Last Preparations

Beautiful Lie.

CHEN's POV (Point Of View)

It's a Sunday today, so we went to go do some last preparations for the wedding that was going to happen in a few years. It doesn't hurt to plan everything years before, does it? No, so here we are. We planned that Minji would go shopping with Sehun, Kai, Tao, Baekhyun and Luhan, while the others came with me somewhere else.

"Minji, go to the shops with Sehun, Kai, Tao, Baekhyun and Luhan. The rest of us have some business with the company that we have to deal with." I lied to Minji, as I dropped her off at a large mall that was close to the venue that Kris was going to show me today. I waved goodbye as she did as well. On the way to the venue, I discussed the ring with Lay.

"I know the perfect ring for Minji, and I'll show you that today. You just give me an opinion and we'll see what we do." I tell him, just as we pull up to the venue.

"We're here." Kris announces, like we didn't notice. **Pfft, silly leader.**

"Wow! This place looks great." I told him, walking inside where the actual hall was. It was spacy, but not too spacy, and there was a moderately sized stage out the front. **Good size.** I imagined the tables in place and the white decorations, the band up on stage. Me and Minji would be dancing as a slow waltz song played. The cake would sit on a separate table near the stage. All in all, it was a good imaginary wedding. **Now to make it real.**

"You have to see the garden I was talking about." Kris says, leading us to a door on the left side of the hall. It led to a beautiful garden full of red and white roses. **So romantic.** There was a gazebo in the middle of the garden, just like Kris told me yesterday. I could just imagine the wedding taking part here. Our vows read and our hearts and souls being forever binded together. We would hang white ribbons down from the top of the gazebo. It would look beautiful.

I turned around and imagined rows of white chairs with guests waiting for the bride to come out with her father as our parents sat in the front row, celebrating. I imagined her in a beautiful wedding dress. Simple, elegant, and absolutely beautiful on her. I looked at the others. "This is perfect." I tell them, smiling as I spun around, looking at the garden. I could tell that they like it as well. They were smiling as they looked around. I walked back into the hall and looked around there, imagining the night party. Everyone would be congratulating us, and we'd just enjoy the night. **This is the perfect venue.**

"It's decided. We'll book this venue in the future for the wedding." I told them, giving Kris two thumbs up. He did the same to me. I smiled. **I have the best friends ever.**

Next stop was the shop where me and Minji saw the ring. "Lay, you have to give me an opinion. Kris, an opinion from you would be helpful as well." I tell them as we pulled up to the shopping center. I walked straight to the cute little shop and found the nice lady standing there.

"Hello again young man. What are you looking for today?" she asked me, bowing her head. I looked for the ring that me and Minji looked at yesterday and sighed in relief when I saw it was still there. I smiled at her and pointed at the ring.

"Could I have a look at that ring please?" I asked her. She nodded and took it out, handing it to me. I turned around and showed the others.

"Wow! That ring looks so cute and beautiful. And it's so simple as well!" Lay says. **I knew he would like it.**

"It's really nice. I'm sure Minji would love it." Kris commented.

"Oh my god. It's so pretty!" Chanyeol says, flailing his long arms everywhere.

"I think it would suit her well." Kyungsoo tells me, nodding in approval.

"You should definitely get this one." Suho says, also nodding in approval as he looked at the other rings. He didn't find any of the others appealing.

"It's beautiful. Minji will definitely love it." Xiumin told me, patting me on the shoulder.

"Of course she would. She couldn't stop looking at it yesterday." I told them, smiling. I turned back to the lady at the counter.

"Could I buy this ring please?" I asked her, handing the ring back to her.

"Of course! I'm guessing that you're proposing to her very soon." she says, winking at me. I nodded.

"Yes. By the way, I know I've bought the ring, but could you keep it for me? Until the proposal. It won't be for a few years." I told her. She nodded.

"Of course. It's good that you're planning ahead. What a nice boyfriend you are." she says, placing the ring in an important looking box and placing it in a cupboard that had a lock. **It'll be safe.** I smiled at her gratefully.

"Thank you so much." I tell her, before waving and walking out of the shop. She waved back before I turned around to run and catch up to the others. Suho wanted to buy some craft things for the invites, Kyungsoo wanted some ingredients so he could bake some test cakes, Xiumin wanted to look for decorations while Lay, Kris, Chanyeol and I were relaxing as we followed ther others around, helping them with their things. We went to the craft shop first.

"Okay! So I'll need a few of these... LOTS of glue... Ooh! That looks nice... Maybe just a few of those... RIBBON!! Oh how could I forget? Uhm... Wow! Pretty white paper..." Suho ran around the shop, grabbing things and throwing them in a basket as we followed him around.

"Guys, which one should I buy?" he asked us at one point. He point at some white cardboard, then pointed at more white carboard. **What's the difference..?**

"What's the difference?" Kris asked. Suho looked at him with a shocked expression on his face.

"This one is thinner, the other one is thicker. But I'm not sure if the thinner one can hold everything... Decisions decisions! I'll buy the thicker one." he told us, half mumbling to himself. As we finished up in the craft shop, we went to the grocery for Kyungsoo.

"Flour... Sugar... Vanilla essence... Icing... Butter... Colouring... Milk... Hmm... I think that's it." he says, throwing things into a trolley. **Woah... How many cakes are you planning to make!?**

We finished up in the grocery store and walked to a different shop. It claimed to have everything, from sporting equipment, to toys for toddlers. We went to the decorations area, where it was split into colour. **AWESOME!! This makes it so much easier!** We went to the white section and looked at the decorations. There were white butterflies, white love hearts, white roses, white snowflakes. There was so much to choose from, and we bought a lot.

"Maybe this..? OOH definitely this one. And this, and this, and... This? Nah..." Xiumin talked to himself for quite a while before we were able to pay for the decorations and make our way over to pick up the others. Before we did, Suho dropped his stuff off at his house, Kyungsoo dropped of his stuff at his house, and Xiumin did the same. We picked the others up and made our way back to Minji's house, chatting on the way home.

We got home and ate dinner. It was about 7:13 pm when we arrived home. **That was a quick day!** We played around a bit before completing a bit of homework and then going to sleep. We still had school tomorrow.

"Goodnight guys!" I say as I turned off the light in the room as everyone crawled into their sleeping bags. I made my way to my sleeping bag next to Minji as everyone said goodnight to everyone. I snuggled up to Minji and kissed her on the forehead. I hadn't been with her much today.

"Goodnight Minji." I whispered to her before sleep caught up to me.

"Goodnight oppa." she whispered back, placing her head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her and we both fell asleep. **Everything's ready.**



A/N: Okay, so I lied in the last chapter... There's going to to be 4 more chapters, which is now 3, not counting this one. XD I blab too much.

ANYWAY, I'm not doing Minji's POV (Point Of View) in this chapter, mainly because there isn't really anything important that happened. They just shopped really. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter? Probably the worst out of all of them.

But please enjoy, comment and subscribe!! :D Btw I love you readers!!!!!!! :)

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Chapter 18: I'm out of tears from this chap.
Chapter 10: I got shivers when reading...i screamed out loud in my room XD
exo_chenlover2310 #3
Chapter 12: I read this in public and now im crying like an idiot anyways good job author nim!
Chapter 13: i really want to know where you got that giff. i just wanna know why luhannie is crying, do u know y?
eileengnourt #5
Chapter 28: Feeling so happy for Chen and Minji
Chapter 26: They finally married. Waaaa I'm so happy ! *tear of happiness*
Chapter 6: Lmfao XD
Chennn omg <3
Chapter 22: I love this story sooo muchhh. Update soon.
Soonjungie #9
_kylacat #10
Chapter 15: Aigoo.. Can't handle all the fluffiness xD