First date

Girl Phobia?! [Haitus]

Where are we going? O_O


Akira's POV

                Jonghyun drove into a very rural area. Are we going to a farm? To the jungle? How exciting! xD At least it's not those cliche places like amusement parks. I'm sure looking forward to it! :D

                Then we stopped by a lake. Jonghyun went to the car boot and took out some equipment. What are we going to do? Hiking? Camping?

                "We're going to fish today ~" I heard Jonghyun say.

                Omg, fishing? Seriously? That's like really boring. All we can do is just wait for the fish to come up and bite on your bait. This date will be all waiting. And I hate waiting. I can't help but be a little disappointed. I felt my heart sink but didn't show it in my face. I put on a smile. After all, if I'm in a bad mood, Jonghyun will be sad too. ): Since it's our first date, I shall give it a try.


Jonghyun's POV

                No one really knows that I like fishing. I think that she is the only one other than the other SHINee members who know about my hobby. I want her to be special. :D I hope that she's not disappointed. I want to share my interests with her ~

                I took out the foldable chairs and the bucket of worms. I gave her a fishing rod and other necessary fishing equipment.

                "Boo." I tried scaring her with the worms. Hehe, she looks freaked out. Akira's so cute! :D


Akira's POV

                Actually I'm not really scared of worms. I don't know why, but  figured out that that was what he expected. So I faked an expression. Was that bad? I don't know, I've never been on dates before. I forced myself to be enjoying this fishing date.

                We sat down and Jonghyun taught me how to reel the rod in once I feel a tug. I hate being taught, I suffered enough in school already. ): But I don't want to disappoint Jonghyun...


Onew's POV

                OMG SERIOUSLY? How can Jonghyun bring a girl out to fishing.. Aish, not everyone enjoys fishing like him pabo! I should have gave him some tips right? And this going to take long. Am I just going hide behind the bush and watch them all day? And there's no good connection in this place at all -.- What if something happens? They can't contact anyone at all. Seriously, I really need to teach Jonghyun.


Akira's POV

                "OHOHOHOH I FEEL A TUG!" I suddenly got excited and stood up. Jonghyun got excited too and helped me reel in. I saw the end of the hook and there was nothing except the worm.. WTF? Seriously, I'm starting to hate this.

                "Maybe you felt a ripple and not a real tug. That happens often." Jonghyun comforted me and sat down again. I wonder how he even enjoys this boring activity. I sighed a little and started staring into the lake again. More waiting..

                Then, I felt a tug again. This time, it was much stronger. I stood up and got happy again. This time it better not be a false alarm! I tried reeling it myself and Jonghyun was at the side shouting "pull it up quickly!" I admit that it didn't help.

                I pulled the hook up and saw a rather huge fish. Maybe a salmon? Whoo, I'm happy. I looked at Jonghyun expecting a cheer or a praise, but all he did was told me to put it down and he continued fishing. What's wrong with him? O_O Did his period arrive?


Jonghyun's POV

                Ahh why did she catch a fish first and I didn't? I wanted to show off to her, since I'm the experienced one.. D: ARGH NOW IT LOOKS LIKE I'M VERY PATHETIC STILL WAITING FOR A FISH. ): I waited in frustration. COME ON FISH WHERE ARE YOUUUUU ?

Hours passed and the Sun was setting.

                This is stupid. All I did was catch a few small fishes and Akira caught 3 big fishes. WHY IS SHE SO TALENTED. Psh, I shouldn't have brought her out fishing. I thought it would be a chance to show off my skills and yet I got defeated by an inexperienced girl.


Akira's POV

                Um seriously what's with Jonghyun? I thought that this trip was quite fun since I caught 3 big fishes at my first try hehe! After all, it's ME who's fishing right? :D I looked at Jonghyun's pathetic small fishes and tried not to laugh. I don't know why is he not talking to me anyway. T_T Am I too loud? Did I scare all his fishes away? It's not my fault that I'm so skilful in fishing anyway. I pouted.

                We drove back to SHINee's dorm with the fishes. All was silent. I felt like killing myself from the boredom, and Jonghyun wouldn't talk to me. ARGH. Maybe he's not my type..

                When we arrived, I heard Jonghyun sighing.

                "I'm sorry, I think I'm in a bad mood today. I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy the date." he leaned over and kissed my forehead.

                I don't know why, but I didn't feel red. I didn't feel warm. I didn't feel embarrassed. In fact, I got even more pissed. Just a kiss and you expect me to forgive you? He thinks his kiss will work for the fan girls? Well, I'm not a fan girl. I hid my anger and just went out of the car, not saying anything. Maybe all the feelings I had for him earlier were not really what I expected.

                It wasn't love.


A/N: Enjoy the chapter! This is a rather long chapter for me. :D 

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clairdeluna #1
i read it all in 2 hours.. update more~~~~
That girl whose name is Akira....Her picture up in the poster I know her...Not her real name though. I think it was the female protagonist of Hana Yori Dango's Makino Tsukushi.....I think it was Inoue Mao
mm hi haha i just started reading this today but why it says annyeong jojotaemin on chapter 18?? or is that something else.... yeh just wondering it kinda freaked me out for a second there... ^_^
bored. just spamming ahahaha Describe :)
update soon lahhhh :))))))<br />
New reader here! Looking forward to reading your story, it sounds super awesome <:
hello..<br />
i'm a new reader....<br />
just curious...<br />
the pic of akira is the female lead in hana yori dango ryt..???
Awsome and take your time we will just wait for you so keep up the good work when you can k?<br />
:)<br />
Describe #9
Thank you all for your awesome comments! :D