Making Up....

Do You Ever Love Me?


I stared blankly at the Mathematics homework. Full of writing but the answer space still unfilled like before. I stared around my desk too....full with papers and books. I could say that today was my very first time, working so hard to solve Mathematics homework.
Its not that I wirk THAT HARD, I'm just trying REALLY HARD to forget about what happened today.

After giving up with this crap, I will think about Myungsoo, Yeseul, and INFINITE again. Am I too much today? Am I being like a clingy girlfriend today? Am I too sensitive today? Am I being a queen-control girlfriend? Huhu this kind of question keeps mingle in my head. I cannot answer it. I also think about, did Myungsoo had fun today? Did he hated me today? Did he thought I'm acting weird today?

Why I'm acting like this today? WAEEEE?
Maybe, I'm too jealous with Yeseul and INFINITE since Myungsoo always stay with me for all this time. =(

But still the conclusion is...I still cannot solve my homework while Myungsoo was having fun with his so-called friends. Yeah...having fun without me, without ths hideous, fat, and ugly girlfriend of his, without this stupid girlfriend and without this boring girlfriend. Huhu I could feel that tears already pooled around my eyes. Yeah maybe, Myungsoo already boring to entertain me, so he needs to entertain himself. 

I hate this kind of feeling. Maybe I should sleep now since its already...emmm I looked at my watch, its already past 12. I looked across the window, which directly faced with Myungsoo bedroom's window. Its still pitch black like before. Maybe all of them still having fun now.

I buried myself on top of my bed. Woahhh its feel like heaven and I could just fall asleep any minute. I swung both my hands and legs on the bed like the action of scissors. It feels sooooo good after so much time spent just sitting on the chair. Suddenly, my hand made contact with my phone. Yeah my phone that I switched it off from the moment I walked into my room before. I hold it. Should I switched it on? Should I?

Emmm..after so much thinking I switched it on. I hoped and prayed, just yeah...just maybe Myungsoo will call or text me throughout my sulk state today. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop....My phone keeps sending me many kind of notifications. Hihi I cannot help it, my lips just instantly smile hearing those kind of notifications. 
I looked thorugh my phone, "5 missed calls...7 new messages...." I opened it one by one. All of this notifications come from Myungsoo, well I'm not surprised actually just at least he still think of me right.

I opened it one by one, "Are you ok?", "Where are you? Are you at home?", "Are you switching off your phone? Answer my call.", and so on. I know, he will never say I'm sorry or please forgive me...not until he knows what was his wrong-doings. Well, I know him too much ==

"Ohhh kapchagi!," suddenly my phone vibrated, indicating new message arrived. 

From : Myungie
Can you reply me or call me back? Or you already sleep now?

Maybe I should reply him....I'm just too sensitive today. I guess so.....

To : Myungie
I'm on my way to go to sleep. You should sleep too, chalja.

Huhu...well thats message sounds so distant right. Yeah maybe I feel so distant right now. Not long after that, maybe 1 to 2 seconds another new message came.

From : Myungie
Are you okay? Why you ran away just now? Are you mad at me? Are you sick?

Sometimes, Myungsoo just too carefree that he cannot read the situation well. But sometimes he is way too good than me. Maybe he cannot read me that well. But its ok, I still love him.

To : Myungie
I'm ok Myungsoo, dont worry. Maybe I'm just being oversensitive today because of my monthly period. You know right sometimes I act like a silly person during this time. 

From : Myungie
I know something is wrong and it is not because of your period. Come downstair, I'm already at the front of your house. Lets talk.
I miss you.

Miss me??? Hahaha...I will come down RIGHT AWAY!
Myungsoo.....aishhhh he just cannot let me mad at him for too long ==



deep down of my heart, I know I'm not just being oversensitive....
I'm indeed felt so hurt today, but i will let it go cause I know this kind of feeling will just make things turn out bad.



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Haha At last, I updated it.....
For all this time thank you to all of the subscribers, I also hope that I could write it sooner but you know, being a third year student in university, it is soooooooo tiring.
Once again, Thank you very much for all of your support and sorry for the VERY LATE UPDATE. 

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ShahieyraPark #1
Chapter 38: just read ur story.. why not continue this story authornim.. u know what the curiosity not only kill cat, but also me!! update please authornim...
anne2231 #2
Chapter 38: Dude update?!
NoraMyFics #3
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: it is so good ,,, please we want to have more chapter..... or else is this story is finished?
izayaciel678 #4
Chapter 38: Omg!!!! Please update honey bear
anne2231 #5
Chapter 38: Update ???
Chapter 38: Just read and love your fic, can you make an update ?
anne2231 #7
Chapter 38: R u fine??? Y no updates???
anne2231 #8
Chapter 38: Update pweeeeesaeeeeeeeee
anne2231 #9
Chapter 38: Yahoooooooooooo I'm back!!!
Love the update!!!!!! Hehehe it's a she and update superrrrrrr fast
Yuosux #10
Chapter 38: Yes pls update regularly. I love this story alot