The poor side of town


Taemin Pov

Minho moves closer and closer. He pust one hand on my waist, the other touching my face. My hart is beating faster and faster. he's now so close that our lips are almost touching. I can feel his warm breath on my face as I put my arms around his neck. I look into his beautiful eyes and as he moves a bit closer I slowly close my eyes waiting for him to make the next move.

He puts his hands on my shoulders and he start whispering. "Young master...young master... " I feel him shaking me really hard. What the hell is he doing? "...young master... wake up young master"

As I open my eyes I see James hovering above me. Before I can scream he puts his hand on my mouth.

"Come on young master, I will help you get dressed." He says while he is helping me out of my bed and onto my feet.

I'm still half asleep when he helps me in my clothes. Why did he wake me? I had such a nice dream.

Wait! What am I thinking? Nice dream?? More like a nightmare, Minho almost kissed me.

James smiles at me. "You're ready sir."

Ready? How can that be? I can still feel the cold on my legs, I still have to put my pants on.

I look down ready to complain. My eyes fly open and I'm fully awake now.

I walk to the big mirror in my room as fast as I can and see myself in a maid uniform.

And not only that, I have a black wig on and make-up on my face. I look just like a girl. Why do I look like a girl?

I look at James " What is this?"

"Eeeuuhhmm... a maid uniform young master."

"I can see that. Why am I wearing this?"

"For your safety the master has decided that you should stay with Minho for a while. But because we don't want anybody to find out about it we came up with the idee to dress you up as a maid." He says like it's the most normal thing in the world.

I look at him with complete shock written all over my face.

"You can wear some of Minho's clothes when you arive there. and we will give him some money so he can get you some new clothes off your own."

I still don't know what to say, my brain isn't functioning well this night. he pushes me out of my room all the way to the service entrance.

"Minho will wait for you at the park, now hurry up it's time to leave."

The last thing he does, before closing the door and leaving me alone in the dark, is putting my celphone in my hand.

I stand there all alone and confused for a while, while my brain is still progressing everything that just happend.

The only option I have is to go to Minho and I start walking to the park.

Minho Pov

Tssh can't he hurry up. I'm waiting here for atleast 30 minutes now and it's cold.

I see a maid comming closer, yes that will be Taemin I think. But she just walks on. Well she was to beautifull anyway to be a boy.

Than another one comes, well she is to short and a big to fat to be Taemin. Since Taemin has a long and slender body.

Than a really beautifull maid comes walking my way. She has raven black hair and it's moving in the breeze. She has an nice figure and is pretty long. As I start gazing at her, she moves closer and closer my way.

Ooh maybe she wants to talk to me.

She stops wright in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I ask, wondering why sutch a beautifull lady would want to talk to me;

"Well I'm supposed to stay at your place, so can we hurry up. It's to cold to have my legs bare and I want to get out of these rediculous clothes." She says.

Wait a minute. She?? It was a pretty low voice. And as i look closer I finaly recognize Taemin's face.

"Oooh it's you. Good evening. Follow me." I say as we start walking to my place.

Woow I never thought he would be this gorgious as a lady. Although I like him better as a boy. I also think his brown hair is more beautiful than the black hair of the wig. And he has to much make-up on, completly covering his beautiful bare skin.

Ooh man I really should stop thinking like this. He is just like a brother.

Taemin Pov

Why does it take so long to reach his house? We've been walking for atleast an hour. We already reached the poor side of town. And when I say I poor, I mean really poor.

I'm freezing to dead with just a skirt on. I'm glad James gave me a jacket so my arms aren't bare. But I do feel sorry for al the maids working at our place, maybe I can get them a warmer uniform especially in the winter.

And I really need a shower because I didn't shower yet after my dance work out.  I think I smell really bad right now, with all the sweat stikking on me.

But what I need most of all is a bed. I'm still exhausted. I want to sleep. I keep yawning all the time.

Minho looks over and I try to hide the fact that I'm yawning again. I don't want to look weak in front of him. I have to pretend I'm strong.

"We're almost there. You can go to bed when we arrive." He says with a worried look on his face.

"I'm alright. You don't have to worry about me." I see with a poker face on.

The rest of the way we walk in silence.

After another 30 minutes we stop in front off a apartment building.

Minho walks to the stairs and goes up.

Wait no elavator?? And these stairs are they really save? Actually is this building even stable? Wont it collapse? It looks so old and dirty. Can anybody live in here?

Well it looks like some people can since we pass a lot of people on the stairs.

Some walking up, some down. Some just laying or sitting on the stairs. Wait is that guy sleeping? Ugh he smells of alcohol. He must have drunk to much.

I'm starting to get scared as I see a bunch of guys looking at me with lust in their eyes. I remember I'm still dressed as a girl and run up to catch up to Minho.

At the 4th floor we leave the stairs and go into the hallway, although I'm not sure if you call this a halway because it isn't closeth completly. It's more like we are walking on a large balcony  with a loth of doors on the right and the view of the streat on the left. The only thing making sure you can't fall to the ground is an iron fence that is rusted on some places. More like not rusted on some places.

We stop at the 5th door and he takes out a key. He's got to be joking. He really lives here? How can he live here? Even worse I have to live here!!

He walks in and takes of his shoes, putting them on the side gesturing me to do the same. We walk almost straight in to a living area. When suddenly a boy starts yelling

"Minho!! Where have you been?!?!?! Do you even now how worried we where? It's 4 in the morning and you didn't even call or sent a text. For all we now you would be lying dead on the corner of some dark alley."

Then suddenly he looks at me, his eyes turning in daggers.

"What?!?! You even brought a girl home?? How could you hyung. Ayla is still awake because she was worried" He points at the girl next to him who is half asleep, fighting to keep her eyes open. " And you where out having fun with a girl???!!!"

"A girl??" Minho asks? Then he looks at me.  "Oooh I totaly forgot."

"I will explain it in a moment. Wait a second." He says to the boy and the girl.

Than he turns to me. "Do you want to take a shower?"

I just nod in reply, I really want one. So I can get this stupid make-up off my face and can get tottaly refreshed. Ofcourse I'm not going to let him now how hard I want a shower right now. I'm not going to show any more weakness. I'm a boy to. I'm a strong boy.

"Follow me." he says.

First he walks to a closhet in the room taking a T-shirt with sleeves and a sweatpants.

"This will have to do." He says more to himself than to me.

Than he walks me to a door. He opens the door and turns on a light. Puts the clothes down and walks out, making sure I can get in.

"The clothes are for you to wear and in the cabinet you can find towels. I will explain them everything." He says and turns around. "Ooh yeah almost forgot, you will be Tae here, because my sister will probably recognise you."

After that he leaves, leaving me all allone in the bathroom.

Okay you can hardly call this a bathroom, I mean it's small and I mean really smal. You can hardly move around. There is a sink with right next to it a toilet.  And above the sink is a cabinet. I open it a find the towels, as I take one out I turn around and face the bath. Although I don't think you can call it a bath, it's to small to lie down in. With a bit of luck I will be able to sit in it.

I'm debating between getting the hell out of this claustrophobic room or taking a shower. Looking back at how I'm dressed I choose the later one.

I quickly get out of my clothes, take of the wig and take a quick shower. Making sure all the making is off my face.

After that I dry myself with the towel and put on minho's clothes. They're a bit to big. I use the ribbons in the pants to make them fit better and tie them into a knot.

I dry my hair a bit more with the towel and leave it on my shoulders. I start looking for a hairdryer, not that there is much place to hide it, but can't find one. I decide to leave the bathroom with my hair still wet.

As I leave the badroom I get a chance too look around in the room. Not that there is alot to see. It's a small room. There is one couch and a small prehistoric tv. There are 2 closhets, one of them has Minho's clothes in them. I know that since he took these clothes out. As I look further I see a small kitchen, although it's still in the same room. The only way you can see it's a kitchen is because there's a sink, a stove, a small fridge and a table big enough for 4 people.

Except for the door where I just walked out, there is only the frontdoor. Wait a minute... No other doors??? Where do they sleep??? Where are the rooms?

I turn my head back to the couch since I saw Minho and the two other people sitting there. The girl is looking at me with big eyes and completly open. The boy is looking at me with compassion written all over his face.

"Come here Tae and let me introduce you." Minho says.

As I move closer he throws a warning look at the other two making them get there faces back to normal.

"Tae, this is my little sister. Her name is Ayla she is 17 years old."

"Hello" I say, not sure what to do.

She puts on a big smile "Hi, I've become such a big fan of you. You're such a great dancer. Can I..."

"Ayla" Minho says, his tone is a bit scary.

The girl closses and starts to pout. "But Minho, it such a big chance to get information on him. Do you know how much it would help with my carreer, do you know how much people would pay for that kind of info."

"Remember what we discussed. Nobody can know he is here, else those guys will find him and they will hurt him." Minho says.

Ayla nods and looks down "Sorry oppa"

"And this is Key" Minho continuous as if nothing happend. "He is 21 wich makes him a year older than you."

"Hello" I say again.

"Hello" he says; "I'm sorry about what happend earlyer, I really didn't know you where a guy. I didn't know what happend. Are you okay? If there is anything wrong you can always talk to me okay?" He sounds really concerned.

Tssh how can he be worried about me, he doens't even know me.

I just nod and before I can hold it in I start yawning again.

"Maybe we should make up the beds" minho says as he walks to the corner of the room. There is a pile of blankets wich I didn't see before.

Minho and Key take the blankets and roll them out. They take some pillows and some other blankets. Ayla puts a pillow and a blanket on the couch.

What are they doing?? Are they expecting me to sleep on the floor? On just a blanket.  Ooh no they don't.

Ayla lies down on the couch as Key takes his place on one of the blankets. Minho moitions me to lie down on the other. As I lie down he turns out the light and he lies down under the same blanket as Key.

The floor feels hard, the blanket is rough. I don't think I can sleep here, but before I know it my eyes close down. And I fall into a deep sleep, still exhausted from everything that happend today.



Okay, I know that the ages are not correct but just prettend with me :p

If you have some idea's of what could happen in Minho's house you can always at them in a comment, maybe I can at them to the story :p


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Chapter 30: A best ever ... thank You so much ...
It's really a great story ... ^_^
Serynyty12 #2
Chapter 18: I would totaly love fanfiction you wrote about
SparkFury #3
this is a great 2min fic :D loved it.
Chapter 28: I have two groups/parirings in mind

1. EXO paring Taoris(Tao and Kris)
2. Super Junior Eunhae (Eunhyuk and DOnghae)
ALT_angELF #5
Chapter 27: Niceeee storyy..
Oh wow. Its suprising me that you put jongkey rather than 2min .
You keeping me shock on the end when pick jessica and onew to married.
How about 2min then?
They just date or?
Arrrr....i'm still curious.
Gimme more sekuel!
I want sekuel from you before my imagination becomes sadfgfresdwazxfgfre.
Chapter 2: Ehm... Hi!! *awkward wave*
I just started reading this fic but ehm...
I don't know how to say this... when I got to the 2nd chapter I noticed a (quite disturbing) spelling mistake :S
You wrote: 'Right behind the man a young gril was walking...'
I think that should be girl?
I'm sorry if you're annoyed >.<
I'd rather have someone correct my spelling mistakes... so I thought I'd help? >.<

Anyway, I really like the beginning of this fic :)
Chapter 27: Thank you so much person who asked for an epilogue! This was so sweet! >\\\<
JojoCircus_ #8
Chapter 27: Awwww this was amazing!!!!
who ever asked for a epilogue, tell them I said thanks :)
Chapter 27: Yay! Epiloige!! I like it!