The Hospital

Beautiful Lie.

MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I kept walking towards that faint light, or at least I thought I was walking, the light slowing getting brighter the closer I got to it. I reached my hand out to try and touch it, and... I came back to the real world? *What the hell is going on?*

"She's okay, no more blood loss and she's in a stable condition." I heard a voice say, my eyes fluttering open. The room was so bright though, my eyes immediately shut again.

"D-doctor?" I stuttered, obviously catching the attention of the person in the room.

"She's awake!" I heard the same voice shout as if it was a miracle. My eyes slowly opened, revealing a doctor looking at me, smiling. *That's kind of creepy...*

"What happened..?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes then trying to sit up.

"Uh uh uh. You lay there. We just patched you up and gave you some more blood. You lost a lot of blood there, young lady. Now, even though you're in a stable condition, it's best if you stay put for now. Besides, your friends want to visit you." he says, still smiling. When I heard the word 'friends', my mood change. I wanted to die again. The doctor turned to the door and opened it gently, revealing 12 boys sleeping peacefully on the chairs outside, and even sitting on the floor. *How long have they been there?*

"How long have they been there?" I asked the doctor, looking at him with a confused look on my face.

"They've been here since you came into the hospital. Yesterday. They wouldn't leave and insisted that they stay there overnight." he said, surprising me. *Whoa. I've been here for almost a day?*

"Y-yesterday?" I asked again, just to make sure. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, since yesterday." he said. I looked at the boys outside and smiled. "You have some really caring friends." the doctor told me, making me smile.

"Yes, I do..." I say, my eyes welling up with happy tears. *They really are the best friends I could ask for... So caring.*

"This is none of my business, but what happened to you?" he asked me, his voice lowered into a whisper. I looked at him and thought about the question. Flashbacks from yesterday appeared in my head, and I shook my head, trying to get rid of them. I sighed and looked back at the doctor.

"This might sound weird... But these girls are jealous of me because I'm dating a guy, that they like, and well, they attacked me and tried to kill me. I was at peace with it though... But since I'm still alive, I'll try to live it to the best of my abilities and with no regrets." I say, smiling at him. He smiled back as if to say 'I wish you the best of luck.'

The doctor made his way to the door and walked outside to wake the 12 boys to tell them that they could come in and see me now. I braced myself for the worry they were going to bring.

"NOONA!! You're okay!!!!!!" I heard 3 little boys shout. I giggled, since laughing is an impossible task for me due to the cuts on my stomach. They hugged me and I hugged them back, until they started squeezing me, which hurt me a lot. I signalled for the others to save me.

"Guys, Minji's hurt. You have to be gentle with her until she gets better. Pretend that she's a beautiful flower that you just picked." Chanyeol tells them. The 3 boys let go of me.

"But Chanyeol hyung... I rip the petals of flowers." Tao says, making me widen my eyes and the others laugh.

"Are you going to hurt me Tao?" I ask him, pretending to back away from him like he was a killer.

"Ani noona!! Tao would never hurt you." he says, sitting on the bed with Sehun and Kai. Next thing you know, he sat on my leg, making me yelp in pain. Kris walked up to him and smacked him on the head and he started crying. "NOONA!!!!!!! Kris hyung hit meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." he wailed. I facepalmed myself and looked at Kris. He had an apologetic look on his face.

"Kris, that was not a very nice thing to do." I say, pointing my finger at him. I tried to act like I was boss so Tao would stop crying. Kris tried not to laugh.

"I'm sorry Minji, I'll be nice next time." he says, pretending to beg for my forgiveness. We all laughed at him.

"Hahaha ow ow ow." I exclaimed. *Now I can't even laugh with my friends...* I looked around at them and they all looked worried again. I smiled, trying to reassure them that it was nothing. I looked around and noticed that Chen was missing. "W-where's Chen..?" I asked uneasily.

"He's sitting outside. He said that he wanted to see you individually later." Xiumin says, smiling.

"Yeah, he kind of lost it when he saw me topless with your blood all over me." Lay tells me. I looked at him.

"Uh, did you change?" I asked him, pointing at his new top.

"Yeah, I went home and changed, because some people in the hospital thought that I had just murdered someone. So the nurse asked me if I wanted to change here, but Kyungsoo just drove me home so I could change." he explained to me. *Oh. Well then.*

"Minji, what happened?" Baekhyun asked me, a worried look on his face. I looked at him and wanted to cry. I wiped my eyes and sighed.

"I-I just wanted my life to end, so I got a pocket knife and completely ruined my body." I lied to him. All the boys looked at me.

