Operation MinSul (Part 1)

A Leap of Faith
(part 1)
This is chapter is about what really happen behind the Operation MinSul. It started from the very begining until the fashion show so please go easy on it.


“Are you going to the airport?” my cousin Minho asked me.

“Yeah, my friend’s flight from London will arrive at one; I just hope I make it on time.” My cousin Minho and I shared an apartment here at Harvard Square. He’s taking a MBA at Harvard Business School while I’m on my fourth year at medical school. “Don’t forget to tell Onew and the others to have dinner here; I want to introduce you guys to her.”

“Okay, okay.”


"Hi Sulli, come everyone's excited to meet you." I greet my friend Sulli.

"Everybody, I would like you to meet a good friend of mine from London. Sulli I'd like you to meet my friends, Onew, Jonghyun and Kibum but we all can him Key." Everyone said hi and greeted her cheerfully.

I notice my cousin was missing, "guys have heard anything from Minho, and he left with me when I went to pick Sulli at the airport." Then I saw him standing just behind Sulli. Sulli was surprised when Minho answered from behind her, "I'm here!" She turned immediately and lost her balance, good thing my cousin was very quick and catch her just in time. In order to support her, Minho needed to put her arms around Sulli, and then the idea struck me. Hmmm, there’s a high chance of probability.

"Sulli I'd like you to meet my cousin Minho. Minho, this is Sulli."

After seeing that, I whispered a silent prayer, “Please be each other’s answer to each other.”

While my friends bombarded Sulli with questions, I noticed that my cousin became quiet. I know that she’s not accustomed having guests, especially girls in the apartment, but still I’m thankful that he didn’t ditch dinner tonight. After dinner, he excused himself and went to his room. He’s not like that before, he’s very cheerful and friendly after what happened to him three years ago, he started being distant to other people, and it’s a good thing he didn’t shut me out. I’m just glad he let Jonghyun and Key to stick around as friends. After we said good bye to Sulli, Onew went to Minho’s room, I hope his best friend could knock some sense out of him. After talking to Onew and the others, we decided that if we want to make a miracle we must act now. Like Onew said last night, “desperate times need drastic measures.”

I woke up feeling thirsty so I got up from my bed to get myself a glass of water. When I came out from my room, I found Minho sitting at the sofa deep in thoughts. "Minho, isn't your class at seven this morning, don’t you think you're too early, it’s only four in the morning.” He stands up and went near the window.

"Hey Taemin, isn't that your friend from last night?" he said.

"Sulli? I think so.” Then I remember something Siwon told me when I was in London, “oh right, it's her habit to swim and run some laps before she starts her day, but I thought she stopped doing that."

"Better tell her to stop or she might get cold," I don’t know what to say but I just stared at him. "Wow that's a first! Are you sure you are my cousin?"

"Stop it okay."

"You know many people are telling me that you're a cold hearted person and you're too serious. They never see you smile or have fun with other people. I just wish they can see how caring and thoughtful person you are just like now."

"I should get ready; I still need to drop by the library." As always, he dodges anything when it becomes a talk close to the heart. "Hey! The library doesn't open till eight. Lame excuse!" I shouted at him.

In order to prepare and not to be too obvious set the game plan a week later. I called Sulli and invited her for dinner at Key’s place; I can sense that she’s hesitating because he thinks that Minho doesn’t like her. So much for a good impression Minho, Sulli thinks you actually hate her! I said that she doesn’t need to worry about him because he’s like that every time.

PLAN A – Get drunk and let them take care of us.

Of course everybody was present during dinner, even though Minho bought some take outs for dinner, we manage to drag him over to Key’s. After eating, Jonghyun started to ask everyone if we’re doing anything tomorrow, just so we don’t look to obvious he goes around and asks everyone. Minho tried to ditch this one but we convince him to join us. We head down to Winthrop Street at Grendel’s bar, a usual place for us when we feel like drinking; we got a table at the corner end of the bar. Key, Jonghyun and Onew pilled on the left side of the table leaving Sulli, Minho and me to seat on the other side. I took a seat near the wall so Sulli and Minho will be seated next to each other no matter what. The guys order a barrel of beer and finished it in less than forty-five minutes and before we know it we already finished another one. Minho was very quiet but he keeps on drinking, Sulli will laugh when Jonghyun and Key throws off crazy jokes, he even laughs even though their jokes are not funny at all. At twelve Minho said that he’ll settle the bill and that we should sober up. When he came back, Onew said that we should take a picture to celebrate our first night out together as friends. When the waiter was counting 1…2… Onew grabbed Minho and place him beside Sulli …3! CLICK! I was so drunk that Sulli needed to support me so I won’t fall. Minho and Onew dragged Jonghyun and Key to their apartment. By the time we reach our apartment, I went directly to the bathroom, my head was throbbing and I can’t stop vomiting. Sulli was beside me for support. I said sorry because she didn’t have to see me like this and she started laughing and started telling me the story about Siwon and their brothers were doing when they’re drunk. I heard Minho coming inside the apartment and said something to Sulli, she asked if I can support myself, I can’t answer but I manage to wave my hand to let her know that it’s okay to let go of me. By the time I vomited all I drank that evening, Sulli already left and Minho is already inside his room. Damn it, this better be worth it.

** (This part and excerpt in Chapter V- Chance)
“When I came out from my room, I saw Minho watching TV. “Do you ever get drunk?” I asked him. I scavenge an ibuprofen for my headache.
“You should thank Sulli for helping you last night, you’re so wasted.”
“Hey Taemin, do you anyone named Siwon?” I was really surprised when he asked me about Siwon, even before I can answer him, “Never mind. Forget that I ask.”
It took me a few seconds before I recover from his attack question… I immediately look for my phone and texted Onew.
“Onew! You’re right; I think we have a chance.”

I think my cousin is annoyed at me. I found Sulli’s purse at the bathroom, she probably left it last night. When Minho called out that he’s leaving, I saw this as an opportunity for another Minho-Sulli interaction. I asked him if he could drop off the purse over her apartment, he said no but I manage to persuade him.

I heard a scream at the hallway, if I’m not mistaken that’s Sulli. I rushed towards the door and ran to her unit. I was asking what happen and why she scream but I wasn’t able to finish my question because I notice someone standing in front, when I looked closer I saw Siwon. Siwon invited me, Jonghyun and Key to be his guest as the medical summit in New York. I was so excited I forgot I that I left my cousin with Sulli and Siwon, awkward. I saw how Minho reacts every time Siwon hugs or touch Sulli, as if he’s on fire, so I decided to let him see more. I know those two are really close and if you don’t know them, you would have actually thought that they’re together. Sorry Minho, I know it’s brutal but you need to have your initiatives.

When I told the others about the news, Jonghyun and Key were very excited. Because of Siwon’s arrival, Onew thought of another plan, because it’s obvious that our first plan failed. I called Siwon and explained the situation; I was surprised that he agreed to the idea of setting up my cousin and his best friend. Siwon is protective when it comes to his best friend, not the possessive type but a sweet friendly brotherly kind of way. He said that he kind of like my cousin for his best friend and he sees something different with Sulli this time and he thinks Minho is the cause of it.




***Thanks for reading, I really enjoyed reading and answering your comments!***

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Chapter 23 Ever After Final Chapter now posted! :)


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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 23: Hi authornim love this story so much
taengoobaby #2
Hi author-nim I always read your stories please do more minsul stories.I'm anticipating it so much ♥
angelbaylan #3
Chapter 15: It's very lovely I l
ike minsul couples forever
fieminho #4
nice story dear author
yongseo94 #5
Chapter 23: Pls make an epilog. I love ur story
Primadeli #6
sorry as am just able to post this comment today. the thing is i wanna read back ur whole story before type my comment :)

thank you so much for bringing us one of the best Minsul fic. even though its short, i love the way u put ur story and both Minsul characters here. i must be honest that am actually looking forward for more Minsul monents from ur fic hehehe :)

so my guess was rite! ohni is minho XD gotchaaa!!

pls dont stop writing coz u definitely got a talent here. good luck authornim n hope to see u again XD
Chapter 23: beautiful~!
finally a happy ending~
i hope you can write a new fan fix for minsul. ^^
Chapter 23: Kyaaa... Author-nim this is really beautiful... Too sad this end today... But, good job author-nim... ^^