
My Stranger, My Beautiful Stranger

Yongguk smiled as she welcomed him into her apartment.

“Hey” She smiled and led him to the couch.

“Hey” He replied. He eyed her carefully and his breath became hitched. She was clad in her pajama shorts which too him were short enough to get the blood pumping down there and a long T-shirt.

“Sorry that I’m still in my pajamas, the mess up from last night kind of stayed over” She explained with a tight smile. He was surprised at that comment and quite frankly a bit jealous that another man had stayed over at his girl’s house not that he had any right to call her his girl but still.

“How do you know him?” He asked more out of jealousy rather than curiosity.

“Remember the internship I wanted to get?” He nodded. “Yeah he is the son of the president of the law firm.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I hoped that maybe if I helped him he would put in a good word for me.” She said disdain threading her voice.

“And? Did he say he would?” Yongguk asked clearly intrigued. She shook her head sadly.

“No, he mocked me and left.” She looked away, afraid that if she continued this sad tale she would end up crying and she hated crying especially for such useless things.

“That bastard!” Yongguk stood up angrily. “Do you want me to go talk to him?” He asked looking awkwardly adorable. She giggled and pulled him a bit roughly to the point where he ended up staring intently into her eyes, their lips inches apart. His breath had definitely become more ragged and the staring contest between them had become really intense. The fact that she just her lips was helping none whatsoever with him pulling away. And before they knew it they lips had touched and in a few seconds the kiss had become quite a different story.


“Yongguk” She mumbled through his lips but he shushed her by pressing his lips harder against hers. She opened slightly giving entry to his tongue. The fireworks from the beach were still there and so was the passion. The connection between them was undeniable and they both knew it. She didn’t hesitate when their tongues collided against each other. They were getting high from the taste of each other.

“Wait-“ She paused pulling back. The growl in Yongguk’s throat was warning that what she had done was a bad idea. “Yongguk we just met each other again, yesterday for heaven’s sake.  We can’t do this.” She decided and pulled away adjusting her shirt in the process. Yongguk who had come to his senses agreed to her and moved away.

After that the silence was becoming a bit suffocating and either was begging the other in their minds to start up a conversation.

“Yeah, just tell me where he lives and I’ll go beat him up for being just a rude jerk to you!” Yongguk argued holding up his hands in a fighting position. She laughed hoping that the awkwardness between them would be broken by now.

“No it’s fine, if I need to beat him up I’ll do it myself.” She giggled softly and he grinned at her.

“Is that your plan for this summer?” He asked. She looked up, for a moment she had been lost in her thoughts and that scared her so much because most of her thoughts consisted of Myungsoo. She gulped. Why was she thinking of him? Or his cute little nose or those stunning eyes. She bit her lip hoping that the pain from the bite would change her thoughts.

“uh yeah.. law is a big part of my life.” She muttered a random statement as she forced herself to stop thinking about him. He nodded completely unobservant to how she had pulled out from the conversation. He was too busy worrying about what would happen if she started having feelings for this other boy.

“How about you?” She asked. He looked up.

“Uhhh yeah my dad wants me to go and get a job so here I am.” He mumbled.

“What kind of job?” She asked.

“Doesn’t really matter as long as it pays.” He joked. She laughed along and then it became quite again. She was about to speak when her phone rang. Happy for the interruption she picked up her phone and walked into the balcony.

“hello?” She spoke.

“Yes is this Miya Nagashi?” The voice asked.

“Yes it is, may I ask who am I speaking too?” She asked a bit worried at who the caller was since the number was new.

“Yes I am from Kim Corporation and I am here to tell you about your internship this summer.” The voice became to tell her. It took her a moment to absorb that she was talking about the internship.

“Uhh yes may I know the outcome?” She asked.

“Yes congratulations you have acquired a spot in his firm this summer. We need you too-“ She didn’t hear the rest for when she heard the words that she got accepted she became screaming ecstatically.

Thank you so much for the nice comments~ I don't know whether my chapters are long or short and i'm sorr if they're short. I just came back from my writer's block and school just got over so i think my writing skills ahve become rusty but please continue supporting me and hopefully i'll improve. :D

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i changed the name from abandoned by time to this :D


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Chapter 19: Omg MIYA and woohyun
Chapter 19: o0o0o.
So there's two other rooms huh...
Chapter 18: Oh my this is bad. I ship miya and woohyun just as much as I ship miya and myungsoo!!
Chapter 18: I love Myungsoo, but I think Miya and Woohyun could be a cute couple too!
Chapter 15: You cancelled your plans with your girlfriend for a stranger cause you are starting to love her! Hahahah totally ship MIYA and MYUNGSOO!
Chapter 15: I ship Miya with Myungsoo so bad, omg.
And Woohyun... LOL
Chapter 14: OKAy. I officially ship Miya with Myungsoo!
Sorry Yongguk. ;_;
Chapter 12: I ship hey myungie
Chapter 12: Why is she confused? ._.