"Noona, you're lying..." Kai says. I was surprised that he knew. But then again, they all probably knew. I was never good at lying.

"That was a beautiful lie, but we can tell." Luhan says, sitting on the bed with the younger 3 boys. I looked at my hands and started fiddling with them.

"Just tell us what really happened..." Suho pleaded me. I looked at him with sad eyes.

"I-" I sighed. "T-those girls came after me again..." I told them and held my breath, waiting for their response.

"I knew it... When are they ever going to get over the fact that you and Chen are in love and are going to be together whether they like it or not?" Kyungsoo says angrily, stomping his feet on the ground.

"Woah, easy tiger. You're going to create an earthquake." I joked with him.

"Well, if I could make an earthquake that could get rid of those girls, I'd do it," he says, crossing his arms angrily, then sighing. "I'm just glad that we got you here in time and that you're okay." I smiled at him, tears wanting to leave my eyes again.

"Thank you Kyungsoo. For caring enough to save my life. And you as well Lay." I tell them, wiping away the few tears that had managed to escape my eyes. "Ugh, sorry guys. I cry too much, don't I?" I say, pretending to laugh while still wiping my tears away.

"Ani noona, you can cry as much as you want." Sehun tells me, reaching over for a hug. I smiled and hugged him tightly, a few tears falling onto his shirt.

"Baby don't cry, tonight, after the darkness passes." Luhan starts singing in perfect Korean, making me smile.

"Baby don't cry, tonight, it'll become as if it never happened. You're not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should've known. So baby don't cry, cry, my love will protect you..." all of them sang, making me cry even harder. *They really are amazing singers. I'm glad EXO are how they are, and that they're my friends.*

"Oh god, I love you guys." I babbled, tears still coming out. I motioned for them to come closer, getting them all into a group hug. I smiled, all of them together with me. *I really am blessed...* We talked for a while about lots of random things making me laugh. I felt better after a while, the pain of the cuts slowly fading away. I smiled a lot, making the whole atmosphere, to me, feel so much happier. I couldn't have been any happier than I was then.

I looked at the clock after a while. *Woah what? 6:43 pm? Gotta let the others go home and rest.* "Guys, I think you should go home now. Visiting times are almost over as well, and... I want to talk to Chen as well..." I tell them, my voice slowly lowering until it was a whisper that I could hardly hear myself. They all nodded, being completely understanding. I smiled and greeted them as they walked out the door.

"Bye Minji! Get better soon, and get lots of rest. Stay happy!" they were all shouting, waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

"Don't worry guys, I'll stay happy, always." I say, lifting my top up to show them the happy face cut on my stomach. They had worried looks on their faces, but I smiled anyway. It was just a cut to me now. They smiled again and left. Sehun, Kai and Tao ran back to give me a last quick hug before they went.

"Get better soon noona!! We'll visit again soon." the 3 younger boys say before running off to follow their hyungs. I smiled as they walked out the door, waving at me. *Ah, they always make me smile.* I leaned back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. *I wonder how they would react if I really did die... Oh god, why am I thinking about that.* I pushed the thoughts out of my head as the door was pushed open again. *Chen.*

He walked in with a forced smile on his face. I tried my hardest to smile as well. But it wasn't easy after yesterday. "Hey..." he says, waving slightly before taking a seat on the bed.

"Hi..." I say, waving back to be polite. *This is going to be awkward fast.* I fiddled with my hands, waiting for him to talk first.

"S-so... Uh, h-how are you?" he asked, stuttering, obviously showing that he was scared and nervous.

"Um, I'm getting better. The others cured me!" I say, throwing my arms up in the air and smiling. He laughed. *At least you're smiling again.*

"Th-that's great..." he says, trying to smile. I looked at him and smiled, reaching over to grab his hand.

"Oppa, please be happy. For me." I told him, his hand lightly. I moved closer to him, being careful of my injuries, and hugged him. I felt tears wet my shirt and soft sobs coming from him. He hugged me tightly. "Oppa, don't cry..." I say, my own tears about to fall.

"I-I'm so sorry Minji. Why does this always happen to us? I overreact, and then you get hurt. M-maybe it is best if we..." he started.

"If we break up?" I finished his sentence. He let go of me and looked at me with sad eyes. He nodded.

"Just. Don't leave EXO. They all love you like family. You can't leave them." he pleaded me. I looked at him, tears starting to fall.

"I-I don't think I can promise that..." I tell him, laying on the bed. "I think it'd be best if you guys forgot about me. Just, forget that I was ever there with you guys." I grabbed the blankets and hid under it, sniffling.

