EXO Shopping Spree

Beautiful Lie.

MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I woke up really late, and looked at the clock. *Woah, 10:44 am.* I got up, but I was alone in the room. *Oh? Where did the others go?* I smelt something really nice coming from the kitchen though, so I started walking there, rubbing my eyes to wake me up.

As I got to the kitchen, I was greeted by 12 smiling boys eating pancakes with strawberries on top. *Wow!*

"Wow! Who made breakfast this morning? And what is it?" I asked because I knew that this was no Korean meal.

"I showed them how to make it, because I knew that I would burn it, and it's Canadian style pancakes." Kris said triumphantly.

"Yup, we made them." Lay and Kyungsoo said, pointing at a plate which was probably mine. I smiled and sat down to try this new food. As I took a bite and looked up, Kris, Lay and Kyungsoo were staring at me. I ate it slowly, savouring the flavour and teasing the three boys.

"It's delicious!" I tell them, taking another bite and another. They sighed in relief and smiled brightly as everyone else started chatting and eating as well.

"Noona! What are we doing today?" Tao asks me as I took another bite. I smiled at him.

"I was planning on going shopping with you all. I mean, if that's alright with you. You're all popular and the fans are going to kill you!" I told them all.

"No, I don't think people really care anymore about popular stars in shops. Besides, remember the last time we went shopping Minji?" Chen asked me. *Oh yeah... No one crowded him or anything. Maybe it is okay. But then again, he doesn't really have a big fanbase. It's okay! I'll be your biggest fan forever oppa.*

"If you insist that it's okay. Then let's go shopping!" I cheered, finishing off my breakfast quickly because it was so yummy. I even hoped for seconds, but then I thought, nah, that's a bit greedy of me. The others went to change. I went to my room while the three younger boys went to the bathroom to change. All the others went to the guest room to change. I guessed that since they were all boys they could deal with changing together. As I was changing my clothes, I heard a knock on the door.

"Uh... Who is it?" I asked as I pulled my green t-shirt down over my torso.

"Uh, it's Chen?" the voice said. *Oh? What does he want?*

"Just a second!" I said, grabbing my jeans I left on the bed and changing into them quickly before I let Chen in. "Is there a problem, oppa?" He hadn't changed out of his pyjamas yet.

"Uh, could I change in here? The others kicked me out..." he said, obviously embarrassed that he was going to change in my room.

"Sure! I just finished, so you can have the room to yourself." I told him, grabbing my bag and walking out the door as he walked into my room. I smiled, walking out to the lounge room where I found Sehun, Kai and Tao playing rock paper scissors on the couch.

"I win! I win!" I hear Kai shouting as Sehun and Tao groaned in frustration at their loss. I laughed and walked up to them, ruffling their hair.

"Have you guys finished already? Wah you're speed dressers!" I told them, plopping myself on the couch next to the boys.

"Do you like our style noona?" Tao asked me. I finally noticed what they were wearing. They all wore skinny jeans that suited them well as they were all quite fit. They each wore a different colour shirt, but all looked very fancy yet casual. I smiled.

"It looks great! But I really love it when you wear suits like you did in your Growl music video." I told them. They had recently come back again with a repackaged album, their main song being Growl. They all looked so good in the music video and the dance was amazing. "I wish I could dance and sing like you guys." I copied their singing and dancing and ended up slipping and falling to the floor.

"Noona! Are you okay?" Sehun ran to me, trying to get me to stand up. I giggled.

"I'm fine! See?" I told them, lifting my t-shirt up to reveal the smiley face scar that was put there 3 days ago.

"Ah noona! Don't show us that! It brings back bad memories." they all screamed at me. I pulled my top back down quickly and tried calming them down.

"Shh, it's okay, I won't show you anymore. Please don't cry." I told them, patting their heads. They stopped their screaming and calmed down just as the other 9 boys made their way to the couch.

"Hello there." I greet them all with a smile and a wave. They all waved back with smiles on their face. "Ready to go?" I asked them. They nodded and grabbed their things as they made their way out the door in an orderly fashion.

Kris and Xiumin brought their cars along when they came over last night. Kris had a 5 seater while Xiumin had an 8 seater. *Just enough.* But of course, the boys had to argue about something. "I WANT TO SIT WITH NOONA!" I heard someone shout. I groaned in frustration.

"Can you guys not fight for one day?" I asked them all. They looked at me, an apologetic look in their eyes. I sighed and went to sort out the seating in the cars. Eventually we decided that Kris, Luhan, Lay, Suho and Chen would go in Kris's car while the rest of us went in Xiumin's car. As we climbed into the vehicles and went to the shops, the boys discussed things secretly. *What is going on..?* Even the younger boys didn't want to talk to me.

"Noona, what kind of music do you like?" Tao suddenly asks me. *What a bizarre question...*

"Well, I really like your music. Your songs are amazing. I really like nice slow ballads as well. They're relaxing to listen to." I tell them, going on and on. It went quiet after a while. *We've run out of things to talk about.*

"We've run out of things to talk about..." Xiumin points out as he focused on driving.

"What is your dream wedding?" Baekhyun asked me abruptly. I turned around to look at him with a strange look on my face. He shrugged, like he was trying to say that he didn't know what else to talk about.

"Well... I'd really like a white wedding. The decorations can be white, hanging from the ceiling. Maybe in the shape of snowflakes, or little white butterflies. The cake will be white, decorated with beautiful roses. It'll be vanilla flavour, my favourite. The tables and chairs all white, little candles on each table. The white reminds me of snow. My dress will be the simplest, prettiest dress that I'd ever see. The groom will wear a white suit. The invites for the wedding will be simple, but beautiful. I just don't want such a complicated wedding, but a simple white one. There would be a wedding band up on stage, singing the best songs as I danced with my new husband. He would've bought me the most beautiful diamond ring. I'd want "I love you" carved on the inside of it. And I'd look my best for my wedding of course. I guess that's it really..." I finished up my rambling as we arrived at the shops. I looked around at the others, staring at me. "What?"

"That sounds like the most amazing wedding ever." Kyungsoo says, breaking the silence. I smiled at him as I climbed out of the car, the others hopping out after me. The younger boys crowded around me, jumping up and down, obviously excited that they were at the shops. I laughed and followed them around, looking at toys and clothes. We talked and laughed so much. I was surprised that were were no fans crowding EXO.

"Why are there no fans here?" I asked Baekhyun who was laughing at some joke with Chanyeol.

"Oh, this is the "celebrity" shops." he says, making little bunny ears with his fingers when he said celebrity.

"But it looks exactly like the normal shops." I said, looking around. I saw Chen discussing something with Kris and Kyungsoo. *Strange.*

"Okay okay, it is the normal shops, but on Saturdays and Sundays it's shut down to the public so that celebrities can shop without interruptions. It makes it so much easier for us." Baekhyun tells me. I nod my head at him. *So that's why the shops are shut every weekend.* It really was peaceful, and today it was extra peacful because we were the only ones there at the time. I went to go look for the shop that me and Chen went to the last time. The nice lady was there again.

"Hello there." she greets me with a little bow. I smiled and bowed back, looking at the counter that had jewellery on display.

"Wow! These look so pretty!" I commented, staring at all the different necklaces and rings there. My hand unconsciously grabbed the pendant that was around my neck that Chen had brought for me previously. I smiled and looked around before someone scared me.

"Boo!" Chen whispered in my ear, making me jump and turn to him.

"Don't do that!!" I said before continuing to look at the jewellery. He laughed as he passed his arms around my waist and looked at the jewellery with me.

"Do you like anything here Minji-ah?" he asked me. I was looking eagerly at one ring. It was beautifully simplistic and I really loved it. *It's such a beautiful diamond ring.*

"I like that ring." I told him, pointing at the ring that I was looking at. He smiled.

"Minji, we have to go. The others are getting hungry already." I sighed in defeat. *Aish, these boys can't give me one moment of rest from them.*

"We'll go first, you come and meet us there okay?" Chen asks me, letting me go before waving and running out the door. I waved back and looked at the rings that were on display. But I didn't think that it was right to look at them without Chen with me. I gave up and greeted the lady at the counter before walking to the food court where EXO were waiting for me.

As I arrived, I saw all 12 boys crowded together, acting very suspicious. I creeped up on them and screamed at the top of my lungs.

"BOOOOOO!" and they all jumped. I swore that I laughed so hard that I was crying. We all ended up laughing, but I laughed the most. We went to eat quickly before we went shopping again. We went to the food stores, the toy stores, the make-up stores, every store there. EXO treated me to a few things here and there, but I refused. They bought it anyway. Those silly boys, but I loved them all. After a few hours of running around, we finally made our way home to my house. Of course the boys fought over where to sit once again.

We finally agreed that Kris, Sehun, Kai, Tao and I were going in Kris's car, and the others would go in Xiumin's car. I was way too tired when I got to the car, and I checked my phone clock. *4:13 pm!? Aish, whatever.* I fell asleep after a while.


CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

I woke up pretty late, and looked at the clock. *9:51 am.* I got up, but it was only me and Minji in the room. **Oh? Where did the others go?** I smelt something foreign coming from the kitchen though, so I started walking there, checking if the others had burnt the kitchen down, but it smelt quite nice, so I doubted that thought.

As I got to the kitchen, I saw 12 boys running around the kitchen, getting food.

"What is that?" I asked them, pointing at what I thought were pancakes with strawberries on top.

"It's Canadian style pancakes." Kris said triumphantly. "Of course, I didn't cook it. The chefs did."

"Yup, we made them." Lay and Kyungsoo said, smiling. I smiled. They were always good chefs. I went to the bathroom to freshen up before I went back to the kitchen and as I started eating my plate of food, Minji came out to the kitchen.

"Wow! Who made breakfast this morning? And what is it?" Minji asked because it was no Korean meal.

"I showed them how to make it, because I knew that I would burn it, and it's Canadian style pancakes." Kris said triumphantly.

"Yup, we made them." Lay and Kyungsoo said, pointing at a plate which was probably hers. She smiled and sat down to try the food. As she took a bite and looked up, Kris, Lay and Kyungsoo were staring at her. I tried not to laugh at how funny they looked. She ate it slowly, savouring the flavour and obviously teasing the three boys.

"It's delicious!" she says to them, taking another bite and another. They sighed in relief and smiled brightly as everyone else started chatting and eating as well.

"Noona! What are we doing today?" Tao asks her as she took another bite. She smiled at him.

"I was planning on going shopping with you all. I mean, if that's alright with you. You're all popular and the fans are going to kill you!" she told us.

"No, I don't think people really care anymore about popular stars in shops. Besides, remember the last time we went shopping Minji?" I asked her. **That's really only because I was careful. And because I don't have many fans.**

"If you insist that it's okay. Then let's go shopping!" she cheered, finishing off her breakfast. The others went to change as Minji went to my room. The three younger boys went to the bathroom to change. All the others went to the guest room to change. I was just about to walk into the room, but the others kicked me out.

"Go change in Minji's room!" Kris says, poking his tongue out and locking the door. I grumbled in frustration before shuffling over to Minji's room. I knocked on the door.

"Uh... Who is it?" I heard her ask.

"Uh, it's Chen?" I told her. **This is so embarrassing.**

"Just a second!" I could hear her say. There was some shuffling and then she finally let me in. "Is there a problem, oppa?" she asked me, obviously noticing that I hadn't changed yet.

"Uh, could I change in here? The others kicked me out..." I told her, obviously embarrassed that I was going to change in her room.

"Sure! I just finished, so you can have the room to yourself." she told me, grabbing her bag and walking out the door as I walked into her room. I smiled, looking around her room. There were so many memories here. I used to come after school and we would play all the time. I laughed as I remember one time we had a tickle fight and Minji made me fall off the bed. I looked at her bedside table. There was a picture of us, when we were still young. **Okay, enough poking around. Have to change, have to change.**

I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. I always thought it made me look fit. I put my black converses on and walked out to the living room, running into the others on the way there. We walked to the lounge room to see Minji patting the 3 younger boys' heads. They stopped screaming at something. We just sat on the couch.

"Hello there." Minji greets us all with a smile and a wave. We waved back with smiles on our faces. "Ready to go?" she asked. We nodded and grabbed our things as we made our way out the door in an orderly fashion.

Kris and Xiumin brought their cars along when they came over last night. Kris had a 5 seater while Xiumin had an 8 seater. **Just enough.** But of course, we argued about something. "I WANT TO SIT WITH NOONA!" Sehun shouted. I heard Minji groan in frustration.

"Can you guys not fight for one day?" she asked us. We looked at her, an apologetic look in our eyes. She sighed and sorted out the seating in the cars. Eventually we decided that Kris, Luhan, Lay, Suho and I would go in Kris's car while the rest of them went in Xiumin's car. As I climbed into Kris's car, I started discussing things with the others.

"So have you guys got anything planned? Any ideas for the whole wedding thing?" I asked them, hoping for some good ideas.

"Well, I have a good idea for the invites, but I'll have to run that past you. I don't have to here." Suho says.

"We have to go look at rings some time for me to get that ready for you." Lay tells me.

"I'm not sure where you and Minji would like a wedding. A hall, outside? Give me an idea." Kris says.

"Me and Xiumin were thinking lanterns, but of course we'd have to ask you first." Luhan tells me. **It's going pretty good then.**

"That's good then guys." I told them, smiling gratefully. I sat there thinking about the wedding that we were planning and sang along to our songs that were playing. Suddenly I got a text from Chanyeol. **Strange.**

From Chanyeol:

Oh my god dude, you would never guess what we got Minji to tell us.

To Chanyeol:

What? O.O

From Chanyeol:

She's telling us about her dream wedding! This is perfect! We can design the wedding around that. :D

To Chanyeol:

REALLY!? Wow! Good job guys! :) We'll discuss details later.

From Chanyeol:

Sure thing ^^

I cheered loudly, receiving weird stares from the others. "The others got Minji to talk about her dream wedding. Now we have something to plan around!" I told them. They all started cheering as well. Another message was sent to me. This time, from Baekhyun.

From Baekhyun:

Here you go Chen. The list of stuff Minji talked about in her dream wedding:

-A white wedding (reminds her of snow)

-White decorations (white from the ceiling, snowflakes or butterflies)

-White cake, vanilla with roses

-White chairs and tables with candles

-She wants you to wear a white suit

-Invites are simple but beautiful (probably white as well)

-No complicated wedding, a simple one

-Wants a wedding band

-Beautiful diamond ring, "I love you" carved inside

Let's start planning! :D

I look at the message and smile as we arrived at the shops. We got out and met with the others. The younger boys were crowded around Minji, jumping up and down, obviously excited that they were at the shops. It was good because they were distracting Minji as I discussed the message Baekhyun sent me with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. We split and I went to discuss things with the younger boys.

"Sehun, Kai, Tao. You have to find a wedding band, or some kind of band that can play some good songs for weddings okay?" I told them. They nodded and walked off, dicussing something. I heard Minji talking to Baekhyun.

"Why are there no fans here?" she asked him as he laughed at some joke with Chanyeol.

"Oh, this is the "celebrity" shops." he says, making little bunny ears with his fingers when he said celebrity.

"But it looks exactly like the normal shops." she said, looking around. I just decided to go discuss the venue and the cake with Kris and Kyungsoo.

"I think a hall would be good for the wedding. But don't make it too big. With the cake, you already heard what she wanted. I hope you do well, Kyungsoo. Lay might help you as well." I told them both before walking off. When I looked back at Minji, she disappeared somewhere. I looked around before my eyes landed on the shop that we went to the last time we went shopping. She was looking at the jewellery. I decided to sneak up on her. Once I was behind her...

"Boo!" I whispered in her ear, making her jump and turn to me.

"Don't do that!!" she said before continuing to look at the jewellery. I laughed as I passed my arms around her waist and looked at the jewellery with her.

"Do you like anything here Minji-ah?" I asked her. She was looking eagerly at one ring. It was beautifully simplistic and I remembered what Baekhyun sent me. **Just a beautiful diamond ring.**

"I like that ring." she told me, pointing at the ring that I was thinking about. I smiled. **It's perfect then.**

"Minji, we have to go. The others are getting hungry already." she sighed.

"We'll go first, you come and meet us there okay?" I asked her, letting her go before waving and running out the door as she waved at me. I arrived at the food court and found the others.

"So what do we have?" I asked them as I made my way over.

"This was what I was thinking for the invites when Baekhyun told us what Minji wanted." Suho told us all, showing us a picture he drew on a serviette that he got with his food. It was a rectangle piece of card with the details on the front and a black border around it. There was a white bow on the back as well. The thing that caught my eye was that it said "Come and celebrate the binding of two hearts forever." I smiled and nodded at Suho.

"That is absolutely beautiful. I love it." I told him, giving him two thumbs up. Sehun, Kai and Tao were jumping in their seats and I laughed, nodding at them to show that they could talk now.

"So we know what band we could get for the wedding... Baekhyun's old school band!" they said together. I looked at Baekhyun who had a bewildered look on his face.

"W-well I guess I could ask them...?" he said, shrugging his shoulders. Two thumbs up to Sehun, Kai, Tao and Baekhyun. I looked at Kyungsoo now.

"I think I know what the cake should be like, and Lay helped me with this by the way." he added before showing us another serviette that was drawn on. The cake that Kyungsoo designed had three round layers, different sizes, vanilla flavoured with white fondant icing and edible flowers placed randomly. It looked so random, yet beautiful. I nodded and smiled at him, giving him two thumbs up as well. It was Xiumin and Luhan's turn to speak.

"Since Minji had requested it, we will make snowflake and butterfly decorations, all white. Is there anything else white that we could possibly do?" Luhan asked us. I thought about it. **Roses?**

"White roses." I told them as they jotted it down on another serviette. **What's with all the serviettes?** I looked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"The bride makeup is a secret. Chanyeol will deal with you though." Baekhyun told me. I looked at Chanyeol who smiled enthusiastically.

"Do you want your hair spiked up? Your suit obviously has to be white to suit with the theme, so I'll make you pretty to suit with it." he says, chuckling at the end. I gave him two thumbs up as well. Suddenly...

"BOOOOOO!" we all heard Minji scream at the top of her lungs, and we all jumped. She laughed so hard that I swore that she was crying. We all ended up laughing, but she definitely laughed the most. We went to eat quickly before we went shopping again. We went to the food stores, the toy stores, the make-up stores, every store there. Us boys treated Minji to a few things here and there, but she refused. We bought it anyway. After a few hours of running around, we finally made our way home to my house. Of course we fought over where to sit once again.

We finally agreed that Kris, Sehun, Kai, Tao and Minji were going in Kris's car, and the others would go in Xiumin's car. We climbed in and continued the discussion of wedding details. When we got to Minji's house, I carried Minji inside since she was sleeping, and we continued discussing.

"Lay, I need you to check out a ring with me tomorrow. I think it's perfect and Minji really loves it." I told Lay.

"Of course. And if you need money for it, I'll help with that too." he said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay, I've decided on a perfect venue guys." Kris announces, grabbing our attention. I nodded, beckoning for him to continue.

"So I found this great hall, it's not too big, not too small. Perfect for the night time partying." he says chuckling. "The best thing is that there is a garden out the back as well, and it's beautiful. There's a huge gazebo in the middle of the garden, and that's where I thought you guys might like your vows to be read and stuff." I nodded. **It sounds great.**

"I think it sounds great!" I told him, two thumbs up. "We'll check it out soon. Probably put a booking on it soon, and we'll get to it." We all nodded in agreement and thought it would be right to celebrate with a game of cards.

A while later, Minji woke up and found us in the guest room, watching a movie. She watched us from the door and I saw her. I smiled at her and motioned for her to come and sit with me. She sat down in front of me and rest her head on my shoulder as we continued watching the movie. It was The Hunger Games. I thought it was a great movie, all the good actors and the plot was amazing. I held Minji's hands while my arms were around her waist, caressing her palms gently. When the movie finished, I looked at the clock. **8:23 pm already!? That movie took a long time.**

"Let's eat dinner guys." Minji said, escaping my arms and walking to the kitchen. We all followed her, and as we got to the kitchen, we found a great meal of dakjuk (chicken porridge) on the table. The guys dived in straight away saying quick thank yous to Minji. She smiled and ate as well. As I ate, I wanted to fall asleep so badly. We all ate and chatted, then we all went to bed. Everyone was quite tired.

"We should just go to bed. We all are pretty tired." Xiumin says, crawling into his sleeping bag as we made it back to the guest room.

"Goodnight guys." Minji says, standing at the door wishing us a goodnight before walking out to the kitchen. I crawled back out from under my sleeping bag and went to the kitchen as well. **Ah, of course. She has to wash the dishes as well.**

As she was washing the dishes, she was humming Lucky, and yawning. I sighed lightly, smiling as I looked at the love of my life. **You're too cute Minji.** I crept up behind her and grabbed her by the waist, giving her a peck on the cheek to wake her up. I grabbed the dishes that she already washed and dried them for her. She stared at me for a while, then smiled. **Too tired for words.**

"Minji? Do you have an iPod? I always hear you singing, but I never see you listening to songs." I asked her.

"Hmmm? Oh, no. I have my phone for that." she told me. **You need an iPod.** We were too tired to say anything else, so we finished washing the dishes as fast as we could and walked back to the guest room to sleep.

"Goodnight Minji." I told her as I crawled into my sleeping bag. I kissed her on the forehead as she lay down.

"Goodnight..." she mumbled, obviously tired. I smiled and fell asleep beside her.


MINJI's POV (Point Of View)

I woke up a while later, surprised to find myself in my own room. I walked to the kitchen to make some food. *Just realised how hungry I am.* I decided to make dakjuk for me and the others to eat for dinner. As I prepared the food, I heard sounds from the guest room. *Sounds like The Hunger Games.* I finished preparing the food and left it to cool down a bit as I walked to the guest room to find all 12 boys watching The Hunger Games.

I looked at them, their faces stuck to the screen of the television. Only Chen saw me, and he smiled, motioning for me to come and sit with him. I sat in front of him and rested my head on his shoulder as we continued watching the movie. He held my hands while his arms were around my waist, caressing my palms gently. When the movie finished, it was about 8:23 pm.

"Let's eat dinner guys." I said, escaping Chen's grasp and walking to the kitchen, the boys following. They dived straight into the food when they saw the meal on the table, saying quick thank yous to me. I smiled and started eating as well. We all ate and chatted, and I could see that everyone was really tired. I looked at the clock. *Only 8:40 pm.** We all went to bed after dinner, but of course I had to stay back and wash the dishes. I decided to wish everyone a goodnight.

"We should just go to bed. We all are pretty tired." Xiumin says, crawling into his sleeping bag as we made it to the guest room.

"Goodnight guys." I say, standing at the door wishing them a goodnight before walking out to the kitchen. As I washed the dishes, I hummed Lucky. It was such a cute song. I was really tired as well, so I yawned sometimes.

Someone grabbed me by the waist, giving me a peck on the cheek waking me up. He grabbed the dishes that I already washed and dried them for me. I stared at him for a while, then smiled. *I'm too tired, but thank you Chen*

"Minji? Do you have an iPod? I always hear you singing, but I never see you listening to songs." he asked me unexpectedly. I zoned out.

"Hmmm? Oh, no. I have my phone for that." I told him. *I wish I had one though.* We were too tired to say anything else, so we finished washing the dishes as fast as we could and walked back to the guest room to sleep.

"Goodnight Minji." I heard him say as he crawled into his sleeping bag. He kissed me on the forehead as I lay down.

"Goodnight..." I mumbled, too tired to say anything else. We both fell asleep.



A/: Sorry for the late update, and about the ending of this chapter. So stressed at school that I've been writing like 2 sentences a day for this fanfic. I wrote lots on the weekend, and didn't know how to end it here, so apologies~ OTL

So, I'm going to end this soon, probably 3 more chapters. Look forward to it guys! :D

Thank you to subscribers and commenters :) and of course, enjoy, comment and subscribe!! :D

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD