
Beautiful Lie.

CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

It was a Friday. I had to go to school and face Minji. I was dreading it. I put on my uniform, grabbed my things and walked to school. I didn't even bother walking Minji to school. **Luhan probably already picked her up.** I walked to school, thinking about how things were going to go today. I got to school and found EXO there, waiting for me. Minji wasn't there yet. **Where is she?** Luhan was here already. So, they weren't together?

I walked up to them. "Hey guys. Where's Minji?" I asked them, a bit worried myself. "She's walking to school, duh hyung. You should know since you've walked her to school almost everyday." Kai says in this 'I-know-everything' tone. **Oh no, what if those girls get her?** Suddenly the guys start smiling like mad.

I turn around and see Minji walking into school, unharmed. I smiled as well, glad that she wasn't hurt. She looked at me and we made awkward eye contact. We both looked away, embarrassed. She came over and greeted the others. "Hey guys!" she says cheerfully. "Hey Minji!" they all said.

The bell rang for class and we all went our separate ways. I didn't want to talk to her, but we had classes together, and even sat together, and I knew that today would be a horrible day. The classes were slow, I felt so awkward next to her, and yet, I still wanted to talk to her, to still be her boyfriend.

Lunch finally came, and I went to go hang with the guys like usual. Minji was already there, and they were engaged in an interesting conversation, which I wasn't included in. Kris came over and sat next to me. "Hey dude, you okay?" he asks me. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine, why do you ask?" I say, trying to act normal.

"Well, you know. Since yesterday... I guess you guys are really awkward around each other right?" he asked me. I sighed in defeat. "Yeah... It's just so awkward around her now. I don't know what to do. I don't even know if those girls have quit the bullying yet, and I won't be around to protect her anymore." I tell him, wanting to just curl into a ball and die.

"Don't worry. Me and the guys will still be watching her. Even if you guys aren't dating or anything, we're all still friends here." he says smiling. I felt a bit more relaxed. Minji smiled and looked over at me, and once again, we made awkward eye contact. **You're still my favourite person in the whole world... Forever.** She looked away, and so did I. Lunch ended and we headed off to our own classes. Alone.

On my way to class, I passed those 3 girls who were bullying Minji. They threw a piece of rubbish at her and laughed. I got quite frustrated. But she said sorry. Sorry to the person that threw it at her. She picked it up and threw it into the bin then looked at me and looked away. **Why are you putting up with this Minji?** I made my way into class just behind her, checking if there was anyone else that was planning to make her life horrible.

Unlike the first lessons of the day, the last lessons went too fast. It was time for me to go to singing class. I walked to my singing class. I overheard Minji talking to the others. "I don't need you guys to walk me home. Thanks for the offer. I'm just staying to finish my art, so I'll be around the school." she told them. "Okay then, some of us had to stay back today as well." Chanyeol says, nudging his head in my direction. She looked at me, I looked away.

"And a few of us as well. I'm going to go ask for some help from my teacher." says Kris.

"I just wanna wait for noona to finish~" Sehun says. Kai and Tao agree as well.

"I need to do my music assignment." Chanyeol tells me.

"Yeah, we all have something to do." Suho says. "Well, I'll be off first then." Minji says.  "Bye guys!" she says. They waved and started walking to their own classes. I start walking away.

"Bye Chen." she says. I stop walking and turn my head to look at her. She was smiling at me. After all I said yesterday, she still smiled at me. "Uh.. yeah. Bye." I say, quickly walking off to class. **Please Minji, always be happy.** Tears wanted to fall, again.


MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I woke up, and realised that I had to go to school and face... Him. I was dreading it, but I put my uniform on, grabbed my things and walked to school. Once I got to the doorstep, I remembered how Chen would walk me to school everyday, but today he wasn't there. I walked to school, alone. I was very cautious the whole way. I remembered how we would meet EXO here, and we would walk to school together, happy.

I finally got to school and saw EXO there. I saw someone with their back turned to me. They suddenly turned around, and I realised it was Chen. We made awkward eye contact. We both looked away, embarrassed. I walked up to the others and greeted them. "Hey guys!" I say cheerfully. "Hey Minji!" they all said.

The bell rang for class and we all went our separate ways. I didn't want to talk to him, but we had classes together, and even sat together, and I knew that today would be a horrible day. The classes were slow, I felt so awkward next to him, and yet, I still wanted to talk to him, to still be his girlfriend.

Lunch finally came, and I went to go hang with the others. Chen wasn't there yet, but we all started an interesting conversation. "So how is it actually going today Minji? Okay?" Suho asks me. "Yeah, it's okay. Still feeling a bit awkward with Chen around. "Noona! Play a game with us! Rock paper scissors!" the three younger boys say. I laughed at their cuteness. "Aww, okay. But I'm warning you, I'm very good at it." I say. I was joking, but they took it seriously.

We started to play an intense game of rock paper scissors. I saw Kris wander over to Chen out of the corner of my eye, but I was playing with the boys, so I didn't really pay attention. Tao ended up winning out of all 4 of us. I smiled and looked over at Chen. Once again, we made awkward eye contact. I looked away and so did he. Lunch ended and we headed off to our own classes. Alone.

On my way to class, I passed those 3 girls that were bullying me. They threw a piece of rubbish at me and laughed. "Sorry..." I say, picking up the rubbish. I threw it in the bin, looked around and made eye contact with Chen. Again. I looked away and walked off. *He's probably feeling pity for me.* I got to class and sat down. I saw Chen sit down next to me, and I looked away. Unlike the first lessons of the day, the last lessons went too fast. But I was glad, because then I wouldn't be around Chen anymore. The awkwardness was unbearable.

I met the others after school. "Hey Minji. Do you want us to walk you home?" Baekhyun asks me. "I don't need you guys to walk me home. Thanks for the offer. I'm just staying to finish my art, so I'll be around the school." I told them. "Okay then, some of us had to stay back today as well." Chanyeol says, nudging his head in Chen's direction. I looked at him, he looked away.

"And a few of us as well. I'm going to go ask for some help from my teacher." says Kris.

"I just wanna wait for noona to finish~" Sehun says. Kai and Tao agree as well.

"I need to do my music assignment." Chanyeol tells me.

"Yeah, we all have something to do." Suho says. "Well, I'll be off first then." I tell them. "Bye guys!" I say. The others waved and walked to their own classes.

I saw Chen walking away. "Bye Chen." I say. He stopped walking and turned his head to look at me. I smiled. I didn't care that we weren't together anymore. I wanted to fix this friendship.

"Uh... yeah. Bye." he says, quickly walking off to class. My heart broke. *Maybe he doesn't want to be my friend anymore...* I waved to the others and started walking around the school slowly. I felt like walking around in the fresh air for a bit to kill some time while I made my way to the art room. I decided to let my tears out and cry.

I didn't know that those three girls were spying on me again. "We'll get her this time." Jin says.

"Chen isn't there to protect her." says Min.

"Too bad." says Sun.

They crept up on me, but I never noticed. I was staring at the two boys sitting at a bench nearby talking. *They look really familiar...* Suddenly someone grabbed me by the hair and I fell back. I saw the three girls looking down at me. Fear ran through me to the point where I couldn't move.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked in fear. "We're getting you back for not listening to our wise words. We told you to leave him alone, didn't we?" said Jin. The other two just nodded.

"So, we're just going to wake you up for this dream of yours. CHEN WILL NEVER BE YOURS! SO JUST STAY AWAY FROM HIM! OTHERWISE, THIS WON'T BE THE ONLY TIME YOU SEE US!!!" and they started slapping me, pulling my hair, cutting it off, punching me, cutting me with the scissors.

"Wha-? GET OFF ME!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? THIS IS CRAZY! ME AND CHEN AR-" but I couldn't finish my sentence because one of them punched me in the face.

Suddenly, all the girls were pulled off of me, and I saw 3 familiar boys. Luhan, Sehun and Suho. "You crazy girls! What do you think you're doing to our friend!? LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER!" Luhan yelled at them. Suho ran over to my side and helped me up.

