Reminiscing Memories While Making New Ones...

Its You

A/N : Hey , here's a update for my readers



When me and Luhan reach the cafe I see a familiar face in the mirror I get overjoyed inside because i dont want people to think I'm crazy so I keep it in.To tell you the truth I really do miss Jihoon with all my heart but I rarely see him and when I do his "friends" always give me dirty looks so I just simply wave and give him a genuine smile. I remember when it was me and him against the world but then I met the Luhan then the twins and that's when we started drifting apart. I feel that sometimes he avoids me like he doesn't want me to see him especially when I'm around Luhan. It's weird because when I started to hangout with Luhan he suddenly became distant and I didn't like it then over the years we lost touch. But here is my chance to bulid our friendship again.

"Jihoon?"  I try to say as normal as possible to keep me from sounding a little to happy.

" Oh? Oh anneyeong Minkyung" he says and bows a little then goes to sit back down but before he sits down I immediately smile and pull him in for a warm hug. I can tell he was a little suprised because I felt him tense up a little. I push back from the hug and got into my backpack to get a piece of paper and a pen to write down my number.

" Yah Jihoon. Me and you need to caught up sometime but I'm kinda with someone right now so here's me number" I say with a big smile on my face still because I get to see and have small talk with my childhood friend for the first time in years. I'm so excited that I really couldnt my facial expressions anymore.

" Text me ok? " I say throwing up a ok sign.

" Don't forget ok? I'll be waiting, bye Hoonie I got to get back to my playdate" I pull him in for another hug and give him a smile then turning on my heels to go to Luhan who is already sitting down at a window seat looking out the window. His face looks so angelic which is another reason for me liking him. I smile then start to walk up to my date Luhan before he decides to leave. 

" Hello Lulu~" I sing in his ear

" Oh your back, you took for ever" he says with a cute little pout. I just smiled and sat down looking out the window also. I start to hum along with that song that was currently playing with is one of my favorites.

I close my eyes for a while and continue to hum that slowly becomes singing outloud. I didn't notice that I was singing aloud until I heard quiet clapping across from me. I open my eyes to see that Luhan is sweetly smiling at me while clapping. I suddenly blush when I see that people where actually listening to me sing because I never sing in front of anybody. Not even my parents , it's just something that I keep to myself and want noone to know but now my cover is blown. thanks alot Clazziquai Project for having such a cute and caughty song. I give a sheepish smile and then turn back to Luhan. 

" Yah Minkyunggie, how come you never told me that you can sing that good?" he asked with a anxious looking face like he wants to hear more or something.

" Well, I really wasn't planning on telling people in the first place acutally. It's just one of those things I wanted to keep to myself because I didn't think it was that important" I say sitting back in my chair folding my arms over my chest.

" You have a talent but since you wanna keep it a secret, you secrets safe with me now lets order." He says sending me a smile then singaling the waiter that we are ready to order. When we get our orders we just small talk which is basically just us making fun of each other and talking about past embarassing moments. I really like to hang out with Lulu when it's just me and him. Even though I know he's gay and all I can't bring myself to drop this crush, I know I'm wierd but I'm a girl. When we finish we pay and walk to the nearest park because its only like 4:30 which is still early. We sit on the swings and swing for a little bit letting silence take over but its not the awkward type of silence either ,the peaceful, relaxing silence. I suddenly got an idea so I took out my Nikon D3200 camera and took a photo of Luhan looking forward. He looked at me with a cute pouty face so I snapped another picture.

" Yah, what's with the caught-off-guard-pictures " He says while getting up from the swing.

" Sorry your just so cute that I have to capture the moment, plus I want to make memories because we seem to never take photos together" I simply said while looking through my camera. I look up but all I see is that he's walking towards the near by benches.

" Yah, why did you walk away?" I say while sitting down next to him.

" I don't know I figured that you'll run after me so I just walked away" he says with a smirk on his face. I decided to take another picture when he has that face on.

" Yah! Why do you keep doing that?!" he half yells while standing up.

" Arraso arraso, now shut up and take pictures with me" I say while pulling him back down. I managed to get like ten cute pictures of me and him together for example making funny faces, making bunny ears on each other, poking each others cheeks and he even kissed my cheeks in one of the pictures and I just smiled regularly even though inside my heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. After our little photo session i asked him to go with me to develop copies of the pictures for him and I. After i got the copies i gave him his share of pictures and took mine.

" Make sure you take good care of those, there's more where that came from" I say winking at him. When we reach my house it's already 7:00 so we call it a day. He goes inside and gets his stuff then we bit our goodbyes. I walked him to the door just as he was about to walk away i had the sudden urge to stop him.

" Lulu. "

" Yes Minnie?" He says while turning around. I then walked up to him a wrapped my arms around his neck.

" I had a great time with you today" whispered in his ear then pulled away. " Hope we can do it again sometime" i said and made a bold move to kiss him on the cheek like he did to me eariler. I pulled away from the kiss and smiled. As I went to turn around and walk inside my house I felt his arm pull me and then felt his lips on mine.




I don't know what came over me, when I kissed her. It was probably just because it was in the moment. I don't know all I know is that we will be really awkward tomorrow at school.

Stupid, stupid! Why did you do that?!?!?! Urgh now she's going to avoid me.


A/N: Alrighty then, I added a kiss scene in because I wanted to get things going finally. I'm really excited to make the next chapter but there's one problem, well a couple. First I have no idea on what to write and writers block is taking over my brain. I'm lucky that I got this out of my stupid brain so please wait and bare with me for these next couple of day.

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Chapter 22: New reader here. Update soon! ^^
Qwenie #3
Chapter 18: My Gawww you update
Please update moree!! love your update
ookool #4
Chapter 17: WOWWW This is Amazing
update soon
cathymula #5
update soon
your plot sound interesting
I'm new reader here btw
update soon
myunggiep #7
Chapter 17: update soon!!!!
Qwenie #8
Chapter 12: Oh my GAWWWW althrough it quite of short
but i loving your story already
update soon
this story seemed interesting
update soon!!!!!!
LittlePrinceHan #10
Chapter 17: Update asap ><