Girl phobia..?

Girl Phobia?! [Haitus]


Something's wrong with me, I even hurt Victoria yesterday.. Ah what should I do? T_T


The next day, Onew was informed that he has a Chicken CF shooting by Manager Kim.

Onew's POV

                Finally something to cheer me up! :D Chicken is always my best friend. I asked who I would be doing it with and I realised it was SNSD's Taeyeon. She and I are good friends and we often talk together. But the suddenly, I don't feel like going anymore. The mention of her name makes me uncomfortable.

                "It's really her? Confirmed?" I asked to confirm what I heard.

                "Why yes, is anything wrong?" Manager Kim replied.

              Argh, I don't want to go. D: But then I'm already in the car and I can't expect myself to jump out of the window right? Aish, we're reaching. I really really really don't want to go. Why does she have to be there anyway.


Taeyeon's POV

                I'm looking forward to shooting the MV with Onew. xD He's a fun and lovable person, and since we're shooting a chicken CF, he'll go completely crazy. Ah he's here!

                "Annyeo-" I opened my mouth but he just walked away. Eh? Did he not see me? Maybe he really didn't. Oh well, I'll just greet him later.


Onew's POV

                "Onew, later you'll be doing a scene with Taeyeon whereby you have to act like a happy couple and feed her chicken. Just make sure you all give a satisfied and contented look and it'll be okay! Thanks for your hard work!" the producer told me.

                Okay.. happy couple.. with Hyun- wait no Taeyeon.. Share chicken.. HOW AM I GOING TO DO THAT? T_T Why am I nervous in the first place? I've done various CFs with her and never felt this scared and uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid.

                We started rehearsing before giving the shooting the real scene. I sat down beside her and she smiled to me. Eeks, I forced a smile and pulled my chair further. Then I took the chicken in front of me and brought it to . I felt really awkward and winced slightly.

                "NONONO THAT'S WRONG! Why are you all so far apart? AND ONEW! Give a happy expression, get it? Show a HAPPY expression! Rehearse one last time and we'll take the actual shooting!"

                Okay okay.. calm down Onew. There's nothing to be scared of. It's just feeding some chicken to a girl. There's nothing wrong with that right? I dragged by chair slightly nearer to her and brought the chicken to again. I forced out a smile. Why is it so hard?

                "NONONO ONEW! You're still too far! You're a couple! Forget it, Onew, if you can't feed, let Taeyeon feed you then."

                Curses, now I made the situation even worse. I dragged by chair again. I saw her giving me a are-you-okay look and then pretended I didn't notice. I opened my mouth like I saw some freaking monster. When the chicken was going to enter my mouth, the producer screamed again.

                "Forget it, let's postpone this CF till 2 weeks later. I'm disappointed in you today, Onew."

                I sighed. Something's really wrong with me. I pretended to forget to apologise to Taeyeon and walked away.

                As I packed my stuff ready to go, as expected, Manager Kim came to scold me.

                "What's wrong with you Onew. It's like after Hyun Jung died you have some girl phobia."

                Omg, even he knows about the death. I bet it's some busybody fans who uploaded it on the net. And girl phobia? To think about it, I really have been scared of females. First, Victoria, now Taeyeon. What the heck is wrong with me now. Stay strong Onew, forget about Hyun Jung.

                "I give you 2 weeks to overcome your phobia. At this rate, the popularity of SHINee will go down and most probably you will be disbanded."

                WHAT!?! Disband? No it can never happen. Never. I love all the members of SHINee. Argh, I can't let a girl just affect my work. -__- I must overcome this phobia. Must.


A/N: I tried to extend this chapter a little. :\ Any comments about this length of a chapter? (: 

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clairdeluna #1
i read it all in 2 hours.. update more~~~~
That girl whose name is Akira....Her picture up in the poster I know her...Not her real name though. I think it was the female protagonist of Hana Yori Dango's Makino Tsukushi.....I think it was Inoue Mao
mm hi haha i just started reading this today but why it says annyeong jojotaemin on chapter 18?? or is that something else.... yeh just wondering it kinda freaked me out for a second there... ^_^
bored. just spamming ahahaha Describe :)
update soon lahhhh :))))))<br />
New reader here! Looking forward to reading your story, it sounds super awesome <:
hello..<br />
i'm a new reader....<br />
just curious...<br />
the pic of akira is the female lead in hana yori dango ryt..???
Awsome and take your time we will just wait for you so keep up the good work when you can k?<br />
:)<br />
Describe #9
Thank you all for your awesome comments! :D