Act 4

You're Special To Me

Baekhyun fluttered his eyes open and yawns. He sat up and looked around looking for someone. Blinking and rubbing his eyes at the same time, he lets out a sigh. He's not here. Did I just..? Holy crap.

The door flew open and Baekhyun snapped his head towards the direction. "Missed me?" He smirked playfully as he walked towards the smaller. "Tch. As if." Jongin smiled and messed up Baekhyun's hair, "Come on, it's time for dinner." He gently held onto the younger's wrist and pulled him out of the dorm, he stopped to let Baekhyun lock the door and proceed on pulling him outside the campus.
"Wait, where a-"
"I'm sick of cafeteria food. Let's go get something else to eat. Okay?"
Baekhyun nodded. He was too, sick of cafeteria food. Can't blame both of them since they live in the dorms. Now Baekhyun wonders where Jongin is bringing him to. "We're here." he announced. Well, that was quick. "I didn't want us to wander far for campus." He led Baekhyun and sat down on a table for two. Baekhyun blinked and looked to his surroundings. "I'll go order for us. I hope bulgogi sounds good!" Jongin smiled and wandered off to the stalls, leaving Baekhyun sitting there alone. He waited for a full ten minutes and he started to worry. Did Jongin get lost? Did he get beaten up in an alley? Why isn't he back yet? Baekhyun's palms were getting sweaty, he noticed the looks he got from passer-bys. That sickening smile of theirs, drilling a hole into Baekhyun's head. He was scared and he had a bad encounter before. He silently wished for them to just walk by and do nothing, he just hopes that-
"Hey there kid."
Baekhyun gulped and flinched at the presence.
"A kid like you shouldn't be alone out here." The man smirked and placed a hand on Baekhyun's shoulders.
"Thing is, he's not alone." Jongin appeared when the man approached Baekhyun. He clenched his fist tightly and glared at him. "Scram." The man looked at Jongin and then Baekhyun, who was now hiding behind his savior before leaving the scene. Jongin turned around and slightly furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you o-" Without hesitant, Baekhyun wrapped both his arms around Jongin's neck and hugged him tighty. He was slightly trembling from fear, Jongin noticed this and started rubbing the smaller's back. "It's okay. I'm here."
Baekhyun packed up his bag and heads to his next class. He accidentally bumped into someone and muttered a 'sorry' without even lifting his head to see who it was. He was spun around to whomever did that. "Hey." Baekhyun stared at Jongin, "Did you have a haircut?" he asked him. Jongin chuckled and smiles, "You noticed?" Baekhyun shook his head and continued walking to his class.
"So, about your roommate.."
"What about him?" Baekhyun asked without turning to look at him.
"I was just checking. His name is Luhan right?"
"Ahhh. So it is him."
Baekhyun looked at Jongin, "What do you mean?"
Jongin stared at Baekhyun then looked around cautiously before leaning in to whisper at Baekhyun, "I heard he's gay."
Baekhyun shove Jongin by his chest. "Stop playing around!" Baekhyun marched into his class and could hear Jongin from afar, "I wasn't!"
"That Jongin shouldn't spread rumours like that. Gosh." Baekhyun walked up the stairs and down the hallway to his shared dorm. It was awfully silent. "Nnh~" Baekhyun widened his eyes. He turned around and saw no one. What the hell was that? "Se-"
Baekhyun yelped and quickly unlocked the door, pushing it open. He blinked and stared confusedly at his roommate, sitting on his study desk, while there was another guy in the room, sitting not a few metres away from Luhan. And.. his hair was messed up. Their bed too. That's when Baekhyun took back what Jongin had said earlier. . . . Baekhyun gulped and entered the room casually, trying not to be awkward nor obvious. He puts down his backpack and grabbed a book, "I'm h-heading out." He turned around and exits the awkward atmosphere.
He did not just stutter. . They're going to find out soon! And, Luhan's gay! My roommate's gay! OHMYGOD.


Baekhyun slid against the wall and sat down on the floor. He inhaled and exhaled deelpy. How was he going to face his roommate after that? Look on the bright side, at least they didn't have when Bae- OHMYING GOD. WHAT IF THEY DID? Baekhyun gasps and pulled his hair, not so hard. He has to calm down right now, and he couldn't do this alone. He needs to go find Jongin. Going to find Jongin. He needs an explanation to all that . Wait, find Jongin? Why does he have to go look for Jongin?... Unless he wants to go back into that room and witness both guys having se- OHMYGOD BRAIN. STOP.
Baekhyun whined and stood up from his position. He seriously need to get his mind off of that. He walked down the stairs, hoping to meet Jongin on the way but he didn't usually show up like he'd normally do. "Where is he?" Baekhyun pouts and looked around, he saw a crowd of both guys and girls together. He then slowly scanned them and saw Jongin. Baekhyun's face lit up and dropped back into a frown when he saw a girl, tiptoeing just to reach Jongin's height and whispered in his ears. Jongin smiled, he actually smiled at her. Baekhyun could feel an arrow shoot pass his heart. What?
He couldn't believe it, Jongin was flirting with a girl. A girl. And he said.. Wow, Baekhyun, you actually took his words seriously. Baekhyun looked away from those two and clenched his fist. Why was he feeling this way? He doesn't like Jongin. He's not even attracted to guys! He only like Jongin, as a friend. No more than that. He liked how Jongin would always follow Baekhyun around like a lost puppy. He liked how Jongin would look down at Baekhyun and smile at him. He liked how only Jongin would look at him, and only him.
Okay, that's it. Baekhyun has gone mental. His brain started it all without him acknowledging everything. He, Byun Baekhyun, does not like Jongin. Are you jealous?
Baekhyun gasped, his eyes met with Jongin's and the latter waved at him. . He frowned and turned around, walking away.
"Baekhyun!" Jongin somehow appeared behind him and grabbed his arm.
"I'M NOT JEALOUS!" Baekhyun blurted out.
Baekhyun opened his eyes and saw Jongin in front of him. He just blurted out that 'he's not jealous'. He is such an idiot.
Jongin's lips curved into a smile as he approached Baekhyun. The smaller took a step backwards everytime Jongin took one forward until he got pinned against the wall. "What were you jealous about?" He whispered into Baekhyun's ear.
Baekhyun could die on that spot right now. He has Jongin chest-to-chest, whispering into his ears. He could really die right now. He could feel his breath on his own ear and that made him flustered. Jongin retreated back when he didn't get a reply from Baekhyun. He chuckles at the smaller's flushed face and took his hand, leading him back to his dorm. Baekhyun noticed this and stopped, pulling Jongin's hand. "I d-don't want to go back to my dorm." Jongin raised an eyebrow at him. "L-luhan was.." Baekhyun bit his lower lip and his face reddened.
Jongin gets the point and turned to the other direction, walking to his dorm instead. He unlocked it and walked inside, placing the keys on the study table. Baekhyun hesitantly took a step inside and was pulled by Jongin to the bed.
"So, now you believe me?"
Baekhyun nodded and looks around the room. "Your room is really clean."
Jongin nods and smiles.
Baekhyun plopped down on what he thought was Jongin's bed, and it really is. Jongin plopped down beside him and hums. "May be it was better if I was your roommate."
"You know. If we were roomies. That'll be awesome."
"Whatever." Baekhyun rolled onto his sides again. Jongin smiles and pulled his waist, turning him around. Baekhyun blinked and stared at him. Jongin just stared into his eyes, closing the small distance between them. Baekhyun's heart beat quickened and fluttered his eyes closed.
Baekhyun cracked an eye open and looked at Jongin.
Baekhyun gasped and turned around to face the wall. On the other hand, Jongin was fully awake.



A/N: double update! o/

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Act 15 is up o/ EXO's songs are DAEEEEE~ BAK!


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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 19: Omg please update soon!!
Bakamelia #2
Chapter 19: AAAAAAAAAAH finalement!! : My kaibaek feels! update soon please~
Shana16 #3
Chapter 19: ASDFGHHJKLLC JONGIN KISSED BAEK AND CONFESSED!!! MY FEELS ;_; I love this story sobs :") Update soon author-nim♥
5a8ina #4
Chapter 19: i like this history aksfjlahfljshfjkah <3 my feels ;; <3
good jod, author-nim ^^
leeyahrafee #5
Chapter 19: please update more :D
Chapter 19: Squeals!! Jongin finally >< pls update soon, can't wait!
exoxoxo23 #7
Chapter 19: aaahhh! please update soon! i can't wait. literally! >_<
Chapter 19: Finally you updated!!! I love this story a lot and kyaaaa Jongin finally admitted his feelings for Baekhyun! ♥
NEvelyn #9
Chapter 19: Aaaa please update soon >w< I like taobaek as well~
Can't wait!