
My Stranger, My Beautiful Stranger

Miya stirred in her sleep knocking her hand against the leg of the coffee table and waking up instantly. She winced and held her hand gingerly, rubbing it softly to make the pain go away. As she rubbed her hand she began noticing the other details in the room such as how the sunlight pouring in through the window made the glasses on the table gleam like the Galerie de glaces in France. She noticed how the curtains were flung open and the beer bottles were gone, and lastly she noticed that she was now lying on the couch rather than on the floor where she had positioned herself.

Miya swung her legs off the couch and bit her lip, looking for Woohyun. Right on cue a figure strolled in through the kitchen carrying two cups.

“Woohyun-ah you’re awake” She observed as she stood up or tried to at least until the headache in her head began pounding and made her sit down again. He smiled and held out a cup.

“Drink” he motioned and set his own cup to his lips and took a seat next to her. Obliging to his command she began taking small sips, feeling the concoction simmer in and warm her belly. Neither of them said a word as they drank and Miya could feel the headache become better almost to a point that she couldn’t feel it any longer.

“Thank you” She smiled in his direction and set down the cup. He grinned and moved closer to her, she sat there not moving back at all but staring wide-eyed at him. She wasn’t afraid, she knew that from yesterday but the awkward feeling in her belly was transmitting some foreign emotions. She followed his hand as it reached up and slowly tucked away a falling hair. Such a cliché move. She thought but what confused her even more was how fast her heart was beating from the sudden contact.

“I-I g-got to go” She hastily decided as she stood up, grabbed her shoes and ran out the door. As the door closed she sunk down against her. Why was she feeling like this? Why was she being tormented by these foreign feelings lately? Shaking her head as she convinced herself that these jumbled up emotions meant nothing she stood up and began walking away.

Woohyun on the other hand was still in the same position as when she had left him when the doorbell rang. After a couple of rings Woohyun finally came to himself and hurried to open the door. Myungsoo stood there looking quite annoyed.

“Yah are you deaf?” Woohyun glared at him.

“What do you want now?” He asked.

“Let’s go” Myungsoo motioned towards his car. Woohyun raised his eyebrows in question. “Think of it as a repayment for helping me yesterday.” Myungsoo smiled as Woohyun looked suspiciously toward him.

“Uhh yeah, I’ll pass.” He opted as he began to close the door, Myungsoo’s foot came right in between and Woohyun sighed.

“I don’t really have a choice do I?” He asked fully knowing the answer. Myungsoo shook his head defiantly.

“Wait, let me get ready first” Woohyun muttered as he walked towards his bedroom.

“Hurry up” Myungsoo called from the living room.

Like hell I will. You show up unannounced and tell me to go somewhere. I am going to take all my sweet time to diva myself up.  Woohyun smiled at his little thought as he grabbed a towel and headed to the restroom, the events from last night replaying themselves in his head.

He was never quite the one who let alcohol affect him and at the moment he was pretty giddy about his alcohol control. He enjoyed last night, especially with all the going on in his life yesterday was a breath of fresh air. Miya was a breath of fresh air. He enjoyed talking to her yesterday and just letting everything out. Although the night began in a terrible manner it ended in such a beautiful way. And in the morning when he woke up with his blanket covering him his heart swelled even more. Then when he had tucked that hair away made his heart beat madly against his chest. He smiled at the thought of that and grinned even more at Miya’s reaction of how she had run out the door.

“I hope she’s safe” He mumbled still half absorbed in his memories.

Myungsoo paced around the living room, glaring ever few minutes into the alleyway that led to Woohyun’s room.

“What’s taking him so long?” He pondered as he kept on pacing. “Aish that boy!” He yelled as he went into the kitchen to get water. As he was getting himself a glass, his eyes couldn’t help but wander to the empty beer bottles in the trash. What had exactly happened last night? He wondered but quickly snapping out of it he set the glass aside completely forgetting about his thirst and marched over to the bathroom.

“Yah Woohyun if you make me wait longer I’m going to completely destroy your “Boys over flowers” DVD.”  Myungsoo threatened. Woohyun snapped out of it as he heard Myungsoo threaten his precious possession.

“Bastard” Woohyun yelled from the shower as he quickly began dressing himself.  Myungsoo smiled and headed back to the living room. In less than five minutes Woohyun was in the living room glaring at Myungsoo.

“I don’t know what your obsession is with that drama” Myungsoo mused.

“Have you never seen it? Oh gosh. Lee Minho… just your missing out so much Myungsoo” Woohyun rolled his eyes as he opened the front door and let both of them out.

“Yeah… and you call me girly” Myungsoo muttered opening his car. Woohyun raised his eyebrow.

“Do you want me to show you your makeup collection?”Woohyun asked sarcastically.

“It’s not makeup!” Myungsoo defended.

“Yeah tell that to the coordi Noonas who come to your house every time there is a photo shoot.” Woohyun smirked.

“They just like the atmosphere” Myungsoo attempted to defend himself again.

“The and alcohol atmosphere?” Woohyun asked. Myungsoo took his eyes off the road to glare at Woohyun.

“Are you implying that I’m a ?” Myungsoo asked incredulous. Woohyun shook his head ad Myungsoo almost cracked a smile.

“I’m implying that you’re a manwhore and I’m pretty sure most of the girls only sleep with you so they can get free makeup samples from you.” Myungsoo gasped.

“Take that back” He commanded only for Woohyun to smirk. “Well alright then how about you and crazy obsession for k-dramas? For heaven’s sake, when “To the beautiful you” was on T.V you were at my house with my mom crying over Minho and Sulli!” Myungsoo stuck his tongue out.

“I got some chili in my eye” Woohyun replied calmly though the vein in his neck was popping out.  

“Excuses, excuses” Myungsoo’s voice rang out as he pulled into a parking spot.

Completely forgetting their little argument Woohyun looked at the surroundings surprisingly. “Why are we here again? Are you picking up another girl?” Woohyun asked looking disgustedly towards Myungsoo.

“There’s no more girls! Aish” Myungsoo ruffled his hair.

“Then why are we here?” Woohyun asked again.

“I’m treating you to dubboki” Myungso couched and got out. Woohyun followed to the dubboki store.

“No really, what’s the real reason you brought me out here?” Woohyun asked. Myungsoo looked at Woohyun knowing he couldn’t lie to his best friend.

“You’re going to help me find Miya’s purse.”



It's my birthday today!!! Yay! i turned 16! :D Anyways hope youe enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment and subscribe. :)

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i changed the name from abandoned by time to this :D


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Chapter 19: Omg MIYA and woohyun
Chapter 19: o0o0o.
So there's two other rooms huh...
Chapter 18: Oh my this is bad. I ship miya and woohyun just as much as I ship miya and myungsoo!!
Chapter 18: I love Myungsoo, but I think Miya and Woohyun could be a cute couple too!
Chapter 15: You cancelled your plans with your girlfriend for a stranger cause you are starting to love her! Hahahah totally ship MIYA and MYUNGSOO!
Chapter 15: I ship Miya with Myungsoo so bad, omg.
And Woohyun... LOL
Chapter 14: OKAy. I officially ship Miya with Myungsoo!
Sorry Yongguk. ;_;
Chapter 12: I ship hey myungie
Chapter 12: Why is she confused? ._.