Scars of the Past

A Leap of Faith



I had that sam dream again.

When I looked at the clock its only three in the morning. Its still early but I decided not to go back to sleep anymore, have this 7am class and I dont want tom be late.

I got up and went to the kitchen to fix myself a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch. I cant help myself to think about that day again. Onew and I was in our last in high school. I can still remember everything about that day very clearly.


**flash back

It was a very bright and sunny afternoon. Its Friday today, dont you have any plans with Yuri?" askd Onew.

"We do, but she called me this morning said she couldn't make it and need to cancel. Something about her family going on an early weekend trip," though I'm dissappointed about her canceling again on our date for the afternoon I know how important her family is to her so I didn't say anything anymore.

That night I received a phone call from Onew.

"Minho, have you seen the news?"

"No, why?"

"Get ready, I'lll pick you up. I'll b there in fifteen."

Onew doesn't usually call me, especially at this hour. I know its something or there's something wrong. Fifteen minutes later, Onew was already in front of our house. He won't say anything, when I asked him what's going on or where are we going, he still kept his silence. He parked outside a hospital and then faced me.

"Minho,something happened to Yuri. She got into this car accident this afternoon on the freeway," I scrambled to unbuckle my seatbelt but it seems my hands weren't cooperating at all.

Tears started to form in my eyes and after a few seconds, I was already crying.

"Onew is she okay? I need to see ger right now."

"Before you rushing inside, you have to know somethih first, this afternoon I asked you if you have any plans with Yuri; you said she canceled because she and her family is starting their weekend trip early."

"Yes, that's what she said to me wheb she called me this morning."

"Minho,she lied to you. She was with someone else." I felt that a bucket of cold water was thrown right into my face.

"Her sister Yoona was the one who called me this afternoon, they said that they couldn't reach you so they decided to call me instead. She told me that Yuri said you two are going on a weekend trip with you."


My train of thought was interrupted when Taemin walked into the room, I can see from his reaction that he was surprised to see me there.

"Minho, isn't your class at seven this morning, dont you think you're too early, its only four in the morning." I was surprised when he mentioned the time. I stood up to get some fresh air to clear my mind.

"Hey Taemin, isn't that your friend from last night?"

"Sulli?" he doesn't look suprised though when I mentioned her friend.swimming in the cold water.

"I think so."

"Oh right, it's her habit to swim and run some laps before she starts her day, but I thought she stopped doing that."

"Better tell her to stop or she might get cold," when I looked at him my cousin was staring point blank at me. " Wow that's a first! Are you sure you are my cousin?"

"Stop it okay."

"You know many people are telling me that you're a cold hearted person and you're too serious. They never see you smile or have fun with other people. I just wish they can see how carin and thoughtful person you are just like now."

"I should get ready, I still need to drop by the library."

"Hey! The library doesn't open till eight. Lame excuse!"

After the accident everything turned upside down. People started gossiping and many rumors and stories started to come out as to what happened. Only Yuri's family, Onew, Taemin and I knew the about what really happened that night. People around me started to notice that I gradually changed. I get easily irritated and annoyed; the me back then was withdrawn and left to live in his own bubble. Although my family tries to understand me, cousin Taemin and my best friend Onew really understand what I'm goin through.

I'm sorry Taemin, it's already been three years but I'm still not ready to talk about it.



**Oh my! Peace to all Yuri fans! **

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Chapter 23 Ever After Final Chapter now posted! :)


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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 23: Hi authornim love this story so much
taengoobaby #2
Hi author-nim I always read your stories please do more minsul stories.I'm anticipating it so much ♥
angelbaylan #3
Chapter 15: It's very lovely I l
ike minsul couples forever
fieminho #4
nice story dear author
yongseo94 #5
Chapter 23: Pls make an epilog. I love ur story
Primadeli #6
sorry as am just able to post this comment today. the thing is i wanna read back ur whole story before type my comment :)

thank you so much for bringing us one of the best Minsul fic. even though its short, i love the way u put ur story and both Minsul characters here. i must be honest that am actually looking forward for more Minsul monents from ur fic hehehe :)

so my guess was rite! ohni is minho XD gotchaaa!!

pls dont stop writing coz u definitely got a talent here. good luck authornim n hope to see u again XD
Chapter 23: beautiful~!
finally a happy ending~
i hope you can write a new fan fix for minsul. ^^
Chapter 23: Kyaaa... Author-nim this is really beautiful... Too sad this end today... But, good job author-nim... ^^