Operation MinSul (Part 2)

A Leap of Faith
(part 2)
This is chapter is about what really happen behind the Operation MinSul. It started from the very begining until the fashion show so please go easy on it.


PLAN B – look for someone that can make him jealous.

Because I can’t contain my excitement and happiness, I called Siwon and explained everything to him. He said that he and Sulli are having lunch at Grill 23 & Bar, so if we want to start plan B might as well start it over lunch. Siwon texted me to make an excuse to the guys and I could meet him at the café nearby to talk about the details.

At 12:30 Siwon, Jonghyun, Onew, Key and I met at a coffee show nearby.

“Thank you Taemin, at first, I was really planning to tell Sulli’s parents to not allow her to study abroad alone but it seems it was the best decision she made so far for the past two years.”

“Thank God, because Sulli being part of Minho’s life is the best thing that happened to him for the past three years.” Onew said.

“I’m sorry but made some preparations beforehand so I hope you guys don’t mind. Instead of driving to New York, I think it’s better to fly to Manhattan from here. The designer I talked about over lunch is a close friend of Sulli and mine, they have a general practice tonight for the fashion show tomorrow, and Sulli agreed to come with for the rehearsals but instead of coming with her Minho will be the one to accompany her.”

“Are you sure it’s okay with her?” Key asked him.

“Sulli will not be the problem there, Minho is. Is there a way we can assure that he will accompany her?” Siwon said. “The event will be at the Marriott Hotel, the medical summit is at the Waldorf Hotel so I need to book the rooms there. It’s just a few blocks from where were staying so they can walk to get there.”

“We can say that were busy and we can’t come to go with them, after all Minho is still a gentleman, he wouldn’t let Sulli walk alone New York’s street alone.” Onew said.

“The next part would be trickier.” Siwon said. “The measurements I gave Abie wasn’t mine, it’s an estimated measurement of Minho. All of us gasp with Siwon revelation. “I don’t think I have a choice, we must give them more time with each other the clothes that they will wear is a suit and wedding dress.” Our brains wanted to pop with all the information Siwon was feeding us, but we have to keep up if we want this to work. “Of course we have to keep it a secret, I arrange everything, and the designer and PD’s are also informed with it.” All of us are amazed on how Siwon put up everything in just a few hours to spare.

“That’s great Siwon!” I said, “I really hope this work.”

“Don’t worry Taemin, I can tell your cousin already hit jackpot in my best friend’s heart.”

“So I guess that makes it PLAN C,” Key said.

“What is plan b?” Siwon asked us.

“Plan B is to make my best friend jealous, I hope you don’t mind but I think you and Minho should share a room when we get to New York.” Onew said, “I’m sure that will affect him somehow.”

“That’s okay with me. Its better I think, so I can get to know him more.” Siwon said.

“Will all the ideas and everything planned I think we have a fighting chance with them.” Everybody nodded in agreement.


New York

Everything went according to the plan that night. Sulli cancelled the tour guide request Siwon arrange for us last night. We toured the city carefree that morning and ended up at Central Park, Minho and I joined some foreigner who were playing frisbee, I really enjoyed that morning, not because we defeated our opponents but because Minho never played with other people that easily and he’s smiling more. I really think Sulli made a great impact to him. I sat beside Sulli who was watching us play; I can contain my happiness and thanked her. “Thank you for cancelling the tour guide, bet we wouldn’t have fun like this if we just sat in the car whole morning and listen to someone telling us this and that.” I saw Minho walking towards us, “thank you for making him smile again,” before she could ask me a question Minho was already near so she didn’t continue her question anymore.

Fashion Show

After the designer gave her speech, she introduced Minho and Sulli. As they walk down the runway, I saw my best friends’ eyes; it has been three years since I saw those eyes smiled like that. I was really happy for him; I even thought I was going to cry. They really look perfect with each other, when they reach the end of the runway, Minho held Sulli’s hand as if it’s the most precious thing to him. When they were walking back, I know there’s no turning back now because my best friend is indeed had fallen for her. The two of them stopped and faced each other, he leaned closer to Sulli, I couldn’t breath for a moment there because I thought he kissed her but he just said something to Sulli, I know it’s something that all of us have been waiting for. HE FINALLY SAID IT TO HER! HE CONFESSED TO HER! My best friend confessed to the girl he like on a catwalk. Wickedly cool!

Applause erupted and the designer hugged Sulli, so Minho stepped aside to give the two more space. Siwon and a guy came up the stage and handed the designer and Sulli a bouquet of flowers, Siwon said something to Sulli. She looked confused, but she just smiled and thanked her best friend.



***I’m sorry the two chapter bored you to dear, I promised to make it up to you all!***

***I just want to share how things ended up the way it did.***

***Thanks for subscribing and please keep supporting the fanfic!**

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Chapter 23 Ever After Final Chapter now posted! :)


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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 23: Hi authornim love this story so much
taengoobaby #2
Hi author-nim I always read your stories please do more minsul stories.I'm anticipating it so much ♥
angelbaylan #3
Chapter 15: It's very lovely I l
ike minsul couples forever
fieminho #4
nice story dear author
yongseo94 #5
Chapter 23: Pls make an epilog. I love ur story
Primadeli #6
sorry as am just able to post this comment today. the thing is i wanna read back ur whole story before type my comment :)

thank you so much for bringing us one of the best Minsul fic. even though its short, i love the way u put ur story and both Minsul characters here. i must be honest that am actually looking forward for more Minsul monents from ur fic hehehe :)

so my guess was rite! ohni is minho XD gotchaaa!!

pls dont stop writing coz u definitely got a talent here. good luck authornim n hope to see u again XD
Chapter 23: beautiful~!
finally a happy ending~
i hope you can write a new fan fix for minsul. ^^
Chapter 23: Kyaaa... Author-nim this is really beautiful... Too sad this end today... But, good job author-nim... ^^