Going Back To School

Beautiful Lie.

MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I woke up and yawned, closing my eyes tightly because the sun shining in my eyes was too much. I looked over at Chen sleeping peacefully. I touched his forehead. *Oh, his fever is practically gone.* I smiled and sat up, crawling out of my sleeping bag and standing up, staring at the EXO boys strewn across the room, still snoring peacefully. I smiled and looked at the clock. *6:43 am? Wow, so early...*

I slowly walked downstairs, walking to the bathroom to freshen up. Then I went to the kitchen. *I should make some breakfast for EXO. They've been so nice to me.* I went to the cupboard to see what ingredients I had to use to make some food. I chose to make some pajeon (korean pancake). *Yum!* I started making the batter and preparing to fry the pancakes for each of the guys. I looked at the clock. *Only 6:57 am. I think I'll decorate the pancakes! The others won't wake for a while.* I knew because they had slept over once already.

I finished frying the pajeon and started plating them and placing them on the table, careful not to make a racket. I used fresh fruit that I found to decorate each of the pancakes. I decorated each of them with one member's name, meaning that plate would be theirs. After I named them, I made cute little pictures on each. I made a kitten on Sehun's, a puppy on Kai's and a panda on Tao's pajeon. *I think they'll like this.* I made a rabbit on Lay's pajeon, a cute little lion for Chanyeol, a penguin for Baekhyun, a turtle for Suho, a tiger for Kris, a cute little bird for Luhan, a baozi for Xiumin, a little chick for Kyungsoo and a smiley face for Chen with love hearts around it. I looked at them all and sighed. *Perfect.*

I looked at the clock. *7:20 am. They should be up by now.* I walked upstairs to see the guys still sleeping peacefully. *Oh dear...* I cupped my hands around my mouth and prepared my voice.

"WAKE UP!!" I screamed as loud as I could. Sehun sat straight up and looked at me. I smiled.

"Good morning noona~" he says sleepily, rubbing his eyes and crawling out of his sleeping bag.

"Good morning Sehunnie~" I say, giving him a hug before he walked downstairs to the bathroom. The others slowly woke up after.

"Come on guys... Breakfast is getting cold!" I said. As soon as they heard the word 'breakfast', they hurried downstairs, pushing and shoving to get to the bathroom first and to the kitchen. But Chen was still asleep, so I walked up to Chen and touched his forehead again, just to make sure. *He'll definitely be okay for school.* I grabbed his shoulders and shook him lightly.

"Oppa, wake up." I say, still shaking him. He didn't move or say anything, but his facial expression changed into a sad one. *Time to do it the hard way then.* I shook him harder, but because of all the movement, I ended up slipping and falling on top of him.

"Ah!" I heard him scream. I looked at him and gasped.

"Oppa, I'm so sorry!!" I say, scrambling off him to check on him. He looked at me like I was a ghost and I helped him sit up. Suddenly he grabbed me and wrapped me into a tight hug. I could hear soft sobs coming from him.

"Oppa... What's wrong?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around him slowly. He moved away from the hug and looked at me, then smiled.

"I had the most horrible nightmare ever. You left me." he said. *H-he would cry if I left him? Do I really mean that much to you, Kim Jongdae?*

I smiled and looked at him, my eyes starting to brim with tears. "Well oppa, I'll never leave you. You have my word." I tell him, leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips. *Don't cry anymore...*

"Promise?" he asks, his voice as low as a whisper. He holds out his pinky finger. I smiled.

"Pinky promise." I say, hooking my own pinky finger with his, wrapping him into a hug. "Oppa. You should get up and eat. We have to go to school soon." I tell him, helping him up.

"Yeah... I should. Well come on." he says, walking with me downstairs, his arm over my shoulder. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I felt at peace.

Chen went into the bathroom to freshen up, while I went to go check on the others in the kitchen. When I got there, everyone was chomping on their pajeon.

"Minji, you're a great cook! You have to teach me sometime." Kyungsoo said, smiling brightly while taking little bites of his chick pajeon.

"No, you're the great cook. YOU have to teach ME sometime." I say, making him blush. I heard him mumble a 'Thank you' before continuing to eat.

"Noona, this is the best breakfast I've ever had!" Kai says, smiling at the puppy I made on his pajeon.

"Yeah, this really is the best!" Sehun says while Tao nodded, his mouth full with panda pajeon. I smiled.

