Shopping Fever

Beautiful Lie.

CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

It's the third day that Minji has been sleeping over. I loved it, spending every minute of the day with her. Seeing her smile all the time. Protecting her from the bad things.

I woke up without Minji beside me. **She must've gone to make some breakfast.** I rolled around in bed and sat up eventually, yawning. I stood up and stumbled to the bathroom, freshening up. I was still tired but I walked to the kitchen so that she wouldn't have to bring the food into my room. She was making noodles for breakfast. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, making her jump in shock.

"Wah! Oppa, you scared me!" she says, continuing her previous task. I chuckled. "Good morning Minji-ah." I say, kissing her on the cheek and placing my chin on her shoulder.

"Oppa." she says, turning her head the slightest bit. I hummed, indicating that I was listening. "Can we go shopping today? It's getting kind of boring at home, and we need to buy more food!" she says, pointing at the two bowls of noodles she had just finished preparing. I smiled.

"Mmmm okay Minji, we'll go shopping." I tell her, helping her carry the bowls to the dining table. We ate in a comfortable silence. "Minji, you're such a good cook!" I tell her, looking at her smile.

"You've told me that so many times now oppa. But thank you." she says, smiling brightly. I flashed a smile at her as well, and we both continued eating. I decided to do the dishes before we left for the shops.

"Minji, go change your clothes, I'm just going to clean the kitchen." I tell her.

"Here, let me help you!" she suggests, grabbing the bowls and walking to the sink. I grab her by the waist just as she put the bowls in the sink.

"You go and change first. We can't change at the same time, and I'm host this week anyway. Let me do it." I tell her, leading her out of the kitchen to my room.

"O-okay." she says, walking into my room and closing the door. I walked back to the kitchen and hummed while I started washing the dishes and cleaning all the benches. Once the kitchen was clean, I looked at the clock. **9:02 am. The shops are open now.** I walk to my room and open the door, forgetting that Minji was still in there.

"AHHH!" she screams, making me jump and remember. I shut the door and sat on the floor.

"Mianhe Minji!" I shout through the door. No reply. I leaned against the door and just sat there waiting for her to finish. Suddenly the door opened and I fell back.

"Oof!" I landed on the floor and looked up. Minji was looking at me. "Oh, hi Minji." I say, quickly standing up and walking into the room. "Ready to go shopping?" I ask her. She just nods her head. I knew she was worried about something, and I realised what that something was.

"Oh, don't worry Minji, I didn't see anything. Your scream scared me." I told her, walking towards my wardrobe.

"A-ah, okay then. I'll just go outside..." she says, walking outside. I quickly grabbed some clothes and put them on. I was wearing some black jeans with a simple blue and white shirt with my black converses. I walked to the living room where Minji was sitting, fiddling with her fingers.

"Aish, Minji, are you still worried about that before?" I ask, startling her. She just looks down. "Don't worry, I swear on my life, I did not see anything." I tell her, putting my hand on my heart which made her laugh.

"Don't worry oppa. I believe you. I was just a little shocked, that's all." she says, smiling once again. I looked at her carefully this time. She was wearing a pretty floral dress that came up just above her knees and she wore her blue converses. It seemed like she had a bit of make-up on as well.

"Minji are you wearing make-up?" I ask her. She looks at me.

"Y-yes..?" she says, touching her face. **You don't need make-up... You're too perfect already.**

"Aw. Come here Minji." I tell her, helping her up and walking her to the bathroom.

"What are we doing oppa?" she asks me, looking at me to see if I would give her a hint.

"I'm washing your make-up off." I tell her simply.

"Oh? Why!?" she asks, covering her face while I grabbed a towel and wet it, trying to get her to stand still.

"Because, I want to see your bare face." I tell her, slowly taking her hands off her face and wiping her make-up off carefully. She closed her eyes and bit her lips. **So adorable.** I continued wiping her makeup off until it all came off. I stared at her face, and while her eyes still closed, I leaned in, kissing her softly on the lips. She kissed me back and broke the kiss.

"See, I love your bare face." I tell her, pulling her towards the mirror so that she could see herself. I kissed her on the cheek while she looked at her reflection. "You look beautiful." I whisper in her ear. I could see her blush a light pink colour. "Thank you oppa..." she murmured. I smiled.

"Come on! Let's go shopping!" I tell her, grabbing her hand and leading her to the car. I closed the house door and locked it, then sprinted to the car, opening the passenger door just before Minji reached it. She climbed in and I closed the door. I walked to the other side and got into the car. "Let's go to the mall!" I tell her, starting the engine and driving to our destination. "So, how do you like it so far? Sleeping over at my house?" I ask her, waiting for an answer.

"I love it oppa! Spending all my time with you is the best!" she says, giggling. I let one of my hands float down to meet Minji's hands. I held onto one of her hands and the back of it with my thumb. I looked over and saw her smiling.

We were almost at the mall, so I let go of her hand and concentrated on finding a parking spot. It didn't take long, so I went and opened Minji's door to help her out and we were on our way into the mall. I grabbed her hand, holding it gently and I never let go for a second. Occasionally I would the back of her hand with my thumb and she would smile. We went to go buy some food first. My house was lacking food from all the cooking that we were doing yesterday.

"We need some eggs as well..." I tell her, grabbing some eggs from nearby. We took it to the cashier and I paid for everything. I saw the cashier looking at our hands and smiling. "You two are such a cute couple~" she says, packing our groceries into paper bags. "Thank you!" I tell her, bowing at her. Minji was blushing and biting her fingernails. **Aish, so cute.**

We walked around, hand in hand, chatting and shopping everywhere. "Eh Minji, do you want to go in there?" I ask her, pointing to a shop that was selling very cute toys.

"Wow! They're so cute!! Can we go in there?" she asks me, already pulling me towards the shop.

"Ne, and you can buy something if you want." I tell her while she was excited to see what was in the store. We walked in and all I could see were cute plushies! There were also some board games and little dolls, but with Minji, the plushies were her favourite.

"Wah, Chen oppa! Look at this one!" she says, picking up a big blue and white teddy bear. "It's Blue Bear! My favourite! Remember when you bought me one for my 10th birthday? I still have it at home... But it was really small." she says, the bear.

"Well do you want this one?" I ask her. Her face brightens up.

"Really oppa?" she asks, jumping up and down. I laugh.

"Of course! Anything for my Minji..." I tell her, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Wow... Oh but it's so expensive!! I'll look for something else." she says, pouting. She puts it back on the shelf and went to go look at other plushies. I walked around the shop and saw a little jewellery section where they sold real gold and silver jewellery. I walked over and looked at the things they were selling. There was a nice lady at the counter.

"Hello there young man. What are you looking for today?" she asks, bowing.

"Oh, I was just looking to see if there was anything I could buy for my girlfriend." I tell her, pointing at Minji who was looking at the plushies with a cute grin on her face. I smiled.

"Wow, your girlfriend is very cute, if I say so myself." the lady says, smiling.

"Yeah... She is." I mumble.

"Young man, may I suggest this pendant? I think that she will love it." the lady tells me, showing me a beautiful little pendant that had a key hanging on the chain with a love heart at the top of the key. It had diamonds on the love heart; it was so simplistic that I loved it. **It's perfect...**

"This is perfect..." I tell the lady, looking at it, studying its features. Something suddenly caught my eye. There was another pendant.

"Um, could I see that pendant as well please?" I ask the lady behind the counter.

"Certainly." she says, taking the pendant out carefully and giving it to me. This one had a lock hanging on the chain in the shape of a love heart. This pendant didn't have any diamonds or anything, but it was beautiful. **My heart...**

"May I ask for an opinion?" I ask the lady. She nods, indicating that she was indeed listening.

"Do you think it's cheesy if I give her the pendant with the key and tell her that it's the key to my heart? I'll keep this pendant for myself as a symbol of my heart." I ask her, giving her a cheesy smile. She giggles.

"That is so cheesy. But... She will definitely love it. I sure would. You two are certainly the cutest couple I've ever seen in my life." the lady tells me, nodding her head in Minji's direction. She was still consumed in the amount of plushies that were on the shelf. I chuckled.

"I'll take these then please." I tell the lady, smiling.

"Certainly." she says, taking the pendants and placing them in special boxes and proceeding to wrap a ribbon around them.

"Since you two are so cute, I'm going to give you a discount. It was $75, but you only have to pay $50." the lady tells me, handing me the pendants in a small bag.

"O-oh, you don't have to do that..." I tell her, grabbing my wallet and giving the lady $75 instead of the price that she told me.

"No no no, I insist." she tells me, giving me back $15. I smiled at her. **Thank you so much.**

"Thank you. Really." I tell her, bowing 90 degrees before standing up straight again.

"No worries." she tells me, doing a 90 degree angle bow as well. "I wish you both all the best in the future!" she tells me.

"Me too... I really want to marry her. I hope I can..." I tell her.

"Omo, really!? Then I really do wish you both all the best in the future, and may you be together forever!" she tells me, clapping her hands together.

"Thank you. I'll come back here and buy our wedding rings!" I tell her. She smiled.

"I hope you do!" she says. I smiled at her before walking off to find Minji.

She was really attached to this one plushie that was on the shelf. "Oh oppa! There you are! What were you doing?" she asks me, looking at the bag that I was holding.

"I bought something for my mum. She really loves pendants." I lied to her. **I don't want to give it to you yet. I want to give it to you tonight.**

"Oh, okay! Oppa~ can you buy me this one plushie?" she asks me, giving me her best puppy dog eyes. **How can I resist that face?**

"Okay, which one is it?" I ask her, looking at the various types of plushies on the shelf.

"This one!" she says. It was the Blue Bear one from before.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, looking at all the other plushies that she could've chosen from.

"Ne~ I really love Blue Bear you know." she says, like it was a fact that I was supposed to know. I laughed.

"Okay okay, I'll buy it for you." I tell her, grabbing her hand. I looked at the plushie to check its price. **$50. That's okay then.** I took it to the counter where I met that nice lady again.

"Hello, just this for today?" she asks us.

"Yes please." Minji and I both say at the same time. We laughed.

"Okay, that comes to $40 please." the lady tells me and I gave her a $50 note. She gave me back $10 change and smiled at me. **She gave me another discount? How nice...** I smiled back as to say 'Thank you'.

"Thank you for shopping here today! See you again!" she greets us as we walk out of the shop.

"Thank you for the plushie, oppa." Minji says, grabbing my hand with one of her hands and holding the plushie in her other hand.

"That's okay, anything for my Minji." I say, pinching her cheeks. "These things get bigger by the day... Maybe when we get married, there will be an even BIGGER one of that, and then I'll buy that one for you as well.." I tell her, looking at her for a reaction. Her cheeks went a deep red colour and she buried her head into her plushie to hide it from me. **Aw, so cute. Don't be embarrassed. One day... I'll make you mine forever, and we can always be like this.**

"You're always trying to embarrass me oppa!" she says, playfully punching my arm. I laugh.

"Ne, but you know I love you." I tell her, pulling her closer and wrapping one of my arms around her waist before kissing her lightly on the nose. She blushed a light pink colour and looked away. I chuckled and led her to other shops. We talked, looked at things and bought heaps of things.

I checked my watch after a while of shopping. **Woah, 3:29 pm? We must've been shopping for ages...** "Oppa..." I hear Minji beside me. "Oppa. I'm tired. My feet are hurting, and I'm hungry..." she tells me, leaning on my shoulder with a tired face.

"Oh, yeah, we really should go home. It's been 6 hours." I tell her, taking the bags from her hands and holding onto her waist to help her walk. We walked to my car and I helped Minji in. **Wow, she really does look tired...** She closed her eyes and fell asleep very quickly. I hopped into the car and drove home to my house. I didn't want to wake Minji up, so I carried all the groceries and things into the house first, letting her sleep in my car. I returned later to carry her into the house.

I took one step out of the house and rain started pouring. **Oh god, are you kidding!? It said that it was sunny all day!** I ran to the car, opened the passenger door and hooked one of my arms under her neck and my other arm under her knees and quickly carried her inside, placing her gently on my bed before running back outside to close the doors of my car.

When I got back inside, Minji was still sleeping, but she wasn't really wet or anything, so I left her as she was. I decided to have a shower, so I grabbed some track pants and some random grey t-shirt I had in my wardrobe and headed to the bathroom. I felt really refreshed after the shower, and I went back into my room to check how Minji was doing.

The blankets were all covering her, and I could hear her shivering. I ran to the bed. **I don't remember putting the blanket over her...** I touched her forehead and it was really hot! **That stupid rain...** "Aish! Minji, you have a fever!" I say. I wanted her to have a warm bath, but my mum wasn't home yet, and I realised that I was going to have to give her a bath. I carried her into the bathroom and put her in the bathtub.

"Minji, are you awake? You're going to have to take off your dress." I tell her, taking off her shoes for her. She just nods, still shivering. She slowly took off her dress while I the water taps to get a warm temperature for her. I helped her take off her dress and threw it to a side while I tried to help her get warmed up. I turned up the hot tap because Minji was shivering violently. I touched her forehead again. **It's still hot...**

Minji was still shivering, but not as much as before. She wrapped her arms around her legs, trying to warm herself up. I just turned the hot tap higher. After quite a while, Minji had stopped shivering, and her fever had died down a bit. I let her sit in the bathtub for a bit while I went to go and find some warm clothes for her. I looked through her clothes and found lots of onesies that she had bought along. **These aren't going to keep her warm...** I went to my wardrobe and pulled out my warmest jumper that I had and I grabbed a pair of her track pants that she had in her bag. I went back to the bathroom and saw Minji gliding her hand over the water, resting her head on her knees. She looked relaxed again.

"Minji?" I call to her. She turns her head to look at me. "Come on." I tell her, grabbing her towel and holding it out. She got out of the bathtub and straight into my arms. I wrapped the towel around her and carried her into my room. She still looked tired. "You can change now... Wear this jumper. It'll keep you warm." I tell her, showing her my jumper that I placed on the bed for her. I started walking out to the lounge room when she called out to me.

"Chen oppa!" she said. I turned around with a questioning look on my face. "Uh, uhm... C-can you help me? Change my clothes, I mean." she asks, looking at the floor. I smiled.

"Sure." I say, closing the bedroom door and walking towards her. "But you might want to help yourself first... If you know what I mean." I tell her, turning around.

"O-oh, r-right..." she stutters, turning around and putting some undergarments on. "Done..." she says, turning around towards me. I turned around as well. I stared at her figure. **Why are you so goddamn perfect?** I've already seen her in a bikini, so this wasn't any different really...

"Okay, lift your feet." I tell her, holding the track pants near her feet so she could slip her feet in the holes. She sat on the bed and did what I told her to. She then stood up as I pulled them up her legs until it reached her hips. "Okay. You better put a singlet on." I tell her. She looked at the floor.

"Uh... I didn't bring any." she says. I looked through her bag to make sure, but there really were none. There were only t-shirts, and they didn't look warm enough for her. Suddenly I heard Minji sneeze from behind me. **I better hurry it up then.** I went to my wardrobe and took one of my t-shirts.

"Okay, lift your arms." I tell her, slowly guiding her hands into the arm holes of my t-shirt. I pulled it down over her body and then did the same for my jumper as well. "Are you warm now Minji?" I ask her, holding her close to me.

"Y-yes..." she says, a slight stutter in her words. **She's still freezing...** I took her to the bed and let her sit down. "Here." I tell her, letting her lean her back on the pillows and wrapping the blankets tightly around her. "You stay here and I'll be back." I tell her. She nods lightly.

I walked upstair and grabbed that big blanket that we used last time the EXO boys came over for a sleepover. I took it down to my room and dumped it on the bed. Then I went to the kitchen and made a nice warm cup of hot chocolate for Minji. I added marshmallows, because I knew she loved it. I walked back to my room and placed the cup on my desk before placing the big blanket over my bed properly. Minji was just watching me, but I didn't mind. I took the cup of hot chocolate and gave it to Minji, who smiled. "Thank you oppa." she says.

"That's okay." I tell her, crawling underneath the covers with her. I grabbed that Blue Bear plushie that Minji wanted and gave it to her to hold. I took the bag of jewellery that I bought earlier today. "Minji, I bought this for you as well." I tell her as I pulled out the two boxes and opened the one that had the pendant with the key on it. "This, is the key to my heart. Look after it." I tell her, giving it to her to hold.

"Wow... It's beautiful oppa. I'll cherish it forever." she tells me, looking at it carefully, studying all its features, and then gave it back to me. She turned around and I put the pendant on for her. "But oppa, there are two boxes. What does the other one have?" she asks, holding the key that was hanging off her pendant.

"This one, is mine. This is the symbol of my heart, and it has a lock on it. That key you have, opens my heart." I tell her, giving it to her. I turned around and she put the pendant on for me. I turned around and kissed her on the lips. **I'm just warming up your lips for you.**

"Oh. Oppa. You lied to me then. You said that you bought a pendant for your mum..." Minji tells me, taking a sip from her cup.

"I know, but I had to hide it from you. So I lied... Forgive me?" I ask her, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. She laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Okay. I forgive you oppa..." she says, kissing me quickly on the lips. I took the drink from Minji's hands and took a sip. "Ya! Oppa, you're not supposed to take food from sick people..." she says, whacking me on the arm.

"Wah, okay okay, I'm going." I tell her, climbing out of bed. She grabbed onto my arm.

"Where are you going oppa?" she asks me. I put the drink on the bedside table and pried her hands off my arm.

"I'm going to make food. Aren't you hungry?" I ask her. Suddenly her stomach makes the biggest gurgle sound, indicating that she really was hungry. She hid under the blankets in embarrassment. "Don't worry, I'll bring you some food." I tell her, walking to the kitchen.

I decided to make some yukgaejang (spicy beef and vegetable soup) for Minji since she was down with a fever. I grabbed all the ingredients and started mixing and chopping and boiling things. I was halfway through when someone scared me. "What are you doing?" someone says. I jumped and turned around.

"Mum! Don't scared me like that... If you must know, I'm making yukgaejang for me and Minji. You might have to make some food for yourself and dad." I tell her, continuing the task in front of me.

"Oh? Is there something wrong with Minji?" my mum asks me, worried. I sighed.

"Yeah, she has a fever... I gave her a bath and everything and she's feeling much better." I tell her, just finishing the soup and getting ready to put it in bowls.

"Oh? I better see how she is then." she tells me. I just nod, focusing on the decoration of the food. I wanted it to look good. Once I was done, I headed to my room carrying a tray that had 2 bowls of soup. My mum had just opened the door to leave my room, so I snuck in and closed it. I carefully placed the tray on the bedside table before crawling into bed with Minji.

"Are you hungry Minji-ah?" I ask her, placing the tray of food on my lap.

"Yes oppa!" she says, looking at the soup that I made. "Wow! It looks delicious! Oppa is such a good cook!" she says. I touch her forehead to check her temperature. **Still pretty hot... But you're still happy, even when you're sick.** I chuckled.

"Mmm, here is your bowl." I tell her, pointing to the bowl closest to her and giving her a spoon. She pouted. "Hmm? What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I wanted oppa to feed me..." she says, looking at the bowl of food. I grabbed my bowl of soup and placed it on the bedside table and grabbed Minji's spoon, scooping a bit of the soup up for Minji to eat. I blew on it gently so that it would cool down a bit.

"Open wide!" I tell her. She opened and I put the spoon in, letting her taste the soup. "How is it?" I ask her.

"It's delicious!" she tells me. "I think I'll be well tomorrow!" she says, giving me two thumbs up. I continue feeding her, smiling.

"You should stay home tomorrow." I tell her. I fed her another spoonful of soup.

"Will you stay home with me?" she asks me.

"If you want to... But that means that I'll have to catch up with my singing class on Friday." I warn her.

"That's okay, as long as you're with me tomorrow." she says, eating another spoonful of soup.

"That settles it then. We stay home tomorrow." I tell her, smiling. **Another whole day with Minji.** I continued feeding her the soup until she finished it. Then I started on mine.

"Oppa... What are we going to do tomorrow?" Minji asks, watching while I ate my own soup.

"Hmm, I don't know... But we'll figure it out." I tell her with a smile on my face. As soon as I finished eating, I took the tray, the bowls and the cup to the kitchen, where I saw my mum and dad eating.

"Oh, hey mum, hey dad." I say.

"Oh hey son!" my dad says. I placed the bowls into the sink.

"Just leave it there hon, I'll wash it in a minute." my mum says. I smiled.

"Thanks mum." I say, walking to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I took a bottle of water from the fridge and ran back to my room. Minji was gone. **Oh. Probably getting ready for bed.** I went to the bathroom and saw Minji brushing her teeth. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my own teeth. Seeing Minji and I in the mirror, happy like this, made me want to be hers even more. When we both finished, I walked Minji back to my room and helped her into bed.

"Tired already?" I ask her, grabbing a piece of her hair that fell on her face and moving it to a side.

"Yeah... I hate being sick..." she tells me, snuggling into the blankets. I lay down next to her and turn off the bedside light. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly, trying to keep her warm. **Get well soon Minji.** She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down to meet her lips. We kissed and it felt like I was in heaven. It was mindblowing and I never wanted it to end, but she ended it after a while. She moved her arms so that it was around my waist and put her head against my chest.

"Good night oppa..." she says, yawning.

"Good night, jagiya..." I say, pulling her even closer to me.


MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

It's the third day that I've been sleeping over at Chen's. I've loved it, spending every minute of the day with him. Having fun all the time.

I woke up before Chen, so I decided to make breakfast today. I went to the bathroom to freshen up first, then I went to the kitchen. *What should I make today... Noodles!* I grabbed some instant noodles that Chen had in the cupboard. *Good enough.* So I was making noodles for breakfast. Chen snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, making me jump in shock.

"Wah! Oppa, you scared me!" I tell him, continuing my previous task. He chuckled. "Good morning Minji-ah." he says, kissing me on the cheek and placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Oppa." I say, turning my head the slightest bit. He hummed, indicating that he was listening. "Can we go shopping today? It's getting kind of boring at home, and we need to buy more food!" I tell him, pointing at the two bowls of noodles I had just finished preparing. He smiled.

"Mmmm okay Minji, we'll go shopping." he says, helping me carry the bowls to the dining table. We ate in a comfortable silence. "Minji, you're such a good cook!" he tells me. I smile.

"You've told me that so many times now oppa. But thank you." I say, still smiling brightly. He flashed a smile at me as well, and we both continued eating. Chen decided to do the dishes before we left for the shops.

"Minji, go change your clothes, I'm just going to clean the kitchen." he tells me.

"Here, let me help you!" I suggest, grabbing the bowls and walking to the sink. He grabs me by the waist just as I put the bowls in the sink.

"You go and change first. We can't change at the same time, and I'm host this week anyway. Let me do it." he tells me, leading me out of the kitchen to his room.

"O-okay." I say, walking into his room and closing the door. I went to go see what clothes I actually brought with me. "Hmm... Maybe I'll wear this..." I mumble, pulling out a pretty floral dress that came up just above my knees. I put it on and looked in the mirror. *All good.* I put on my favourite pair of blue converses as well. *Perfect!* I was fixing my hair and make-up when suddenly the door opened the tiniest bit.

"AHHH!" I scream, making the door shut again.

"Mianhe Minji!" I hear Chen shout through the door. I finished my hair quickly and opened the door.

"Oof!" he landed on the floor and looked up at me. I just looked at him. "Oh, hi Minji." he says, quickly standing up and walking into the room. "Ready to go shopping?" he asks me. I just nod my head. *Did I hurt him?*

"Oh, don't worry Minji, I didn't see anything. Your scream scared me." he told me, walking towards his wardrobe.

"A-ah, okay then. I'll just go outside..." I tell him, walking outside. I walked to the living room and sat there, fiddling with her fingers. *Was he spying? Did I hurt him when I opened the door?*

"Aish, Minji, are you still worried about that before?" he asks, startling me. I just look down. "Don't worry, I swear on my life, I did not see anything." he tells me, putting his hand on his heart which made me laugh.

"Don't worry oppa. I believe you. I was just a little shocked, that's all." I say, smiling once again. He looked at me and what I was wearing.

"Minji are you wearing make-up?" he asks me. I look at him. *How did he know?*

"Y-yes..?" I say, touching my face.

"Aw. Come here Minji." he tells me, helping me up and walking me to the bathroom.

"What are we doing oppa?" I ask him, looking at him to see if he would give me a hint.

"I'm washing your make-up off." he tells me simply.

"Oh? Why!?" I ask, covering my face while he grabbed a towel and wet it, trying to get me to stand still.

"Because, I want to see your bare face." he tells me, slowly taking my hands off my face and wiping my make-up off carefully. I closed my eyes and bit my lips, scared that he might smudge something. He kept wiping, then nothing. Suddenly I felt his lips on mine and I kissed him back and broke the kiss.

