
Girl Phobia?! [Haitus]


Jonghyun, because of you I've embarrassed myself in front of Taeyeon! 


Akira's POV

                "Ring ring!" The school bell sounded like music to my ears. I shot up from my seat and grabbed my bag. Finally I don't have to look at those ridiculous teachers and putting up with their mood swings. I walked to the locker to put my books, thinking about what Key umma would be cooking for dinner.

                I opened my locker and stuffed all the useless things inside. As I locked it back, I was enjoying the small weight of my bag and felt happy. Finally I walked off towards the school gate, but only to feel a really strong tug on the neck hole of my shirt.

                "Yah, you." I heard a rather high-pitched voice behind me.

                I turned behind, thinking who's disgusting voice was that. The female was rather short and wore revealing glittering pink clothes. She dyed her hair blonde and put on heavy makeup. Those fake eyelashes of her made me want to puke. She had several friends behind her staring at me. I shook her hand off my body.

                "Jonghyun isn't yours."

                Ahh, now I remember. She was that queeka who wanted to fight with me that day right? Is she going to pick up another fight again? I mean, it's not like Jonghyun would even fall in love with these disgusting freaks.

                "Yes, he's not mine, so?" I replied while rolling my eyes.

                "Do you want me to dig those eyeballs out for you?"

                Whoa whoa whoa, look who's getting violent here. What's wrong with them argh. I was too tired to even argue with them. They're not even worth my precious time. The more I look at them, the more I feel nauseous.

                I was about to just walk away and ignore them, when she literally shrieked.

                "Girls, get her."

                Before I had the chance to react, I felt my mouth covered with a cloth and someone dragging me backwards. I shook her hands off and attempted to run away. I might be small, but I have learnt martial arts before. I'm glad that my skills didn't betray me this time round.

                Running towards the opposite direction, I saw five to six girls. I turned around, and yet there was another batch of girls already waiting for me. Curses, I'm trapped. There was nowhere I could run and not a single person was in sight.

                Where were the teachers when I actually needed them?

                I felt really helpless this time, and I felt my hands being tied up by a thick piece of rope. No matter how hard I tried this time, they simply wouldn't let go.

                "Yah, what are you doing? Let go of me, or else." I tried to scare them off with my threat.

                "Or else what little girl?" I heard one of them snicker.

                I really felt like bashing them up, punching them in the face, slap them hard. But in this pathetic condition, I couldn't do anything except glare at them. I struggled as hard as I could can, but the rope didn't give way. They dragged me to one corner of the school.

                "Welcome to the janitor's room, good luck girl." The blonde smirked and pushed me into the dark room while stuffing a ball of newspaper into my mouth.

                "YA WHAT'S WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU?" I screamed at them after puffing out the newspaper, while kicking the door. I wasn't pretending, I got really afraid.

                They locked the door and threw the key into the nearby bin. My eyes grew wide. I looked around the room, there wasn't any source of light except for a tiny little window. The switch didn't work. No food, drinks, and not even a toilet. How was I going to survive in a room full of brooms and mops?

                I sat down in one corner near the window.

                Don't cry, Akira.

                I cried. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I didn't even offend those people anyway, I didn't want to. Why am I being like this? I thought my life was going to improve once I move into SHINee dorm, but instead, it worsened my lives.

                I'm going to die.

                I buried my head between my legs. My hands were hurting from the rough texture of the rope. I sniffed a little, this was the second worst thing that happened in my life, next to the death of my parents and grandparents.

Onew's POV

                I looked among the thongs of students rushing out from the school and didn't spot Akira. Where was she anyway? Did she go back by herself already? I looked at my watch.

                10 minutes.

                15 minutes.

                30 minutes.

                1 hour.

                Okay, where the hell was she? I wanted to ask manager hyung to drive me back to the dorm, but there was this feeling that held me back. I peeked through the car window and saw no one in sight.

                You're such a trouble maker, Akira.

                I rushed into the school, it was practically empty. I searched the corridors, and saw a bunch of girls laughing at chatting away happily. Maybe I could ask them.

                "That girl deserved it. Haha, That would definitely show her who SHINee belong to." I saw this blonde girl talking to her clique.

                SHINee? Girl? I pieced everything in my brain. And ran towards them.

                "Oh my gosh, oppa! Why are you here?" The blonde girl squeaked and the rest of the clique surrounded me while jumping around. I felt like suffocating by their perfume smells.

                "Tell me, what happened to Akira?" My voice turned completely serious and shot them a glare.

                "Ahh oppa, that little girl, she isn't even pretty, why are you even liking her. Look at us, ain't we much better than her?" that girl was seriously pissing me off.

                I stared at the faces and almost wanted to puke at their puffy lips which looked like they were swollen.

                Of course Akira was much better.

                I didn't show my emotions, but just shot them another glare.

                "Don't be like this.."

                "I'm asking you, where the hell is Akira?" I raised my voice, and there was an echo bouncing back from the empty corridor.

                Was that girl simply stupid or what?


A/N: This is like the longest chapter I've ever written.

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clairdeluna #1
i read it all in 2 hours.. update more~~~~
That girl whose name is Akira....Her picture up in the poster I know her...Not her real name though. I think it was the female protagonist of Hana Yori Dango's Makino Tsukushi.....I think it was Inoue Mao
mm hi haha i just started reading this today but why it says annyeong jojotaemin on chapter 18?? or is that something else.... yeh just wondering it kinda freaked me out for a second there... ^_^
bored. just spamming ahahaha Describe :)
update soon lahhhh :))))))<br />
New reader here! Looking forward to reading your story, it sounds super awesome <:
hello..<br />
i'm a new reader....<br />
just curious...<br />
the pic of akira is the female lead in hana yori dango ryt..???
Awsome and take your time we will just wait for you so keep up the good work when you can k?<br />
:)<br />
Describe #9
Thank you all for your awesome comments! :D