"Are you okay? Oh my god what did they do to your hair!?" I didn't care about that. I felt faint and my body wouldn't support me. I fell onto Suho.

"Minji!? MINJI WAKE UP!!" he screamed. I could hear him, but I didn't have the strength to talk, or do anything.

"Hyung! Is she okay?!" I heard Sehun scream. "WHAT DO YOU THINK!? Call the others, now!" he told Sehun.

"NOONA!! DON'T GO!! STAY WITH US!!" he shouted, shaking me. Tears formed in his eyes.

"KRIS!! You gotta come quick!! Minji is hurt! You have to come and help us take her home! Call the others!! Noona is hurt!" Sehun yells in the phone, hanging up.

Luhan walks over to me. He looks at my cuts and rips his shirt. He wrapped a piece of his shirt around each of my bigger cuts since the others were just scratches. There was one on my right shoulder, one on my leg, one on my left wrist and one on my stomach. He then stands on the other side of me, helping me stand. Tears were falling from my eyes. I was hurting really bad, I couldn't breathe properly. Through my blurry eyesight, I saw 8 boys running towards me. More tears fell. Chen wasn't there.

"Minji! Stay with us! We're going to take you to my house okay?" Kris says, walking up to me, Suho and Luhan and carrying me in his arms. The others grabbed my things and ran with us. Xiumin called for 3 cabs. Kris, Lay, Sehun and Baekhyun were sitting in one cab that went first. Chanyeol, Suho, Kai and I were in the second cab. Luhan, Tao, Xiumin and Kyungsoo were in the last one.

"Noona!! Please stay awake!!" Kai tells me, holding my hand, tears falling from his eyes. I lifted my hand and his face. "Don't worry Kai. Noona will be fine. Okay? Noona is fine..." I say, my eyelids slowly shutting.

"Minji! Stay awake!!" Chanyeol says, lightly patting my face, trying to keep my eyes open.

"I-I'm awake, I'm..." I say, my eyes closing once again. "Minji! No, please! Open your eyes!" Suho calls. I open my eyes and looked at the 3 faces looking at me. They were all crying. *Crying, because of me?*

"M-Mianhe guys. I-I'm so tired..." I tell them, my eyes slowly closing. "NOONA!!" Kai cries out, shaking me, tears falling onto my arm. I his face and smiled. "I-I'm here Kai. Don't worry... I'm awake..." I say in a whisper.

I managed to stay awake for the rest of the drive, but it took a lot of will power. I was tired, I was bleeding, I was in pain. Once we got to Kris's house, Chanyeol carried me inside with Kai holding onto my hand. He never let go for a second. Sehun and Tao ran towards me and held onto me as well. Chanyeol placed my on Kris's bed and proceeded to clean my cuts. Tao ran and got him a first aid kit, Sehun ran and got a bowl of warm water and a towel. Kai stayed and cried, still holding onto my hand. My grip was loosening, but Kai still held on.

"Noona, please be okay..." he says, his tears falling on the floor. I looked at him. "Mianhe Kai." I say, his face once again.

Chanyeol worked fast and had cleaned the big cut on my leg, and my left wrist. He started cleaning the cut on my stomach and I cried out in pain. "Ah it hurts!" I say, tears rushing down my face. I squeezed Kai's hand and he squeezed mine. "Sorry Minji!" Chanyeol says. But I guess it wasn't his fault. It was those three girls fault, and mine. He finally finished it and moved onto my right shoulder.

"Kai, you'll have to move." he tells Kai. "But-" he says. "Just move to her other side, but don't touch her hand." Chanyeol tells him. Kai moves, giving Chanyeol space to clean the cut on my shoulder. "Chanyeol... Thank you." I say, tears b my eyes.

"Don't worry about it. You're one of my friends. Of course I would care for you." he says, showing his beautiful smile. I felt happier. He had finished with my shoulder and moved up to my face. I had bruises from the punches all over my body. But my face was affected the most. He put some ointment on it and placed a damp towel on my forehead.

