Chapter 4. Leo's Mission

The Lion meets the Lioness


Chapter 4

Hongbin took the flower arrangement from the giggling girl at the door and offered her a cute smile before he bowed slightly and stepped back to close the door.  A muffled squeal reached the ears of the other members who were gathered around one of the beds and they shook their heads.

“Another one falls to the charm of our flower boy.” Ravi shook his head in disbelief.

“Actually Hyung she was asking about you.”

Ravi straightened against the wall he leaning on. “Really?”

He growled when he saw Hongbin’s dimples appear as he started laughing. “Very funny.”

The two fell silent as the connecting door opened and Ken came in. “He’s just getting out of the shower.”

N opened the door and peeked into the hall before closing it and turning back to the others. “He said she is still there.”

Ken sat on the edge of the bed closest to the door. “Hyung…how is this going to work again? What if she doesn’t open the door?”

N smiled, “She will.”

“But what if she doesn’t? And do you really think he will do it?”

Walking over to fuss with the flowers the leader grinned. “He will if he thinks it’s something we have to accomplish for the show.” He grabbed the camera off the desk and held it out with a flourish.

The others clapped as they wow’ed and exclaimed over his idea.

Ken who had been standing between the two rooms suddenly moved and closed the door. “The shower stopped!”

  Quickly opening the door to the hall N whispered for Sanghyuk to hurry back.

The maknae rushed back in and tumbled onto the bed next to Hongbin and grabbed the cards that had been staged to make it look like they were playing a card game.

Ravi put his headphones on and lay on the other bed with his eyes closed while N and Ken wrestled for control of the camera.

“Ne, as you can see we are just relaxing and hanging out in the hotel room right now.” The connecting door opened and silently Leo walked into the room.

He saw the camera in their hands and moved out of the line of sight and looked at the members who were acting odd even for themselves.

Sanghyuk tried to ask Hongbin for a card but stuttered nervously and looked at Leo, who was busy staring at the flowers and did not notice. He breathed deeply in relief.

“Wae?”  The gently spoken voice had the effect of a loud boom and the room went silent.

N and Ken gulped and looked at each other. “Wae?” Ken asked nervously his voice unintentionally climbing high into his Kenjumma voice.

Leo turned his head to stare at him. With a barely noticeable nod at the flowers he stared at them.

“Uh…they are for a mission for you.”

Nothing in Leo’s expression changed but everyone in the room could feel something coming from him.


“I…we….uh that is. Last night Ken noticed a cell phone outside the door of the room next to us and we posted a question on the Café on which member the fans wanted to have bring it back and uh….well they chose you.”

Now technically they were not lying, they had posted a question on the café but it more or less asked if Starlight’s thought Leo should do it. Fans were eager to see more of Leo on camera and they had hoped that they would agree with the idea.

Leo looked at the flowers and then at the others, “wae?” he asked again expressionless.

Ravi opened an eye, “Well we thought noona might like some flowers when you return her phone.”

The moment the words were out of his mouth he froze and Ken glared at him mouthing the words, “You’re going to get it.”

N hurried to Leo’s side and patted his shoulder, “Hongbin-ah noticed yesterday it was a woman coming out of the room so we thought flowers would help her be less intimidated by your presence when you return it.” The stare he received had him pointing, “Yes that’s what I’m talking about.”

Sighing Leo asked when he needed to do it.

Ravi sat up and handed the phone to Leo, “Well she probably needs it right away.  She’s received several calls, text messages and messages on Kakaotalk.” The others looked at him in surprise.

“Well it kept making different sounds so I just looked at the screen and all the alerts kept coming up. I didn’t actually read them.” He finished defensively.

N shook his head and looked at Leo. “Why not do it right now and get it over with? Like when we bungee jumped back before we debuted. Face our fears… um not that you are afraid.”

Leo sighed again and picked up the phone and the vase with the flowers….

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Chapter 35: WOW LOL UGHH KAY JUST READ THIS IN ONE SITTINGG. I HAVENT READ A FANFIC IN LIKE 2 MONTHS, GLAD I READ THIS ONE. AND KAY THERE IS A SEQUEL RIGHT. U WILL NOTT END THIS LIKE THIS XD AND LOL the story was well done for your first fanfic. I think more revision would help because there were some typos here and there. but yo LOL "Noonaaa' lol i can't be a noona to anyone xD Im the youngest in my friend group. Yo it was a good read. Thank you alot.
mizukki #2
Chapter 36: Omggg...
Shoo sadddd.
Was like giggling and smiling while reading at first but the ending is soooo saddddd.
Oh my gosh feel like crying!!!
reirakim #3
Chapter 35: pmg i love this story... the end is so sad T-T
Ilovekpopforever #4
Chapter 36: Well I read this in one day, too much to intake on what happened?!
Ilovekpopforever #5
Chapter 35: Omg that was so sad!
crazyfangirl1000 #6
Chapter 35: This was sooooo sad!!!! OMG but SOOOO
Chapter 35: Oh my god I'm crying so hard right now! I had a feeling the ending wasn't gonna be a pleasant one but I definitely didn't see this coming. I liked it though and I definitely think that this was a well written story with a very good message for those crazy sasaengs (not like they'll listen to it but it was a good try) if you make a sequel can you post the link in this story? I wanna be able to find it if you do.
leejinkeybum #8
Chapter 35: Is there a sequel!!
Chapter 35: Dear author, i have been actively reading your fic and this is the first time leaving a comment. First, let me just tell you how beautifully written the whole story was. I loved reading each chapter and I loved how the whole story started and ended. It's an unexpected ending, though but it's brilliant! When I was at the 34th chapter, i thought it was only halfwy thru the story, but then when i saw that it was completed, my heart sunk and i almost cried reading thru the final chapter of your story. It's a really nice fic! I hope you'll write more awesome fics in future cos im subscribing to you, oh yes i am. Hehe. I'd hug you if i could cos this is by far the best leo fic ever! ^^