"Thank you guys." I say, starting on my own pajeon. I didn't decorate mine with anything because I was too engrossed in decorating the others, but it was delicious nonetheless. Chen finally got to the kitchen and sat down next to me, looking at his pajeon. I saw a smile appear on his face and he turned to look at me. I smiled back at him, happy to see that he looked well enough to go to school. We all ate and chatted for what seemed like forever. I looked at the clock. *7:59 am. Better get ready for school then.*

"Come on guys, we have to get ready for school!" I tell them, slowly standing up from the table and taking my plate to the kitchen sink.

"Oh yes, almost forgot." Suho says, running to place his plate in the sink before running off somewhere else. "Come on guys!"

Everyone else rushed to dispose of their plates and get ready for school. *Tsk, boys.* I decided to wash the dishes since I didn't really take that much time getting ready like they did. After all, they are superstars. I grabbed the plates and washed them slowly, taking my time. I started singing to Angel. It was a cute song. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist. *Chen.* I decided to surprise him, so I turned around and placed a kiss on his lips. He let go, shocked. I giggled, going back to the dishes. He wrapped his arms around my waist again, and started singing along with me, making me smile.

"As long as you're with me, Heaven is anytime, anywhere." we sang together, looking at each other. He leaned in for a kiss, but I avoided it because I dropped the plate.

"Shoot. Phew, at least it didn't brea-" I said, feeling his warmth leave me. I turned to see him walking to his room. I quickly finished off that last dish before running after him, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "Chen, why are you like this?"

He just sighed. "It's just like the dream. You're avoiding me, and then, you'll leave me." he said, obviously upset. *Wow, I never knew he could be this sensitive. This is a side I've never seen before.*

"Firstly, I don't avoid you, you're not the only person around me, but you are the most important." I say, kissing him, but he didn't kiss me back. I pouted at him and poked him. We got to the bed in Chen's room and sat down. "Secondly, I'll never leave you, didn't I promise this morning?" I asked him, sitting on his lap and trying to kiss him again, but he turned away. "Oppa..." I say, slowly getting off of him. *Might as well just get ready for school.* But he stopped me from leaving and kissed me passionately, I was shocked. But I soon ignored it and focused on the kiss. We stopped after a while when we realised that we still had to get to school. I hopped off his lap and grabbed my clothes, quickly changing, not even caring that Chen was still in the room with me. He's seen me in a bikini, so I don't care anymore. I looked at my uniform that was now free from blood and I put it on, smiling. *He washed it for me.*

"Oppa, hurry and change, we have to go to school." I say, putting my socks and shoes on and fixing my hair. I looked over at him, but he wasn't there. *Did he go already?* I shrugged and grabbed my bag, walking outside to find the 12 boys lining up in a straight line. I looked at them, waiting for an explanation.

"We were just waiting, and thought that it would be appropriate if we waited in a line, just for fun." Kyungsoo explains finally. I smile. *Aw cute..*

"Come on guys, we have to go now!" I say, walking out the front door with the others following me. I looked for Chen and found him looking at the ground. I walked up to him and hooked my arm with his, making him look up at me. I smiled, making him smile. "Let's go everyone!" I say, walking to school with the guys crowded all around me, talking about the weirdest things.

"Oh shoot! I forgot something at my house!! Darn it. Guys, I'm gonna go home and get something, and I'll be back at school soon okay?" Kyungsoo says before he races off home while the others greeted him and continued chatting, and I kept trying to get Chen to look at me.

"Oppa, what are you thinking about?" I asked him, wanting him to at least talk to me. He looked at me.

"I'm worried about those girls. It's the first time we're both back at school." he said, reminding me of the Friday that I was bullied. He started walking slower, staying at the back of the group.

"Be strong oppa. I am. We all are. We'll fix everything, and it'll all be alright again. No matter what, I'll still love you oppa." I say, hugging him around the waist. He my hair. *I'm just happy beside you.*

"I'll try Minji. I've never been good at protecting you." he says, scratching the back of his head. I giggled and grabbed his hand, pulling him along with the others.

"You two lovebirds should be careful today. The girls might come back. But don't worry, we're all here for you." Kris says, turning back to see us holding hands and smiling. I smiled at him, nodding to indicate that we heard what he said. *I'll definitely be careful today.* I looked at Chen and gave him a peck on the cheek, showing him that I still loved him.