"Now, you have to rest. You've lost a lot of blood from all that cutting. So just lay down, relax, and have a sleep okay? We'll all be here." he tells me. "Sleep noona. I'll sit right here and guard you." Kai says, smiling. I smiled back at him. I lay down and close my eyes, thinking about what happened today. I fell asleep after a while.


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

I got to class and wiped my tears away. I greeted my teacher. "Hello." I say. "Hello. Come on, let's get straight on with it." he says. We started with a few vocal exercises, and he made me practice the new EXO songs. Halfway through a song, my phone rang. It was Lay. I picked up.



"Wait, Lay, calm down. What's wr-?"




I looked at my phone and then at my teacher. "Ah, teacher... I have some business to attend... Could I go home earlier today?" I asked him. "Well you sound very worried. I'll let you go. But you better not skip out on any future classes!" he says. "Thank you teacher!" I say, running out the door with my things. I ran to my house, dropped all my things and drove to Kris's house.

When I got there, everyone was already there. Luhan's top was torn, Chanyeol's clothes were bloody, Sehun and Tao were crying. Kyungsoo and Lay were cooking, but even they were sad. Everyone was in a sad mood. The atmosphere was very depressing.

"Where is Minji?" I ask them. They looked at me. "I-In there..." Sehun says between sobs. He pointed to Kris's room.

I walked towards it and opened the door by a tiny bit, and there was Minji. Laying on the bed, bandages everywhere. Kai was sitting on the floor with his head on the bed, just like how I did when she slept over my house the last time she was hurt. Tears formed in my eyes and they started falling as I walked towards the bed.

**Minji... What happened to you?**

She was sleeping peacefully and so was Kai. I sat on the bed and looked at her. She was wearing one of Kris's shirts. It was practically a dress on her. Her hair was cut up. Her body was completely destroyed. I just sat there and cried. Cried for Minji. Why wasn't I there for her? All my crying had woken up Kai.

"Oh mianhe Kai, I woke you up..." I told him. "Ani, don't worry about it hyung." he tells me. He came around and sat next to me, patting my back trying to comfort me.

"Wh-what happened to her?" I asked him. "I wasn't there for the whole thing, you should ask Sehun, Luhan or Suho. They were there." he says. "Thank you Kai. You looked after her well..." I say, ruffling his hair. "That's okay hyung. I really like noona. I didn't want her to go." he tells me, little tears on the edge of his sad eyes.

I walked outside and saw Luhan with the torn shirt. "Luhan. What happened?" I asked him. He was by far the saddest out of the whole group. He buried his face in his hands and cried. I looked at him in disbelief. **Luhan..?**

I comforted him, gave him a hug, and after a while, his crying ceased. "What happened Luhan? Why are you crying?" I asked him again. "Chen... Those three girls came after her." he told me.

**I knew it... I knew something bad was going to happen today.**

"And Chen? About yesterday... Me and Minji aren't together or anything. We just wanted to play a joke on you to make you jealous. To be honest, she wanted to stop it, so she whispered it to me, but then you pulled her away. You didn't even let her explain on the ferris wheel... But I guess it was all my fault... I'm sorry Chen. I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore..." he says while he wiped his tears away.

"Oh. Luhan... Thank you." I tell him. He looks at me with a surprised expression. "Thank you, for looking after her today... Thank you for telling the truth... And, thank you for being my friend." I tell him, giving him another hug. He sobbed into my shoulder. "Mianhe Chen. Thank you for forgiving me..." he whispers.

We sat there, embraced in a hug for a moment and then parted. "Friends?" I asked him, extending my hand out to him. He looked at it and smiled and happy smile. "Friends." he said, shaking my hand. Tears of joy fell down from his face.

"Guys!! Come in! Minji's awake, and she's looking much better!" Kai tells us from the bedroom door. We all rushed inside. She was sitting in bed, smiling.

"Hey guys." she says, as if nothing ever happened to her. "Are you okay now Minji?" Kyungsoo asks. "I'm feeling much better, although the cuts are stinging a bit." she says. I smiled. **You're okay... Thank god.**

"Good, don't worry, the cuts won't sting after a few more hours. I'll change the bandages before you go home." Chanyeol says. "Thanks Chanyeollie." she tells him, smiling warmly.

"Hey Chen, come out here for a second." Kris whispers to me. I follow him out of the room. "So... You know what happened yesterday now. What are you going to do?" he asks me.

"Well... I officially feel like an idiot... But, I want to be Minji's boyfriend again. I want to be able to be by her side." I tell him. He looks at the floor, smirking. "I think it's a bit too late for that buddy... I asked her out and she said yes." Kris tells me. **WHAT!?**

"You're joking." I tell him. He laughs. "Yes, yes I am. Look Chen, next time, let her explain her side of the story. Don't jump to conclusions." he tells me. **Clever Kris... Very clever. I almost punched the crap out of you.**

"You know, I almost punched the crap out of you." I tell him. "I was willing to let you. I just wanted to prove a point and teach you a lesson. She's all yours. I mean, we all love her and everything, but we see that the only person she wants is you Chen." he says, pointing at me.

"Kris... Thank you..." I tell him, smiling. I gave him a hug and he gave one back. "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it." he says smiling, making his way back into the room. "Okay guys! Let's go set up the dinner table! Minji, you stay there and rest, we'll get you when we're done." Everyone rushed outside to the kitchen, grabbing bowls, cutlery and food. "It's your time to talk to her." he tells me, patting me on the shoulder before he walked to the kitchen himself.

I took a deep breath and pushed the doors of the bedroom. I saw Minji sitting on the bed, staring at her hands. I walked up to the bed and sat down next to her. "Hey Minji." I say. She looks up, surprised that it was me. "H-hey." she says.

"How are you feeling?" I say with a smile on my face. "I-I'm feeling g-good thanks." she says, stuttering. I laugh. **You're still the cutie that I fell in love with.**

"About yesterday..." I say, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. "I know the truth now. I'm really sorry Minji..." I say, tears wanting to fall again. But I think I've cried all my tears already.

"A-ah, that. That's nothing. It's okay Chen op-...  I-I mean Chen." she says. I looked her in the eyes. "I still love you Minji. Do you still love me?" I ask her, looking at her for a sign.

She looked back down at her hands and sighed. She opened to say something, but closed it again. I lifted her chin with my index finger and she looked at me. With no warning whatsoever, I kissed her. **I still love you Minji. I hope you still love me...**

She was scared stiff, but slowly she relaxed and kissed me back. We shared another amazing kiss. We separated from it and I grabbed hold of her hand. "So, do you still love me Minji?" I asked her again. She looked at me and smiled. "I do." she says, blushing.

I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. "I promise..." I say, kissing her lightly on the nose. "To never..." I whisper in her ear, kissing her on the cheek. "Let you go..." I tell her, kissing her on the lips softly. She held onto my shirt and I held onto her face, caressing her cheeks as we kissed. **I'll never let you go, ever again.**

I slowly helped her walk to the kitchen where the others were still setting up. "I love you Minji, you know that right?" I ask her. She chuckled. "Yes, Chen oppa, I know you love me a lot." she says, pinching my cheeks. I pinched hers as well.

We finally made it to the kitchen just as the guys finished setting up. I let Minji sit down and I sat next to her. The guys were all staring at us, and I just shrugged. "We're together again. This time, always and forever." I say with a smile on my face. I looked at Minji, and she was smiling as well. Everyone cheered.

"WHOOO!!! Yes, you guys are together again!" Xiumin says.

"YAY!! Hyung and noona are together again!!" Sehun, Kai and Tao say.

"Congratulations guys!" several of them say. We just smiled and started eating. I felt so much happier now that me and Minji were together again. I couldn't stand life without her, even if it was for one single day.

We all ate and talked. I felt complete, and happy. When we all finished the meal, us guys helped Kris wash up and clean his house. Kyungsoo helped Minji while she sat out because of her injuries. He cut her hair for her, since it was previously ruined and was patchy and uneven. Chanyeol changed Minji's bandages and put ointment on the cuts and scratches.

Everyone found their own way home. Some of them walked, some caught a cab, as for me and Minji, I drove us. "Minji... Can you stay with me tonight?" I ask her. I wanted her to stay with me. I never wanted her to leave my side ever again. "Sure. I would love to." she says. I gave her my best smile. **I love you Lee Minji.**

We finally got to my house and I carried her inside since she looked exhausted. She was still wearing Kris's top, but she was going to return it to him tomorrow. I took her into my room and made her sit down on my bed to rest. I took her school uniform which was soaked in blood and washed it. By hand. I hung it up to dry, changed my clothes and went back to my room.

Minji was playing with her phone, probably texting her mum to tell her that she was sleeping over. I smiled and she looked up. "How are you doing?" I ask her. "Good now, the cuts have stopped stinging." she says, smiling brightly. I kissed her on the forehead.

"I wish those girls would stop bullying you, for heaven's sake." I tell her. "They would, if we weren't dating. I tried to explain to them today that we weren't going out anymore, and they punched me in the face." she said, crying again. **It must've been traumatising...**

I hugged her, rubbing her back while she cried on my shoulder. "Well, we're back together now, and I promise, I will never let anything happen to you again." I tell her. **I'm not sure I can keep it completely... I won't always be with you, Minji. But be strong.**

She had stopped crying and started yawning. "Oppa, I'm tired..." she says. "Hmm, me too..." I tell her. She lay down on my bed and crawled under the covers. I went to go turn off the lights and I crawled onto the bed and under the covers. Minji was lying there, sleeping already.

"Goodnight Minji... Saranghaeyo." I whisper in her ear. I wrapped my arms around her, being cautious of her cuts. I slowly fell asleep, but then Minji turned around and hugged me around the waist. "Goodnight Chen oppa... Saranghaeyo..." she whispers. I kiss her on the forehead, and we both fell asleep.


MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I woke up slowly, and I felt so much better than I did before. Kai looked at me with happy eyes and ran to the door. "Guys!! Come in! Minji's awake, and she's looking much better!" he tells the others from the bedroom door. He runs straight back to me and helps me sit up. They all rushed in through the door. I sat there, smiling at them all.

"Hey guys." I say, as if nothing ever happened to me. I spotted Chen. *Why are you here..?*

"Are you okay now Minji?" Kyungsoo asks me. "I'm feeling much better, although the cuts are stinging a bit." I tell him.

"Good, don't worry, the cuts won't sting after a few more hours. I'll change the bandages before you do home." Chanyeol says. "Thanks Chanyeollie." I tell him, smiling warmly.

I see Kris whispering something to Chen and they walked out of the room. I just continued conversing with the others. "Noona! Are you feeling okay now?" Sehun asks me, a worried look still on his face. I laughed. "Don't worry Sehun, noona is all well again, thanks to Chanyeol hyung and Kai." I tell him. He smiles and looks at Chanyeol and Kai with a look that said 'thank-you' which Chanyeol and Kai returned.

Tao walked up to me. "Are you sure you're okay noona? Do you need me to wushu those 3 girls? They were so mean to noona!" he says, standing in a wushu stance. "Ani Tao, I don't want you to do that. You could get in trouble. I don't want Tao getting in trouble." I tell him, poking his nose. "Aww... Okay noona! I will do what noona says!" he tells me, making the whole room erupt into laughter.

"Okay guys! Let's go set up the dinner table! Minji, you stay there and rest, we'll get you when we're done." Everyone rushed outside to the kitchen, leaving me sitting on the bed alone again. I just stared at my hands. *What is Chen doing here? Why is he here?*

"Hey Minji." a familiar voice says. I looked up, surprised that it was Chen himself. "H-hey." I say.

"How are you feeling?" he says with a smile on his face. "I-I'm feeling g-good thanks." I say, stuttering. He laughed. *He's still the guy I fell in love with.*

"About yesterday..." he says, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "I know the truth now. I'm really sorry Minji..." he says with sad eyes.

