Amusement Park Date Gone Wrong

Beautiful Lie.

A/N: Hey guys!! Just heads up, if you see writing like this: Hi! it's showing the conversation and what the person on the other side of the phone is saying. But the other characters can't hear it, only the person speaking on the phone can hear it. Uh... You'll understand when you read it. (Hopefully.)


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

The next day, we all walked to school together, since we all slept over at my house. We had so much fun last night, playing Truth or Dare, having a pillow fight, watching movies together. Me and Minji were holding hands, swinging them wildly. All the other EXO members were having their own little conversations. "Did you have fun yesterday Minji?" I asked her.

"Yes! We should do that every week! All of us, together." she told me, smiling widely. I laughed. "I don't think my parents would be so happy about that... Maybe once every 2 weeks?" I suggested.

"YES!!" everyone shouted, and we all ended up laughing at our awesome timing. We got to school and went our separate ways.

"Hey Minji, remember that we're going on another date today. To the amusement park okay? I'll take you home to change, and maybe the guys will come along as well." I told her. "REALLY!? YAY!! Thank you Chen oppa! I'm excited!" she tells me, hugging me around the waist tightly, not minding that there were people staring at her. I didn't mind either, I wanted to see her happy, always.

School went by fast, and Minji was VERY excited for our date after school. At lunch, we met with the others, and I invited them to come to the amusement park with us. They were all in and would meet us at my house. The rest of lunch was just fun and games between us all. "The games were fun last night, weren't they?" I asked them all.

"Yeah, but we still have some Truths and Dares left over, don't we?" Chanyeol asks.

"Oh, yeah we do actually." I tell him. "Well then let's do it!" Chanyeol shouts. We used Luhan's bottle to spin, and it landed on Sehun first.

"Aww, that . Uhm, I'll pick Truth please noona." he tells Minji. She passed him the box and he picked a piece of paper out. "Who is the most beautiful girl you know?" he read out.

*Wow, if I had gotten that question, I would know my answer straight away.*

"Hmmm... I think noona is the most beautiful girl that I know. You're so pretty, noona~" he tells Minji. She blushes like crazy. **Haha, Sehun you silly boy, using a SHINee reference. Minji, you're so cute...** "Aww thank you Sehunnie~ You're very nice, and cute!!" she says, pinching his cheeks. He spun the bottle, and the next person it pointed to was Baekhyun.

"I'll pick Dare... NO, Truth! Uhm..." he pondered. "JUST CHOOSE ALREADY! Lunch is almost over." Tao screams.

"OKAY OKAY!! Dare!" he says firmly. Minji passed him the Dare box, and he picked one out and read it out loud. "Change one piece of your clothing with someone else... DAMN! I should've chosen Truth!" he whined. "Who to change clothes with... Who can actually fit my clothes? Kyungsoo~ Change your top with me!" he tries to convince Kyungsoo.

"Ugh... Fine. But only because we've about the same size!" he tells Baekhyun.

Since we were sitting on the rooftop and no one else was around, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun took off their tops in front of us. "OOH!!" we all teased them, but Sehun, Kai, Tao and Minji all covered their eyes so they couldn't see their topless bodies. "Aww come on guys, we're all friends here!" Baekhyun and Kyungsoo say in unison. We all laughed, and the 4 shy ones uncovered their eyes but still tried to avert their eyes away from the sight in front of them.

After Baekhyun and Kyungsoo had finished changing clothes, Baekhyun spun the bottle, and the next person that it landed on was Kai. "I think I'll choose Dare thanks." with a confident smile. Minji passed him the Dare box and he picked a piece of paper. "Hug 1 person in the group and take selfies with them. Huh?" Kai questions it. We all questioned it.

"Man, these dares are getting worse as we go along. the ones yesterday were better." Kris mumbles. "Who is writing these?"

I knew who wrote these Truths and Dares. It was me and Minji. But we didn't dare say anything.

