Chapter 5. The Meeting

The Lion meets the Lioness


Chapter 5

Leo turned to look at the other members as they stood on the other side of the door with the camera recording him. He didn’t say a word just stared at them and N made a slight waving motion with his hands.

Turning away from them and the camera he allowed himself to roll his eyes and he raised his hand to knock on the door. He was surprised to see it moved a little when he did and he realized it wasn’t shut all the way.

A woman’s voice called from inside to come in and he turned sharply to the others.

They all looked at him wide eyed and Ken came behind him and pushed him into the room. As he stumbled slightly he started contemplating his revenge while the door swung close behind him.

“Yhinny-Ah! I’m so glad you are here dongsaeng. I seem to have misplaced my phone and I guess I never took it off of silent from the concert last night. I’ve been calling it but no luck so far. Can you help me look? I need to call the others about your performance tonight.”

Leo could not see the woman speaking but her voice was coming from around the corner and he understood a little of what she was saying.

“Yah…wae you so quiet dongsaeng?” The voice was coming closer and Leo was greeted with the sight of a hot pink bra and a bare tummy before he lowered his eyes in shock to stare at the ground.

A startled gasp had him jerking his eyes up as a white top drifted down to cover her body.

“Joesonghapnida.” He whispered softly not sure if he was more embarrassed for her or for himself.

“Who? Wha…” she stuttered.

“Hand phone.” He said as he held out her cell.

“Oh! My cell phone! You found it! Kamsahapnida!” She said as she reached to take it, but when her hand touched his she trembled and jerked it away as though it had bitten her.

He raised his head to find her swaying slightly as she stared at him.

“L..Le….Leo.” She whispered softly before her eyes closed and her legs slid out from under her.

Dropping the flowers he dashed forward to catch her.

“Hyung!” he called his voice raised in panic.

He slowly sank to his knees cradling her against him and he noted absently her tanned skin and dark brown hair…with teal? He touched the strands lightly and realized it was indeed dyed.

Hearing a sound he looked up to see the other five members crowded in the doorway with their mouths open.

“She fainted. What do I do?”

Ken quickly shut the camera off and went to stand beside Leo. “Maybe we should put her on the bed?”

He nodded and moved so that one arm was under her back and the other under her knees. Effortlessly he stood with her cradled against him and he felt his heart thud as he felt the lush body of a woman against him.

Quickly he strode over to the bed and gently set her on it. A low moan came from her as her lashes fluttered before they opened slowly to blink several times before they focused on him and he felt the full impact of those chocolate brown eyes.

Another moan escaped her as she closed her eyes and shook her head. “Aish, girl wake up this is no time for dreaming.”

One eye peaked open and then closed when she saw him again. Groaning she opened the other to look the other way and shrieked as she saw the other members of VIXX around the bed. Startled she shot backwards and hit her head against the wall.

“Ow! Eotteoke?” She whimpered as she rubbed her head and then stared at them.

“Dreaming?” she said hopefully looking at N.

He shook his head and she groaned.

N bowed, “Annyeong Haseyo, I am Leader N.”

Her eyes widened, “It’s you.”


“You! Last night on the beach. That was you.” She waved towards the beach and asked shyly. “Singing?”

His eyes lit up and his signature charming smile flashed across his face. “Ne, Nae pume dugeundugeun…” he trailed off as he grinned at her and she smiled back. Neither noticed Leo’s surprised expression.

N pointed at her and asked okay and she stared at him confused.

Crossing around he went to her side and gently touched her head. At her wince he apologized.

“Unni!!!! I’m here! Sorry I’m late. Are you ready?” A younger Asian girl came into the bedroom and stopped stunned…


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Chapter 35: WOW LOL UGHH KAY JUST READ THIS IN ONE SITTINGG. I HAVENT READ A FANFIC IN LIKE 2 MONTHS, GLAD I READ THIS ONE. AND KAY THERE IS A SEQUEL RIGHT. U WILL NOTT END THIS LIKE THIS XD AND LOL the story was well done for your first fanfic. I think more revision would help because there were some typos here and there. but yo LOL "Noonaaa' lol i can't be a noona to anyone xD Im the youngest in my friend group. Yo it was a good read. Thank you alot.
mizukki #2
Chapter 36: Omggg...
Shoo sadddd.
Was like giggling and smiling while reading at first but the ending is soooo saddddd.
Oh my gosh feel like crying!!!
reirakim #3
Chapter 35: pmg i love this story... the end is so sad T-T
Ilovekpopforever #4
Chapter 36: Well I read this in one day, too much to intake on what happened?!
Ilovekpopforever #5
Chapter 35: Omg that was so sad!
crazyfangirl1000 #6
Chapter 35: This was sooooo sad!!!! OMG but SOOOO
Chapter 35: Oh my god I'm crying so hard right now! I had a feeling the ending wasn't gonna be a pleasant one but I definitely didn't see this coming. I liked it though and I definitely think that this was a well written story with a very good message for those crazy sasaengs (not like they'll listen to it but it was a good try) if you make a sequel can you post the link in this story? I wanna be able to find it if you do.
leejinkeybum #8
Chapter 35: Is there a sequel!!
Chapter 35: Dear author, i have been actively reading your fic and this is the first time leaving a comment. First, let me just tell you how beautifully written the whole story was. I loved reading each chapter and I loved how the whole story started and ended. It's an unexpected ending, though but it's brilliant! When I was at the 34th chapter, i thought it was only halfwy thru the story, but then when i saw that it was completed, my heart sunk and i almost cried reading thru the final chapter of your story. It's a really nice fic! I hope you'll write more awesome fics in future cos im subscribing to you, oh yes i am. Hehe. I'd hug you if i could cos this is by far the best leo fic ever! ^^