"A-ah, that. That's nothing. It's okay Chen op-... I-I mean Chen." I say. He looked me in the eyes. "I still love you Minji. Do you still love me?" he asks me, looking at me with a hint of hope in his eyes.

I looked back down at my hands and sighed. *Yes, yes I do Chen oppa. But... I don't want to be hurt again.* I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. He lifted my chin with his index finger and I looked at him. With no warning whatsoever, he kissed me.

I was scared stiff. I didn't know what to do. But the familiar feel of our kisses returned to me, and I kissed him back. We shared another amazing kiss. We separated from it and he grabbed hold of my hand. "So, do you still love me Minji?" he asked me again. I looked at him and smiled. "I do." I say, blushing.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "I promise..." he says, kissing me lightly on the nose. "To never..." he whispers in my ear, kissing my on the cheek. "Let you go..." he tells me, kissing me on the lips softly. I held onto his shirt and he held onto my face, caressing my cheeks as we kissed. *I hope you never let me go, ever again.*

He slowly helped my walk to the kitchen where the others were still setting up. "I love you Minji, you know that right?" he asks me. I chuckled. "Yes, Chen oppa, I know you love me a lot." I say, pinching his cheeks. He pinched mine as well.

We finally made it to the kitchen just as the guys finished setting up. He let me sit down and he sat next to me. The guys were all staring at us, and Chen just shrugged. "We're together again. This time, always and forever." he says with a smile on his face. He looked at me, and I was smiling as well. Everyone cheered.

"WHOOO!!! Yes, you guys are together again!" Xiumin says.

"YAY!! Hyung and noona are together again!!" Sehun, Kai and Tao say.

"Congratulations guys!" several of them say. We just smiled and started eating. I felt so much happier now that me and Chen were together again. I couldn't stand life without him, even if it was for one single day.

We all ate and talked. I felt complete, and happy. When we all finished the meal, the guys helped Kris wash up and clean his house. Kyungsoo helped me while I sat out because of my injuries. He cut my hair for me, since it was previously ruined and was patchy and uneven. Chanyeol changed my bandages and put ointment on the cuts and scratches.

Everyone found their own way home. Some of them walked, some caught a cab, as for me and Chen, he drove us. "Minji... Can you stay with me tonight?" he asks me. I was really hoping that he would ask me that. "Sure. I would love to." I say. He gave me his best smile. *I love you Kim Jongdae.*

We finally got to his house and he carried me inside since I probably looked exhausted. I was still wearing Kris's top, but I was going to return it tomorrow. He took me into his room and made me sit down on his bed to rest. He went to go do something. So I sat there and texted my mum telling her that I wasn't going to be coming home and that I was sleeping over at Chen's. She replied back telling me to have fun and be safe. I loved my mum.

I looked up, only to see Chen at the door smiling at me. "How are you doing?" he asks me. "Good now, the cuts have stopped stinging." I tell him, smiling brightly. He kissed me on the forehead.

"I wish those girls would stop bullying you, for heaven's sake." he tells me. "They would, if we weren't dating. I tried to explain to them today that we weren't going out anymore, and they punched me in the face." I say, crying again. *It was horrible...*

He hugged me, rubbing my back while I cried on his shoulder. "Well, we're back together now, and I promise, I will never let anything happen to you again." he tells me. *Will you Chen? Will you be able to keep that promise?*

I had stopped crying and started yawning. "Oppa, I'm tired..." I say. "Hmm, me too..." he tells me. I lay down on his bed and crawled under the covers. I closed my eyes while Chen went to go turn off the lights. He crawled onto the bed and under the covers.

"Goodnight Minji... Saranghaeyo." he whispered in my ear. He wrapped his arms around me, being cautious of my cuts. I loved his warmness, so I turned around and hugged him around the waist. "Goodnight Chen oppa... Saranghaeyo..." I whisper to him. He kisses me on the forehead, and we both fell asleep.



A/N: Wow, this was a really long chapter... Poor Minji... I cried writing that part. But CHEN AND MINJI ARE TOGETHER AGAIN!! :D Yippee! I'm a terrible writer aren't I? OTL

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD