Accidental Meeting

My Stranger, My Beautiful Stranger

A Few Months Ago:

She held her head in her hands and groaned in pain. Why? Why was this happening to me right now? She thought as she pulled the covers tighter around her and set the teacup down. Sighing she closed her eyes and let sleep solve her problems.





When she awoke it was 1 AM and she had a strange urging to go outside, to get some fresh air. So ig­noring that she had been sick just a couple hours ago she pulled her track gear on, grabbed her ipod and keys, and began to run down the block. She inhaled the fresh, cold Seoul air that she had missed so much and began to run slower at an even pace. As she began to open her eyes she realized she was about to collide into the person in front of her but it was too late to avoid.

“Oomf!” She groaned once again as she felt herself falling until a pair of strong arms caught her. Stead­ying herself she backed away and held her head in her hands again, the pain beginning to emerge again.

“Watch where you’re going” The cold voice commanded. She opened her eyes, one at a time to see the stranger with the cold voice. His handsome features were highlighted by the moonlight. Strong jawline, beautiful eyes, soft skin, silky hair, in other words perfect. Perfectly horrible! Why was he being such a jerk to her? It was just an accident that she bumped into him.

“I’m sorry, it was an accident” She mumbled still looking down with her head in her hands.

“Well… be careful next time!” His voice came out again, cold, commanding, like he knew he had all the control. Nodding her head she began to walk off when the pain from head made her groan.

“Are you alright?” He asked, she turned around glaring at him.

“I’m fine” She muttered as he headed off in the opposite direction.

Myungsoo raised an eyebrow at the weird girl who had walked off in the opposite direction. Whatever just nobody. With that thought fading in his mind he returned to his evening stroll.

Rubbing her eyes she sat down near a convenience store and opened her bottle of chocolate milk which she loved so much. Gulping down the liquid, her mind calmed down soothed by the milk.

“Ahhh” She relaxed into the chair and put away her ipod wanting to enjoy the peace of the night. Who was the boy she had bumped into earlier? His face was engraved into her memory and she knew he wasn’t going to be leaving her mind anytime soon. Sighing she tried to concentrate on other things such as how she had missed another job interview due to the fact that she was sick.

“Arghh!” She yelled angrily as he picked up the bottle and drank again.

“Angry at something?” The voice. That oh so familiar voice that she had heard just a few minutes ago was back again. She whirled around and faced the handsome yet cold stranger.

“Why does it matter to you?” She asked as he faced back around. He took a seat opposite her holding a bag of whatever he had just bought from the store.


“Just trying to be polite” He smiled and her heart instantly warmed by it but her mind was still seething from his demeanor back there.

“Are you on your period?” She asked sarcastically, he smirked amused by her witty comments.

“Why?” He asked.

“You are having major mood swings!” She glared at him and he laughed. One of those hearty laughs that close to nobody had heard from him but here was this stranger making him feel so comfortable. Myungsoo was quite surprised the effects this stranger was having on him.

“Well I tried to be nice back there but you just muttered something and walked off” Myungsoo defended himself.

“How? When?” She asked pointing a finger at him while leaning back in her chair. She was starting to become real comfortable in his presence and she had no reason as too why.

“Remember I asked whether you were alright?” He raised an eyebrow looking at her expectantly.

“Oh my bad I’m sorry I was still in shock from your rude behavior when I accidently knocked into you.” She huffed and folded her arms across her chest.

“Well when people bump into me in the middle night I’m not really big on inviting them to tea at my house.” He smiled and she knew he was exaggerating and quite right but she didn’t want to admit it, instead she got up and began to walk away.

“Hey, hey wait up stranger” Myungsoo yelled as he caught up with her.

“Leave me alone” She muttered as she began to walk faster.

“It’s the middle of the night and I know better than to let a girl walk home by herself, my parents raised me better than that.” He smiled again. What was wrong with him?! Why was he smiling so much around her? This was definitely a new Myungsoo and he despised it.

“I can take care of myself”

“Well I will be your extra help then” He smirked at her and she continued glaring at him. Her mood was cooling down and she wasn’t as mad at herself for falling sick as she was before and this stranger was the cause of that. She smiled inside, happy that she wasn’t feeling ill anymore and that this stranger was walking her home. Hang on a minute, a stranger was walking her home. A stranger. A stranger. She kept repeating the words around before halting her footsteps and facing him. Surprised, his brown chocolate like eyes widened at her accusing expression.



“Something wrong?” He asked.


“Me” He asked pointing at himself.


“What’s wrong with me?” He asked.

“You’re a stranger” She whispered as if it was a secret.

“So are you” He looked at her dumbly.

“But I don’t want you to know where I live” She mumbled as she stepped back.

“Seriously? Do I look like that much of a creeper to you?” He asked scrutinizing her. No he didn’t, he looked like an absolute hunk to her but she wasn’t going to admit that she was too proud.

“Yes” He began to open his mouth to respond but she cut him off.

“If you know what’s good for you walk away” She said quietly, a hardened expression on her face.

“I’ll tell you my name” He suggested. She considered it and for just a fleeting moment her doubt disappeared. But it returned and after contemplating for a few minutes she agreed.

“Myungsoo” He said.

“Myungsoo” She whispered, savoring the word in .

“Let’s go now” He pointed in a vague direction and they began to walk again.

The walk was quite, neither of them spoke. She was repeating his name in her mind and smiling like a fool. He was deep in his own thoughts wondering why he was acting so differently around her.

“This is my stop” She said as she faced him. “Thanks for walking me home and saving me from creepers like you.” Before the insult registered in his mind and before he could come up with a good enough comeback she was up the stairs.

“Hey! Wait!” He called after her, she turned around looking at him expectantly.

“I never found out your name” He looked up, hope glimmering in his eyes to know the name of this beautiful stranger who had managed to capture and entice him within few moments.

“Well if we ever meet again I’ll let you know”

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i changed the name from abandoned by time to this :D


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Chapter 19: Omg MIYA and woohyun
Chapter 19: o0o0o.
So there's two other rooms huh...
Chapter 18: Oh my this is bad. I ship miya and woohyun just as much as I ship miya and myungsoo!!
Chapter 18: I love Myungsoo, but I think Miya and Woohyun could be a cute couple too!
Chapter 15: You cancelled your plans with your girlfriend for a stranger cause you are starting to love her! Hahahah totally ship MIYA and MYUNGSOO!
Chapter 15: I ship Miya with Myungsoo so bad, omg.
And Woohyun... LOL
Chapter 14: OKAy. I officially ship Miya with Myungsoo!
Sorry Yongguk. ;_;
Chapter 12: I ship hey myungie
Chapter 12: Why is she confused? ._.