"Minji~ Noona, give me a hug?" he asked Minji, trying to do aegyo. She smiled, walked over to Kai and gave him a hug. Kai whipped out his phone and took a few photos with him and Minji posing cutely and funnily. "Thank you noona!!" he tells Minji, giving her a tight hug before she came back around to me.

Kai grabbed the bottle and spun it. This time, it landed on Minji. She looked down at the boxes. "I think I'll pick Truth. I did a Dare yesterday already." she says. She picks one from the Truth box and reads it out loud. "If EXO were girls, who would be your best friend?"

Everyone laughed, trying to imagine what us guys would be like if we were girls. "Well, if you guys were all girls, I would want to be best friends with all of you. You're all just so... charming." she says, looking at me and laughing. **Probably imagining what I would look like if I were a girl.** She grabbed the bottle and spun it, and it landed on me next. **Damn it!**

"I'll pick Truth." I say. Minji passed me the Truth box. I picked one out and read it out loud. "Who's your favourite person in the whole world and why?" I read to the others. *Hmm, well that's easy.* "Hmmmm... Who is my favourite person in the whole world and why?" I said sarcastically. I snuck a peek at Minji to see what her reaction was like. She was looking at the ground, her hair covering her face. "I gotta say... My favourite person is my... Minji." I tell them, leaning over towards Minji to hug her tightly.

"AWWWWW HELL NO! I thought you were going to pick me." Xiumin whines. We all laughed at him.

"My favourite people in the whole world are you 11 guys and my family, and definitely my Minji, because you guys are like family, always there for me, same wih my parents, and you're my best friends. Minji is my favourite because... I love her." I hug her tightly and look at her. She was still looking at the floor, probably embarrassed. I leaned closed to her face, making her turn her head in my direction. I kissed her on the nose lightly.

"Come on guys, there are others here, and the game MUST GO ON!!" Kyungsoo tells us. I rolled my eyes at him and spun the bottle, and the game continued until the end of lunch.

The last two lessons went by quickly, and before I knew it, school was over. I walked Minji home and she changed her clothes. Today she wore a pretty pink casual dress with a pair of blue converses. "You're so pretty Minji." I tell her. She blushes and looks down, muttering a "Thank you."

I held her hand and we walked over to my house. We talked about what we were going to do at the amusement park and which rides we were going on. We got to my house and I went to change my clothes. I decided to wear a black t-shirt, a pair of jeans and a pair of black converses. I walked out of my room and found Minji sitting on the couch in the lounge room waiting for me. I sat down next to her and we waited for the others.

"Are you excited Minji?" I asked her. She seemed really down for some reason. She turned her head, looked at me and smiled. "I'm very excited Chen oppa! We definitely have to go on the ferris wheel okay? Promise?" she tells me, pointing her pinky finger at me. I smiled and answered "Okay. Promise." wrapping my pinky finger around hers and embracing her in a hug. **Maybe she's just thinking about something.**

The others finally arrived at my house, so me and Minji hopped into the car and we drove to the amusement park. It took a while, about half an hour, but we finally arrived. We got out of the car and we went to go buy our tickets. "How many?" the man selling the tickets asked me. "13 adults please." I answered, pulling out a few notes from my wallet. "That's $195 please." the man told us. I gave him $200 and he gave me the tickets and my $5 change. I gave each of the guys a ticket.

We all walked through to the amusement park, chatting and smiling. Sehun, Kai and Tao ran straight to the rollercoaster. Everyone else followed as well. Minji noticed that Luhan was walking slowly, so she slowed down and started walking with him. I ran to them quickly. "You guys aren't coming on the rollercoaster?" I asked them.

"Nah, we're going to skip this one I think." Minji told me. "Okay then." I say as I made my way towards the others and we each climbed into a spot.

The ride started and going up I saw Minji and Luhan chatting, then linking arms. My heart sank. **Are they secretly dating behind my back? Wait... Minji would never do that...** I saw them unlink arms and my heart felt lighter, but not light enough, but I tried to enjoy the rollercoaster ride anyway.


MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I saw Luhan walking extremely slow, so I slowed down and walked with him as well."Why are you walking so slow? Don't you want to go on the rollercoaster?" I asked him. "N-not really..." he stutters. "You see, I'm scared of heights..."

I stare at him. "Really? Wow. Don't worry about it. I'm not really keen on rollercoasters. I'll stay here with you okay?" I ask him. "If you want to." he says with a smile. Chen ran to us quickly.

"You guys aren't coming on the rollercoaster?" he asked us. "Nah, we're going to skip this one I think." I told him. "Okay then." he says as he made my way towards the others. Me and Luhan leaned on the gate opening to the rollercoaster.

"So how is it dating Chen?" he asks me suddenly. "Uh, I think it's great!" I tell him, grinning widely.

"You guys are so lucky that you have each other. Me and the other guys are so lonely. Can I date you for a day?" he asks me jokingly, linking arms with me. I unlinked our arms and ruffled his hair. "If I could I would, but how is Chen going to react?" I ask him, pretending to be worried.

"Come on, let's pretend. We'll make him jealous." Luhan tells me with a devilish smile on his face. As much as I knew that it was cruel, I couldn't resist teasing Chen. "Okay, I'm in. We do it until he cracks?" I ask Luhan. "Yep! Just until he cracks. This will be fun~" he says.

Once the other EXO members had gotten off the rollercoaster, Luhan had told the others what me and him were up to, and they weren't allowed to tell him. When Chen got to the group, he saw my arm linked together with Luhan's. I saw his face drop like he was rejected by someone. "Come on Luhannie~ Is anyone hungry? It's on me." I asked the group.

"Ooh! I'll have some!" Chanyeol instantly says. "And me!" Baekhyun adds. "Us as well!" boys were yelling at me.

I unlinked my arm from Luhan's and grabbed his hand. I saw a hint of hope in Chen's face, but then despair took over it again. I looked at Luhan who had a happy face on. We all walked to the food stalls. "So what do you guys want?" I asked them. There were different things shouted around like "Chips!" or "Sausages!" and even "Pizza!" so I just gave each of them some money and they went off to buy some food. I went with Luhan so that we could buy some food, leaving Chen puzzled and lost. *I'm sorry Chen. I still love you. This is just a trick, a joke, okay? Please forgive me.*

We all bought food and met at a table to eat. Me and Luhan had bough hot chips and we were still trying to tease Chen, so I started feeding Luhan and he started feeding me. Chen was sitting next to me, but I paid him no attention. I started to feel really bad, so I leaned into Luhan's ear. "Can we stop it now?" I whispered to him. But I never got to answer.

Chen grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the group. He took me to the ferris wheel; the ride he promised we were going to ride. We entered a carriage, just us. He made me sit down and he sat across from me. He was frustrated I could tell. He leaned back against the chair, and the ride started moving.

"What is going on Minji? Why, why are you doing this to me? We've only been going out for what, not even 2 weeks, and you're cheating on me!?" he yells. I swore that everyone could've heard it. I was scared. I had never seen this side of Chen before. I looked out of the carriage, trying not to make eye contact with him. I could see the EXO boys standing outside with worried looks on their faces. I tried to smile and made an 'Okay' sign with my fingers to tell them that I was fine.

"What are you doing?" I heard Chen ask. I turned around and looked at him with scared eyes. He looked out of the carriage and saw the guys as well. He was angry, really angry. "I should've never asked you out. I should've never introduced you to them." he said, pointing outside. "Why would you do this, and why would you make it so obvious and painful for me?"

I was upset. *Why did I do this again?* "Chen opp-" I start, but I was interrupted. "DON'T... Don't call me that anymore. This, this "thing" we had, it's over." he says, eyes full of sadness, tears slowly falling down his face.

