Chapter 10: Trouble Arise



Leeteuk's Pov



"First let's try and contact Jaejoong" hopefully he'll pick up...please.....No use... he won't... the power of the south gate and the interference with the demons must have cut off our connection.

I couldn't think of anything... or at least nothing that would endanger Kyuhyun... Yes, he's the strongest out of all 5 of us however... his power's aren't stable yet. There has to be another way....



"Leeteuk hyung, tell me" I could heard Kyuhyun say to me, I turned around, our eyes locked for a bit.



"T-tell you what?" I don't know why, but I stuttered.



"You know why you stuttered, you know what I'm talking about. You know I can hear you." Kyuhyun's face not changing,



"No. I won't let you do it!" I kept my voice stern, standing my ground



"Please... this might be the only way... Yunho and Jaejoong hyung are there too... " I could tell, Kyuhyun wasn't asking for it, he was begging for it...



"The only way to reach Yevon in time..." I sighed, looking at Kyuhyun deep in the eyes "Is by creating a time portal. None of our powers are able to do it.. only yours... however you must have perfectly stable powers to do it, it uses up a lot of power, if you can't control it, the power could force you to the berserk area... for a void priest, it's the one place you don't want to go, especially for void as it's the hardest to get out once in that mode... your void powers are too strong..."



"I'll make it. What's the spell?"



"'Τό τεῖχος διερξάσθω! Δόρυ Πέτρας!' that way you'll be able to summon the portal, a neon green glow will rise as it draws out a magic circle that will teleport you to your chosen place. Just think of the place where you and to go.. it will take you there."



"Hyung.. isn't it really dangerous... what if Kyuhyun..." Junsu whispered to me, before he could finish I cut him off, knowing what he was going to say.



"Let's just hope he won't.." the both of us looked at Kyuhyun who got ready to chant the spell, he lifted his hand in front of him, closing his eyes he started chanting.



"Τό τεῖχος διερξάσθω! Δόρυ Πέτρας!"

"Pass Through the Wall! Spear of Stone!"



Kyuhyun vanished into thin air... but...somethings wrong....



Changmin's Pov



We made it to the south gate of Yevon in one piece, there was no sign of a planned attack, or any aura of a demon lurking around. We made it in time, arriving at 10:30pm, many people have already arrived, holding their possessions in their hands, or what they could carry.



"Oppa!" I heard someone call me, I turned around and saw Seohyun.



"Oh, Seohyun. You made it! That's good to know." I smiled at her.



"Me and my grandmother managed to make it in time thanks to you~ Do you know when the army would be arriving?"



"It should be soon. Wait a second, I need to go and find Jaejoong hyung." I ran around, trying to find Jaejoong hyung, he was with Seohyun's grandmother, checking up on her health. "Hyung.. when is Yoochun hyung going to arrive?"



"He should be here soon.... Ah! Speak of an Angel here he comes" (You know... devil, demon...bad omen for a priest to say xDD)



"Changmin ah!" Yoochun hyung shouted at me from his white horse.



"You took your time!"



"HEY! A 14 hours ride is really boring and tiring, you know that?" I stuck my tongue out at him, making him chuckle slightly. "Changmin" Yoochun hyung's voice changed from a high-ish tone to a low, deep tone. "There's someone here..."



"CHANGMIN! WATCH OUT!" Jaejoong hyung called out to me, I turned around, and arrow flew by me, luckily Yunho hyung pulled me to his side otherwise I would have gotten shot.



"Are you ok?"



"Y-yes..." I stuttered from the shock of that ambush



"Stand guard" A massive group of demon suddenly appeared, creating a wall around us and the Yevoners. "" Yunho hyung whispered underneath his breath. I removed myself from Yunho hyung's grip, turning around I gave Yoochun and Yunho hyung a nod, replying it, we made our move. I took my sword out, Yoochun hyung following me, while Yunho hyung went over to Jaejoong hyung to protect him. Rule number 1: Always protect the priest no matter what.

Slicing down on the demons we made sure that none of the Yevoners were hurt, Yoochun hyung's army built and inner wall blocking the demons from the Yevoners. However many we killed, more would appear.



"Are you ok?" Yoochun hyung asked me.



"Yes... a bit tired...."



"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard someone scream, turning my head to the source of the scream I saw Seohyun get taken by a demon.



"SEOHYUN!" I shouted, she cried out to me



"OPPA! HELP ME!" I ran to Seohyun, without knowing another demon was behind me, he sliced down right at me.



"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed from the pain.



Yoochun's Pov



I watched as Changmin ran to the girl, unable to move quick enough to stop him, a demon ambushed him, slashing down onto his back,



"CHANGMIN!" Me, Yunho and Jaejoong hyung shouted in unison, I could tell all of us tried to run towards him but it was no use.. the demons...there were too many... Suddenly I heard Jaejoong hyung scream, his eyes turning into a green colour.



"Jaejoong! What's wrong?" Yunho hyung held onto his lover, looking at him in the eyes.


"Kyuhyun....It's Kyuhyun...." he strained himself to say.



Leeteuk's Pov



Soon enough Kyuhyun was no longer here... something was wrong... abnormal...



"LEETEUK!" Heechul shouted, bursting into the room "Did Kyuhyun just...."



"Yes..." Suddenly a sharp pain could be felt in my stomach "AHHHHHHHHHH!" The three of us feel onto our knees, a loud high pitch squeal was next on our painful torture.



"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! KYUHYUN! STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING! YOU'RE GOING OUT OF CONTROL!" Heechul called out to nothing, as if Kyuhyun could still hear us, I could see Junsu and Heechul's eyes turning into a different colour.. our true colour... Our eyes only change into these colours if we are using our full power or if we are unstable...another reason... our powers are getting unsealed...


Heechul's eyes


Leeteuk's eyes

Junsu's eyes


"KYUHYUN! PLEASE! STOP!" This time it was Junsu's turn to shout. Please... Kyuhyun...stop....A chain appeared magically in front of each of us... can't be... our powers are getting unsealed... NO!



"KYUHYUN! STOP!" I shouted.





OH! OH! WHAT'S HAPPENING??!!!!!!!!!!! WOOP! DOUBLE UPDATE~~~ Since I didn't update yesterday~ I think I might go for a triple sine you guys might kill me if I don't update it xDD

:OOO YOU GUYS ARE SUCH P.E.R.V.S!!! Everyone wanting some Changkyu alone time afterwards!! >.> That.. I don't think will happen... remember... Kyuhyun still doesn't FULLY know his feelings :OOO


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This fic will be ending soon everyone~ :D


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Chapter 22: Wow...I can't stop crying even the song end. took more than 3mins to stop crying...T_T...however I enjoyed read it...^_^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 22: Ohmygosh author nim.... T_T You killed him :'( It's so sad~ And the music as well....
Chapter 22: I;M CRYING I AM ! :'( KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my changkyu feels!!!!!!!! omg omg i don't know what to say xD
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 22: :'( poor Kyuhyun and Changmin so sad. Great story I enjoy reading it.
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 22: So sad will you be making a sequel
dilyakyu #6
Chapter 22: Although I don't like reading Kyuhyun die because he was my bias but you did a great job! *thumbs up*
Chapter 22: Kyubaby........T_T
how can you make him die author nim...... It's good story after all.....Please make some fluff or lovey dovey story after this....please...please....
yunjae_maniac #8
Chapter 21: Good luck for your GCSE!!!
Chapter 21: What happen after they shield get broken??? I'll wait for your update...^3^
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 20: Oh no, they are all capture. I hope Kyu cab save them and not get capture by Jessica too.