

Taemin Pov

"5...6...7...8... Good that wasn't so hard was it?" I heard Jonghyun say as I entered the room. He smiled brightly. "Okay let's try again. 1...2...3.." While he was counting he looked through the room making sure nobody maked a mistake.

When he saw me his eyes turned  big with surprise."...7...8...Let's take a rest, we start again in 10 minutes." He walked  up to me and put his arm around my neck, making my head go down a bit and staruted rustling my hear with his wrist.

"Where have you been? It"s been ages when we last saw you." He says while letting me go.

I'm about to come up with an explenation. Not that he expects one. He knows I don't come often and I don't talk about my life.

"Hey Tae, good that your here." Onew says as he is walking over from his ofice."We can use your help a bit. The kids that where dancing before are going to be in a competition. But something is missing, can you look at it a bit and help out?"

"Yeah sure, I't love to." I answer, there is nothing I wouldn't do for these guys, they are the reason I'm still alive. Even the bodyguards I had couldn't save me.

"Come on you guys!" Yonghyun calls to the kids." The famous Tae is going to help out." He says with a smirk on his face.




"We're going to win this thing."


Minho Pov

As I walk through the door I find myself in a big pace with a lot of tables and chairs. Some are taken by kids, I guess they are around 15 years old. In front of me there is a big glass wall. Taemin is talkin there with 2 other guys. In the room behind the wall there are a lot of mirrors and a music instalation. It looks pretty cool.

"Come on you guys! The famous Tae is going to help out." One of the guys calls.

The kids stand up and run to the room behind the glass. They all sound really happy.

I move closer to the door so I can hear what they are saying inside.

"Okay why don't you show me what you have." Tae says.

One of the guys puts on the music and the kids start dancing. Taemin is looking at each and everyone of them. I never saw him smile like this. It's so beautiful. His lips curl up and he ... Wait a minute why am I looking at his face like this? Why am I focussing on his lips?

After the song ends he starts to give an explenation. The guy next to him is nodding and the kids seem to understand. For me it's like he is speaking another language. Something about not trying to hard to show of. Not trying to be the best, but trying to be a team.

After that he takes of his sweater, his arms look long and slender, and gives a demonstration together with one of the guys he was talking to.

Woow he is an amazing dancer. His body moves so gracefully.

He looks so happy, like he is where he belongs. somehow a smile moves up on my face.

Why am I looking at him like this? Why am I smilling? ......

Oh I know, it's because I'm his bodyguard. I'm supossed to look after him. I'm looking at his body to see if he is okay. I'm lookin at his smile to see if he is happy. It's because it's my job.

It's just like when I look after my little brother and sister. It makes me happy when they smile. Maybe I see him as a little brother who I have to protect.

His shirt is a bit too  big and I can see his shoulder, that was exposed while dancing. I can't keep my eyse of it. It's so nice and slender.

When he puts his arm in the air I get a quick look of his beautiful stomach an his nicely formed abs. Why doesn't he raise his arms higher so I can ...

Nooo what am I thinking. He's just like a brother, like a brother, a brother, a... Hmmmmm I my lips without thinking when he bows forward, his shirt falling down a bit, giving me a sneack peek of his chest.

I turn around as fast as I can and take a seat at one of the tables, with my back to the glass wall and Taemin, my heart is beating fast.

"Hello" somebody says while taking a seat in front of me. It's one of the guys Taemin was talking to when I walked in. "I'm Onew. I'm the owner of this place togheter with my little brother Jonthyun over there." he says while pointing to somebody in the room behind the glass. I don't look, afraid that my eyes will lead me to Taemin.

"I haven't seen you before. Are you new in town?" he goes  on. Not caring about my lack of reaction.

"I'm Minho. I'm a friend of... " What was his fake name again? Oh Yeah Tae. " Of Tae."

"Really?" He asks surprised. "You're the first friend he brings here. You must be verry close."

"Eeeuhhmm.. Yes ofcourse.' I lie, I don't think he likes me at all, he keeps ignoring me. And he wasn't really happy to take me along.

"Does he come here verry often?" I ask, trying to get some answers out off this man, since Taemin probably wont say a thing.

"Hmmm no not really, only when he is bothered by something. But we never ask and he never tells."

"How did he found out about this place?" It's not really a place for a rich kid to come, so I doubt his father or schoolfriends told him about it.

" Eeeuhhmm, almost a year now I think. He was in a bit of trouble and Yonghyun and I helped him."

"Trouble??? What kind of trouble?"

"I don't know all the details. I think you better ask Tae, I don't want him to become mad at me for telling you about is past."

Tssshh why doens't he just answer me. I wonder what happend to Taemin that he came to a place like this.

I take out my phone and sent a textmessage.

             To: Ayla

             What can you tell me about the dancer Tae?

             From: Minho

Ayla is my little sister, just like any other  17 year old girl she loves to gossip. The only difference is that she has an amazing information network. She always finds out the truth.

I want to ask her about Taemin to, but I know she will be able to connect them together an expose his secret. For some reason I don't want that.

Suddenly my celphone makes a noice


         I made a few calls and put a letter on the table at home.

        From: Ayla




Hey hope you still like it.

Sorry I don't update that often. I have a lot of scenes in my head I just have to figure out how they get in these situations.

Hope you forgive me for the short chapters. It still is my first time writing a fanfic, or any other story :p

Oh and I don't know when you have to rate something as mature.Eventhough Minho is looking at Tae with a dirty mind I don't think it's enough to be rated. Am I correct??






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Chapter 30: A best ever ... thank You so much ...
It's really a great story ... ^_^
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 18: I would totaly love fanfiction you wrote about
SparkFury #3
this is a great 2min fic :D loved it.
Chapter 28: I have two groups/parirings in mind

1. EXO paring Taoris(Tao and Kris)
2. Super Junior Eunhae (Eunhyuk and DOnghae)
ALT_angELF #5
Chapter 27: Niceeee storyy..
Oh wow. Its suprising me that you put jongkey rather than 2min .
You keeping me shock on the end when pick jessica and onew to married.
How about 2min then?
They just date or?
Arrrr....i'm still curious.
Gimme more sekuel!
I want sekuel from you before my imagination becomes sadfgfresdwazxfgfre.
Chapter 2: Ehm... Hi!! *awkward wave*
I just started reading this fic but ehm...
I don't know how to say this... when I got to the 2nd chapter I noticed a (quite disturbing) spelling mistake :S
You wrote: 'Right behind the man a young gril was walking...'
I think that should be girl?
I'm sorry if you're annoyed >.<
I'd rather have someone correct my spelling mistakes... so I thought I'd help? >.<

Anyway, I really like the beginning of this fic :)
Chapter 27: Thank you so much person who asked for an epilogue! This was so sweet! >\\\<
JojoCircus_ #8
Chapter 27: Awwww this was amazing!!!!
who ever asked for a epilogue, tell them I said thanks :)
Chapter 27: Yay! Epiloige!! I like it!