The ferris wheel stopped once we got to the bottom. Chen opened the door and stormed out. I just sat there, torn apart. With tears streaming down my face, I couldn't see a thing. Next thing I knew, there were 5 boys who came into the carriage and one dried my tears. It was Luhan. "Minji... Please don't hate me... I swear I just wanted to . I didn't mean for it to get so out of hand... Minji, mianhe." he tells me, tears streaming down his own face.

"Ani, Luhan, it wasn't your fault. I guess, he was just too jealous. We've had fun times, and some things are just meant to... break." I say in between quiet sobs. I looked up and saw Lay, Sehun, Tao while Chanyeol was sitting on the other side of me. My tears were still falling.

"Minji, the others will talk some sense into him, don't worry. I mean, what you and Luhan did was just a joke right?" Lay asks me. "Yeah... But I see now that it wasn't thought through well enough..." I tell him, looking down trying to wipe my tears away. "Aish! That reminds me, we don't have any transport home." Lay suddenly shouts.

Lay whipped out his phone and dialed someone.

"Hello Lay? How's it going there?"

"Hello Kris? Yeah, it's going okay here."

"She alright?"

"She's okay, recovering well. Yeah... We need some way to get home."

"Okay, just stay there for a few more minutes, we'll pick you guys up after we drop off Chen."

"Oh, okay, we'll wait. How are you going with him?"

"Yeah... We're getting nowhere with him."

"Well we know the reason."

"Oh? You know the reason?"

"Yes, remember? Minji and Luhan told us when we got off the rollercoaster."

"Oh... Look, can we discuss this later? In the middle of a confrontation."

"Mmm okay, but hurry, it's getting dark."

"Yeah, okay. Bye."


He hung up and put his phone away. "Minji, smile please? You look cuter when you smile. I know for sure that Chen still loves you, and he wouldn't give you up that easily." Chanyeol tells me. I look over to him. "You think so?" I ask him. "I know so." He says, smiling at me with his extremely straight teeth.

"Noona~ Don't worry... Chen hyung is probably just angry at something else, he's not mad at you..." Tao tries to convince me. I looked at him. "Chen hyung is very mad. I think you might want to stay away from him for now." I warn him. "Oh no worries noona. I could whoop his if I wanted. I know wushu, remember?" he says, doing some arm movements in the air. I chuckled, but tears still fell.

"Noona~ Don't cry... You'll make me cry..." I heard Sehun whine. I looked up at him. His face was sad and he looked like he was in pain. I wiped my tears away and put on my best smile just for him. "Sehun, I'm not crying, see?" I tell him, smiling, but inside I was dying.

My best friend. My soul mate. Gone.


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

When I got off the rollercoaster, the seat belt got stuck so I took longer to get to Minji. Once I got there though, I saw Minji's arm linked with Luhan's. My heart sank deep. "Come on Luhannie~ Is anyone hungry? It's on me." She asked us all.

"Ooh! I'll have some!" Chanyeol instantly said. "And me!" Baekhyun adds. "Us as well!" boys were yelling at her. I just stood there, watching her and Luhan. Together.

She unlinked my arm from Luhan's and I felt a bit happier, but then she grabbed his hand. I was cut deep, but looking at Minji and Luhan, they were both so happy. We all walked to the food stalls. "So what do you guys want?" Minji asked us. There were different things shouted around like "Chips!" or "Sausages!" and even "Pizza!" so she just gave each of us some money and we went off to buy some food. She went with Luhan, leaving me puzzled and lost. **Minji... What is going on? What are you doing?**

We all bought food and met at a table to eat. Minji started feeding Luhan and he started feeding her. I was sitting next to her observing, but she paid me no attention. I saw her leaning into Luhan's ear and I couldn't take it any longer. I grabbed Minji's wrist and pulled her away from the group. I took her to the ferris wheel; the ride I promised her that we were going to ride. We entered a carriage, just us. I made her sit down, and I sat down across from her. I leaned back against the chair, and the ride started moving.

"What is going on Minji? Why, why are you doing this to me? We've only been going out for what, not even 2 weeks, and you're cheating on me!?" I yell. I swore that everyone could've heard it. But I didn't care. I had never seen this side of Minji before. She looked out of the carriage, trying not to make eye contact with me. She suddenly smiled and made an 'Okay' sign with her fingers to someone outside.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She turned around and looked at me with scared eyes. I looked out of the carriage and saw the guys as well. I was angry, really angry. "I should've never asked you out. I should've never introduced you to them." I said, pointing outside. "Why would you do this, and why would you make it so obvious and painful for me?"

She was upset, I could tell. "Chen opp-" she started, but I interrupted her. "DON'T... Don't call me that anymore. This, this "thing" we had, it's over." I tell her, my eyes full of sadness, tears slowly falling down my face.

The ferris wheel stopped once we got to the bottom. I opened the door and stormed out. She just sat there, torn apart. With tears streaming down my face, I couldn't see a thing. Next thing I knew, there were 6 boys around me. "Drive me home." I tell Xiumin. "Got it." he tells me, and the 7 of us make our way to the car. "What a waste of money." I mutter. *Stupid tickets, $15 each.*

While Xiumin was driving, the others were trying to make me talk. "What the hell happened back there?" Kris asks me first. "I don't want to talk about it..." I tell him, trying to politely avoid the question.

"Come on dude, just tell us..." Baekhyun tries to persuade me to talk. "No." I tell him, turning away. He looked down and sighed.

"You know, that was too cruel. You really hurt Minji." Kyungsoo tells me. "I don't care. Do I look like I care?" I say. **Of course I care... But obviously Minji doesn't. So why should I?**

"You hurt noona!! You're not my friend anymore..." Kai says with tears falling from his eyes. He pointed at me. "You're mean Chen hyung." he says, whimpering. I just looked away. **I know I hurt Minji, Kai. But she hurt me first...** Tears were threatening to spill, but I wouldn't let them.

Xiumin suddenly spoke. "You know, maybe she was joking, you never know. Don't jump to conclusions so fast Chen." he tells me. Suho speaks as well.

"What Xiumin says is true. I mean, you do have quite a temper sometimes..." he mumbles, "Also, you really hurt Minji's feelings. You didn't even let her explain. We heard everything you know..."

I grumbled. "You know, after all these things you guys are telling me, I'm still not going to tell you what happened. Seems like you guys know already anyway." I tell them, frustrated.

"No. You are going to tell us, and you are going to tell us now. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" Kris yelled in my face. "Look, I know you're my friend and all, but that is not going to help." I tell him with attitude. "You little..." Kris mutters, but suddenly his phone rings.

"Hello Lay? How's it going there?"

"Hello Kris? Yeah, it's going okay here."

"She alright?"

"She's okay, recovering well. Yeah... We need some way to get home."

"Okay, just stay there for a few more minutes, we'll pick you guys up after we drop off Chen."

"Oh, okay, we'll wait. How are you going with him?"

"Yeah... We're getting nowhere with him."

"Well we know the reason."

"Oh? You know the reason?"

"Yes, remember? Minji and Luhan told us when we got off the rollercoaster."

"Oh... Look, can we discuss this later? In the middle of a confrontation."

"Mmm okay, but hurry, it's getting dark."

"Yeah, okay. Bye."


He hung up and put his phone away. "Now, I'll ask you nicely. What happened? Minji is really upset and once we drop you off, we're going to pick her up. So hurry and spill." he says, gritting his teeth. I sighed and sunk deep into my seat. "I was just sick and tired of her. Obviously she likes Luhan better. You guys saw. I'm over her, she means nothing to me anymore." I tell him, smiling smugly, but inside I was dying.

My best friend. My soul mate. Gone.



A/N: SO SAD!! D: I'm so bad. I actually wanted to continue it since I write the chapters in days (one day is one chapter). But this one was way too long... XD Enjoy, comment and subscribe!! :D Please leave comments and tell me how it is. Don't be shy~ I won't bite. ._.

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD