Chapter 1: Capture




(Wednesday) November 11 2017



It was  around 1pm when a group soldiers, guards, the 4 out of 5 generals and the Prince of Spira suddenly entered the temple located far West, it was a big entrance, throughout their visit, they would question each of of the workers who help out the temple asking for a specific person. The day has come.


"Where is Cho Kyuhyun?!" The man questioned the girls working in the Temple. "WHERE IS HE?!"


"I..I...D don't know....." The girl stumbled to the floor, hiding herself behind the rest of the girls who were present.


"Aish! General Yunho! You and General Hangeng go and round up everyone in this temple, I want to make sure there won't be any ambushes once we capture him, Priest Heechul! Go and find your brother." (Forgot to tell you, since they are all priests they think of themselves as brothers~ Not blood related but power related if that makes sense..)


"Yes, your Honour!" The Generals named Hangeng and Yunho ran to either sides of the Temple and started rounding up all the workers.


"Yes...Your Honour." A man dress stood out from behind, he walked to the middle of the room and put out his hands, mumbling a spell.


"Mater Musarum, Mnemosyne! Ad Se Me Alliciat!"

Spell used to look into one's memory, this can also track back to the person in order to find them from looking at the most recent memory.


"Your Honour..I have found him..He is currently taking refuge at a secret tunnel located in the temple gardens."


"GUARDS! General Yoochun, General Siwon! Come with me to the temple gardens, stand guard, he might fight back."


"Wait...!" The Generals and "His Honour" looked back "Please...Don't hurt him...don't hurt his family..they're the only one's he has left..." The priest looked at them, almost begging


"Fine...Just make sure we capture him!" He, the Priest Heechul and the generals along with some of the guards (Rest had to stay back to keep an eye on the workers) went over to the massive garden


"Where is he?" He asked


"He is inside a tunnel behind the rock pond" The Generals, His Honour and Heechul went inside leaving the guards. They went deeper and deeper inside the tunnel which lead to an underground home.


"What makes a person like you visit a place like this, Prince Changmin?" The prince turned around to be greeted by an older man and an older woman


"Where is he?"


"Who?" The man asked


"Cho Kyuhyun"


"He died remember? In the Cho massacre..." The woman looked at him


"I beg to differ, from what I know, with help of course with the other 4 Priests, I can say that he is alive and currently standing on these grounds."


"Uncle..Auntie?" A man, around 20, 21 stood in front of the prince, the priest and the Generals, his soft, pale, milky skin shined through the dim light as it shone on him, his red, kissable lips. His big doe eyes looking right at the prince, his brunette hair perfect and untouched. "What's going on?"


"RUN!" The couple shouted, leaping onto the Generals to give the younger a chance to escape.


"HEECHUL" The prince shouted, commanding the priest.


"Ex Somno Exsistat Exundans Undina Inimicum Immergat in Alveum! Vinctus Aquarius!"

This creates a small ball of water which surrounds Kyuhyun, trapping him.


"Ah...Who are you? What are you doing here? Let me go!" The younger Priest shouted within the ball of water.


"I'm sorry, I can't dear Priest, an order is an order....we need you." Changmin walked over to Kyuhyun, looking at him closely, but far away enough to not touch the ball of water surrounding it's prisoner.


"Let him go! Kyuhyun! Now!" The old woman shouted.



Disperses any spells, some are exceptions due to it being a very high level of magic.


The water ball disperse, only this time Yoochun, who managed to get away from the old man's grip, ran in and caught Kyuhyun, in the processes, hitting him using his arm with quite a lot of force on the back of the younger Priest's head causing the younger one to get knocked out, falling into Yoochun's arms.


"Sorry, your Honour, it was getting dangerous."


"It's ok, we need to bring him back to the castle. Retreat." They left the Temple with the Temple owners running towards their Nephew who was currently in General Yoochun's arms unconscious, only to be blocked and threatened by the many soldiers, leaving the temple slightly run down and trashed.




Wew! First update~ I hope you like it xDD I know the spells are hard to remember to Ima going to remind you every time a spell comes on~ Ps...They are the ones from Negima is you've watched it xD I'm not smart enough to think of my own spell, especially when it's in Latin (Although I did study Latin for a year xDD)


Comments and Subscribes will be treasured and loved <3



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This fic will be ending soon everyone~ :D


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Chapter 22: Wow...I can't stop crying even the song end. took more than 3mins to stop crying...T_T...however I enjoyed read it...^_^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 22: Ohmygosh author nim.... T_T You killed him :'( It's so sad~ And the music as well....
Chapter 22: I;M CRYING I AM ! :'( KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my changkyu feels!!!!!!!! omg omg i don't know what to say xD
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 22: :'( poor Kyuhyun and Changmin so sad. Great story I enjoy reading it.
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 22: So sad will you be making a sequel
dilyakyu #6
Chapter 22: Although I don't like reading Kyuhyun die because he was my bias but you did a great job! *thumbs up*
Chapter 22: Kyubaby........T_T
how can you make him die author nim...... It's good story after all.....Please make some fluff or lovey dovey story after this....please...please....
yunjae_maniac #8
Chapter 21: Good luck for your GCSE!!!
Chapter 21: What happen after they shield get broken??? I'll wait for your update...^3^
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 20: Oh no, they are all capture. I hope Kyu cab save them and not get capture by Jessica too.