"We'll never forget you. Like I said, you're like family. To all of us." I could hear him say, and the bed felt lighter. *Just go. Please. Don't make this harder than it already is.*

"This is harder to fix than the past few problems Chen. I don't think this is fixable." I forced the words out. The bed sunk down again and I heard a sigh. *Please... Just go.*

"Anything is fixable, jagiya. You just need time and patience, and I'm sure that we can fix this." he says, and I poke my head out from under the covers. I saw him smiling at me. It gave me hope and I tried to smile back at him. I sat back up and leaned on his shoulder. *I'll miss this...*

"What happened to you anyway?" he asked me with caution showing in his voice. I sat up and looked at him, then sighed.

"Those girls came after me. Again." I said simply, looking at my feet because they were so fascinating for some reason. I couldn't lie to Chen, like how I couldn't lie to EXO. I looked at him again, and he reached out to the cuts on my face.

"We are so getting them back for this. This is the last time they mess with you, and I mean it." he said, with a hint of aggression in his voice.

"Oppa, don't worry about it. Leave it be..." I tell him, calming him down as I leaned on his shoulder again and sighed.

"I can't Minji. They've gone way too far. Just because they're jealous is not a good enough reason to kill and waste a life." he tells me, sighing deeply. *Might as well just say goodbye to him now... Then my life won't have to be wasted.*

"I'll miss this..." I tell him, wrapping my arms around his waist gently. He put his arm around me, over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Who said that it would ever end?" he said, surprising me. I sat up and looked at him. He only had sincerity in his eyes. I smiled and another tear fell. A happy tear. I hugged him tightly. *You were right oppa, everything really is fixable. Let's just hope this problem is fixed permanently...* He lifted me up like I was a feather and placed me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me like I was a baby. I just felt so safe in his arms.

"So baby don't go... Yeah, take me to a place that will have you, and I'll walk with you forever. Oh we have to fly together to the most center of the world. In my eyes, you can't fly out of places. When you're with me, you'll never disappear or go missing. Oh, like the you I dreamed of, you are my life, that beautiful butterfly..." Chen started singing the chorus of Don't Go, and I started falling asleep. All I could hear and feel was Chen's angelic voice and his protective arms around me. But I was content, just like that.


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

I was woken up by 11 excited guys. "Hyung, wake up!! Minji noona is awake!" Sehun, Kai and Tao all shout at me, shaking me vigourously. I stood up as the others made their way into the room.

"Coming?" Xiumin asks. I shook my head. I still had to regain myself before I went inside to visit her. I looked at the clock. **4:58 pm. I'll visit her later.**

"Nah, I think I need to calm down and meet her individually later." I tell him. He nodded, completely understanding. I smiled and walked out of the hospital. **I really have to eat...** I went to a grocery store and bought some snacks to eat. **I'll eat properly later.** I walked around the streets near the hospital so I could get back later. The sky was getting dark and I wondered how Minji was. **I hope you're feeling better now that EXO are with you.**

My phone vibrated. I looked at the message that Suho sent me.

From Suho:

Hey, are you almost back? We're about to leave, so you can talk to her now.

To Suho:

I'll be right there.

I checked the time on my phone. **6:30 pm. Plenty of time.** I walked slowly, thinking about how it was going to be talking to her again. Awkward? Unbearable? Is she going to hate me? I pushed the thoughts out of my head as I stood in front of her room, waiting for the others to come out. I heard greetings being exchanged and prepared myself for my visiting.

The others finally came out and were laughing and smiling. Sehun, Kai and Tao even ran back in to give Minji hugs again. I smiled.

"Have fun with her in there." Kris says jokingly. I punched him in the arm. *You're an sometimes.* "I was joking! Hope you guys sort out your problems." he tells me, running away with the others. I chuckled. *But you're the best leader there is. Besides Suho.*

"Bye guys." I say, waving at them as they walked out of the hospital, with them waving back at me. I took a deep breath as I stood in front of Minji's hospital room door. I pushed the door open and walked in, forcing a smile on my face. I could tell that she was trying hard to smile as well.

"Hey..." I say, waving slightly before I took a seat on the bed with her.

"Hi..." she says, waving back to be polite. She then proceeded to fiddle with her hands, waiting for something to happen. I started fiddling around as well.

"S-so... Uh, h-how are you?" I asked, an obvious stutter showing that I was scared and nervous.

"Um, I'm getting better. The others cured me!" she says, throwing her arms up in the air and smiling. I laughed. **At least you're smiling again.**

"Th-that's great..." I tell her, trying to smile. She looked at me and smiled, reaching over to grab my hand.

"Oppa, please be happy. For me." she says to me, my hand lightly. **I wish I could.** She moved closer to me and hugged me, and that was when I lost it. All the tears fell from my eyes and I sobbed, hugging her tightly, but not tight enough to hurt her. "Oppa, don't cry..." I hear her say.

"I-I'm so sorry Minji. Why does this always happen to us? I overreact, and then you get hurt. M-maybe it is best if we..." I started.

"If we break up?" she finished my sentence. I let go of her and looked at her with sad eyes. I nodded. **I don't want to. But if you really want to...**

"Just. Don't leave EXO. They all love you like family. You can't leave them." I pleaded her. She looked at me and I saw her tears falling.

"I-I don't think I can promise that..." she says, laying on the bed. "I think it'd be best if you guys forgot about me. Just, forget that I was ever there with you guys." She grabbed the blankets and hid under it, sniffling.

"We'll never forget you. Like I said, you're like family. To all of us." I tell her, and I knew she could hear me, and I stood up, pacing around the room. **Please, don't leave me.**

"This is harder to fix than the past few problems Chen. I don't think this is fixable." I heard her say as I walked around. I sat back down on the bed, sighing. **Everything is fixable...**

"Anything is fixable, jagiya. You just need time and patience, and I'm sure that we can fix this." I tell her, and I see her poke her head out from under the covers. I smiled at her. She tried to smile back at me as well. She sat back up and leaned on my shoulder. **Please stay with me.**

"What happened to you anyway?" I asked her, carefully observing her reaction. She sat up and looked at me, then sighed.

"Those girls came after me. Again." she said simply, looking at her feet. I watched her for a few minutes, observing her injuries. **Of course...** She looked at me again, and I reached out to the cuts on her face.

"We are so getting them back for this. This is the last time they mess with you, and I mean it." I told her, a hint of aggression showing in my voice.

"Oppa, don't worry about it. Leave it be..." she says, calming me down as she leaned on my shoulder again and sighed. **I can't NOT worry about it. Jeez, just look at what they did to you.**

"I can't Minji. They've gone way too far. Just because they're jealous is not a good enough reason to kill and waste a life." he tells me, sighing deeply. **I can't say goodbye to you yet...**

"I'll miss this..." she says, wrapping her arms around my waist gently. I put my arm around her, over her shoulder, pulling her closer to me.

"Who said that it would ever end?" I told her. She sat up and looked at me, as if to check that I was lying or not. I looked at her, showing only had sincerity in my eyes. She smiled and I saw another tear fall. A happy tear. She hugged me tightly. **See? Everything is fixable.** I lifted her up like she was a feather and placed her on my lap, wrapping my arms around her like she was a baby. I was protecting her from any harm.

"So baby don't go... Yeah, take me to a place that will have you, and I'll walk with you forever. Oh we have to fly together to the most center of the world. In my eyes, you can't fly out of places. When you're with me, you'll never disappear or go missing. Oh, like the you I dreamed of, you are my life, that beautiful butterfly..." I started singing the chorus of Don't Go, and she started falling asleep. **Don't go...** She slept in my arms for a while before I let her lay down on the bed, still holding onto her protectively. I stayed with her like that until visiting times were over.

"Sorry sir, visiting times are over." the nurse says, opening the door for me to walk out. I sat up and smiled at her. As I walked towards the door and out of the hospital, I turned around to the nurse.

"Please look after her well." I told her, like it was a favour I was asking my best friend. She smiled and nodded before walking into Minji's room, leaving me outside all alone. **I guess I'll be sleeping alone tonight...** I looked up at the sky. It was dark and it looked like it was going to rain. **I better get home...** I turned to look at the hospital one last time before walking home.

Going home, eating, sleeping. All those things were simple everyday tasks, but doing them by myself now made me feel so alone and empty. **If only Minji was still here.** I went to sleep early, because there was nothing else to do and Minji wasn't there to have fun with. So I crept under the blankets, turned off the lights and lay there. "Goodnight Minji... Saranghaeyo." I whispered to myself, imagining that Minji was beside me. **I'll visit you tomorrow.**



A/N: Was it gay? It was wasn't it? -hides behind a potted plant- I'm so freaking random. Okay, sorry guys. I'm finding it hard to write good chapters now. The last one was awesome it made me cry, and this one is so bad that it also made me cry XD

But enjoy, comment and subscribe guys!! (Seriously, comment something. I'm feeling lonely. You could even suggest what I should add in the story :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)

Love you all. 1000 VIEWS :O I'm surprised at myself. And 29 SUBSCRIBERS!! That's an achievement for me.

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD