
My Stranger, My Beautiful Stranger

“You know you can take off your shoes” Woohyun pointed as he started opening up two bottled. Miya untied her boots and put them away. She sat down on the rug and she realized she was right; the rug was just as soft as she had imagined. She took the bottle that Woohyun handed her and took a sip.

“Start talking” She said.

“Well after my really tiring day at work I was going back home and jackass Myungsoo called and told me to go pick up the girl by the dubboki shop. Amazing at giving directions isn’t he?” She rolled his eyes as he continued. “Anyway so me being the awesome friend that I am decided to do so and went looking for you. After I picked you up I was told to drive you back to your house but apparently Myungsoo is not only a jackass but also a because once I dropped you off with him he had no idea how to get you into your house and had to call me wondering whether your purse was in my car.”

Miya’s eyes perked at the sound of her purse, she didn’t want to interrupt but she was hoping that the civilian who had found her purse was kind enough to return it back to her.

“Then when I am about to reach home he calls me again asking me whether I can take you home with me because he got himself into a mess with his girlfriend. Oh that was his girlfriend by the way, the girl… oh wait you were wasted so I don’t think you saw her.” Miya squinted her eyes.

“Did she have brown almost golden curly hair and green eyes?” She asked. Woohyun nodded. “Yeah I saw her earlier tonight when I bumped into Myungsoo near the dubboki shop.” She explained.

“Oh that makes sense, I was wondering how he knew there was a drunk girl near a dubboki shop.” They both laughed and drank more.

“How do you two know each other?” Woohyun asked as he pointed his bottle at her.

“That’s quite a long story itself.” She replied staring off into space.

“And we have all night. Okay how about this we will trade stories?” Miya eyed him carefully.

“Why the hell not” She decided as she began to tell him how Myungsoo and her had met.


“Did you really bump into him?” Woohyun asked laughing as she explained how Myungsoo got drunk and she had to bring him home.

“Yeah and he was so mean about it like jeesh it's as if he has a stick up his a-” She coughed and they both laughed, sighing afterward. Miya bit her lip as she pondered on what more they could talk about.

“Did he really allow you to call him Myungsoo?” Woohyun asked genuinely surprised. Miya thought about it, to the night where they both had first met and he had walked her back home.

She nodded. “Yeah, I asked him what his name was and he answered with Myungsoo. Why? Did he lie?” She asked. Woohyun shook his head and smiled, almost losing himself in his thoughts.

“No... it's just that i've never met anyone who Myungsoo has allowed them to call him by his name. He prefers if he is called by L. If he allows himself to be called by Myungsoo you must be pretty special.” Woohyun mused. She raised her eyebrows.

“Special? Me?” She was incredulous at his proposition. “That fact that you even suggest that is funny” She laughed and took another sip. Woohyun nodded as he thought more about it, Myungsoo did seem pretty agitated around her so she shouldn't mean anything to him.

“I'm sorry” Miya blurted out, covering right afterward.

“Why are you sorry?” He asked setting down his bottle and coming to sit next to her, leaning against the sofa.

“Well I feel like I just took away so much of your nigh especially after you said that you have been working so hard today. You should be resting and here I am just being such a-” Before she could finish her apology she felt something fall onto her shoulder. Jostled she looked to her side and found Woohyun slightly snoring as he had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She smiled slightly as she moved his hair away from his face. “I'm so sorry” She whispered. And she meant it. She hated herself for being such a burden, if her mind wasn't so wrapped around Myungsoo and his damn actions she wouldn't have gone and gotten drunk. Woohyun would be sleeping peacefully at this moment in his bed, not half drunk on the shoulder of a girl he just met. She moved away slightly, holding up Woohyun as she propped a pillow for his head. She got to her feet quickly in search of a blanket and found herself exploring his house.

The first room appeared to be of no use since it was used as a office. She closed the door and went looking into the next which appeared to be futile as well since it was a library. Her eyes widened at the amount of books heaped against the wall in book cases. The third room was what she took to be Woohyun's bedroom. The neat bedroom portrayed a window by the bed which was covered by curtain. A closet to the side and another door that most likely led to his bathroom. She picked up the blankets on his bed and headed back to the living room completely forgetting about the other two rooms that she hadn't checked.

She covered his sleeping body with a blanket and walked to the other side of the table and laid down. She pondered on the past few days and the amount of tension and panic that had taken place. She was curiously wondering how her future was going to be affected if it continued in the same pattern as these past few days. She closed her eyes and soon her mind, so boggled with information, was at ease allowing her some sleep.



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i changed the name from abandoned by time to this :D


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Chapter 19: Omg MIYA and woohyun
Chapter 19: o0o0o.
So there's two other rooms huh...
Chapter 18: Oh my this is bad. I ship miya and woohyun just as much as I ship miya and myungsoo!!
Chapter 18: I love Myungsoo, but I think Miya and Woohyun could be a cute couple too!
Chapter 15: You cancelled your plans with your girlfriend for a stranger cause you are starting to love her! Hahahah totally ship MIYA and MYUNGSOO!
Chapter 15: I ship Miya with Myungsoo so bad, omg.
And Woohyun... LOL
Chapter 14: OKAy. I officially ship Miya with Myungsoo!
Sorry Yongguk. ;_;
Chapter 12: I ship hey myungie
Chapter 12: Why is she confused? ._.