We had classes and everything was fine. Recess passed, but nothing happened. The next lessons went by and everything was all good, but I started getting worried. *What are those girls doing? Did they give up?* It was lunch time and we met up with the guys where we usually did; the rooftop.

"Hey guys." I greet the others as I take a seat with Chen beside me.

"Hey Minji. Is everything all right today? Nothing's happened yet?" Baekhyun asked me. I shook my head and smiled.

"Not yet, but I don't think that they'd give up easily." I say, taking a bite of my lunch.

"Don't worry, we'll protect you noona~" Sehun tells me, smiling brightly. He made me feel all nice and warm inside with his smile. It was like magic.

"Thank you Sehunnie, but what if you get hurt like I did last time?" I ask him, going around to sit next to Sehun.

"I don't think that would want to hurt anyone from the boyband EXO. We're too popular and no one wants to hurt us. People that are jealous of girls that hang out with EXO though, that is a different story." Sehun says, everyone nodding in agreement. I thought about it for a while. *If I leave them and become a loner then I wouldn't be hurt, and neither would EXO.*

"Well then what if I were to say that I would leave this friendship group? Would you guys let me?" I asked. I looked around and everyone looked at me like I have just done something terribly wrong. "What..?"

"NOONA YOU CAN'T LEAVE!!!!" Kai shouts, scaring me. I turned around, my eyes widening. Kai was crying. Like, full on bawling his eyes out.

"Wha..? Kai, why are you crying!?" I cried, walking up to him and sitting next to him, hugging him tightly.

"When Kai gets attached to something, or someone, he won't let go." Suho says. I looked at everyone. They all looked sad. Especially Chen.

"I'm sorry I even suggested that stupid idea. I'm sorry guys. I'll stay with you guys, but I don't want any of you to be hurt because of me. Please don't be hurt because of me." I say, tears slowly falling from my eyes and running down my cheeks. I kissed Kai on the forehead. "I'm sorry Kai. Noona will stay with you okay? Please don't cry anymore..." I say, his hair and wiping the tears from his face. He smiled a little smile, making me smile. Suddenly 11 other boys bombard me with hugs. *Oh god what is happening?* But all I could do was smile and hug them, happy tears escaping my eyes. *I have the best friends anyone could have.* I hugged 11 guys, but where was the 12th? *Chen..?* I saw Chen sitting on the floor, hugging his legs.

"Chen oppa. Are you okay?" I asked him, worried.

"You promised you wouldn't leave." he said, making me remember what I had promised him this morning.

"Oppa, you know I wouldn't. The others wouldn't let me anyway." I say, trying to give him a hug, but he just wriggled away from me.

"How do I know that you won't lie?" he asked me harshly, his word hurting me. *Oppa...*

"Chen... I'm sorry. I just wanted to protect you. All of you." I say, turning around to face the rest of EXO. "But I guess I can't. I don't lie. I want to protect you all... You have great careers and lives in front of you. Why waste a part of it on me?" I say, tears starting to fall again, but these were sad tears.

"Noona..." Tao says, running up to me to give me a hug. I laughed, but tears still fell.

"I-I'm sorry guys. I think I might need some time to myself, just to think." I told them, walking away. I wiped my tears away, but they were quickly replaced by new ones. I gave up, and just walked. The bell rang for the next class, but I kept walking. It was a free lesson for me anyway. I walked around to the oval, where I was bullied last Friday. Flashbacks played in my head and I slapped myself to snap out of it. I walked around. Suddenly it started raining hard. *What the..? The weather forecast said it was sunny all day!! Oh never mind, my face is already wet.* I continued walking around, a million things in my mind.

*Should I leave the group? If I do, it means breaking up with Chen as well. But then at least he won't have to see me suffer. Then again, he would suffer without me beside him. AISH WHY IS THIS SO HARD!?* I pulled my hair and sat down on a bench, head in my hands, crying. *What do I have to do... What CAN I do?*

"Well well, look who it is. The little wimp that is STILL dating our Chen Chen." I hear a voice say. *Oh no. Not now. Why is life is cruel?!*

"For your information, we broke up." I told them, lying. I turned around to face them. They looked as scary as ever, still trying to look good in the rain, which was virtually impossible.

