Chapter 18: Welcome Back



Changmin's Pov




"THEY'RE BACK!!!!" I heard Kyuhyun shout. I looked over at where Kyuhyun was looking and there they were, Leeteuk and Heechul hyung. They looked fine, as if they didn't have a fight at all. No blood was on them,. not scratch was visible, nor was there any sign on faith deep breaths from the long battle they endured together. They smiled at Kyuhyun as he ran over to the both of them, giving them a hug.



"Aigoo, Kyuhyun, we just came back, let us rest." Leeteuk smiled at him. Returning the hug before letting go of Kyuhyun. A hug smile was plastered over Kyuhyun's face as he was ecstatic to see them back and safe.



"Are you ok?" I asked the both of them, walking over to them and standing next to Kyuhyun, receiving nods from them as they looked t the both of us. 



"Don't worry about it! We managed to get a lot of time from them, they didn't see anything coming." Heechul replied, a proud smile lifted on his face as he some what gloated about their success which was called for as they did a tremendous job.

"We should get changed into our priest clothing." Heechul suggests, I nodded, knowing it would be better for them to wear suitable clothing that would be more comfortable them the ones they were wearing now. They 5 of them stood somewhere else, away from us but still in sight and got changed, in a special way of course. A gust of wind blew in a tornadoes like twirl, surrounding them as their clothing was them put on when the wind died down. They clothing was a simple red and white color, sleeves were big to ease the movement of the arms when chanting a spell. I have to admit, Kyuhyun looked absolutely adorable in it, not that anyone would disagree with me.


Junsu and Jaejoong hyung was the first to come over to us, I could see uncertainty in them as they walked over to me, their eyes to the floor as they did so. Confuse, I led them away, where it was just the three of us since I knew it wasn't something they could talk about so freely with everyone, their eyes told me that. I wasn't sure what was going on, maybe something happened when I looked away from a split second. But I knew it was something important, for that, I had to know.



"What's wrong hyung?" I asked them once we reached a random place far from the others. We were surrounded by bushes and a few trees, grass everywhere as we stood in front of each other, me , wanting to know what's wrong and them looking troubled.



"I don't know..." Jaejoong hyung sighed, shaking his head.

"There seems to be something wrong but I can't pin point it..."



"Same here." Junsu folded his arms, in deep thought.

"I think...there's something weird about Leeteuk and Heechul hyung..buyt I'm not sure..." Jaejoong hyung gave a nod, agreeing with Junsu hyung's statement. I looked at the both of them, confused to what they were saying.



"What do you mean? There doesn't look like there's anything wrong." I told them, my mind looking back to when Leeteuk and Heechul hyung came back and how they were acting. Truth be told I was suspicious but  I wasn't sure at the same time. However, what ever I say will affect the outcome of this war so I had to make sure I had my senses sharpened and examined everything.



"Changmin ah, don't tell Kyuhyun about this.. I don't want him to get upset." Jaejoong hyung looked at me, I gave a reluctant nod. As much as I wanted to tell him, for now it's best to keep it to ourselves since we weren't 100% sure if our suspicion was correct or not.



"HYUNG! CHANGMIN! WHERE ARE YOU?!" We heard Kyuhyun's voice from afar. We turned around and he was there, scurrying through the tall bushes which were around his height or just a bit shorter.

"There you are!" He pushed his way through the bushes as he made his way to us.



"What's wrong Kyuhyun?" Junsu hyung asked him first.



"Yunho and Yoochun hyung said he wanted to see you guys.. I'm not sure why though" We nodded and made our way back to them with Kyuhyun by our side. He looked so happy as we made our way through the bushes and back to the grounds, I just prayed that what we just talked about wouldn't be true.. It was already coming to 6pm when there was still no sign of our enemies, thankful, I gave a sigh, sitting on my chair with Kyuhyun by my side and more of less, most of the time running around the place.



"Changmin? Are you ok? You don't seem so well." I heard him ask me, he held a cup of water to me, passing to over to me. I gave him a reassuring smile as we were the only one in the tent I was currently staying at.



"Don't worry too much about it, there's just a lot in my mind." I drank the cup of water and set the cup to the side after only drinking half of it. I looked up to the table where a map was pinned on it, showing our formation. I noted down all the things that must be done and what was done in my head. First of all, all the civilians were already out of fighting zone, safe from war and would not be hurt. Secondly, all weapons where in place, along with medical care and barriers needed to protect us. Everything was going well...a bit too well..

It was time for dinner and our cooks had already cooked meals for everyone. Kyuhyun had disappeared for around half an hour now and had finally came back holding 2 bowls of food.



"Changmin! Let's eat!" He put the bowls down on another table, I sat down next to him, looking down at my bowl of soup. I didn't feel like eating much so I decided to make a game of it.



"I don't wanna eat!" I said,giving my cutest pout and folding my arms. I could tell Kyuhyun was some what surprised by my childish actions but I kept it up, this was one of the rare time I was alone with Kyuhyun and I wasn't going to waste it!



"What?! You have to eat!" He said.



"Then feed me!" I whined at him.



"... Come on! Don't be a baby, you have to eat! You're a KING" He gave me a Jaejoong hyung like head shake, refusing to feed me. My pout grew bigger and cuter as I whined even more. It was a matter of time before he was to give up because come on, I have to admit I'm adorable when  I want to be. Kyuhyun being the only exception of being cuter then me at all times. He gave me a sigh and finally gave in to my constant whining. I gave myself a fist pump in my head and opened my mouth as widely as possible as he fed me.

"Fine, say ahhh!~" He fad the spoon to me and of course I took it with a huge smile on my face.






"Is it yummy?"



"Very yummy!" I took Kyuhyun spoon and picked up some soup, blowing on it and fed him too. Luckily he took it and smiled. We finished the last of our food, Kyuhyun went out to take it back for the workers to wash the bowls. I went back to my seat, waiting for Kyuhyun to come back and my mind wondering somewhere else. I could here a shuffling sound, meaning Kyuhyun was back.I stood up and gave him a back hug, drooping my arm around his shoulder.



"Ch-changmin? What's wrong?"



"Kyuhyun...Do you love me?"



"Umm...Y-yes..." He looked down, I could tell he was blushing. A smile crawled up my face as I tried to suppress it, I turned him around so he was facing me and pushing his chin up to look at me.



"I love you too." I say before taking his lips as mine, it was a small kiss, not too much to frighten him. From what I remember, I have been so intimate with him for so long.. I miss him. I hugged his waist, not wanting to let go of him as we kissed. I slowly removed my lips from his, resting my head on the crook of his neck, breathing in his sweet scent.



"Are you ok Changmin? You're never like this." He asked me.



"It's because I'm NEVER like this that's why I'm like this now." I gave a small chuckle. I lifted him up bridal style.



"Ch-changmin! Wh-what are you doing?!" I started jumping around, I had to tighten my grip around him so I wouldn't drop him on the floor.



"Stop moving Kyuhyun!" I told him before I gently put him down on my bed in the tent and cuddled next to him. I could feel him stiffen a bit but soon calming down.

"Let me..nap a bit..." I listened to his heartbeat like a soothing lullaby which soon helped my drift off to dream land. I didn't know how tired I was until now.




Kyuhyun's Pov




I laid back, his arms around me as I looked up at the ceiling in the tent Changmin was staying in. I could tell he was tired, exhausted. Who wouldn't be in his spot, I left him sleep for a bit. I made sure to try and keep awake in case there was an ambush by our enemy. I leaned on my side a bit, looking at Changmin's sleeping figure as his breathing was light and calm. He looks so peaceful like there was nothing wrong with the world. An expression I love and have come to cherish but not yet claim for myself.

My fingers trailed around his features, moving away his bangs to get a clearer look at his face. I can't help but smile at how childish and cute he looks when he's sleeping. I find myself his hair as I sang a ballad, on of my favourites. He shuffled a bit, his face digging in the crook of my neck as I kept his hair and singing.



"I love you~" I whispered in his ear quietly before I too, fell asleep.






"Kyuhyun ah! Kyuhyun ah! Where are you?"



"Who's there?" I look around but there's nothing but white space.



"Kyuhyun ah! Where are you? I can't find you..." It was a girls voice, her voice was soft and sad. Sobbing was soon heard as she kept calling for me.



"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you calling me?"



"Kyuhyun.... Where are you?... I want to see you..." A pause was present s nothing else was heard. The floor around me started to go black, soon, my body was getting swallowed up.

"Kyuhyun ah~ I've found you~" The girl said, giggling. I started to sink deeper and deeper into the darkness as the white light started to turn to black. I tried to crawl out but it was no use.



"Let me go! Stop!" I shouted, thrashing around.



"Kyuhyun ah~~ I want to see you~... And I want to kill you" Her voice was deep and low, frightening me with a great deal of the intention to kill. I felt myself start to panic as my real body was almost jumping. It frightened me, screaming I found myself doing but no sound came out. Nothing. I felt my body fall down at an alarming speed, that was when I woke up.



End of Dream~



"KYUHYUN AH! Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun!! Wake up!!! Are you ok?!" I heard someone call me, I opened my eyes and there was Jaejoong and Junsu hyung with me, Changmin was beside them, looking worried as ever, worse then the first time I had a bad dream. My body was hot, I could feel myself covered in sweat. Junsu hyung came to me with a towel and wiped off my bead of sweat. 



"I-I'm fine.." I knew myself that I didn't sound very convincing.



"Kyuhyun...Wait a second." Junsu hyung closed his eyes and but his hand on my forehead. I could tell what he was doing.



 "Nympha Somnii, Regina Maeve! Portam Aperiens ad Se Nos Alliciat!"

Shares ones memories with another, entering them as if he or she was there.



I could see Junsu hyung sweating, breathing becoming faster them before, quickly, I had to get him out of my dream.




Dispels magic



Me and Junsu hyung bounced back, luckily Jaejoong hyung caught Junsu hyung and Changmin to me. He opened his eyes, his breathing soon becoming normal as he wiped away his sweat.



"Are you ok Junsu hyung?" I asked him. He nodded, grabbing onto my hand to reassure me. I smiled at him. Suddenly someone entered the tent in a rush, it was Yoochun hyung.



"Changmin! They're here! Prepare for attack!"










KALSHFALKFNIEOGVKEWKGOL OMGOGMMOG! So happy I updated! heheh~ Finally right!?

So, what do you think? :3 Hehe~ Tomorrow I'm going to a farm so I don't know when I'll be able to update (Probably not too late) but I'll do my best to update tomorrow! I had to give you guys a sweet Changkyu moment after depriving you for so long xD


Comments and subscribes will be treasured and loved <3



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This fic will be ending soon everyone~ :D


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Chapter 22: Wow...I can't stop crying even the song end. took more than 3mins to stop crying...T_T...however I enjoyed read it...^_^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 22: Ohmygosh author nim.... T_T You killed him :'( It's so sad~ And the music as well....
Chapter 22: I;M CRYING I AM ! :'( KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my changkyu feels!!!!!!!! omg omg i don't know what to say xD
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 22: :'( poor Kyuhyun and Changmin so sad. Great story I enjoy reading it.
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 22: So sad will you be making a sequel
dilyakyu #6
Chapter 22: Although I don't like reading Kyuhyun die because he was my bias but you did a great job! *thumbs up*
Chapter 22: Kyubaby........T_T
how can you make him die author nim...... It's good story after all.....Please make some fluff or lovey dovey story after this....please...please....
yunjae_maniac #8
Chapter 21: Good luck for your GCSE!!!
Chapter 21: What happen after they shield get broken??? I'll wait for your update...^3^
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 20: Oh no, they are all capture. I hope Kyu cab save them and not get capture by Jessica too.