Chapter 13: Training



Kyuhyun's Pov




It was the day of the training, I have to admit, I really didn't want to do it. The only real training I had was when I was a little kid, when I was still living with my parents. My auntie and uncle did their best to try teach me the things that should be taught to a priest but even they didn't know everything.



“Let's get going!” Heechul hyung dragged me to the field, it was only green grass and nothing in sight for a long way, perfect for training as there was nothing that we could hurt or damage. The day was nice, sunny as the sky was a beautiful.



“So! Let's start!” Leeteuk hyung got out some stuff from a bad and placed them on the floor. “Kyuhyun, you stand here.” He led me to a place on the grass as he drew a magic circle around me.



“Phew! All done~” Junsu hyung wiped his forehead. “Now let's see what you've got!”



“What I've got? What do you mean?” I asked.



“Look at that can over there, we want you to shoot it with any element you want.” Jaejoong hyung point at the can which was lying on the wall. “But don't step out of the circle ok?”



“Yes hyung...” I stood there, my arms in front of me as I chanted a spell.



"Omne Flammans Flamma Purgatus, Domine Extinctionis et Signum Regenerationis, in Mea Manu Ens Inimicum Edat! Flagrantia Rubicans!"


A medium-level fire blast



A ball of fire appeared in front of my hand, getting bigger as it reached the appropriate size. I aimed it at the can and fire when I felt it was right. The fire ball landed just above the can, melting the top of it, however it didn't destroy the whole thing like it was meant to do.



“Ooo! So close!” Junsu hyung whined, I gave out a little chuckle but inside I was quite annoyed that I missed.



“Don't be upset Kyuhyun. Try and try again!” Leeteuk hyung smiled at me, trying to comfort me. It wasn't long until I was able to get a hold of my aim, finally able to aim it perfectly as I threw the fireball. The next one practically destroyed the whole can as nothing was left on it.



“Yay!” I jumped up, pumping my fists at my achievement.



“Congratulations Kyuhyun!” Jaejoong hyung gave me a warm smile.



“Now what else is there?” I felt as if I was ready for anything! I couldn't wait for the nest part.



“Now we want you to do the same thing, but with different elements, until you master aiming with all your elements.” Leeteuk hyung told me.



'”What?! That's all? Isn't there anything else I could do?!” I whined.



“You need to first master the basics if you want to go on to the harder things Kyuhyun! Patients is key!” Heechul hyung scolded me.



“Fine...” Once again I got myself in casting mode



Iaculatio Grandinis”


An Ice attack which summons an ice shard(s) and can be shot at the enemy



It took another 4 hours for me to fully master the way of aiming my elements, by now I was panting, even sweating from tiredness. Casting spells for that long and so many times really makes me tired.



“Let's have some rest. That should be it for today. We'll continue it tomorrow.” Leeteuk hyung undid the spell circle which was drawn on the floor. I could feel my knees get weak, thus making me fall onto the ground.



“Kyuhyun?!” I could hear my hyungs call out in unison.



“I'm *Pant* fine...” I told them as I tried to get up but I was took weak, making me fall right back down. This time Jaejoong hyung caught me before I fell onto the grass.



“We'll carry you back ok?” Next thing I knew, I was on Yoochun hyung's back. I have no idea how or when he got there, all I know is that he was the one who carried me back.



“ There you go!” Yoochun hyung put me on the bed slowly, covering me with the blanket. I looked around and found out that something was missing.



“ Changmin...?” I asked, looking away.



“He went out to the city to get some stuff. He left about an hour ago...I believe”






“Don't worry, I think Hangeng hyung is with him, you get some rest while I go and tell the chef to make something for you to eat.” Yoochun hyung stood up and went outside.



“Thank you Chunnie!” I heard Junsu hyung say as the door closed, he went over to me and say down beside me. “Are you feeling better?”



“Yup! A lot better, thank you hyung” I tried to sound less exhausted then what I actually was.



“No worries! Just rest and get better soon! Then we'll start on the next training~” He smiled at me, we heard the door open, it was Yoochun hyung holding a bowl of porridge.



“Here you go~ It's really nice! I got to have a bite before!” He sat it down on the table next to me, handing me the bowl as he left the tray on the table.



“Thank you..” I was just about to take it when Junsu hyung took it away from me.



“Let me feed you!” He picked up some porridge with the spoon and blew on it to make it cooler “Ahhh” He was said it moved the spoon over to my mouth. I opened it, eating the porridge slowly “How is it?” He asked me



“It's yummy” I smiled as I kept eating, with Junsu hyung feeding me until I finished the bowl.




Junsu's Pov




“His finally asleep” I told Yoochun who was next to me as we both looked down at Kyuhyun.



“Yup, he must be really tired.”



“Yeah... He worked really hard though! He managed to master something in a day! No wonder he was chosen...”



“Don't worry too much Suie, he'll be fine. I'm sure of it!” Me and Yoochun made our way to the door, I took one last look at Kyuhyun before leaving him to rest. As I was walking in the hall way, I could see Heechul and Jaejoong hyung running over to me.



“So how is he?” Jaejoong hyung was the one to ask first.



“It's ok. Just resting. What did the Queen say?” Just before all of us were going to Kyuhyun room to drop him off, a guard told us that the Queen wanted to see us. Since we couldn't leave Kyuhyun in that state, I told them to go without me and I'll take care of Kyuhyun.



“She was just wondering how Kyuhyun was. That's all.” Heechul hyung told me.



“However, she told Leeteuk hyung to say since she wanted to talk to him about something.” Jaejoong hyung added



“For what?”



“We don't know..”





Changmin's Pov





I reached home and the first person I saw was Leeteuk hyung.”Leeteuk hyung!” I called out to him, waving my hand as I reached him.



“Oh, Changmin...Back from shopping?”



“Yup! How's Kyuhyun?”



“He's resting. He worked really hard today and tired himself out.”



“Ah I see” I noticed that Leeteuk hyung just came out of the throne room so that means that Grandmother and Grandfather wanted to see him. “What did they say?” I asked, knowing that Leeteuk understood what I was talking about.



“It was nothing. She just wanted to ask about Kyuhyun, that's all.”








OMGOGMGM! I've finally updated this ficcie! Alice is soo happy! Since I've already written so much, I might as well work on this one for now and finish it first xD Hopefully I'll update soon!


Comments and Subscribes will be treasured and loved <3



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This fic will be ending soon everyone~ :D


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Chapter 22: Wow...I can't stop crying even the song end. took more than 3mins to stop crying...T_T...however I enjoyed read it...^_^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 22: Ohmygosh author nim.... T_T You killed him :'( It's so sad~ And the music as well....
Chapter 22: I;M CRYING I AM ! :'( KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my changkyu feels!!!!!!!! omg omg i don't know what to say xD
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 22: :'( poor Kyuhyun and Changmin so sad. Great story I enjoy reading it.
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 22: So sad will you be making a sequel
dilyakyu #6
Chapter 22: Although I don't like reading Kyuhyun die because he was my bias but you did a great job! *thumbs up*
Chapter 22: Kyubaby........T_T
how can you make him die author nim...... It's good story after all.....Please make some fluff or lovey dovey story after this....please...please....
yunjae_maniac #8
Chapter 21: Good luck for your GCSE!!!
Chapter 21: What happen after they shield get broken??? I'll wait for your update...^3^
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 20: Oh no, they are all capture. I hope Kyu cab save them and not get capture by Jessica too.