many to come as well. Isn't it amazing that we already have a family. Minyoung is so beautiful, just like you. I'm glad that you're the one I'll be spending the rest of my life with. I love you forever, and don't you ever forget it, okay? <3

Forever yours, Jongdae"

I smiled at what I wrote. **She'll love it for sure.** I put the card down beside me and finally started making my way home.

A few minutes later, I was home. I grabbed my gifts and made my way to the front door and opening the door as quietly as I could. Sneaking in, I closed the door, making sure the balloon wouldn't get caught, I took my shoes off and tiptoped inside, looking for Minji and Minyoung. As I was looking for them, there was an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. Curiousity got the better of me and I went to explore. **They're probably in the kitchen anyway.** And I was right. Minji was making something, while Minyoung was playing in her cot not far away. I snuck up to Minji, and she didn't notice. **Perfect.**

"Happy Anniversary." I whispered in her ear, startling her. She turned around, a surprised expression on her face, but it softened as soon as she saw me holding the balloon and the flowers. She smiled.

"Awww baby, thank you! Happy Anniversary." she says, hugging me tightly before planting a kiss on my lips quickly before returning to the food. I pouted.

"Where's my present?" I asked her, trying to make myself sound cute.

"I'm making it. It's a work in progress. You'll have to be patient." she tells me. "Why don't you go play with Minyoung?" she asks me, pointing at the cot. I sighed, trying to make Minji feel guilty for not having a present for me ready. She didn't react, so I decided to just go and play with Minyoung. As I approached the cot, I could hear her mumbling playfully, but she was sounding tired. I looked at her. She was absolutely adorable, she looked exactly like Minji and I loved it. She saw me and started laughing and holding out her arms. She want me to carry her. I smiled and picked her up gently.

"Hello there Minyoung~ are you tired? Look what daddy got for you~" I said, presenting the little Blue Bear plushie to her, which made her squeal in joy as she grabbed it and proceeded to shake it around. I chuckled. She was always excited and happy, and it was great to see her so happy.

"Dinner is ready!" I heard Minji call us. I looked at Minyoung.

"Minyoung-ah, let's go say hello to mummy, okay?" I tell her, carrying her over to Minji. Minyoung shrieked in joy as Minji greeted her with a kiss. I smiled as I placed Minyoung into the high chair that was placed between me and Minji. We sat down and started eating.

"Wow! Minyoung, look what mummy made for daddy! It's yummy bibimbap! Oh, and look what you have to eat! Yummy porridge~" I said to Minyoung, which made Minji giggle.

"Happy Anniversary, Jongdae." she says, pulling out a bag from under the table. I looked at it, surprised. **Wah, she actually got me a present?**

"Wow! What is it?" I asked her, taking the present carefully.

"You'll have to open it to find out." she says, not even giving me a simple clue or anything. I was so excited, so I opened it. There was a card, so I read that first:

"Jongdae, happy anniversary. Can you believe that it's been a year already? And that we have a daughter? Time goes so fast when we're together, but I'm happy that I get to spend the rest of my life, with you... Through the good times, and the bad times, we'll get through it, together, yes? I love you with all my heart, forever. <3

Your love, Minji"

I smiled, and almost cried. I looked at her. She was looking at her hands or something, but she looked embarrassed, probably because of what she wrote in the card. I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her, and kissing her gently on the lips. The embarrassment that she felt before, soon faded as the kiss deepened. After moments of kissing each other, I broke the kiss, staring into her eyes.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Minji." I tell her, as I went back to my seat. I suddenly remembered that I had a card as well. I grabbed it from the other side of the table and passed it to her. She read it in silence and smiled, what looked like tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She looked at me and walked over to hug me, sitting on my lap. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you Jongdae." she says, and I smiled. It wasn't much, but I loved it. Everytime she says those three words, I'm just filled with happiness. I don't even care about anything else. We kissed once again, and then decided that we should have our dinner before it gets cold.

"Sooooo, where is my present?" I asked her as I started feeding Minyoung her porridge. She looked at me.

"I thought you already opened it." she tells me. I was confused. I picked up the bag that I got the card from and realised that it was empty. **She tricked me!!**

"You'll have to wait for dinner to end to get your present." she tells me, obviously seeing my disappointment. **Is it something edible? Oh, maybe it's a dessert!** I started to eat, then realised that I couldn't eat with Minji on my lap. But I could feed Minyoung. But I was hungry.

"Are you planning on going back to your seat any time soon?" I ask her. She giggled at me.

"Nope. I'll feed you, and you can feed me." she says, clapping her hands together before grabbing my chopsticks. I smiled and grabbed hers. She picked up a huge amount of vegetables and stuffed it in my mouth. I tried chewing it and almost choked. Eventually I swallowed it and started to feed Minji. I gave her a bit of egg, vegetables and rice. I fed it to her nicely, unlike what she did to me. I pouted at her to show my dislike to how she fed me compared to how I fed her. She laughed at me as I went back to feeding Minyoung some more food.

"Yah! What do you keep laughing at?" I ask her, frustrated. She starts calming down and patting my shoulder before resting her head on it. She sighed.

"I just love being around you. You mean everything to me." she says, smiling at me. I smiled back at her before picking up more food to feed her. She looked exhausted. **Probably because of dear little Minyoung.**

Soon, she had eaten her whole bowl, and I had eaten none. Even Minyoung had finished her food. Minji was actually falling asleep on me. Minyoung was sitting in her high chair, clapping her hands together in excitement. **Aren't you a tiny bit tired? At all?** I sighed. Looking back at Minji, I smiled. She still looked like an angel to me. Beautiful and unbelievable. I gently put one arm on her back and one arm under her legs before picking her up.

"Minyoung-ah, you sit there like a good girl, okay? Daddy will be right back." I tell her. She just giggled and clapped her hands together as she shrieked. I quickly took Minji into the bedroom and placed her on the bed before I went back to the kitchen to get Minyoung. She was still there, but her face had changed into a sad one. She was about to cry.

"Oh, Minyounggie~ Daddy is here, don't cry okay? Are you tired yet?" I say to her, trying to soothe her as she started crying. I picked her up and patted her back. As she cried, she burped as well. Soon after, there was silence.

"Are you happy now Minyoung? Sleepy baby~" I cooed as I rocked her. I gave her a bottle of water, and she sipped a bit of it before her eyes started closing. I took the bottle from her and gave her a pacifier instead. She on it, her face calm. She finally fell asleep and I took her into the bedroom as well. Me and Minji had put the crib in our room because we thought it was safer that way. I put her down into the crib and wrapped some blankets tightly around her to keep her warm. I smiled down at her as she continued to sleep. I then turned around to Minji. **Completely knocked out.**

I'd have to change her clothes again. A few minutes later and I was done with the clothes change. I threw those worn clothes into the laundry room and went to the kitchen to eat and clean up. I decided to turn the TV on to keep me company. I watched the news as I chowed down on my bibimbap that I never got to finish. A few minutes later and I was finished with the food. My hunger was satisfied and I began to wash the dishes. I decided to just clean the whole house. I looked at the clock. **Only 8:05 pm. Plenty of time.**

I finished the house cleaning in about half an hour. But then I was exhausted. I went to the fridge to get a drink of water. But I found something else.

"I think it's my anniversary present..." I mumbled to myself as I took the beautiful cake out of the fridge. It was chocolate flavoured, my favourite. There was chocolate icing and words written on the top:

"Happy Anniversary my precious baby Jongdae."

I smiled. It was something that Minji would've definitely said. I put the cake back into the fridge and got a drink before heading off to shower, brush my teeth and go to sleep.

I walked back into the bedroom, and Minji was still sleeping. I chuckled as I headed into the bathroom to have a shower. It only lasted as long as Growl lasted. I knew because I was singing it in the shower. I even tried dancing to it, but almost slipped and fell on my bottom. I chuckled. **Definite Dancing Machine here...** I got out of the shower, changing into my clothes as fast as I could to avoid feeling cold, and I brushed my teeth. As soon as I was done there, I grabbed the hair dryer and dried my hair. **Can't go to sleep with wet hair.**

As I stepped back into the bedroom, Minji was sleeping in a different position. She was clutching onto her stomach. **What's wrong?** I walked up to her. Her face was scrunched up in pain. I shook her gently.

"Minji-ah, get up. Are you okay?" I asked her. She didn't respond, so I shook her harder until she woke up. She still had a pained expression on her face.

"Ah, huh, wha..?" she mumbled and blabbed as she started waking up.

"Are you okay Minji? Is your stomach okay?" I asked her, lifting up her t-shirt to check her stomach. There were no obvious wounds, but I couldn't understand why she was like this.

"I-I never told you, did I?" she says slowly. I looked at her. **Told me what?**

"Told me what? Did someone hurt you?" I asked her. I was getting worried now. She looked at me, the pained expression gone.

"I'm pregnant again." she says out of the blue. **That was the news..? OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO HAVE 2 CHILDREN!!!** But then I remembered that there is a chance that the child might not be mine.

"Is it my child?" I asked her. She looked at me, shocked that I would suggest that she might be sleeping with another man.

"Of course it is! But I was thinking about an abortion, because I didn't know if you could deal with it. I mean, your career is still going well and we already have one beautiful daughter, and-" she said, but I stopped her with a kiss. She relaxed visibly.

"Life shouldn't be thrown away. We are going to have this child, okay? It'll work. And I'll be there with you the whole time. We'll get through this together." I told her, smiling. I walked over to the crib where Minyoung was.

"Minyoung-ah, did you hear? You're going to have a sibling! You won't be lonely. But remember, you're going to be the oldest, so you have to be responsible okay?" I whispered to her as I shook my finger at her before I chuckled lightly. I turned around to see Minji smiling. **This is going to be great.** I walked over to her, sitting behind her as I hugged her waist, rubbing her belly in the progress.

"Baby, grow quickly okay? Daddy can't wait to see you!" I say to Minji's belly. She giggled before she walked off to the bathroom. I sighed.

"Another baby... Wow." I say. That was all I could say. But it was good news. I was happy. I smiled as I went outside to turn off all the lights in the house. As I came back into the room, Minji came back, smiling as well.

"It's official. We're having our second baby. I just checked again, in case." she tells me. I laughed.

"Wow. Well, you're an amazing mummy, and this child is going to love you, just like me and Minyoung love you." I tell her hugging her as we lay down on the bed. I was definitely exhausted.

"You're an amazing daddy. You looked after me and Minyoung well today. She's sleeping well because of you. This child will love you as well, just like me and Minyoung love you." she tells me, snuggling up to me. I smiled.

"I'm sure they will. Goodnight Minji. I love you." I tell her as I kissed her forehead and turned off the lamp beside me.

"Goodnight Jongdae. I love you too." she says as she grabbed a hold of my t-shirt and fell asleep.




My god, I'm sorry for the late update, hectic weeks. I went to camp in Melbourne~ but I missed this K-Pop shop (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

I hope you guys enjoy this last chapter of this story. I'm so proud to have finished it, and have readers that are willing to read this.

So, enjoy, comment and subscribe guys!! :D

Also, I've started a new fanfic called Love Me Again. Check it out! :)

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD