Chapter 22 Final: Kyuhyun's Decision



No one's Pov



The five of them stand up, back straight as the smoke clears up in front of them, there she was, Jessica and an unknown man. That man was Kangta, the Demon lord or whatever you want to call him. Changmin's body stiffened as he saw that man in front of him. He looked exactly like how he was many years ago as he stood in front of Changmin's parent's bodies. He didn't change at all. Changmin stood up to Kyuhyun, pushing him aside and behind him.



“Changmin, what are you doing?!” Kyuhyun exclaimed.



“Please...Let me...” Changmin didn't look at Kyuhyun, not wanting to turn around. Kyuhyun put his hand on Changmin's shoulder. His warmth gave Changmin a new hope, his intentions of killing the person who killed his parents were strong, but this time, he had more faith in himself, knowing he could be able to kill the man in front of him.

Changmin took a deep breath before charging at Kangta. Kangta did nothing but stand proudly and smirk at the others. He sent all the demons to Changmin, with Kyuhyun's help, he didn't need to lift his sword up, knowing Kyuhyun had his back with chanting spells to kill the demons who were in his way.



“CHANGMIN!” Kyuhyun shouted, making his way to Changmin but Leeteuk held him back, Jessica suddenly popped up in front of Changmin, making him surprised and fall back.

"Let go!" Kyuhyun shouted but Leeteuk didn't budge, instead, his eyes kept looking forward.



“!” Changmin cursed. Before Jessica could do anything, Jaejoong and Yunho appeared in front of Changmin, blocking Jessica's attack. Yunho swung his sword up whilst Jaejoong used some kind of magic to reinforce him. Changmin watched in awe as Jessica backed down, anger in her eyes. Kyuhyun watched everything and took a deep breath, thankful for his hyungs. When he finally calmed down, Leeteuk let go of him.



“You'll have to go through us if you want to lay your finger on him.” Yunho smirked, Jaejoong turned his head towards Changmin, giving him a small smile and mouthing the word “go” to him. Changmin nodded, standing up and slipped away from the fight Yunho and Jaejoong were now apart of. Jessica tried to run after Changmin but Jaejoong and Yunho stopped her.



“You will go no further.” Jaejoong lifted his arm.



"Basiliske Galeōte meta Kōktō Podōn kai Kakoin Ommatoin Pnoēn Tou Iou Ton Chronon Parairousan! Pnoē Petras!"

By blowing, it creates a breath of stone which could cause pertrification if you get to near to the smoke.



“If you want to pass, you'll have to kill us first.” Yunho added, lifting up his sword, Jaejoong casted a protective barrier around Yunho and blew between his fingers. A grey smoke surrounded the three of them, no letting anyone else join the battle. The stone breath was only to trap Jessica so she wouldn't get in Changmin's way. However, the atmosphere will soon enough blow it away. They could only cover her for 10 minutes, that is if they don't die in her hands. Jaejoong knows Jessica is strong, making sure he kept his distance from her. Not that his attacks were close rang anyway. Yunho and Jaejoong were about to attack again when something flew down from the earth and broke the floor when it landed.



“You shall not touch her.” Jessica smirked. Jaejoong knew who that voice belonged to.



“Kai...” Yunho looked over at Jaejoong, confused to how he knew the other guy's name. Jaejoong smiled at him, knowing in their situation, they wouldn’t really talk about how Jaejoong knew Kai. strong breeze came, this time it was Junsu. Jaejoong smiled at him as Junsu ran over to him.



“Hyung! I felt his aura...”



“Don't worry, we need to fight.” Yunho ran over to Kai, keeping him busy as Jaejoong and Junsu launched their next attack. Jessica was chanting her own spell, her eyes grew to a glowing purple.



"Veniant Spiritus Glaciales! Extentantur Aeri Tundram et Glaciem, Loci Noctis Albae! Crystallitatio Tellustris!"

This spell causes all moisture near the earth's surface to instantly freeze, causing jagged pillars of ice to jut up from the ground. If not dodged effectively, the opponent's feet will likewise be frozen to the spot, immobilising them.



Jaejoong and Junsu's eyes glowed in their natural colours A navy blue glow spread around the ground to who knows where, turning the ground into a thick layer of ice, huge ice shards rose from the ground, quickly, the rest of them hand to jump up into the air to dodge it.