"Oh really?" Then what was with the lovey dovey act this morning?" Min, one of the girls asked me. *They saw?* I gulped and thought of an answer quickly.

"We broke up just then at lunch. Hence the reason why I am crying..?" I tell them, showing them my face that was drenched with rain and tears.

"Really? Don't you know that we stalk? We watch you guys at school VERY closely, and I don't think that was a break up. That was just what people would call a speed bump along their love journey. But we want your journey to end now, and there's only one way to stop that. If you break up with him, he would still chase after you, but..." Sun, another girl says, making me think. *Please don't say it. Please don't say it.*

"But what?" I ask them, clenching my fists together, ready to defend myself, if I could. The leader of the group, I think it was Jin, came up to me and pulled out a pocket knife. I gasped, looking down at the ground. *I knew it... So this is how I'm going to die.* She used it to push my face up so I was looking at her.

"But, if you die... He'll have no choice but to let you go." she says with a smirk on her face. I looked around, but there was no one, and it was raining. *Even if there was someone, they wouldn't help someone as unimportant as me.*

"Do it." I say simply. The girls looked baffled.

"Wh-what? You would let us kill you?" Min asked. I smiled.

"Why not? My life is too commplicated to live anymore. I want to die." I say, shutting my eyes. I could heard them all laughing. *Just do it.*

"Okay, but we're not going to let you die quickly. We're going to torture you." they say, pushing me to the ground and punching me. *Déjà vu again. But this time, maybe it'll end better...*

Min and Sun kept me down while Jin grabbed the pocket knife and placed it on my arm. "I'm going to enjoy this. Very much." she says, a sinister smile stuck on her face.

"So will I." I tell them, shutting my eyes tightly. I felt the rain hit me and I relaxed. *Also, I hope you guys go to jail for this... But I'm glad this is happening. Maybe heaven is a good place, where I can watch over EXO myself...* Tears fell down the sides of my face while the knife slashed across my arm. "AHHH!" I screamed before one of the girls placed her hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming. I could feel the blood dripping down my arm. More slashes were made down my right arm. More tears fell, and I could feel myself fading away from this world.

"Are you enjoying it?" Jin asked me. I never really remembered her name. Why would I remember the name of someone I didn't want to know?

"It's great, keep going." I mumbled because of the hand on my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw her smiling at me with those crazy eyes of hers. She went to my left arm and started slashing. Mumbled screames came from me, but I knew that nobody would be able to hear me. *God, please, take me with you. Take me away from this cruel world...* Next thing I knew, the girls had started at my legs. I felt faint, and the rain wasn't helping. *God, can you hear me? Protect EXO please, take me and protect them. Don't let them see this. Don't let them see me suffer.* I cried and cried, the pain getting worse and worse as they had finished vandalising my arms and legs.

"Now it's your tummy's turn. I'm going to draw a nice smiley face." she said before laughing. I swore that she was cackling. It sounded evil. I felt the cold rain hit my stomach as they pulled my top up and I felt the knife making a cut on my stomach. I was ticklish and wouldn't stop squirming, so the pain was worse. "STOP SQUIRMING GODDAMMIT!" she yelled at me, making me lay still. She finished and smiled at her masterpiece. *Just let me die already...*

"Now for you beautiful face that Chen loves so much. The face that he has kissed. The face that he longs to see everyday. Let's see how he likes it once we've finished with you." she says. The mention of Chen's name made me hurt more. *Goodbye Chen.*I was slowly disappearing. I could feel it. She slashed the knife on my right cheek, then my left. "My masterpiece is done. I think this is enough. Let's just let her die from blood loss." Jin says before laughing and walking off with the other two following her. Once I was alone, I lay there, staring at the clouds and feeling the rain falling on me. *Isn't this the best way to leave this world?* I closed my eyes, feeling my breath slowly run out.

"MINJI!!!" I heard a voice scream. *No, please no. WHY!? GOD, YOU ARE SO CRUEL.* I looked over at the source of the sound. It was Lay and Kyungsoo.

"STAY AWAY!!" I shout at them, finding some energy in myself to stand up and walk away. But my knees buckled and I sat there, crying.

"MINJI! WHAT HAPPENED!? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS! DID YOU DO THIS!?" they were furiously firing questions at me. Lay carried me while Kyungsoo whipped out his phone to call the others.


"KRIS!! GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW AND GET THE OTHERS." he was screaming in the phone before he hung up. I thought I was going to go deaf. "Lay, get her to my car, we're going to the hospital now!" Kyungsoo says before they both sprinted to his car. I tried pushing Lay away so that he would let me go so that I died in peace, but it wasn't going to happen. His grip on my tightened and his running sped up. They put me in the car and Kyungsoo stepped on it. My breathing quickened and I knew that I wasn't going to have much time left.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS JUST LET ME DIE IN PEACE!?" I shouted at them, leaning my head on the seat of the car, trying to breathe.


"WOULD YOU GUYS STOP SCREAMING!? WE'RE ALL GOING TO GO CRAZY LiKE THIS!" Kyungsoo shrieked, stepping on the gas and driving even faster than before. Lay took off his top and ripped it into shreds. He wrapped pieces everywhere; on my arms, legs, stomach, face, everywhere.

"Guys... I'm not going to make it." I tell them, laying on Lay's lap. "Tell the others, I love them all. They're the best, and only true friends I've had for a while... And tell Chen... That I'm sorry for making him hurt. If we could be together again in another life, I would take that chance..." I say before closing my eyes.

"THIS IS FREAKING DÉJÀ VU AGAIN!!! KYUNGSOO, QUICK, WE HAVE TO MAKE IT!" I could hear Lay shouting. "Please be okay... Please be okay...." he whispers in my ears and I could feel his tears hitting my face. Tears started falling from my own eyes. I wiped them away quickly, and knowing that I'd only have a few minutes left, I lay there, thinking of everything I had done in this life.

"WE'RE HERE!!! GET HER OUT LAY, TAKE HER IN!!!" I heard Kyungsoo scream. I felt movement and we were running again.

"HELP!!! ANYONE, HELP!!! SHE'S GOING TO DIE IN MINUTES!!!!! PLEASE, SAVE HER!!! SHE CAN'T DIE... PLEASE!" I heard Lay screaming. I held onto his shoulders and sobbed while doctors and nurses ran around me. I felt Lay leave my side and I was on a moving bed and was taken into a room with a bright light.

"What happened to her? There's major blood loss. If we don't work straight away, we could lose her." I hear a voice talking. My breathing slowed down, and I felt something being placed on my face. *An oxygen mask?* Doctors were working around me when I opened my eyes, but suddenly I lost conciousness...

There was a bright light ahead where I was. "Is this the way to heaven?" I said to myself. I started walking towards it, but it seemed like a long journey. But I kept going. I kept going, never stopping, besides, I was dead already. Wasn't I? We'll find out...


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

I was in dreamland. Or rather, I was STUCK in it. Wait, rephrase that whole thing. I WAS STUCK IN MY NIGHTMARE. I couldn't wake up. But I saw Minji.

"Minji? What are you doing in my nightmare?" I asked the Minji in my nightmare.

"Go away, I don't need you anymore. You're too boring, and I never really loved you. I just pitied you." she said, smirking at me.

"Wha-? Minji, you don't mean that..." I say, but she walked away. I kneeled down and cried. **Why? Why am I having this nightmare?**

"WAKE UP!!" I heard Minji screaming. **At least now I know it's only a dream.**

"Good morning noona~" I heard Sehun say sleepily. **Why can't I wake up!?**

"Good morning Sehunnie~" I hear Minji say, and the others woke up eventually. I heard them moving around.

"Come on guys... Breakfast is getting cold!" she said, and there was a stampede of hungry guys rushing down the stairs. But I was stuck here. **What the actual hell is going on here? Why can't I freaking wake up!?** I felt Minji touch my forehead, then grab my shoulders and shake me lightly.

"Oppa, wake up." she said, still shaking me. I didn't move or say anything, or more like I couldn't, but I could feel my facial expression changing into a sad one. She started shaking me harder, and then fell on me.

"Ah!" I screamed from the shock and my eyes shot open. I saw her looking at me and she gasped.

"Oppa, I'm so sorry!!" she said, scrambling off of me to check on me. I looked at her, trying to figure out if I was still dreaming or not while she helped me sit up. **Only one way to find out.** I grabbed her and wrapped her into a tight hug and sobbed softly. **She's still here with me.**

"Oppa... What's wrong?" she asked me, wrapping her arms around me slowly. I moved away from the hug and looked at her, smiling.

"I had the most horrible nightmare ever. You left me." I said, my eyes starting to well up with tears again.

She smiled, looking at me, her eyes starting to brim with tears as well. "Well oppa, I'll never leave you. You have my word." she says, leaning in and kissing me gently on the lips. *Please don't leave...*

"Promise?" I asked, my voice as low as a whisper. I held out my pinky finger and she smiled.

"Pinky promise." she says, hooking her own pinky finger with mine, wrapping me into a hug. "Oppa. You should get up and eat. We have to go to school soon." she tells me, helping me up.

"Yeah... I should. Well come on." I tell her, walking with her downstairs, my arm over her shoulder. She smiled at me and I smiled back at her. I felt happy.

I went into the bathroom to freshen up while Minji went to go check on the others in the kitchen. I washed my face and freshened up by having a shower. **That was a horrible nightmare. I hope it never happens...** When I was done there, I went to the kitchen where I heard lots of commotion and talk.

I finally got to the kitchen and sat down next to Minji, looking at the pajeon in front of me. I smiled and turned to look at Minji. **This is adorable... A little smiley face and hearts.** She smiled back at me, making me feel all warm inside. We all ate and chatted for what seemed like forever. I saw Minji look at the clock. **7:59 am. Time to go to school then.**

"Come on guys, we have to get ready for school!" Minji tells the others, slowly standing up from the table and taking her plate to the kitchen sink.

"Oh yes, almost forgot." Suho says, running to place his plate in the sink before running off somewhere else. "Come on guys!"

Everyone else rushed to dispose of their plates and get ready for school. I was the last to put my plate in the sink. Minji had started washing the dishes, taking her time. She started singing to Angel. **You have such a nice voice.** I wrapped my arms around her waist, making her jump a bit. I smiled at the shock I gave her, but then she shocked me by turning around and placing a kiss on my lips. I let go, very shocked. She giggled at me, starting to wash the dishes again. I wrapped my arms back around her waist, and started singing along with her, making her smile.

"As long as you're with me, Heaven is anytime, anywhere." we sang together, looking at each other. I leaned in for a kiss, but she avoided it because she had dropped the plate. I sighed, letting her go and walking off to get ready for school.

"Shoot. Phew, at least it didn't brea-" I heard her say as I walked away. I couldn't even be bothered turning around to look at her. I heard her running, then I felt her arms wrap tightly around me. "Chen, why are you like this?"

I just sighed. "It's just like the dream. You're avoiding me, and then, you'll leave me." I said, obviously upset. **You're avoiding me. Just making up excuses.**

"Firstly, I don't avoid you, you're not the only person around me, but you are the most important." she says, kissing me, but I didn't kiss her back. I didn't feel like it. She pouted at me and poked me. We got to the bed in my bedroom and sat down. "Secondly, I'll never leave you, didn't I promise this morning?" she asked me, sitting on my lap and trying to kiss me again, but I just turned away. "Oppa..." she says, slowly getting off of me. **I don't want you to leave me.** I stopped her from leaving and kissed her passionately, and she was shocked. But we both ended up focusing on the kiss eventually. We stopped after a while when we both realised that we still had to get to school. She hopped off my lap and I missed her warmth, but she was quickly changing, not even caring that I was still in the room with her. But I've seen her in a bikini, so I guess she doesn't really care anymore. I saw her put on her uniform as I changed my clothes quickly, leaving her in the room by herself to finish off. I had washed her uniform myself, by hand. I smiled at the thought then walked outside and was greeted by the other 11 boys.

"Hey Chen hyung!" Tao says, waving at me like he hadn't seen me all morning. I smiled at his cuteness.

"Good morning Tao~" I say, ruffling his hair, laughing when he ran to the bathroom to fix it again.

"Feeling better?" Chanyeol asks me.

"Feeling much better. I'm glad I'm going back to school, I don't want to catch up on too much work, which reminds me... I've got singing class today, catch up from the last few times I've skipped because of Minji." I told him. They all nodded. "Look after her for me okay guys?" I asked them.

"Of course. She's our friend." Luhan says, straightening out his tie. I smiled as if to say 'Thank you'.

Minji finally walked out of the room to find us 12 boys lining up in a straight line. She looked at us, waiting for an explanation.

"We were just waiting, and thought that it would be appropriate if we waited in a line, just for fun." Kyungsoo explains finally. She smiled.

"Come on guys, we have to go now!" she says, walking out the front door with the others following her. I walked at the back, alone. She looked for me after realising that I wasn't beside her and found me looking at the ground. She walked up to me and hooked her arm with mine, making me look up at her. She smiled, making me smile a bit. "Let's go everyone!" she says, walking to school with the guys crowded all around her, talking about the weirdest things.

"Oh shoot! I forgot something at my house!! Darn it. Guys, I'm gonna go home and get something, and I'll be back at school soon okay?" Kyungsoo says before he races off home while the others greeted him and continued chatting, and she kept trying to get me to look at her.

"Oppa, what are you thinking about?" she asked me, wanting me to talk to her. I looked at her. **What about those girls that hurt you?**

"I'm worried about those girls. It's the first time we're both back at school." I said, reminding her of the Friday that she was bullied, and I wasn't there. I started walking slower, staying at the back of the group.

"Be strong oppa. I am. We all are. We'll fix everything, and it'll all be alright again. No matter what, I'll still love you oppa." she says, hugging me around the waist. I her hair. **I hope I can be strong enough for you...**

"I'll try Minji. I've never been good at protecting you." I tell her, scratching the back of my head. She giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me along with the others.

"You two lovebirds should be careful today. The girls might come back. But don't worry, we're all here for you." Kris says, turning back to see us holding hands and smiling. She smiled at him, nodding to indicate that we heard what he said. She looked at me and gave me a peck on the cheek, making me smile inside.

We had classes and everything was fine. Recess passed, but nothing happened. The next lessons went by and everything was all good, but I started getting worried. **Do those girls have something planned for Minji..?** It was lunch time and we met up with the guys where we usually did; the rooftop.

"Hey guys." Minji greeted the others as she took a seat with me beside her.

"Hey Minji. Is everything all right today? Nothing's happened yet?" Baekhyun asked her. She shook her head and smiled.

"Not yet, but I don't think that they'd give up easily." she says, taking a bite of my lunch. **I hope they give up soon...**

"Don't worry, we'll protect you noona~" Sehun tells her, smiling brightly.

"Thank you Sehunnie, but what if you get hurt like I did last time?" she asked him, going around to sit next to Sehun. Flashbacks played in my head. Pictures of Minji laying in bed, all bloody and tired.

"I don't think that would want to hurt anyone from the boyband EXO. We're too popular and no one wants to hurt us. People that are jealous of girls that hang out with EXO though, that is a different story." Sehun says, everyone nodding in agreement. She thought about it for a while. I thought about it for a while. **We'll just have to keep protecting her.**

"Well then what if I were to say that I would leave this friendship group? Would you guys let me?" she asked. She looked around and us 12 boys looked at her like she have just done something terribly wrong. "What..?"

"NOONA YOU CAN'T LEAVE!!!!" Kai shouts, scaring her. She turned around, her eyes widening. Kai was crying. Like, full on bawling his eyes out.

"Wha..? Kai, why are you crying!?" she cried, walking up to him and sitting next to him, hugging him tightly.

"When Kai gets attached to something, or someone, he won't let go." Suho says. She looked at everyone. We all looked sad. Especially me.

"I'm sorry I even suggested that stupid idea. I'm sorry guys. I'll stay with you guys, but I don't want any of you to be hurt because of me. Please don't be hurt because of me." she says, tears slowly falling from her eyes and running down her cheeks. I wanted to wipe her tears away for her, but she was busy. She kissed Kai on the forehead. "I'm sorry Kai. Noona will stay with you okay? Please don't cry anymore..." she said, his hair and wiping the tears from his face. He smiled a little smile, making her smile. Suddenly the other 10 boys bombarded her with hugs while I just sat there. She smiled and hugged them, happy tears escaping her eyes. Or at least, I thought they were happy tears. I just sat on the floor, hugging my legs.

"Chen oppa. Are you okay?" I heard her ask me, worried.

"You promised you wouldn't leave." I said, reminding her of what she promised me this morning.

"Oppa, you know I wouldn't. The others wouldn't let me anyway." she says, trying to give me a hug, but I just wriggled away from her. **It's already happened.**

"How do I know that you won't lie?" I asked her harshly. She looked really hurt, but I just couldn't help thinking that she would've left me either way.

