Chapter 26. Coed Slumber Party

The Lion meets the Lioness


Chapter 26

The weary group trudged into the hotel happy but exhausted. They had spent the rest of the day hanging out at the boardwalk just playing and having a good time. The girls had their arms full of stuffed toys the guys had won them playing different games.

Melody smiled gently as she watched Ravi, and Hongbin practically carrying Yhinny and Summer. Trina leaned against Ken bumping hips as they walked. On her own waist Leo’s hand rested as they walked. She couldn’t say exactly when it was that they had stopped holding hands and started walking like this but she didn’t mind at all and the slightly possessive way he would tighten his hand when they passed a man sent butterflies fluttering in her tummy.

Trina roused herself drowsily as they reached the rooms and looked startled. “We’re not going to bed are we?”

Hyun nodded in agreement, “It’s still early hyungs…noonas…and I’m kind of hungry.” Ravi hurriedly seconded that and looking at the others who had showed interest at the mention of food N and Melody suggested a movie and some snacks.

They parted ways at the doors so the girls could get their room ready and the guys would go in search of food. Melody and Leo were the last ones at the door and it was with reluctance that they parted, knowing they would be back together again very shortly. As Melody slid out from under Leo’s arm his hand trailed down her arm until it reached her hand and then with a slight caress their fingers slipped apart as they went into the rooms.

Inside she found the others wide awake and racing around freshening up and she blinked startled. Looking at Trina for an explanation the taller girl shrugged sheepishly. “We were hoping someone would suggest a movie. Summer said she has a scary one with her.”

Melody’s eyebrows rose before with a shout of laughter she shook her head helplessly. Those little stinkers she thought with affection, they had planned this.

“Well you girls know I don’t like scary movies so I don’t think I’ll watch it with you.”

Summer hurried across the room to tug on Melody’s hands. “Oh please Unni! You can cuddle with Leo oppa during the scary parts.” The others chimed in agreeing with her and Melody laughed again.

“It’s okay girls. I really want to go for a swim, but I’m sure I’ll be back in time to watch some of it with you.”

The groans of disappointment were cut off when a knock sounded on the door and Trina went over to open it and let the guys in. The amount of snacks they had was astonishing until N admitted they had run down to the little store in the lobby to load up on them.

Melody shook her head at the foolish men and grabbed her swimsuit and went into the bathroom to change. Tossing an oversized tee-shirt over herself she took a towel from the rack and opened the door to see Leo waiting by the hall door in his swim trunks.

“Are you sure?” She asked uncertainty, worried that he might want to watch the movie but felt like he had to go with her. He smiled and her own answering one lit her face as she peeked around the corner to see the others settling in with their drinks and snacks, the previews already starting for the movie. Quickly she grabbed the camera and took a picture. They all looked so adorable in their sleepwear; it was like they were having a giant slumber party. She wondered when she came back if someone would have a mustache drawn on their face because they were the first to fall asleep. Shaking away the memory of having been on the receiving end of that joke once she cleared .

“We’ll be back kids; Leo-yah and I are going for a swim.” They all just nodded except for N and Ken who looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

“Have fun Unni!” Yhinny said as she snuggled on the floor with Ravi.

Melody grabbed a room key off the table and her cell and told them to call her if there were any problems and she and Leo left the room together to head down to the pool…

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Chapter 35: WOW LOL UGHH KAY JUST READ THIS IN ONE SITTINGG. I HAVENT READ A FANFIC IN LIKE 2 MONTHS, GLAD I READ THIS ONE. AND KAY THERE IS A SEQUEL RIGHT. U WILL NOTT END THIS LIKE THIS XD AND LOL the story was well done for your first fanfic. I think more revision would help because there were some typos here and there. but yo LOL "Noonaaa' lol i can't be a noona to anyone xD Im the youngest in my friend group. Yo it was a good read. Thank you alot.
mizukki #2
Chapter 36: Omggg...
Shoo sadddd.
Was like giggling and smiling while reading at first but the ending is soooo saddddd.
Oh my gosh feel like crying!!!
reirakim #3
Chapter 35: pmg i love this story... the end is so sad T-T
Ilovekpopforever #4
Chapter 36: Well I read this in one day, too much to intake on what happened?!
Ilovekpopforever #5
Chapter 35: Omg that was so sad!
crazyfangirl1000 #6
Chapter 35: This was sooooo sad!!!! OMG but SOOOO
Chapter 35: Oh my god I'm crying so hard right now! I had a feeling the ending wasn't gonna be a pleasant one but I definitely didn't see this coming. I liked it though and I definitely think that this was a well written story with a very good message for those crazy sasaengs (not like they'll listen to it but it was a good try) if you make a sequel can you post the link in this story? I wanna be able to find it if you do.
leejinkeybum #8
Chapter 35: Is there a sequel!!
Chapter 35: Dear author, i have been actively reading your fic and this is the first time leaving a comment. First, let me just tell you how beautifully written the whole story was. I loved reading each chapter and I loved how the whole story started and ended. It's an unexpected ending, though but it's brilliant! When I was at the 34th chapter, i thought it was only halfwy thru the story, but then when i saw that it was completed, my heart sunk and i almost cried reading thru the final chapter of your story. It's a really nice fic! I hope you'll write more awesome fics in future cos im subscribing to you, oh yes i am. Hehe. I'd hug you if i could cos this is by far the best leo fic ever! ^^