"See, I love your bare face." he tells me, pulling me towards the mirror so that I could see myself. He kissed me on the cheek while I looked at my reflection. "You look beautiful." he whispers in my ear. I blushed a light pink colour. "Thank you oppa..." I murmured. He smiled.

"Come on! Let's go shopping!" he says, grabbing my hand and leading me to the car. He closed the house door and locked it, then sprinted to the car, opening the passenger door just before I reached it. I climbed in and he closed the door. *What a gentleman... He's such a cutie.* He walked to the other side and got into the car. "Let's go to the mall!" he says, starting the engine and driving to our destination. "So, how do you like it so far? Sleeping over at my house?" he asks me, waiting for an answer.

"I love it oppa! Spending all my time with you is the best!" I tell him, giggling. He let one of his hands float down to meet mine. He held onto one of my hands and the back of it with his thumb. He looked over and saw me smiling.

We were almost at the mall, so he let go of my hand and concentrated on finding a parking spot. It didn't take long, and he went and opened my door to help me out and we were on our way into the mall. He grabbed my hand, holding it gently and he never let go for a second. Occasionally he would the back of my hand with his thumb and I would smile. We went to go buy some food first. Chen's house was lacking food from all the cooking that we were doing yesterday.

"We need some eggs as well..." he tells me, grabbing some eggs from nearby. We took it to the cashier and he paid for everything. I saw the cashier looking at our hands and smiling. "You two are such a cute couple~" she says, packing our groceries into paper bags. "Thank you!" he tells her, bowing at her. I was just blushing and biting my fingernails.

We walked around, hand in hand, chatting and shopping everywhere. "Eh Minji, do you want to go in there?" he asked me, pointing to a shop that was selling very cute toys.

"Wow! They're so cute!! Can we go in there?" I asked him, already pulling him towards the shop.

"Ne, and you can buy something if you want." he tells me while I was excited to see what was in the store. We walked in and all I could see were cute plushies! There were also some board games and little dolls, but my favourites were the plushies.

"Wah, Chen oppa! Look at this one!" I say, picking up a big blue and white teddy bear. "It's Blue Bear! My favourite! Remember when you bought me one for my 10th birthday? I still have it at home... But it was really small." I tell him, the bear.

"Well do you want this one?" he asks me. My face brightened up.

"Really oppa?" I ask, jumping up and down. He laughs.

"Of course! Anything for my Minji..." he tells me, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"Wow... Oh but it's so expensive!! I'll look for something else." I tell him, pouting. I put it back on the shelf and went to go look at other plushies. I walked around to all the other plushies. There were white teddy bears, black teddy bears, angry bird plushies, any kind of plushie you could think of, but the only one I wanted was the Blue Bear one. "I love Blue Bear..." I mumbled, holding the Blue Bear plushie again.

I spotted Chen walking towards me. "Oh oppa! There you are! What were you doing?" I asked him, looking at the bag that he was holding.

"I bought something for my mum. She really loves pendants." he told me. *Aw, that's cute, buying something for his mum.*

"Oh, okay! Oppa~ can you buy me this one plushie?" I asked him, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. *He can't resist!*

"Okay, which one is it?" he asked me, looking at the various types of plushies on the shelf.

"This one!" I tell him. It was the Blue Bear one from before.

"Are you sure?" he asks me, looking at all the other plushies that I could've chosen from.

"Ne~ I really love Blue Bear you know." I tell him, like it was a fact that he was supposed to know. He laughed.

"Okay okay, I'll buy it for you." he says, grabbing my hand. He looked at the plushie to check its price. He then took it to the counter where there was a nice lady waiting.

"Hello, just this for today?" she asks us.

"Yes please." Chen and I both say at the same time. We laughed.

"Okay, that comes to $40 please." the lady tells Chen and he gave her a $50 note. She gave him back $10 change and smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Thank you for shopping here today! See you again!" she greets us as we walk out of the shop.

"Thank you for the plushie, oppa." I tell him, grabbing his hand with one of my hands and holding the plushie in my other hand.

"That's okay, anything for my Minji." he says, pinching my cheeks. "These things get bigger by the day... Maybe when we get married, there will be an even BIGGER one of that, and then I'll buy that one for you as well.." he says, looking at me. I blushed so hard that my cheeks went a deep red colour and I buried my head into my plushie to hide it from him.

"You're always trying to embarrass me oppa!" I tell him, playfully punching his arm. He laughed.

"Ne, but you know I love you." he tells me, pulling me closer and wrapping one of his arms around my waist before kissing me lightly on the nose. I blushed a light pink colour and looked away. He chuckled and led me to other shops. We talked, looked at things and bought heaps of things.

He checked his watch after a while of shopping. I felt so tired and light-headed. "Oppa..." I say to Chen beside me. "Oppa. I'm tired. My feet are hurting, and I'm hungry..." I tell him, leaning on his shoulder with a tired face.

"Oh, yeah, we really should go home. It's been 6 hours." he tells me, taking the bags from my hands and holding onto my waist to help me walk. *6 hours!? No wonder I'm so tired...* We walked to his car and he helped me in. I closed my eyes and fell asleep very quickly. I felt the car move for a while and then stop. Then I felt someone carry me while water fell on me. *Chen? Rain?* Then I felt something soft underneath me. *Bed...*

I couldn't open my eyes, I was too tired, but I was so cold I used all my energy, or the energy that I had left, to grab the blanket and put it over me. *I-it's s-so c-cold...* I was shivering so much... *Am I getting a fever?*

Someone touched my forehead. "Aish! Minji, you have a fever!" I heard Chen say. *I knew it...* I felt him carry me into the bathroom and put me in the bathtub. I opened my eyes the tiniest bit and saw Chen's worried face.

"Minji, are you awake? You're going to have to take off your dress." he says, taking off my shoes for me. I just nodded, still shivering. I slowly took off my dress while Chen the water taps to get a warm temperature for me. He helped me take off my dress and threw it to a side while he tried to help me get warmed up. He turned up the hot tap because I was shivering violently. He touched my forehead again. *It's hot, isn't it?*

I was still shivering, but not as much as before. I wrapped my arms around my legs, trying to warm myself up. I didn't care that I was wearing almost nothing, I was so cold. Chen just turned the hot tap higher. After quite a while, I had stopped shivering, and my fever had died down a bit. He let me sit in the bathtub for a bit while he went to go and find some warm clothes for me. I looked at my reflection in the water. *Why does Chen love me again? I'm not pretty, I'm not perfect. What does he see in me?* I glided my hand over the water, resting my head on my knees. *Go away reflection...* I was relaxed again.

"Minji?" Chen called to me. I turned my head to look at him. "Come on." he says, grabbing my towel and holding it out. I got out of the bathtub and straight into his arms. He wrapped the towel around me and carried me into his room. I still felt tired. "You can change now... Wear this jumper. It'll keep you warm." he tells me, showing me his jumper that he placed on the bed for me. He started walking out to the lounge room when I called out to him.

"Chen oppa!" I say. He turned around with a questioning look on his face. "Uh, uhm... C-can you help me? Change my clothes, I mean." I ask him, looking at the floor.

"Sure." he says, closing the bedroom door and walking towards me. "But you might want to help yourself first... If you know what I mean." he says, turning around.

"O-oh, r-right..." I stutter, turning around and putting some undergarments on. "Done..." I tell Chen, turning around towards him. He turned around as well. He stared at my figure. I blushed, but I don't think he paid attention to that.

"Okay, lift your feet." he tells me, holding the track pants near my feet so I could slip my feet in the holes. I sat on the bed and did what he told me to. I then stood up as he pulled them up my legs until it reached my hips. "Okay. You better put a singlet on." he tells me. I looked at the floor.

"Uh... I didn't bring any." I tell him. He looked through my bag to make sure, but there really were none. There were only t-shirts, and I knew they weren't warm enough for me. Suddenly I sneezed. Then Chen went to his wardrobe and took one of his t-shirts.

"Okay, lift your arms." he tells me, slowly guiding my hands into the arm holes of his t-shirt. He pulled it down over my body and then did the same for his jumper as well. "Are you warm now Minji?" he asked me, holding me close to him.

"Y-yes..." I tell him, a slight stutter in my words. He took me to the bed and let me sit down. "Here." he tells me, letting me lean my back on the pillows and wrapping the blankets tightly around me. "You stay here and I'll be back." he says. I nod lightly.

I could hear him walking upstairs, and next thing you know, there's a big blanket dumped on the bed, the same one we used at the sleepover with EXO. Then he was gone again. *I wonder what he's doing...* Two minutes later he walks back into the room and placed a cup on his desk before placing the big blanket over the bed properly. I was just watching him. *He would be a good father... Possibly the father of our children?* He took the cup of hot chocolate and gave it to me, and I smiled. "Thank you oppa." I say.

"That's okay." he tells me, crawling underneath the covers with me. He grabbed that Blue Bear plushie that I wanted and gave it to me to hold. He took the bag that I saw earlier today. "Minji, I bought this for you as well." he says as he pulled out the two boxes and opened one that had a pendant with a key on it. "This, is the key to my heart. Look after it." he tells me, giving it to me to hold. *That is so cheesy...*

"Wow... It's beautiful oppa. I'll cherish it forever." I tell him, looking at it carefully, studying all its features, and then giving it back to him. I turned around and he put the pendant on for me. "But oppa, there are two boxes. What does the other one have?" I ask, holding the key that was hanging off my pendant.

"This one, is mine. This is the symbol of my heart, and it has a lock on it. That key you have, opens my heart." he says, giving it to me. He turned around and I put the pendant on for him. He turned around and kissed me on the lips. *Are you warming up my lips for me?*

"Oh. Oppa. You lied to me then. You said that you bought a pendant for your mum..." I tell him, taking a sip from my cup.

"I know, but I had to hide it from you. So I lied... Forgive me?" he asked me, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. I laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Okay. I forgive you oppa..." I tell him, kissing him quickly on the lips. He took the drink from my hands and took a sip. "Ya! Oppa, you're not supposed to take food from sick people..." I tell him, whacking him on the arm.

"Wah, okay okay, I'm going." he tells me, climbing out of bed. I grabbed onto his arm.

"Where are you going oppa?" I ask him. He put the drink on the bedside table and pried my hands off his arm.

"I'm going to make food. Aren't you hungry?" he asked me. Suddenly my stomach made the biggest gurgle sound, indicating that I was really hungry. I hid under the blankets in embarrassment. "Don't worry, I'll bring you some food." he says, walking to the kitchen.

I crawled out from under the covers and sighed. *That was pretty embarrassing...* I just sat there, taking little sips from the cup of hot chocolate. It was really yummy. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Uhm, come in?" I said. *You know you don't have to knock Chen.*

It wasn't Chen, but it was Chen's mum. "Hey there Minji. How are you feeling? I heard that you have a fever." she asked me, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, hey. I'm feeling a bit better. Chen is a really caring person. He's taking good care of me." I tell her, smiling to show that I was okay.

"Yes... He is. You know, he really loves you." she tells me.

"Mhmm. I know... He tells me everyday. He even jokes about marrying me one day." I tell her, smiling at the thought.

"You know, he isn't joking when he talks about that. He wanted to marry a girl when he was in Grade 2, and he came home and asked us for permission and everything. He is really serious when it comes to marriage. But, do you know who that girl was?" she asks me. I shook my head. *He wanted to marry in Grade 2? When I first met him?*

"It was you. He wanted to marry you when he first met you, and he still does. I've already given him permission, and so has his dad. All he has to do now is propose. But you've only been going out for what, 2 weeks? Also, you're both still in college, but I wouldn't be surprised if he asked to marry you now." she tells me, laughing.

"Oh. Truth be told, I want to marry him as well. Maybe not in Grade 2, but ever since we've been dating, I've wanted to marry him, make it official for forever..." I tell her. She just nods.

"Well dear, just cherish the time you have now with him, and maybe it'll happen in the future." she tells me, grabbing my hand and it, the same way Chen does. It was comforting. I smiled and she made her way out. "Get better soon dear." she tells me before she walked out of the room. Then I saw Chen sneak in and close the door. He carefully placed the tray on the bedside table before crawling into bed with me.

"Are you hungry Minji-ah?" he asks me, placing the tray of food on his lap.

"Yes oppa!" I say, looking at the soup that he made. "Wow! It looks delicious! Oppa is such a good cook!" I tell him. He touches my forehead to check my temperature. *It's still pretty hot oppa.* He chuckled.

"Mmm, here is your bowl." he tells me, pointing to the bowl closest to me and giving me a spoon. I pouted. "Hmm? What's wrong?" he asked me.

"I wanted oppa to feed me..." I say, looking at the bowl of food. He grabbed his bowl of soup and placed it on the bedside table and grabbed my spoon, scooping a bit of the soup up for me to eat. He blew on it gently so that it would cool down a bit.

"Open wide!" he tells me. I opened my mouth and he put the spoon in, letting me taste the soup. "How is it?" he asks me.

"It's delicious!" I tell him. "I think I'll be well tomorrow!" I say, giving him two thumbs up. He continues feeding me, smiling.

"You should stay home tomorrow." he tells me, feeding me another spoonful of soup.

"Will you stay home with me?" I ask him.

"If you want to... But that means that I'll have to catch up with my singing class on Friday." he warns me.

"That's okay, as long as you're with me tomorrow." I say, eating another spoonful of soup.

"That settles it then. We stay home tomorrow." he tells me, smiling. *Another whole day with Chen.* He continued feeding me the soup until I finished it. Then he started on his.

"Oppa... What are we going to do tomorrow?" I ask, watching while he ate his own soup.

"Hmm, I don't know... But we'll figure it out." he tells me with a smile on his face. As soon as he finished eating, he took the tray, the bowls and the cup to the kitchen. *Ah I better go brush my teeth...* I got out of bed and shivered, I walked to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth.

I saw Chen coming to the bathroom. He grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his own teeth. Seeing Chen and I in the mirror, happy like this, made me want to be his even more. When we both finished, he walked me back to his room and helped me into bed.

"Tired already?" he asked me, grabbing a piece of my hair that fell on my face and moving it to a side.

"Yeah... I hate being sick..." I tell him, snuggling into the blankets. He lay down next to me and turned off the bedside light. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly, trying to keep me warm. *It feels so warm. But my lips are so cold...* I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to meet my lips. We kissed and it felt like I was in heaven. It was heart pounding and I never wanted it to end, but I ended it after a while. I moved my arms so that it was around his waist and I put my head against his chest.

"Good night oppa..." I say, yawning.

"Good night, jagiya..." he says, pulling me even closer to him.



A/N: I HAVE FINALLY UPDATED!! XD I hope you liked the chapter? I have ideas for the next 4 chapters, so expect more updates, since I didn't have any ideas for this chapter... UNTIL NOW! Muahahahaha >:3 (jks. I'm not evil.)

Remember to enjoy, comment and subscribe! :D

And also, if you guys didn't know, jagiya means "darling" in Korean... (AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW)


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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD