
Its You

A/N: Annyeong! It's me again with another chapter hope you like it. 



After they were done doing their round of immature jokes, their was only one thing that came to mind ...

Wow these idiots always know how to make me smile, this is why i love them. 

After that said you noticed that Yoon-Mi and Yoon-Ji havent showed up yet. Their never this late you thought and began to slightly turn your head from left to right. 

Omo what's taking them so long?

You, the twins and the guys always meet-up early to school. You guys usually meet each other at the same time same place every day giving you guys about 20-30 minutes of quality time. By them not being there the first five minutes you start to wonder if you have to deal with the idiots aka Exo by yourself ALL DAY. You love them and all but sometimes (most of the time) you need some quality time with you favorite girls. You couldnt wait to see them because you were'nt able to see them the whole weekend it that is almost a lifetime in your mind. With that said you heard very familar voices calling your name which made you extremely happy.

Yes Finally!

" Yah~~ What took you guys so long?" you said cutely pouting to add on to the ageyo attempt you were doing then hugging them. They were your bestfriends in the whole wide world other than Exo of course you guys where like a big bowl  of happiness that can only be broken when the world ends which is definately not happening any time soon.You loved them so much and cant imagine life without them at all.

" Mianhae Minkyung-ah, we got a new driver for the time being because Mr. Kim is sick with a really bad cold and we dont have the hearts to make him driver when he's under the weather and the new driver Mr. Choi i think his name is kinda took the longer way here." Yoon-Mi explains in a rambling sort of way which always happens when she feels she did something wrong. You can see the Yoon-Ji is secretly giggling to herself from the corner of your eye so you give Yoon-Mi a heart warming smile to calm her down.

"Aigoo. Arraso Arraso. I'm just happy you guys are here they were driving me crazy, chincha." you say while secretly pointing at Exo so they dont notice.

Yoon-Mi and Yoon-Ji know everything about you and thats why you love them so much, you can tell them stuff without worry at all and thats why people think that you are sisters. You then tell them about the incident this mornning and all they did was smile wide and basically fangirl over the little story told. You then feel your cheeks starting to burn and you guess they noticed because on both sides you felt dainty fingers poke that side of your face.The most annoying times of being around the twins is when your telling them something that has to do with Luhan and you because the love mess with you. There like two little devils that love annoying the crap out of you whether its the poking, hugging, kisses, "victory dances" you name it , they do it. It's not like you hate , you actually find it entertaining so you just let it happen and then laugh about it when they've cooled down.

Wow, these girls have lots of energy in the morning for it being only 7:15, shoot only ten minutes til class good thing first clas is with Luhan, the twins, Kai and Chanyeol.

A frown appears on your face when you come to realization that school means you have to do work. You did'nt notice that the twins told you they were going on a bathroom break and that Luhan' s going to keep you company until his face was about 5 inches from yours smiling. Coming back to reality you finally notice the flawless figure in front of your face and you jump a little making you hold your breathe for a couple of seconds. Him chuckling  was a sign that he clearly seen that he starled you a bit which made your fsce burning and show a familiar coat of red over your cheeks making you embrassed.

Dammit Luhan if your face was'nt so flawless i would hit you.

" Did I scare you baby? " he asked smiling. Before you got the chance to answer the bell rang and all you can feel was the pulling of your arms so you decided to get up even though you and Luhan had the first few classes together you still got a head start with the twins to be sure to get the best seats in the back for you to sleep.



A/N: Hello there, well im not sure if this chapter was longer because i just typed this out instead of writing it first then typing. I feel like I'm not giving my best with this story yet but then again its only the first couple over chapters and you know how a story is boring in the beginning and then gets all exciting and towards the middle but yeah i got school tomorrow and its going on twelve so im going to get some sleep now. Oh, feedback to better my story is also welcome so yeah. Niteee~

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Chapter 22: New reader here. Update soon! ^^
Qwenie #3
Chapter 18: My Gawww you update
Please update moree!! love your update
ookool #4
Chapter 17: WOWWW This is Amazing
update soon
cathymula #5
update soon
your plot sound interesting
I'm new reader here btw
update soon
myunggiep #7
Chapter 17: update soon!!!!
Qwenie #8
Chapter 12: Oh my GAWWWW althrough it quite of short
but i loving your story already
update soon
this story seemed interesting
update soon!!!!!!
LittlePrinceHan #10
Chapter 17: Update asap ><