Ghost of the Past

A Leap of Faith


Time passes by so quickly. I can’t believe that Minho and I are together for more than a week now. When we got back to school on Monday, the girls in her classes started to look as if they want to start throwing daggers at me. The news probably broke out already, I know he has a big fan base at the campus, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.

Most of my classes are in the morning so he would always drop by to say good morning and kiss me goodbye before I go to school. At night, he’ll come over at my apartment so we can work together on our dissertation. When I finish my office reports, he would just hang around and start reading a book silently on the couch. One night, he fell asleep on the couch while I was working. I suddenly feel guilty because he doesn’t complain at all, he doesn’t demand attention or time from me. There are times when he comes over and we couldn’t even talk because I’m too busy finishing some reports or reading proposals for the company.

So when I saw him sleeping, I took the book, placed it on the table and snuggled into his arms. Why is this man so addicting? I thought to myself. I heard him wake up when I slipped to his side, he wrap his arms around me and pulled me closer while I rest my head on his chest.

“Did you finish your reports?” he asked.

“Not yet.”

“Missed me already?” instead of answering I kissed him on his jaw line.

“Why kiss me there if you can kiss me here,” he lowered his face so he can kiss me on the lips.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“What for?”

“For not taking care of you and not giving you much time. For not being a good girlfriend.”

“Don’t worry I understand, as long as I can see you every day, hug you like this,” he tightened his embrace, “kiss you like this,” he kissed me on the forehead, on my nose, and on my lips, “I’m okay with it; go on, finish your reports before I change my mind and lock you in my embrace the entire night.” Before I go back to my desk, I called his name…



“I love you,” I said.

“I love you more Ssul,” he answered me back.

It’s our first holiday as a couple so we really want to celebrate the holidays together. We decided to celebrate Christmas in London and then we can go and visit his family in South Korea for New Year.

My mom and Aunt Lindy, Siwon’s mom, adores him especially when he cooked Christmas dinner with her. He captured my family’s heart by his cooking. He got Donghae, Siwon’s elder brother, when he said that he’s a soccer fan; the three of them even went out without me to watch a soccer match. The same goes for my brother TOP, when my brother started talking about cars, I can’t believe he knows so much about cars too. He did have a difficult time dealing with my dad and Uncle Steven, but they found out that he’s also a MBA student and business man; I already know that my entire family love him already.

The night before our flight to S. Korea, Minho found me sitting on the parlor. I can’t find myself to sleep because in just a few hours, I’ll meet his family. I’m really worried because I’m afraid that they might not like me.

“Can’t sleep?” I nodded. “Are nervous?”

“What if they don’t like me? I’m scared that they might want someone else for you.”

“You’re just paranoid, don’t panic, Frances love’s you already and I’m sure my parents will like you too.”

“Frances is different, your sister is very easy to be fond off, even Siwon wants to meet and play with her; but your parents are in a way different level.”

“Just relax Ssul, everything will be fine tomorrow.” He kissed the top of my head, “come on, I’ll walk you to your room.”

Minho’s sister Frances was running towards us when we arrived at the airport four days before New Year. Minho lifted his sister and placed a kiss on her cheek, “missed me?” he said, France just nodded. When Minho put her down, she hugs me and kisses me on the cheek as well. I took the teddy bear on the cart, when I saw the teddy bear on a store in London; I immediately bought it for Minho’s sister. “It’s a present from me and Siwon, I hope you like it.” She squealed and hugs me, “thanks Ssul!”

Just like what Minho said, his parents are amazing people. His mom is a great cook, now I know where he learned those cooking skills; I find his dad very approachable and easy to talk to, after learning that I have background in business we started doing small talk about his business ventures. I easily became at ease in their house, I originally plan to stay in a hotel near her house but her mom insisted that I stay there. Frances on the other hand asks me if I want to share a room with her. All in all, our first holiday with our families is amazing.


July (six months after)


Sulli and I are together for more than seven months now; we had our difficult times especially during my defense for my dissertation last March in front of the panel. Sulli is such a sweetheart, there are times when I forgot that we have a schedule dinner but she never get mad or complained. She said that she understands it and my preparation for the defense in more important. She’s very supportive, during her free time, she helps me do a mock Q&A about the paper and she’ll assess my performance and criticize me very well. Finally, I passed my defense and I’m given until early September to finish my revisions in the paper and finally obtain a MBA degree.

I thought everything was perfect until my past started to hunt me.

“Taemin, can you please get the door, it’s probably Sulli, and she said she’s coming over for lunch today.” I said.

“Minho… you have a guest.” I heard my cousin’s voice faltering, I check on the guest he’s talking about. When I saw the girl standing in our doorway, she’s not Sulli.

“Yuri, what are you doing here?” I said.

“Hi Minho, long time no see! Aren’t you going to invite me to come in?” she said.

“I’m sorry but we’re expecting guest right now, so we can’t accommodate you.” Taemin was the one who answer her question. That instant, I saw Sulli behind her.



Six months, Minho and I are together for six months already. I’m really happy because other than his cute jealousy about Heechul, we never really fought or had an argument. Although there are times where he’ll be so snobbish and bossy that we end not talking to each other, but at the end of the day, we kiss and make up for it.

One June morning, our friends decided to have lunch over Minho and Taemin’s apartment; the guys are shock because of Minho’s cooking skills. When I left my apartment, I saw a girl standing down the hallway; she seems to taking to someone inside Minho’s apartment. I walk towards her feeling heavy and uneasy. “Yuri, what are you doing here?” I heard Minho asking the girl. I was about to greet her when Onew and the others appeared at my side.

“Hi Ssul, how’s your…” before Onew could even finish, the girl at the doorway saw us and turned around. She smiled at Onew and look at me from head to foot. I saw shock registered on his face, his face become pale while he look at the girl and then to Taemin and Minho. “Err, Minho do you mind if I ask Ssul here to accompany to buy fried chicken at the restaurant at Flemings?” Minho who is already at my side holding my hand said, “Uhh… sure. Just be back immediately,” his hands are cold and I can sense that he’s feeling uneasy. Before we enter the elevator, Minho catch up to us, he kissed me on the lip, a long and urgent one, I start to blush because Onew is on front of us, but he seems not to notice, he’s just staring blankly on the air. After he let go of my lips, he watch the elevator door close after me. The girl looks familiar, but I just can’t remember where I saw her.

After buying two chicken buckets, Onew ask me if I can accompany him to the coffee shop as well. Out of curiosity, I try to fish some information.

“So Onew, when did Yuri arrive in Harvard?” thank God I heard Minho telling her name.

“Huh? What about her?” he was in a state of shock when he heard me call Yuri’s name. Suddenly a set of big hands cover my eyes.

“Siwon!” I heard him laughing at my back. I stand up and hug my best friend, he’s pouting his lips.

“You don’t call me anymore,” he said still doing his cute face. I hug him tighter.

“I miss you so much Si, why didn’t you tell me you’re coming?”

“I want to surprise my best friend, can’t I?” the two of us started catching up when Onew stand up and said that he should bring the chicken back because the others might think he eat everything already. Onew probably told Minho that Siwon came over to visit because I receive a call from him after a few minutes.

“Hi Ssul, Onew told me Siwon’s visiting over the weekend.”

“Yup, you want to talk to him I’m sure he misses you too,” Siwon was laughing.

“Maybe we can catch up later instead, by the way, I called because there’s an urgent matter I need to attend to at school and Taemin and the guys decided to take Yuri out.” His seems bothered, but I didn’t push anymore.

“That’s okay, I’ll see you later.”

“I love you so much Ssul, please remember that always.”

“I love you too.”

“I love you more,” he said before hanging up. Every time I say I love you to him, he always say that he loves me more, I thought it’s cute, for a guy to always say that to his girlfriend.

Siwon left last night for Washington because of a favor my dad asked him to do, he said he’ll be back this afternoon. When I opened my eyes, I saw Minho sitting at the end of my bed looking at me intently; he’s clutching a brown envelope in his hand. “Good morning” I said, and crawl out the best to his side and kiss him; he didn’t move or said good morning back. “Is something wrong?” he hand me the brown envelop he was holding.

When I opened the envelop, I saw several pictures in it. I took out the photos and look at it one by one. Cold sweat broke out all over my body.

“Sulli, please speak, tell me those photos are not true.” I couldn’t move or say anything. “ Ssul, at least defend yourself! You just admit to your boyfriend that you go out there kissing someone else. At least deny that you’re not the girl in the picture, tell me it’s only fabricated.” I can’t because I am the girl indeed the girl in the photos. I started crying, the photos are spread on my bed and he’s there standing beside my bed not saying anything.

“God know how much I love you Ssul, and he knows I can’t bear another blow like this,” he stormed out of the room, before he close the door he said, “talk to me when you’re done looking at those pictures, maybe we can even break up as friends, if our friendship even meant anything to you.” I still couldn’t move I cried all day, I didn’t bother to eat lunch. It’s already dark outside when Siwon came back from Washington, when he found me crying, he knows that Minho and I fought about something. He saw the pictures on my bed, he was furious, he wanted to surge down at Minho’s apartment to settle things but I said that I want to talk to him first and explain everything. Then I started crying again.

“Si, he wanted me to tell him that I’m not the girl in the photos,” I said in between sobs. Of course, how can I deny those pictures, the girl in the photo is me, but the guy I’m kissing in one of them is my late ex-boyfriend, Ji-yong.

When I calmed down, I said that I’ll just head over at Minho’s to explain the misunderstanding, about the photos, Siwon said that he’ll look into it and try to find out who gave the photos to Minho. Before I leave, Siwon called me.

“Ssul, these pictures are taken three years ago months before the accident, but the time and date posted below are just recently.” When I look at the photos, they are dated during the time I flew back to London by myself to handle some urgent business matter, no wonder he’s furious. “How can you take pictures with Ji-yong if he died three years ago in the car accident you both got into?”

“I don’t know Si, those pictures are very intimate, and no wonder Minho went ballistic this morning. How did he get a hand on those photos?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll look into it. Tell your boyfriend that if he made you cry again like that, I’ll drag you back to London and he’ll never see you again.” I kissed Siwon on the cheek and thank him.

The door in was open when I reach his place, I went inside the apartment and saw bottles of beer all over the place, Taemin probably went to Onew’s because he can’t stand Minho anymore. I knock and open the door in his room, I peeked and saw him sleeping on the bed, next to him is the girl I saw earlier, Minho is topless while the girl Yuri didn’t even have a top on, his arms drape over her stomach.

I couldn’t speak, tears started to fall. I slam his bedroom door and stormed my way back to my apartment. I know I should talk earlier or followed him but it’s preposterous that he get even with me this low.



I woke up by the slam on my door, I think I just saw Sulli but I thought I was dreaming. I notice someone beside me, when I check who it is, I saw Yuri wearing only her bra. I scramble to get out of bed and ran outside the room, no one’s inside the apartment but the door is open so I go out on the hallway to check. I saw my cousin walking; he probably stayed at Onew’s.

“Hey Minho, I just saw Sulli storming out of the apartment, did you two fight about something, I saw her crying.” I went back inside to get a shirt and head straight to her apartment. I bang on Sulli’s door, I heard him asking Siwon to stop and that she’s okay.

The door suddenly flung open and I came face to face with a very angry Siwon, he grabs me by the shirt and shouted at me.

“You don’t have the right to hurt her like that! You*^*&%^$!!” I look at Sulli behind his shoulders; she’s crying and holding her chest.

“Si… Siwon, I can’t breath!” she screamed. Siwon let go of me and run to her side. I rush to her other side but Siwon pushed me. “Don’t you dare touch her you bastard! You accuse her of cheating and yet you bed another woman just hours after you went haywire on my best friend!” He turned his attention to Sulli who is starting to become pale.

“Ssul, breath!” he took his phone from his pocket and dialed a number. “Alec, arrange a chopper we’re bring Sulli to New York right now, call Heechul tell him it’s an emergency! Bring the car at the lobby, hurry up!” he was screaming on the phone. I tried to get near Sulli again but he glared at me, “Do not try my patience Choi Minho, if you ever touch a single strand of hair again of my best friend I swear to god I’ll make your life a living hell!” he carried Sulli and I was left alone in her apartment, crest fallen.



***Hope you like this one! There are some errors but I promise to proofread it later! Excited to hear from you all! Thanks for the support! Only 2 chapters left!***


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Chapter 23 Ever After Final Chapter now posted! :)


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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 23: Hi authornim love this story so much
taengoobaby #2
Hi author-nim I always read your stories please do more minsul stories.I'm anticipating it so much ♥
angelbaylan #3
Chapter 15: It's very lovely I l
ike minsul couples forever
fieminho #4
nice story dear author
yongseo94 #5
Chapter 23: Pls make an epilog. I love ur story
Primadeli #6
sorry as am just able to post this comment today. the thing is i wanna read back ur whole story before type my comment :)

thank you so much for bringing us one of the best Minsul fic. even though its short, i love the way u put ur story and both Minsul characters here. i must be honest that am actually looking forward for more Minsul monents from ur fic hehehe :)

so my guess was rite! ohni is minho XD gotchaaa!!

pls dont stop writing coz u definitely got a talent here. good luck authornim n hope to see u again XD
Chapter 23: beautiful~!
finally a happy ending~
i hope you can write a new fan fix for minsul. ^^
Chapter 23: Kyaaa... Author-nim this is really beautiful... Too sad this end today... But, good job author-nim... ^^