
My Stranger, My Beautiful Stranger

Two updates in one day? :O I'm surprised too. A little peak into Yongguk's life. :) Comment and subscribe~

Yongguk picked up his phone gingerly wondering whether he should call and check up on her. I mean it was possibly the biggest heartbreak of his life to get friend zoned like that but hey he still liked her and wanted to make sure she was okay. She seemed so off during lunch and he had spent the entire afternoon mulling over her. He liked her so much, he liked her from day one when he met her at the beach and instantly fell for her smile. How cheesy did that sound? But he didn’t care for he wanted to be with her and when his dad had kicked him out, telling him that he had to go out in the world and fend for himself he couldn’t think of a better thing than making a family with this girl. The girl of his dreams and my he was ready to do it and he knew there was going to be competition but he didn’t realize the competition was going to be this fierce. He had seen the look in the boy’s eye when he stumbled to them drunk and pulled Miya away. The look he had so very much despised; the look of jealousy. The boy had been clearly jealous for god’s sake and when Miya had decided to take care of him, that had been such a blow to his ego, and most important; to his emotions. What hurt even more was how the boy was connected to her dream law firm. Like it felt like fate was against him, was he not meant to be with Miya? He wondered frowning.

Even though everything had happened and he was so sure he was going to get rejected by her he decided to call her. Picking up his phone her began to dial in her number but put his phone down again.
“what if I appear clingy?” he asked himself. “I don’t care” he answered as he picked up his phone again. This cycle repeated itself for a couple oreminutes until he finally got fed up and threw his phone across the room.

“Aish” he muttered pulling on his hair. Maybe he could stop by her house and tell her he was in the neighborhood. Like she would believe him, she told him to get a job and her neighborhood only consisted of houses. Maybe that’s it; maybe he could ask her to help him get a job. No, that was actually worse. He lay down on his bed frustrated at the outcome of his ideas.
“Maybe I should just go look for a job” He muttered getting up and picking up his phone from the floor. He headed out from the hotel lobby and the valet brought him his car. Slipping a tip into the valet’s hand he drove off into the city.

As he was passing a couple of nearby shops, his phone began to ring. He pressed on his Bluetooth and began to speak.

“Hyung!” the voice over the phone yelled. He closed his eyes as the maknae screamed into his ear.  

“Yah Zelo shut up” He muttered. The maknae instantly shut down and another voice came on the phone.

“Hyung how’s Seoul?” Daehyun asked. He smiled, the main thing he missed from the island were his five best friends.

“I can’t tell yet” he replied. He could hear the voices from the other boy as they were talking.

“How’s everybody there?” he asked.

“We miss you hyungg” Zelo was on the phone again. Yongguk smiled and rolled his eyes.

“Yah, hang up the phone I have to go” Yongguk said.

“Byee Hyunngg”

“Yah Zelo let us all speak” Yongguk could hear youngjae yell.

“No, he’s my hyung!” Damn Zelo was possessive.

“Oh before we go hyung, we are all coming there to visit you.” Jongup yelled and the phone got cut. Yongguk laughed but even more surprised

They’re coming here? He wanted to show them around Seoul and introduce them to Miya. He was pretty excited that they were coming here.


Myungsoo picked up his shirt from the floor and shrugged it on. He had rented the room for them both in a cheap motel in town. If his father caught him fooling around with girls, he was going to get in lots of trouble. Minnie was currently in the bathroom and he was putting his clothes back on.

“Where do you want go to now?” Her voice came from the bathroom. He looked up and eyed the bathroom door, half a mind to grab her and kiss her again but he restrained himself.
“How about dinner?” He asked. She squealed and leapt into his arms making him fall back on the bed. He laughed at her excitement. He had been out with her for almost six months now and he was almost at the point where he was about to go one step more. And he would have done that tonight if not for that tiny voice murmuring Miya’s name over and over again. He groaned, it had started again. He needed to get drunk. Fast.
“Um sure but I should get…..” She eyed her sweaty body. “cleaned up first.” He nodded.

“I’ll drop you home and pick you up later.” She smiled and kissed him. He pulled away first and walked outside. It had become evening when they came out and his car was parked pretty far away.

“Wait here I’ll bring the car” he leaned in to kiss her and soon he was walking away. He stores around were little home shops that thrived on the culture around it. He could smell the yummy foods wafting through the welcoming doors. He had never stepped foot into these kinds of places, one because his father wouldn’t let him and two because he was raised in the class where these places were considered shabby. When he was a little kid he used to want to go into one of these places so badly, especially the dubboki ones. He loved how the customers sat down and ate or there were little stalls where he would see couples feeding each other and he would hope so badly that he could one day.
Now all those hopes were gone, he didn’t care about the couples that were feeding each other in the stalls or the people that were situated in the little shops munching on their food or Miya who was completely drunk walk out of a dubboki tent. Hang on, he stopped and walked back. That was clearly Miya who was stumbling and arguing with the ajhumma. She was about to fall back when his instincts rushed to him and he ran to grab her. He steadied her

“Sorry for the trouble. I will take her home now.” Myungsoo heard himself saying. The ajhumma smiled.

“when my husband and I were going out he cared about me the way you do about her.”  She said wistfully. He nodded politely and took her away. She frowned when she saw who it was.

“Why are you here?” She asked pouting, he looked at her and his heart stopped for a moment. She looked so awfully cute that all he wanted to do was hug her but he restrained him impulses.

“Well if I wasn’t you would have ended up getting by erts in the alleyway.” He argued.

“I can take care of myself!” She yelled pushing him away. Myungsoo’s mouth dropped open in surprise. He had just taken care of her, why was she yelling at him?

“I highly doubt that” He retorted. She glared at him and folded her arms across her chest pushing up her s. Myungsoo’s breath became hitched and he scolded himself for noticing that.
“well watch me” she replied walking away. One step away. Two steps away. Why did he so badly want to pull her back? Five steps away. Why was his hand reaching forward? Seven steps. Why did he pull her against his chest wrap his arms around her?

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i changed the name from abandoned by time to this :D


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Chapter 19: Omg MIYA and woohyun
Chapter 19: o0o0o.
So there's two other rooms huh...
Chapter 18: Oh my this is bad. I ship miya and woohyun just as much as I ship miya and myungsoo!!
Chapter 18: I love Myungsoo, but I think Miya and Woohyun could be a cute couple too!
Chapter 15: You cancelled your plans with your girlfriend for a stranger cause you are starting to love her! Hahahah totally ship MIYA and MYUNGSOO!
Chapter 15: I ship Miya with Myungsoo so bad, omg.
And Woohyun... LOL
Chapter 14: OKAy. I officially ship Miya with Myungsoo!
Sorry Yongguk. ;_;
Chapter 12: I ship hey myungie
Chapter 12: Why is she confused? ._.