"YUNHO NOW!!" Jaejoong shouted whilst Yunho was fighting Kai in mid air. Yunho retracted his sword, grabbed a hold of Kai's arm, twisting it behind his back and pushed him down to the ice layered floor where a huge ice shard was present. Defensives, Kai dropped right onto of of the shards, killing him as the ice slowly froze his body. Kyuhyun covered his eyes, not wanting to witness something so brutal. Kai's body laid there on the ground frozen as Yunho got off him, walking over to Jaejoong.



"YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU KILL KAI!" Jessica screamed, she out her hands together, creating a massive fire ball and threw it at Yunho, not knowing what was happening, he kept walking to Jaejoong.



"YUNHO! WATCH OUT!" Jaejoong shouted, he quickly jumped behind Yunho, pushing him down as he tried to block it with a barrier. The fire ball being too strong, broke the barrier. Luckily for Jaejoong and Yunho, Yoochun ran in and carried them away. However, not without a cost, Yoochun's left arm was burnt slightly.

"Yoochun... Are you ok?"



"I'm fine. You two be careful." He said as he laid the two down on the ice floor. 



"CHUNNIE!" Junsu came over to Yoochun and grabbed onto Yoochun's arms.



"Junsu, be careful!" Yoochun laughed as Junsu blushed and quickly let go of Yoochun's arm.  A ball of smoke was around the area which the fire ball was throw, unable to see where Jessica was, they made sure not to lose their guards.

"Silly boy, I'm fine." He pecked his lips, Junsu pouted but still gave a smile.

"Be on guard, she's still pissed off." Yoochun warned them. From no where, Jessica came out of the ball of smoke, running to Yunho as she summons another fire ball. This time Jaejoong acted quickly, calling up a wall of defence around her.



The ground around Jessica softened, creating an igloo around her in several different layers, the more circles i each other, the higher the defence and the little symbols showed different traps that would be able to fight the person inside, if they were to try and escape, each one has a different level of attack, the outer ones being the strongest while the inner ones were the weakest. They managed to take a breather for now but Jessica was not defeated, she was far from it. The death of Kai just made her more angry.



"How is Changmin doing?"  Yoochun asked, looking back. Changmin was now nearing his end as he slowly approached his enemy, fending off any demons coming his way with the help of Kangin, Heechul and Hangeng who was now by his side, fighting. Their armies also helping out anyway possible while defending their homes to make sure there was not a lot of damage done to the city.

Kyuhyun wanted to help Changmin but he wasn't allow, not with Leeteuk and Siwon holding him back. He had to make sure he was well away from the fighting scenes and fit enough to do his job. Sure he was the strongest but in some way, he was also the weakest. He had no choice but to obey.



Please listen while reading this part~~ :D



"Hyung... He will be a fine...right?" Kyuhyun asked Leeteuk, his eyes following Changmin's every move.



"He'll be fine. If not, I'll get Heechul or myself to jump in and protect him.



"Don't worry Kyuhyun, it's soon..." Siwon added, knowing what he meant by soon, Kyuhyun nodded, taking a deep breath. Soon, the word repeated in his mind. Soon.... soon he'll have to do it... Will it work? He questioned himself. It had to work, if this doesn't work, nothing else will.



Changmin ran over to Kangta, separating from Heechul, Hangeng and Kangin, he was now close, able to launch his first attack. He jumped up,, lifting his sword he put full force on his first attack. He looked Kangta in his eyes, full of hate as Kangta gave him a smirk, smirk filled with eagerness to kill him and send him to the same place he sent his parents.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Changmin screamed, pushing down in Kangta with his sword as Kangta blocked it with his arm as if blocking a punch. Changmin felt like he was going to explode from the anger, wanting to brutally murder the man in front of him.



"Even your parents put up more of a fight then this." Kangta teased knowing very well how angry Changmin was already.



"Shut the up you bastard!" Flashbacks of his parents last moment suddenly appeared in his mind, going through every last part, tears well up in Changmin's eyes as he paused at the two dead corpses of Junjin and Hyesung. He suddenly remembered Kyunnie, unable to remember what happened to her afterwards when the got surrounded in the forest.



"Did you remember someone? Kyunnie perhaps?" Changmin's eyes widened as he was still in Kangta's face. Suddenly he was what happened, everything, what happened to Kyunnie. His rage over came him as he felt himself gushing with rage and anger at the same time.

"She was beautiful, even when she died.." Changmin couldn't take it anymore, kicking Kangta in the stomach before jumping backwards. He lifted his sword, pointing it at the sky. The sky reacted, causing it to go gloomy and dark almost instantly, a lightning bolt hit Changmin's sword, making the sword glow a light yellow colour.



Heed the contract and serve me, O King of the Skies! Come forth, blazing thunder, slayer of Titans! Present the Widening Throwing Circle! Capture the objects first to the tenth! Established Area! Spirits, overwhelm us unto the critical pressure within! In three, two, now! Separation captivity! All spirits I will send forth most valiantly like lightning! Hurl down lightning one hundred and even one thousand times! Thousand Thunderbolts!



A thousand lightning bold surround his body before he launched them onto Kangta. Kangta,, not knowing what this spell was, stood there, clueless as it was an ancient king spell that only the royal family knew.



"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Kangta screamed as a thousand lightning bolts passed his body, he fell to the ground. Changmin breathed heavily, not knowing if Kangta was dead from the shock as he saw no movement from the other. Changmin moved in, slowly. Suddenly Kangta jolted upwards, grabbing Changmin by the neck.



"CHANGMIN!" Kyuhyun shouted, watching his husband getting strangled right in front of him, not able to save him or even move from his stop. Choking sounds came from Changmin as Kangta's grip tightened around hi neck, he felt himself blackout in intervals. Quickly, Siwon, Hangeng and Kangin ran to Changmin's rescue. Hangeng grabbed Kangta from behind, stopping his movement as Kangin sliced down, cutting Kangta's arm off which was holding onto Changmin. Blood splattered everywhere as some of it ended up on Changmin's face. Siwon held Changmin back, getting out of Kangta's reach so they could reform a better plan.



"Let me go!" Changmin struggled from Siwon's grip. Soon Hangeng and Kangin came to them.



"Changmin! Get a hold of yourself! Do you really want to die?!" Siwon shouted at him.



"Think about Kyuhyun." Hangeng added, that was what made Changmin stop as he remembered he had to stay alive for Kyuhyun.



"He's going berserk" Leeteuk muttered, just about loud enough for Kyuhyun to hear. Kyuhyun looked at Leeteuk and then at Kangta, noticing a sudden change in his eyes.



"What do we do?!" Kyuhyun panicked, knowing very well how strong he was and with Jessica still in the picture, it wasn't going to be pretty.



"Do it now." Kyuhyun nodded. Leeteuk put his arms up and so did Kyuhyun.



"Agite Tenebrae Abyssi, Ensis Incendens! Et Incendium Caliginis Umbrae Inimicitiae Destructionis Ultionis! Incendant et Me et Eum, Sint Solum Incendentes! Incendium Gehennae!!"

Summons a hellfire and is able to be fired anywhere.



He aimed it at Kangta as he told Heechul to get the three out of the way in case they were to be caught in the hell fire. Acting quickly, Heechul; ran over to the three and dragged them all away. A big bang was heard and the ice floor around Kangta now turned to fire, burning him ever so slowly.



"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kangta's screams were heard. Kyuhyun's eyes started to glow, all the colours of the rainbow were present as he chanted the words.



"I summon the lords circle around me as my brothers come forth,

In the name of the lord I shall grant your wishes,

Ignis, Aqua, Terra, Ventus and Inane gather

Heed our call, show us the way forth."



Kyuhyun shouted as loud as he could as the final most powerful summon spell drew itself on the ground. Kyuhyun stood in the middle as Leeteuk took the space of the yellow circle, Heechul, Jaejoong and Junsu filling in the rest. The floor started to shake, a gate appearing in front of them.






The five of the shouted, the eyes started to glow, each in their own colour as the ground beneath them shook harder,, it crumpling beneath them as a strong wind blew across town, recking houses around them, destroying everything in sight. The loud growling sound made by the wind was unbearable to those without the priests powers. Slowly, the door shut itself. The igloo created by Jaejoong broke, releasing the monster inside, Jessica. She ran over to Yunho who was now with Changmin and the others. Noticing her, Kyuhyun mutter another command as his stare became deadly for a split second.



"Heed the Contract and Serve Me, Darkness, Ice and Snow, the Queen of Eternity! The Coursing White Rose of Ice, the Sleeping Eternal Garden! Come, Unending Darkness, Eternal Glacier! Imprison the soulless puppets with frozen Lightning! The enchanting tranquility, The eternal prison of White roses blooming in profusion! Endless White Nine Heavens!"



He summoned the a group of  puppets, fighting in his aid as they jumped at Jessica, cutting her up in the most brutal way possible. Not even screams could be heard as a second later, nothing was left but a splatter of blood on the ground with a few torn up pieces of fabric on top. The gate blew away, leaving 5 weak priest to fall.











"KYUHYUN!!!" Their lovers ran to them, catching them as the fell down. Soon, all of them mutter  word, opening their eyes to see their lovers in front of them, almost crying. However, Kyuhyun did not.

"Kyuhyun..?" Changmin called again, a quieter voice this time as he held onto Kyuhyun. A white light shone from above and around the whole of Spira, fixing the damages as it healed the injured and gave hope to the hopeful. Changmin blocked the light from his eyes as it was shining too brightly. Kyuhyun moved a bit, opening his eyes slowly.

"KYUHYUN!" Changmin jumped, holding his lover tightly.



"Changmin..." He breathed, Changmin started to cry from the happiness, not knowing Kyuhyun's destiny.

"I...I have to go... I'm sorry..."



"W-what?" Changmin choked.



"I-I love you..." Kyuhyun lifted his hand up, caressing Changmin's face, wiping off tears that fell without Changmin knowing.



"No...please...PLEASE! Don't leave me!" PLEASE!" Changmin cried from the top of his lungs, unable to breath properly.



"I'm sorry..."Kyuhyun's hands started to fade, dispersing into little snow drops into the air.



"!" Changmin shook his head, hugging Kyuhyun tightly. On last goodbye, Kyuhyun disappeared. All that was left was a gold coloured stone where he laid. The rest of them ran over to Changmin, giving him a hug as Changmin screamed from rage and sadness over his lack of ability to protect his lover.




"He took it all...didn't he?" Heechul muttered. The truth was that Kyuhyun didn't need to die. They devised a plan to make all of them take a bit of Kyuhyun's destiny and keep Kyuhyun alive by giving up a part of their powers to him so he wouldn't use all of it. However, that would cause memory loss which meant forgetting their lovers and everything they went through, despite having their powers. Kyuhyun was against that, not wanting them to sacrifice their lovers for him. In the end, Kyuhyun let out an anti-barrier around it, not letting any of them in and him, enduring the whole thing.



"Yes... he did..." Leeteuk answered, wiping away his tears.











IT'S DONE!!!!!!! I was wondering how long it would take for me to finish this!! I was going to split it into 2 chapters but I didn't :D

I'm sorry for any tears and I hope you won't kill me for this ending! If you've read my other fics, you know how I am!! NOW Time for some Kyu-cuteness!!



Comments and Subscribes will be treasured and loved <3



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This fic will be ending soon everyone~ :D


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Chapter 22: Wow...I can't stop crying even the song end. took more than 3mins to stop crying...T_T...however I enjoyed read it...^_^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 22: Ohmygosh author nim.... T_T You killed him :'( It's so sad~ And the music as well....
Chapter 22: I;M CRYING I AM ! :'( KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my changkyu feels!!!!!!!! omg omg i don't know what to say xD
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 22: :'( poor Kyuhyun and Changmin so sad. Great story I enjoy reading it.
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 22: So sad will you be making a sequel
dilyakyu #6
Chapter 22: Although I don't like reading Kyuhyun die because he was my bias but you did a great job! *thumbs up*
Chapter 22: Kyubaby........T_T
how can you make him die author nim...... It's good story after all.....Please make some fluff or lovey dovey story after this....please...please....
yunjae_maniac #8
Chapter 21: Good luck for your GCSE!!!
Chapter 21: What happen after they shield get broken??? I'll wait for your update...^3^
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 20: Oh no, they are all capture. I hope Kyu cab save them and not get capture by Jessica too.