

Since somebody asked for an epilogue, here it is. You don't have to read it if you don't want to :p


*1 year later*

Taemin Pov

" 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...4 ...5 ...6 ...7 ...8 and 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... and again from the begining...1 ...2 ..." I say while walking around the practise room.

"4... Young Jae  put your arm higher. " I yell against the boy he puts a smile on his face

" And again 1...2...3...4... That's better Young Jae. 2 ... 3..."

I look around. Aaisshh those guys are goofing off again.

" Zelo and Jong Up stop goofing around and get serious."

"But Tae, we already know how to do it." Zelo pouds as Jong Up starts nodding.

"That can be, but you guys are a team. So you got to do it until everybody can do it."

Zelo comes over and looks at me with puppy eyes

"No that isn't working on me. Now start dancing."

"8...And 1...2...3...4..."

I look at the clock, it's 2.40 pm. We've already been dancing since 3 am, way to early for my taste. But I don't have another choise, today I have to leave early and the guys need to learn their dance for their comeback.

"Okay guys, that's it for today. You've done a great job."

They all fall to the floor and Zelo quickly goes to get the water bottles for his hyungs.

"Good I will be leaving first, I have somewhere to go today. Don't forget about tomorow. You promissed remember." I look at them and they all nod their heads, to tired to say a word.

I smile and leave the room.

In the past year I've done a lot of dancing competitions and even became the dance teacher off a lot off famous people. I thought B.A.P., Big Bang, Infinite and Sistar, just to name some. I already singed a contract to help 2pm starting in a couple off weeks. I really love it all the dancing.

Crap I have to hurry. I start running to my car and race home.

I enter the appartment I live in together with Minho and Ayla. It's not the place they used to live, it's much bigger. There is no way that I would live in that small cramped up place off them.

"You are late!" Minho yells from our bedroom.

"I know!" I yell back while I enter the bathroom. I jump in the shower and wash myself as fast as I can.

I dry myself and put on a towl around my waist and make my way to my bedroom, which I share with Minho offcourse.

Minho his already in the living room waiting for me to get readdy.

"Minho have you seen my suit!" I yell "I can't find it!"

"Oooh can't the young master find his suit." He says while he walks in. "Did you look in your closet?"

"Offcourse I did, I'm not stupid you know." I answer while I stick out my tongue.

He walks over to my closet, opens it and takes my suit out. "You where saying?"  he says while walking over to me.

"How did it get there? It wasn't a minute ago." I say while pouting.

"Ooow then I must be a magician." He laughs, he leans down and gives me a kiss on my lips.

Aah even after a year his kisses feel amazing. I move my head closer, trying to make the kiss last longer, but he pulls away, making my poud again.

"We don't have time for this Taemin, you have to get ready."  He says while he walks out of the room.

I look at the clock and see that it's already 4 O'clock. Waaah I have to hurry.

I put on the suit in a less then 6 minutes, which is fast believe me. With all the stupid buttons and the stupid tie.

I run to the bathroom and start fixing my hear.

"Minho will you go check on Key!!!" I yell while I'm infront off the mirror. "We don't want to be late because the diva can't choose an outfit!"

Minho starts laughing"Okay I will!" He yells back while leaving our appartment.

Key lives in the same building as us. He lives right across us. I don't mind actually we've become really good friends.

Sometimes I call him umma, because he can be such a mother. He always complains when I look tired or that I don't eat enough. I even heard him yell at Minho because he thinks that Minho isn't feeding me and should look after me better.

When I'm done I walk over to Ayla's office room. Ayla has started her own detective agency while she still goes to school. I don't know how she does it. But to make it easyer for her we decided to make her an office room, even if I had to sacriface my danceroom for it.

I softly knock on the door before opening it. Ayla is typing on her laptop, she got it from Joong Ki as a pressent.

"Joong Ki will be here any moment. Are you ready we will have to leave soon." I say

She looks at me and nods

"Yep I only have to put on my shoes and take my purse." She puts on a big smile on her face as she stands up and turns around.

She is wearing a beautifull dress, her hair pinned up and a tiny bit off make up on her face.

"What do you think?" She asks looking at me, she looks a bit nervous.

"You look amazing." I say while I whistle at her. "Joong Ki is going to have a lot off trouble keeping all the single guys away from you."

Ayla starts blushing and softly punches me against my arm.

"Anybody home?!?!" We hear Joong Ki yell from the living room.

Ayla walks out off the room, you can she that she wants to run. She really missed him.

When I follow her I see Joong Ki's eyes turn big. His mouth falls open as his face turns bright red.

"Close your mouth fishie." I say making him turn even redder.

"What do you think?" Ayla asks

"It's amazing." He wispers softly.

A second later Minho, Key and Jonghyun enter the room.

"Oh my God Taemin, you should learn how to dress." Key starts fussing over me.

"Why didn't you help him Minho. You should look after him better" He says while putting my tie straight.

Minho just smiles, he learned a long time ago to not go against his little brother.

"Hey Tae." Jonghyun smiles. "Thanks again for what you did."

"No problem Jonghyun, you know I will do anything to help you guys."

"Yeah I know, but getting B.A.P. to come over to our dance room to teach the kids their dance, follow a lesson with us, talk to the kids and stuff like that is not just anything. It's a dream come true for them."

 "Don't fuss about it Jonghyun, the guys love it. They are happy that they can get out off their own practise room for some time. They are already sick of those foor walls." I smile

Jonghyun still gives dance lessons to the kids from the poor neighbourhood, and Onew still owns the school.

With a little help from me, Jesica and Christie the old building was torn down and replaced with a new one.

Now they have a fitness room, 3 dancerooms (one for lessons and two for the kids who want to practise for a competition) They have 2 changing rooms, one for the boys and one for the girls. And offcourse a room with tables and a fridge where they can get their drinks.

It's still only for the poor kids, but more and more are comming. When I have time I go and help them by giving some lessons and advices to the kids. They still call me Tae in the dancing world, not that they don't know my real name, but they just got used to calling me Tae and don't want to change it.

"Come on we have to hurry." Minho says pulling me along with him, ripping me out off my thoughts.

We get into Minho's car as he starts driving.

Ooh did I already say what Minho and Key are up to Lately?

Well Minho is still a bodyguard, but now he guards my sister. I really feel sorry for him, she can be a pain in the . Not that I can say much, it's not that I was such a nice person to guard.

And Key well, Since he always wants to be around Jonghyun he decided to help at the dance studio. He is known as the mother off the dance studio. He always make sure the kids have enough drinks and food. If the kids have a problem he will be there for them. He goes to cheer for every competition. And ofcourse he complains to Jonghyun when he thinks the kids don't get their break on time.

"Where here." Minho says parking his car.

We walk out and cross the streat, straight into the big church.

My sister is already waiting with her husband Lee Joon. She gives me a hug and a big kiss on my cheeck.

"Christie..." I whine trying to get out off her grip.

She lets me go and smiles, let's go in. They are going to start soon.

We walk in and go sit in front off the church.

The music starts playing, so we stand up and look at the back.

Onew is walking in with Jesica on his arm. They are shining brightly, as they walk slowly to the alter. Getting ready to be together for the rest of their lives.



Soo hope you liked it.

This is really the last chapter for this fic.

Thanks for subscribing and all the nice comments.








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Chapter 30: A best ever ... thank You so much ...
It's really a great story ... ^_^
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 18: I would totaly love fanfiction you wrote about
SparkFury #3
this is a great 2min fic :D loved it.
Chapter 28: I have two groups/parirings in mind

1. EXO paring Taoris(Tao and Kris)
2. Super Junior Eunhae (Eunhyuk and DOnghae)
ALT_angELF #5
Chapter 27: Niceeee storyy..
Oh wow. Its suprising me that you put jongkey rather than 2min .
You keeping me shock on the end when pick jessica and onew to married.
How about 2min then?
They just date or?
Arrrr....i'm still curious.
Gimme more sekuel!
I want sekuel from you before my imagination becomes sadfgfresdwazxfgfre.
Chapter 2: Ehm... Hi!! *awkward wave*
I just started reading this fic but ehm...
I don't know how to say this... when I got to the 2nd chapter I noticed a (quite disturbing) spelling mistake :S
You wrote: 'Right behind the man a young gril was walking...'
I think that should be girl?
I'm sorry if you're annoyed >.<
I'd rather have someone correct my spelling mistakes... so I thought I'd help? >.<

Anyway, I really like the beginning of this fic :)
Chapter 27: Thank you so much person who asked for an epilogue! This was so sweet! >\\\<
JojoCircus_ #8
Chapter 27: Awwww this was amazing!!!!
who ever asked for a epilogue, tell them I said thanks :)
Chapter 27: Yay! Epiloige!! I like it!