"Chen... I'm sorry. I just wanted to protect you. All of you." she says, turning around to face the rest of EXO. "But I guess I can't. I don't lie. I want to protect you all... You have great careers and lives in front of you. Why waste a part of it on me?" she says, tears starting to fall again, but these were sad tears.

"Noona..." Tao says, running up to her to give her a hug. She laughed, but tears still fell.

"I-I'm sorry guys. I think I might need some time to myself, just to think." she told us, walking away. I watched her as she walked away, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Thanks a lot hyung, Minji noona is sad again..." Kai says, tears still falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I-I'm just really messed up right now... I'm sorry guys. I'll make it right. Maybe it is better if she leaves me..." I told them, muttering to myself sometimes.

"You better sort yourself out. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen. Someone has to watch over Minji." Xiumin says, making all the others panic.

"Yeah... You guys do that... I have to go, think. I need some time to myself, like Minji does." I tell them, before walking off as well. **The nightmare is happening...**

I decided to just go home, so I grabbed my stuff and started walking. It started raining when I made it out of the school. I guess the walk took longer than I thought it would've. Tears fell as I thought of memories with Minji. The park at night, the amusement park with the others, the beach... I chuckled to myself as the rain drenched my face as well as my tears. I kept walking. I saw Kyungsoo's car speeding out of the carpark of the school. **What..?** But I ignored it and kept walking. I walked slowly, letting the rain completely drench me. I thought about the situation. **What do we have to do? Let Minji go..? Never... But what else could we possibly do to protect her..?** My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. I grumbled, frustrated that I couldn't even think in peace. **It's Kris... Should I even pick it up?** I picked it up anyway.

"Ya, what do you wa-"


I dropped my phone. **O-only minutes left!?** I picked up my phone and ran, tears running uncontrollably down my face.

**Minji... Wait for me... Keep your promise, please...* I realised that Minji would never leave me, but it was me that was pushing her away. **WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?**

I got to the hospital completely drenched head to toe that once I was running in the halls of the hospital, I slipped, but I stood back up and kept running until I found the others. Everyone looked extra sad. The first person I noticed was Lay. He was covered in blood. **S-so much blood... WHAT HAPPENED!?**

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!? IS SHE OKAY!?" I started screaming at Lay. He looked at me, his eyes filled with sadness. Tears looked like they were going to come out.

"DON'T. Yell at him." Kyungsoo screams. I was surprised and so was everyone else. Kyungsoo had never been this angry, unless we messed with his food, or loud, besides when he's singing.

"Either she cut herself, or someone did it to her. You'll have to ask her..." he told me, his timid voice echoing in my head. **No... No, please no...**

I slumped against a wall, crouching down into a ball, arms around my knees, and sobbed. **Please be okay... I love you Minji... Please don't leave me. I'm so sorry...** Sehun, Kai and Tao were crying as well. It hurt me to hear them so hurt.

"Noona... Please be o-okay... Noona, don't leave..." Sehun cried.

"Noona can't leave us. Noona is the nicest, noona can't leave..." Kai said between sobs.

"I pray for noona to get better. She can't leave us now... We need her here..." Tao babbles, tears falling down. Kris and Suho were comforting the little ones, and so was I.

"Minji will be okay... I know she will be... Please don't cry guys..." I tell them, tears falling down my own cheeks. I hugged Sehun while he cried. Kris comforted Tao, and Suho comforted Kai. The three little ones and I ended up falling asleep from crying so much. **Please be okay...**



A/N: Hey guys!! So, I finally have time to continue the fanfic. Is it gay? I'm sorry guys! OTL I really at writing, and I don't know what the hell is going on with me, all these violent thoughts in my mind. (More like depressing.) BUT ANYWAY. Probably because a family member is currently in the hospital and she's getting worse, so my mood is down, but I hope you guys still enjoy it? This is a half of a full chapter, but it's too long, and I don't want you guys to die of boredom.

I have a few ideas so hopefully I can write a few chapters (and maybe finish it??) in 3 weeks. :D And also. OMG CONGRATULATIONS TO EXO FOR WINNING 3 (or 4?) AWARDS :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YAY :)

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo enjoy, comment, and subscribe :D (really, please comment, it's looking kind of lonely down there, and I need to know if you guys are enjoying, or I might ditch this whole writing thing XD)

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD